Beauty and the Wolf

By thefeelsofbooks

86.1K 2.2K 266

Venus Fox was an eighteen year old human with a dark past. Sebastian O'Connel was a twenty four year old alp... More

Rainy Days
The Alpha
At Odds
Move On
The Bad Part
Mixed Signals
Growing Up
My Queen
More Alike
Break Down
The Villain
My Everything
Gone Girl
The Real Monsters
Love Hurts
One Step Forward
Two Steps Back
Give and Take
Girl Gone
Love Dies
Going Rogue


1.6K 39 3
By thefeelsofbooks

Please remember to vote/ comment/ Mwahhhh.


Venus POV

The voices around me all seemed so loud, so chaotic. It was like a hundred different people, and they were all talking at once. I couldn't focus on a single voice, no matter how hard I tried, there were way too many. Coming from each direction, I tried to find a familiar face, something to bring my focus back to its center.

And though I recognized each of these faces, they all seemed so foreign to me. Each of their faces kept getting more clearer, and then blurry. And this happened over and over. It was as if I had a pair of super-strength glasses on that kept coming off and back on.

I looked around frantically, covering my ears to try and dull the sounds. But it didn't work. I could still hear each and every voice as if they were screaming into my ears. It was driving me insane. It felt like I was being drowned in a sea of voices.

I snapped around once again, freezing as soon as I saw one familiar face that I knew. Sebastian. He was right in front of me, and he was talking to me. I could see that his lips were moving, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

What the hell was happening?

I approached him, terrified of what I was experiencing. I mean I had no idea what was happening, and my memory was so foggy that I couldn't even remember the moments leading up to this one. It was almost as if I was dreaming.

But when I felt Sebastian's hand grab mine, I could tell that this was really happening, which only made this whole situation more terrifying.

I held onto him for dear life, needing the chaos to end shortly. The chaos had only just begun though, and I shortly realized that when I was met with an overwhelming sense of smell. I mean I could smell everything. I could smell the bodies that were dead and scattered around, the blood, the smell of smoke, hell I could even smell the dirt beneath me.

But there was one sent that was driving me even more insane. It was a smell that smelled so good, I wanted to inhale it. I didn't know what that smell was. It was earthy. But not quite. It had a tinge of something drug-like, like tobacco. I couldn't fully describe the smell, all I knew was that I was in love with it. I had this overwhelming urge to find it.

I looked around for it, trying to find what it belonged to. At this point, none of the voices mattered. None of the vivid colors around me mattered, or the fact that if I stared at a tree hard enough, I could see the ants moving about it. I didn't care about that. No, something inside of me was telling me to find the source of the smell.

And so I did. I looked everywhere, eventually realizing that the smell was coming from right in front of me. It was coming from Sebastian. The smell of earth and tobacco filled my nostrils as I set my head against his chest. I had never smelled anything that smelled as good as him. And I couldn't tell if he had gotten a new cologne or something, but it didn't seem like he had. His cologne had never made me feel this euphoric before. Now, my head was spinning.

I looked up at him, realizing that the voice had died down a bit. And at this point, I was able to find the words I wanted to say.

"Sebastian, what's happening to me?"

I honestly thought I was losing my mind. That is until Sebastian spoke.

"You're one of us now."

I felt my heart speed up in excitement. Did he mean...

"A..." I paused, "A werewolf?"

A nervous smile spread across his face as he nodded. I was about to speak, to celebrate, when I noticed something else. I could hear his heart beating. I could hear it speed up. It thumped loudly in his chest, something that absolutely fascinated me.

I stared at him as a smile broke across my face. This was really happening...I was finally like him now. I hugged him happily, not quite understand the strength that I now possessed. I didn't think anything of hugging him, but when I pulled away and noticed his face was red, I realized that I had been squeezing the living hell out of him.

He chuckled.

"Venus, you're a lot stronger now. You gotta control that strength."

I was stronger now. He was right about that. I could feel the difference in my body, I just couldn't fully understand the extent of it. And I wanted to know. I wanted to understand just how strong I really was. My time being weak and defenseless was over. I knew it was.

I wanted to explore my new found life, I wanted to figure out how to change into one of them. But then something hit me. Visions of the familiar blonde boy being attacked flooded my head. And then like that, the memories started to come back. Logan taking me and bringing me out here, me being bitten by one of those rogue things, seeing Logan struggle to keep me safe as he was practically mauled.

All of those memories were coming back. I glanced behind me, looking for a certain face. I looked from Lorelei, to Harry, to Susie, to Blake and Reign. But he was nowhere to be found. Something in me was telling me that something bad had happened to him.

I spun around quickly to look at Sebastian.

"Logan," I stated, "Where is he?"

Sebastian's face went pale, and I could see that he had forgotten to tell me something. He let out a deep, sorrowful sigh. I feared that the worst had happened. I feared that Logan was dead. After all of that and now I was left without my best friend.

I watched Sebastian turn around. He looked back at me, motioning for me to follow him. And I did. I followed after him, my entire body shaking as I did. I was afraid. I didn't know what I expected to find, but a dead Logan is the last thing that I wanted to find.

I had treated him so poorly. I had possibly been the worst best friend to him. And I wanted him to know that I loved him. I didn't want him to die thinking that I hated him. I found myself silently praying to a force that I wasn't sure of, praying that he wasn't dead.

I needed more time. Just a bit more time.

We finally reached a clearing, and I quickly realized that this was the exact clearing that we had been attacked in. I looked around for Logan, my heart dropping when my eyes landed on a gasping boy, curled up in fetal position. I saw the blonde hair, and I saw his blue eyes staring back at me.

"Logan." I whispered, placing my hand over my mouth in shock. I tried greatly to hold back the tears as I approached him, but I couldn't hold them back when I saw the condition he was in. He was dying. I could hear his heart beat becoming slower and slower. It nearly broke me when I realized that this was all the time I would have left with him.

I dropped to my knees next to him, staring at him. I wanted to help, I wanted to do something. But I had no clue what I was supposed to do. I wiped at my eyes, turning back to Sebastian.

"Why isn't he healing? I thought-"

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, weakly. I turned my attention back to Logan, choking back a sob as the brutal reality was getting closer and closer. I shook my head, sniffling as I did.

"Please don't die," I cried, "This can't be it."

Logan cringed painfully, before he tried his best to give me a smile.

"It's okay, Venus, "He croaked, "You'll be okay."

I shook my head again. That couldn't be further from the truth. I wouldn't be okay. Deep down, he seemed like the only part of my human life that was left. He was a part of my family, my brother. If he died a part of me would die.

"Just try to fight." I said, still not understanding why he wasn't healing. I had seen Sebastian with wounds way worse than Logan's, and he was always healed in a matter of minutes. Why was this so different? Why was he going to die over a couple of bites?

I felt him tug on my wrist gently, trying to get my attention. I stared at him through watery eyes, blinking as I did. A few stray tears dropped down onto the ground between us, and in a way it made me feel as if that was symbolic. If he died, he wouldn't inhabit this earth. There would be a space between us forever. It would be a space that neither of us would be able to reach.

"I'm out of time, Venus," He whispered, "I need you to go on and be the kick-ass wolf that you were meant to be. Forget me."

Forget him? How could I forget him. I went to speak to him again, but I stopped as soon as I started. I saw the life flee his eyes. I physically saw it. Before, they reflected the forest and sky around us. But now...Now they were glazed over like a sheet of glass.

I heard his heart stop abruptly. Though I didn't want to accept it, I knew he was dead. I knew that my best friend of eleven years was now gone. He was somewhere in the sky, hopefully. Hopefully there was something after this life, because the thought of him fading into oblivion was just too hard to swallow.

I couldn't accept that he had just become nothing.

I dropped my head onto his chest, trying my best to control some of the tears. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, hell I had trouble admitting it to myself, but Logan dying wasn't the most painful thing to come out of this. Though Logan dying hurt insanely bad, the thought of my human life going with him was what hurt the most.

And it wasn't that I was upset that I was a wolf now. No, I was ecstatic to finally be one of them. But Logan was the last remaining person from my life as a human. Everyone else was dead. My mom, my dad, and now my best friend. Everything that I was before now, had died in a matter of seconds.

Those eighteen years that I spent being a human, most of which were the lowest points in my life, were gone in the blink of an eye. I looked up from Logan's dead body, staring off into the distance as I did. I was in pain, but now the feeling of numbness was becoming more evident. It was my way of keeping the pain out, and maybe it was unhealthy. Maybe letting the pain in would have been better for me. But I didn't want to deal with the pain of losing Logan.

So I pushed the pain down, just like how I had done with my dad, and I brought myself back up to my feet. Time and time again I had found that standing back up was one of the hardest things in life, especially after a tragedy like this. But it was all I knew how to do.

I turned away from Logan, and back to Sebastian. For a second, we just stared at each other. Neither of us spoke, but our facial expressions said enough. Sebastian's solemn expression combined with my blank expression was all that needed to be said.

It was time to go.

We made our way back to the others, and by now my sporadic senses had calmed down just enough for me to process what was happening. As soon as Sebastian and I came into view, I could tell that they noticed the dark cloud looming over us. Nobody had to say anything. Everybody already knew.

We all walked back in silence. For miles, we walked home. I had no clue where we were going, but it was clear that Sebastian did. So I followed behind him, my mind blank as I did. I didn't want to allow myself to think of anything. I just wanted to go home and sleep this day off.

Hell, I felt like I needed to sleep for years.

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