Love you till Infinity(ziam)

By indi765

27.3K 1.3K 1.2K

Completed✔ Zayn is a popular football player of his school who has a small crush on a certain curly haired br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Christmas Special

Chapter 14

805 48 45
By indi765

Trigger warning: verbal abuse and mentions of abortion. I don't agree with such kind of things, but they were required for the story..


Liam was frozen in his place on seeing his dad, Mark Tomlinson. He couldn't bring it in himself to ask his dad what was wrong.

Him and his dad never had a father-son relationship. It was always Louis' thing. Louis was the perfect son of the family. But Liam never despised him for that, he was happy that he makes their dad proud when he himself can't.

They do talk. Well,if you count his dad always pointing out his flaws, you can say they talk,but Liam always stays silent, listening to him. If he wants permission about something, he'll ask his mum to talk to his dad. He was used to the silent treatment. He has never experienced his anger.

"Youuu" Mark slurred a bit, it was clear he was a little drunk.

Liam was shocked because his dad is not a huge drinker, he would drink on some occasions only. Mark hated drinking, he thought drinking is for cowards who can't face their problems and opt to getting drunk in order to forget the problem in the ecstasy of that buzz.

Liam internally cursed himself, he should've stayed with Zayn only. Then he wouldn't have to face his dad. Gathering what leftover courage he had, he finally spoke up, "What happened dad?"

Mark started to laugh, like a maniac and Liam was now literally scared of his father's behaviour.

"You want to know what happened?" Mark asked him.

Liam couldn't move from his place, he stood still at the door, utterly confused as to why his dad drank so much. He understood that nobody else was at home, because if they were, his dad would never had gotten drunk.

He asked again, "Where's m-mum and L-lou?"

"They left" Mark replied, chugging down the whole bottle.

"They bloody left, because of you" He pointed at Liam.

Liam looked at him with wide eyes. He couldn't believe his ears, why would they leave, it's raining heavily outside, where would they go in this weather.

"They left because of you" Mark repeated his words, but this time anger laced in his voice.

Too afraid to say anything, Liam tried to walk past him upstairs to his room, but his dad's voice made him halt in his steps.

"You're not going anywhere right now" Mark said.

Liam turned to him, where he was still sitting on the couch. Gulping loudly he went to his father.

"You know why they left the house today?" Mark asked, his eyes staring at the wall in front of him.

Liam shook his head, but realized his father was not looking at him, "No" He said in a small voice.

"Of course, you don't know. You were busy with your new boyfriend, huh?" Mark spat, as if he was disgusted by him.

Liam could tell, if he opens his mouth, his father would only be more angry. He kept silent,waiting for his dad to continue.

"What? You were with Zayn right?" Mark asked lifting his eyes to look at Liam.

Liam nodded, he assumed his mum must've told him about their date.

"Why are you with him? Do you want to ruin his life like you ruined ours?" Mark said harshly, his voice getting louder with every word.

Liam flinched at his tone, the only sound that could be heard in the house was the splatter of rain hitting the windows.

His eyes welled up with tears, he was used to his dad's taunting and disgusted looks, but never his anger. He secretly wished his mum to be here with him right now.

"Crying again like a baby" Mark scoffed.
At that, Liam started crying trying his best to stop the tears, but they didn't.

"Want me to call mommy" Mark taunted him.

Liam shook his head and looked down at his feet. Too scared now to face him.

"She fought with me because of you. Louis defended you and raised his voice for the first time, all because of you" Mark continued.


Mark entered his home feeling fully exhausted. He had a hard day in the firm, lots of cases to be handled. He hoped he could finally relax now.

He saw Karen and Louis looking at their family album on the dining table.

"What's the special occasion today? You took out the album?" He asked making him comfortable in his chair.

"Nothing new, just wanted to have a look, how are kids have grown so much" Karen said, fonding over the baby photos of the boys.

"No mum, I'm still your little boy" Louis kissed her cheek, making her laugh.

"That you are" She said and turned to her husband, "You know, Liam went on a date, can you take a guess with whom?"

"I don't want to guess, I'm actually surprised that he went to a date, isn't he a baby still, crying at every small thing, can't even take care of himself, he needs a babysitter all the time, he needs to man up a bit" Mark spat disgustingly.

"Don't say that, he's your son. I know he isn't bold and confident like Lou, but that doesn't mean you can say such things about him. Zayn asked him on a date, he's finally coming out of his shell, he's trying a lot at making new friends. And if he cries, that doesn't make him less of a man" Karen scolded him.

"You'll always take his side, tell me Lou, he was learning to drive, right? Did he succeed or did he ran away from it, like he does all the time?" He asked Louis, who was listening to his parents quietly.

"He did learn to drive and might I say, with a little more practice, he'll be an excellent driver" Louis said, his tone a little annoyed. He loved his father to no end, but when it comes to Liam, he tries his best not to lash at his father.

"Excellent driver, I doubt that, he couldn't even ride a bike, until he was 12, what more can I expect from him?" Mark said angrily.

"That's enough Mark. Your words already hurt my baby a lot and he isn't even here. I don't wanna hear anything more. He'll soon come back with Zayn, I don't want you to ruin his special day" Karen said, shutting the album loudly.

"Why do you both protect him so much? He's not a child anymore, no son of mine is meek and weak. I doubt that he's my son" Mark said, getting up from his chair.

Louis loudly banged the table with his fists, "How dare you say that!!" He yelled.
"After all these years, you can't even accept your son? And now you're doubting mum? She loves you no matter how much you insult Liam, I love and respect you, but this is too much. Li always stays silent when you taunt him, never utters a word against you,that doesn't mean he's weak, it means he respects you as a father, he thinks you say such harsh words for his betterment,he has a big heart unlike you. You may think in your corporate world,only the confident and bold ones stand a chance to survive, but remember one thing dad, without your family beside you,no money,no fame, nothing matters" Louis said harshly and stood up to stand beside his mother,who had started sobbing.

"Karen-" Mark started, but got interrupted by Louis.

"Save it, dad. We don't wanna hear it. If you really wanna apologize, do that to Liam, who has spent all his life listening to you. Do that first, then come for us. I'm taking mum to Harry's house, we'll be staying there tonight" Louis helped Karen get up, took his car keys and went out of the house.

Mark stood at the very spot, anger rose in his veins, because of Liam, his family fought with him. He went to the cabinets, searching for the one thing that'll help him forget whatever happened a few minutes ago. He couldn't find any vodka or rum, so he searched the fridge and found many bottles of beer. He took one out and drank the whole bottle, with every bottle he chugged down, he forgot the count.

"I'm s-sorry d-dad" Liam's voice hit his ears and he came back to the real world.

Liam was fully crying by now, his tears streaming down his cheeks in endless streams.

"Stop crying, for God's sake!!" Mark shouted.

Liam tried his best, his cries turning into sniffles.

"Louis asked me to apologize to you. Bloody hell I will!! Never in a million years is that gonna happen. You're a wastage of space. I should've aborted you, the moment Karen got pregnant" Mark yelled at him.

Liam looked at him in shock, he was taken aback with what his father told him.

"You were a mistake Liam. I didn't want another child, Louis was not even a year old, when Karen got pregnant. I told her to have abortion, but no, your mother being the saint she is, urged me to keep you. I told her that she was doing a mistake and will regret it afterwards, look where we are now " Mark scowled.

Liam was too shocked to say anything. His dad's words kept repeating in his mind.

He was a mistake.

His dad didn't want him.

He was supposed to be aborted.

"Then after you were born, you were always getting sick, do you know how many hospital bills I had to pay for you? Karen used to give all her attention to you. Lou used to sleep with me, because apparently his mum was busy with his baby brother" He mocked.

"Do you know why we moved to Bradford?" He asked, his voice demanding.

Liam nodded, he didn't want to open his mouth, because if he will, he'll start crying again.

"Use your fucking mouth and answer me!!" Mark shouted at him, standing up from the couch. He stood in front of his son.

"M-mum said, y-you got a t-transfer" Liam stuttered.

"Well your mum lied to you. We had to move away from Wolverhampton, because of you. Apparently, she couldn't bear to see her son getting bullied by his friends. You are a boy not a fucking princess, who needs protection and have to get locked up in a castle. In the real world, people will eat you alive. I had to start again from scratch,do you know how much I've worked hard!!" Mark said angrily.

Liam tried to move back and adjusted his glasses. The anger and frustration Mark had, got to him, he pulled away Liam's glasses, threw it on the ground and stepped on it, breaking it into millions of pieces.

"D-dad!!" Liam exclaimed, his vision getting blurr from both crying and lack of his glasses.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your father, you must be some pathetic loser's child. You can't be mine, you're not at all like me, you're a coward, you're a weakling, always depending on others, first your mother, who spent most of her time looking after you, then Louis, who you need as protection from your bullies, how many times has he got suspended because of you and now Zayn, who will soon realize what a baggage you are, how many more people will you need to help you, how-" Mark stopped mid sentence, when he felt pain in his chest. He quickly grabbed at his chest and tried to find support as he was becoming unconscious.

Liam looked at him when he stopped speaking, he held his dad from falling down. He himself was small, that it was difficult to hold him up. He slowly laid his dad down on the floor, his vision totally blacked out when the power supply got cut off due to the rain.

"Dad, p-please get up, I will change dad, I will do whatever you want please don't leave me, I'll be the son you wanted me to be" He cried into his father's chest.

He searched for his dad's hand in the darkness and felt a weak pulse. He was terrified to say the least. Not knowing what to do, he searched for his phone in his jeans pocket. He realized he left it in Zayn's car.

He tried to find the landline, but due to heavy rain, all connections were lost. He searched his father's pockets but found his car keys instead. He panicked, he couldn't call for help, he himself had to do something. He was sure, his father had a heart attack.

His father was lying unconscious on the floor, Liam put his hand on his shoulder and tried to pick him up with all his strength. He successfully made him stand, his father's whole weight was on him, he made it to the door and with no small effort opened it.

Heavy rain poured on them, it was making difficult for Liam to bring his father to the car. The mud was slippery under his shoes. He got to the car and laid his father down on the backseat.

He quickly moved to the driver's seat and cursed loudly. He didn't have his glasses and by the time he goes to his room to bring the extra pair, too much time will be lost, he couldn't do that.

With small confidence, he started the car and backed away. He hit the garbage can, making the car jerked forward.

He took few deep breaths, praying to God, that they reach the hospital in time.
He started driving. Every few seconds he looked through the mirror at his still unconscious dad. His vision was already blurr due to his crying and lack of glasses and the rain was making it all the more difficult.

He drove through all the potholes, trying his best to not hit anyone or anything car on the way. They finally reached the hospital. He first got out and ran to the reception.

"My d-dad, he, heart attack, please, he, save him" Liam didn't know what he was saying, all his mind could think was to save his dad.

The receptionist understood him and quickly called the ward boys to bring his dad inside. She calmed him down saying that everything was alright, but Liam was already in tears, he cried loudly, he didn't want to think that when the last conversation he had with his dad, he was mad at him.

A minute later, two ward boys brought his dad on a gurney. He was quickly taken into observation. Liam followed them, with a nurse at his side now.

Yaser appeared before him, without thinking, Liam hugged him, crying his heart out and begging him to save his dad.

"Don't worry son, nothing will happen to him. I will go inside now. Did you tell your mum or Louis? " Yaser asked softly to the trembling boy in his arms.

Liam shook his head. Yaser nodded, "I'll inform them, you stay right here, he's inside there and safe also. You don't need to worry now".

Liam untangled himself from Yaser. He saw the man going into the room.

For whole ten minutes, Liam was sitting alone in the corridor like a dead body, he had cried all his tears out when he was with Yaser.

Only one prayer was being chanted in his mind.

Please God, save my dad.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at the person and threw himself into their arms. Louis quickly held him up, balancing both of them. Liam could hear his mum's cries behind Louis.

He pulled back and hugged his mum, "I'm sorry, mum. It's my fault, he was angry at me and because of me, he, he-" He cried again, it seems when he saw his family, his tears sprung back in his eyes.

"No baby, it's not your fault, never blame yourself for this. You brought him here alone, you saved him" His mum said, rubbing his back, Louis hugged them both.

Harry was watching the family with tears in his eyes. Soon he saw, Zayn and  Trisha running towards them.

As soon as Liam saw Zayn, he fell into his arms, his face tucked into Zayn's neck. He felt at peace as soon as Zayn engulfed him.

Zayn's arms were wrapped around his waist like a vice grip, like he didn't plan on letting him go anytime soon. Liam cried into his neck, his tears were wetting his shirt, but Zayn didn't mind, he just wanted his baby, to calm down.

"Jaan please stop crying, it hurts me to see you cry" Zayn spoke softly in his ears.
Liam shook his head and clinged to him more.

Zayn sighed, and sat on one of the chairs, Liam sat in his lap, straddling him, he couldn't care less about everyone watching them, Zayn was his safe haven, he needed him as if he was his breath.

"Li, babe, please look at me" Zayn asked him. Liam slowly pulled away from his neck to look into his honey eyes. Zayn wiped his cheeks with his thumb softly. His heart hurt to see the brown eyes which he love the most, were now red and puffy.

"Jaan, please I beg you to stop crying. Please for me? Call me selfish, I don't wanna see you in this state. Your dad will be fine, trust me" Zayn said, his hands were rubbing smooth circles on his back.

"You d-don't understand, he was shouting at me, and then suddenly he stopped, then he was falling Zayn" Liam fisted his hands in Zayn's shirt, "He fell unconscious, I didn't have my phone, I panicked so much, I was terrified-"

Zayn shushed him, and hugged him tightly. Liam hid his face in Zayn's neck, inhaling his scent, it was only Zayn who was keeping him grounded.

Zayn was afraid that Liam will get a panic attack. He whispered sweet nothings in his ears. Hoping his baby would calm down.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zayn could see, Louis and Harry wrapped in each other's arms, Harry trying all that he can, to console Louis. Anne was sitting with Karen, who was sobbing. His mum had already gone into the room to get the updates.

Zayn kissed Liam's head, he felt soft breaths on his neck, he pulled Liam a little away and saw that he had slept.

The whole day they were out, he must be already exhausted and the drama at home must have made him feel dizzy. Zayn rested Liam's head on his shoulder, he closed his eyes, he was tired himself.

Zayn wanted to cry to himself, they still don't know what actually happened, Liam had said that Mark was shouting at him.

Louis and Harry sat on either side of his seat. Louis ran his hand through Liam's curly locks, a sad smile on his lips.

"Dad and us had a fight earlier this evening" He spoke and Zayn looked at him.

"He was going on and on about Liam, how he's a baby, how he needs protection, how he cries all the time, how he needs to man up. He even said that he may not be his child. I couldn't take it anymore. I lashed out at him and me and mum left for Harry's house. I tried calling Liam, to tell him not to go home, we called you also, but both your phones were switched off. I thought maybe you'll spend the night together, considering it was your special day.. " Louis trailed off.

"I'm sure, when Liam got home, dad must've blamed him for us leaving. And I know my dad well, he always taunts the poor boy. Yaser told us they found alcohol content in his blood, and when he is drunk, he losts his mind, he doesn't think before saying anything" Louis finished.

Zayn sighed, now he got the clear idea why Liam was so disturbed. Liam is always sensitive, he easily gets hurt by people's words and when such harsh words came from his own dad, it must've completely broken him.

He felt incapable of protecting his boy. After spending the whole day  beautifully together, he never thought he'll have Liam in his arms, crying uncontrollably.

He was mad at Mark too. How can a father say such things to his child? He was already cold towards the man after the first time Liam mentioned about his behaviour. But right now, he only hoped that he gets better, otherwise Liam would carry the guilt in his heart forever.

An hour passed when Yaser came out of the observation room, with Trisha by his side.

Zayn didn't want to wake the smaller lad, but it was Liam's right to know about his father's condition. He shook him a little, Liam slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Zayn. He blinked a few times and realized where he was.

He quirked up at everyone who was watching the couple with fond eyes. Both got up, Liam stood in front of Zayn and Zayn had his arms around his waist.

"He is out of danger, no need to worry" Yaser said and relief washed over every person's face. Liam sagged into Zayn, resting his hands on top of the older boy's.

"He had a heart attack, but it was mild one and if Liam had not brought him here on time, his chances of survival would've been less" Yaser continued.

Liam squeezed Zayn's hand, Zayn kissed his head lovingly.

"No need to worry, honey. He's fine now and conscious too. He wants to talk to you" Trisha said to Liam.

Liam widened his eyes, he immediately looked at his mum and brother, who nodded their head, telling him to go in.

Liam took a deep breath and Zayn unwrapped his hands from around him. Liam looked up at him, telling him to come with him, with his eyes.

"No, you have to face this alone. You're so strong Liam. You don't know how much strength you have, I'm not talking about physical strength, you're emotionally strong, babe, you need to face your fears alone. I know you can do it" Zayn kissed him in a long peck.

Liam nodded and went inside. He saw his dad, lying on the bed. His otherwise strong and confident dad, laid there, weak and frail. He gulped and stood beside his bed.

Mark looked at him and gestured him to sit on the chair near his bed. Liam sat on it and looked at his feet. He didn't know what will they talk about.

"I'm sorry, son" His dad said, Liam immediately looked at him.

Liam opened and closed his mouth like a fish. He didn't say anything back.

"I've been such a bad father to you. Always picked on your flaws, never appreciating what you're good at. Never came to your quiz competitions, never attend the parent-teacher meetings, the list is never ending, and I'm ashamed of my behaviour, for so long, you had to endure this torture. My sorry can never be enough to the way I treated you, but I can only beg for your forgiveness. I promise you, I'll change son, I'll be the father I should've been, I'll go to every quiz competition, every parent-teacher meet, every singing competition, because you have such great talent. On the day that you won the competition, I was so proud of you, I wanted to congratulate you, but my ego got the best of me and I refrained. I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said to you ever, and tonight I crossed the limit. Even though I treated you badly, you still saved me. I'm alive because of you, I love you,son. Please Liam, forgive me, I know you have a big heart and would forgive me easily but I want this forgiveness from your heart, please Liam"

His dad was crying with his hands folded in front of him, begging for his forgiveness.

Liam held his hands, "No dad, you don't have to do this. I love you, dad. You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words, but now that I have I want nothing else. I was never angry at you, dad. I knew you wanted the best for me and I swear I tried but I couldn't be the son you wanted me to be, I'm sorry dad"

"Enough of these sorrys, and you don't have to change yourself for me. You are my perfect son, just like Lou. I'm proud of you both" His dad said and wiped away both of their tears.

Yaser entered the room, a little cautiously, but when he saw both father son smiling, he knew they resolved their issues.

"Sorry to disturb you both, but your family wants to meet you" Yaser said, opening the door wide open for Karen and Louis to enter. Liam smiled at them, and after spending few more minutes with them he went out of the room to search for one particular person.

"Looking for someone?" He heard a voice behind him, a voice he can recognize anywhere.

He turned around with a smile on his lips.

"Yes actually, I was looking for a guy who took me on a beautiful date today" He said, wrapping his arms around Zayn's neck.

"Oh yeah? What an idiot he is, to leave such a pretty guy alone" Zayn said snaking his arms around Liam's waist and rubbed their noses together.

"He is an idiot" Liam said, pecking his lips.

"A big idiot" Zayn said pecking Liam's lips.

"My idiot" Liam said smiling a bit and locking their lips together in a longing kiss.


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