The War Within | Wanda Maximo...

By ozonin

41.8K 2.5K 1.3K

[SLOW UPDATES] Y/n, paralyzed with anger and resentment makes a brash decision to conspire with Sword, an ext... More

Chapter One; Rough Waters, Literally
Chapter Two; In The Arms Of A Witch
Chapter Three; Breaking and Entering and Eating
Chapter Four; Did I Say That Out Loud?
Chapter Five; Memory Lane
Chapter Six; SandWitches
Chapter Seven; One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter Eight; Make It Okay
Chapter Nine; No One Likes A Prying Witch

Chapter Ten; Company

1.3K 77 43
By ozonin

One of my favorite stories as a child was the story one of Icarus. My mom would tell us that story at least once a week to make sure we understood what we all stood for. Don't fly too close to the sun or your wings would fall.. funny how I can't even fly but, the message was clear.

Icarus was given a set of wings to escape. His father warned him not to fly too close to the sun or the wings would melt. What did Icarus do? Fly too close to the sun and lose his wings. I'm sure the ending doesn't need to be explained..

But the reason that story stuck with me is because it always kept me grounded when I felt like I was flying too close to the sun. In this instance, my sun was Wanda.

I had a dream last night, an actual dream. Not a nightmare or a memory, a sincere dream.

Within this subconscious state, I was running within the woods to burn off steam when I saw the red glow beside me. Wanda was flying through the air with a smirk, her eyes teasing me. "A witch can't fly?" She questioned, head titling.

I rolled my eyes and ran faster but there was no way I could beat her, I knew that. Eventually we reached a cliff that led to another side of the mountain and I leaped through the air, soaring like a bird for a few seconds before I landed on the ground and rolled to a stop.

"Now look, you've dirtied your clothes again." She said, dropping in front of me and walking forward, head shaking. I raised up, smiling coyly while she reached out to dust the dirt off of my shoulders. "What should we do tonight?"

"I still haven't learned how to perfect conjuration yet." She smiled and slid her hands from my shoulders to my neck, holding me in place.

This is where it gets weird..

As I watched her lean forward, as if she would kiss me, she whispered, "Truth prevails, darling." But here's the thing, it wasn't in her voice! I couldn't place the voice or take time to explore it because the next thing I know, I was shooting up and aiming my makeshift stick at Wanda's head. The real Wanda.

She stood at the entrance of the cave with wide eyes and a container. "Relax puppy, I'm just bringing food." With a sigh, I dropped the stick and let my head hang back, the dream replaying in my head like I had hit a rewind button— wait, did she just call me puppy? "You're usually up by now."

I hummed lowly and pushed myself forward to grab my canteen before downing the water. My muscles felt tighter than usual, and hot as well. God.. not the time.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sinking down to her knees and sitting the container down in front of me. "You're sweating bullets, Y/n, are you sick?"

I shook my head. "No. Just that time of the month." Her eyebrows shot up in shock at my words but I was busy digging into the bag, not processing what she could be processing.

"Oh.. I didn't think you.." I raised my eyes slowly, my head tilting when she frowned. "Do you like ice cream? I know that helps?"

How was.. I shook my head. "Ice cream won't stop the full moon." Her eyes widened, a loud 'oh!' leaving her lips as she breathed out an embarrassed laugh. "What did you think I was talking about?"

She simply waved her hand, throat clearing. "Nothing. Anyways, it's nearly dinner so I brought something more filling." Nodding lightly, I looked down and pulled the container out, smiling when I pulled the lid back and saw two healthy sized steaks and potatoes. "Is that good?"

"It's great, Maximoff." I said, lowering my hand to grab the steak before lifting it to my lips. As I went to take a bite, I saw her slowly raise a fork and a knife which instantly made me realize what I did. "I'm sorry." I said, quickly dropping it. "It's the.. the moon brings out the other side of everything."

I bashfully reached forward and grabbed the silverware. "Is it this bad every month?"

"No, in my old apartment I had a protection spell that could keep the effects of the moon from entering but that's when I had my moms spell book.. which I obviously didn't bring because I didn't think I'd need it." Because you underestimated Wanda and also didn't think you'd be here for this long, my internal thoughts helpfully aided.

"When was the last time you experienced a full moon, then?" I hummed in thought while also trying not to go ballistic on this steak. I knew it was cooked well but I couldn't help but find it a bit tougher than I usually would.

"Probably when I was eighteen." I closed my eyes for a moment when I felt them burn slightly. "Which makes it that much more dangerous. You'll need to leave soon, okay?" Once I felt the burning subside, I reopened my eyes and saw her confused stare. "I've conditioned my wolf to live seven years without facing the full moon. I don't know if anger will rise or hunger but I can't have you here."

She silently tilted her head, her eyes holding mine enough for me to slip back into the feeling of comfort and ease and.. the reminder of the dream. Subconsciously, my eyes lowered down to her pink lips that were curved into a small pout.

"Y/n, I can handle myself." She said, briefly pulling my attention back to her eyes. "And I wanna help you-"

"Wanda you can't!" I closed the lid and slid the container behind me as I raised up, my head shaking as I walked out into the setting night, my eyes closing as I tried to calm my nerves that had suddenly skyrocketed.

Another side effect, easily irritated.

I didn't want to hurt her, I couldn't. I wouldn't forgive myself if I suddenly blacked out and woke up to her d.. hurt. That would kill me.

"Y/n." Wanda waltzed out after me. I kept my eyes on the recently unfrozen lake that was slightly crashing against the rocks. Then, I felt still. Her hand rested on the middle of my back, her thumb moving in small circles. "I can hear your thoughts," she muttered softly. "You won't hurt me.. I can put your puppy ass down with ease if I needed to." I small smile crept to my mouth before the first chuckle broke through the tension.

I turned my eyes to find hers as she held the same amusement I was feeling. "You've never seen my full potential as a wolf, Wanda."

Her head tilted. "Oh what? Do you grow big teeth and claws and get sick sideburns?" I found myself humming, my eyes locked on hers as she giggled at her own joke. She happens to be very pretty this evening...

She stopped giggling.

I felt my internal 'wolf' almost start whining at realizing our close proximity. Her hand; almost warm enough to be felt though my shirt. Oh man, she even smells prettier today. How is that even possible?

"Y/n?" I inhaled deeply as I looked away. "Your eyes were purple." I shook my head, focusing on the lake.

"You mean blue?"

"No," my eyes found hers again. "They were purple.." Purple? My eyes were never purple, at least not that I've known. Maybe it had to do with the moon tonight? "Are you feeling okay?"

"Getting anxious." I said truthfully. I haven't dealt with a full moon in years, at least not directly. I wasn't sure how my body would react since this would be the first time I've dealt with one without having a spell or an 'Oak Tree.'

"Come to my cabin." My head snapped to hers as she already moved into the cave, me following suit. "I have tea which is good for anxiety and we can try to read from the darkhold, see if they have a spell for me to use."

"That's not very smart." She ignored me as she grabbed the containers of food and my boots. "Wanda."

"Y/n." My jaw clenched at her stubborn spirit that reminded me a lot of myself, but facing it on the other end was annoying and frustrating. "I can protect myself if I need to and if you feel like you're not comfortable, I'll let you leave." I turned my head with a sigh, pausing as her gentle hand wrapped around my wrist. Her green eyes probed the side of my head until I looked at her, taken aback by how bright and comforting they were. "But at least let me try."

How could I say no?

So after I grabbed my watch and canteen, shoving them into my pocket, we set out into the greenery and back to her cabin that no longer held the protective dome. I guess what transpired over this past week was something neither of us couldn't prepared for.

I came here to bring her back to Sword, dead or alive (preferably dead) and now I was letting her make me tea as I tried to will my inner self not to rip her apart with my teeth. Because now, now I couldn't imagine brushing a hair on her head in the wrong way.

"It has mint and honey. Helps sooth and calms nerves." My thoughts faded as she sat the mug in front of me, her taking the opposite seat with her own cup of tea.

After saying a low thank you, I slowly took cautious sips to not burn off my taste buds. The aroma was very much her, which now made a lot of sense.

But not enough.

I inhaled deeply as I felt my eyes start to burn again. This reminded me of when I experienced my first full moon on earth. On Xouthea, there weren't any 'full moons' that had a negative affect, only here.

I had to be about fourteen when we settled at our village. My mom knew, and so did my dad, but they didn't give us a spell to protect us from it. They wanted us to experience it first hand to gain knowledge from our actions. Basically, show how destructive our emotions could be so we knew why we needed to be cautious.

That was also the day Kristine and I grew closer than ever. We were friends, her and I growing up together but that night changed everything. She became my Oak Tree. Sturdy, rooted, someone to branch out with.

Almost loosing control, we both ended up almost fighting one another out on the field and my dad was close, observing but not interfering. We had to find our own will to take control of our inner wolf. And we did. By some miracle, seeing her yellow eyes glow in the moonlight brought me back to her. Remembering who she was and why I would never hurt her.

But now I didn't have her eyes to keep me calm or collected. And this tea wasn't doing much anymore either.

I felt myself sliding back front the table, my breathing becoming labored as I tried to focus on my surroundings and not the heating of my body that made me feel rage-filled.

Wanda was talking, I could hear her but the words wouldn't register. Internally I could hear a whisper to run and maul whatever got into my way which let me know it was starting.

I could compare it to sitting in the passenger seat of a car, watching the driver drive crazily and recklessly but not being able to reach over to stop them. All I could do was watch.

"Y/n." I heaved as I pushed back from the table and landed on the floor, my head resting against the cold wood. Than a hand, resting on the back of my neck. I didn't realize what I did until she jumped back, cradling her wrist with a pained expression. Then, I tasted metallic on my tongue.


Fighting the urge to jump forward, I spoke through gritted teeth. "Tie me up." Her eyebrows furrowed as I forced myself backwards until I was pressed against the corner of the room. "Tie me up!" I shouted this time, groaning when the burning of my eyes grew until it started to spread down my cheeks, settling into my gums.

Wanda finally jumped into action as she raised her hands, the spiral of red conjuring at her fingertips just as I snapped back out of control. I felt myself raising up, my feet heavily pressing into the ground while she raised her right hand.

I flew back, my head turning to see my right wrist wrapped with the red magic, a long line of red chains attached to the ceiling, then my left hand. Her eyes held mine, bright red in contrast with the dark colored room. Then my left foot, followed by my right.

Groaning, I yanked but couldn't break free even if I used my own magic. "Y/n," I stared at her, heavy breaths dripping from my lips like syrup as she walked to me. "I know you're in there, and I want you to know.." I jumped for her but she didn't move.. why didn't she move? "I'm not afraid of you."

What is she doing?! Internally I shouted for her to run, hide, whatever it took for her to get away from me. But she kept coming close. My jaw clenched, hands tightening into fist when her hand raised. She placed her right hand against my cheek, the other reaching for my wrist.

She kept moving closer. Why does she keep coming closer?

Then, her lips moved softly, speaking so low that I almost didn't hear her. But oh did I..

"I trust you."

The lake outside didn't have anything on me with the way I became frozen, my heart nearly stopping. Her lips were now pressed against mine and I could feel them. I felt the slight pressure, the gentleness of her hand wrapping around my wrist, the other hand gliding from the side of my face to the back of my neck. I felt it all.

Including myself kissing back.

I was just as gentle with her as she was me, if not more. The burning in my eyes subsided, along with my gums that signaled the retreating of my teeth. The urge to hold her became stronger than I could bare and I don't know if she could tell or if I managed to break myself free, but I managed to pull my arms down and snake them around the small of her back. Pulling her as close as I could, both of her hands now rested on my neck as I swapped our position, now pressing her back against the wall.

Never did I think I would be kissing her, let alone kissing her after I only could think about killing her.

"Psycho," I whispered against her lips, chuckling softly as she lowered her head onto my shoulder. "You just kissed a wolf under a full moon. A wolf that bit you." Sliding my hand up her back, I gently caressed between her spine with one question on my mind. "Why?"

It took her a few seconds to raise her head but when she did, the redness in her eyes were now a glowing green. Still just as warm. "I.." she lowered her head with a soft laugh before looking back up at me. "I wanted to be your Oak Tree."

If there were any walls left built inside of my heart, they all crumbled with that sentence as she stared at me with nothing but admiration. I was just a beast, literally breathing down her neck and she chose to bring me down instead of leaving me chained here for the night. I..

My hand raised to her cheek as I pulled her back in for another kiss; throwing caution to the wind as I held her as close as I possibly could.

We ended up finishing the tea together with me still on edge but under control and that's all I needed.

That night was the best night I had in years. We sat on her couch, talking all night. I told to her more stories that my mom had told me and she told me the benefits of the Darkhold. She said she was searching for something. She never told me what she was searching for but that it was important to her. I didn't push.

At some point, exhausted and weak because of the moons affect, I felt myself nodding off on the couch, eyes watching the fire crackle against the fireplace. Though I was half asleep, I could feel Wanda settle next to me, a thin layer covering the both of us as her head laid against my shoulder.

It was peaceful and for a second, just a split second I could see into the future. And it was the two of us facing whatever it was that decided to go against us. Yet, I was okay with it.

"Y/n wake up." I inhaled deeply, squinting at the light shining in my eyes through the windows. I could still feel the pressure on my shoulder, causing me to look down at Wanda who was sleeping soundlessly against me, eyes closed and mouth slightly propped open.

I couldn't help but smile at her peaceful state. A buzzing pulled me out of my thoughts, a buzzing against my thigh. I slowly reached into my pocket, fingers enclosing around the watch that was still broken.

Or so I thought.

Once it was out, my eyebrows furrowed at the blinking red light in the center of the watch, followed by a green line circling like the second hand on a clock.

My pulse skyrocketed, momentarily forgetting why I came here in the first place. Sword, WestView, Wanda.

"Shit!" I shot up and rushed to slide on my boots while rushing around the house like a headless chicken. I knew Wanda had woken up and was probably trying to get her bearings but she didn't have time— we didn't have time.

Throwing a few of her clothes into a bag, I slid it over my shoulder and rushed for the Darkhold next but it was suddenly flying in the opposite direction, Wanda now standing with it in her grasp. "What are you doing?"

"We have to go." I said shortly, tossing her a pair of shoes and a jacket which all hit the ground right in front of her. She continued to stare at me while I grabbed a jar of peanut butter. "Wanda, please just put your shoes on and trust me."

When she didn't move, I looked back up and that's when I realized she wasn't staring at me. No, she was staring at what I was holding on to. "What is that?" She took a daunting step forward, then another. I swallowed thickly as I clutched the watch. "Y/n?" Her eyes raised. "That watch has a Sword logo on it.. why do you have that?"

"I promise to explain everything but for now, we can't be here when.. we just can't be here, okay?" I turned to walk but felt my body stay in place, her head tilted while holding her hand in my direction, the red wrapping my body like a blanket. "Wanda we don't have time for this!"

Before she could speak, the sound of propellors cutting through the wind had us both looking in the direction of the window. A rope was thrown down from the sky, men dressed in black armor sliding down one by one. Shit.

Her eyes moved back to me, the same ones that held comfort now holding anger, but also fear. "What did you do?" She nearly growled out, squeezing her hand shut which made the breath leave my body in a rush. Then I was being dropped like a rag doll as she walked toward the door without any care.

"Wanda wait." I quickly jumped up and ran after her, the cold air now nipping at my previously warm skin but I didn't care. I slid in front of her, which meant sliding in front of the many guns that were pointed in her direction. "Stand down!" I shouted, hands raised with wide eyes as now trucks were being driven through the clearing.

One man in particular stepped out, his usual cocky smirk and suit in hand. "Maximoff, what a pleasure, as always." I could practically feel the venom dripping from her eyes as she glared at him. Then his eyes swapped to me, the smirk growing. "And Agent Y/ln, great work."

"Agent?" Wanda said, scoffing behind me. I quickly shook my head and faced her.

"No no no, I can explain. I'm not an agent and I-I," I sighed heavily, my eyes closing at the feeling of her grabbing the front of my shirt tempestuously, her glare close behind. "Wanda please."

"You lied to me." Though she was trying to appear strong, simply filled with rage, I could feel the pain ghosting from her like her magic was seeping out and penetrating me. "Y/n, you.. you lied?"

"I'm sorry." I whispered, feeling the burning from my eyes but for a different reason now. I was going to cry, not over my mother or my sister or my father, but because I let Wanda Maximoff down. I hurt Wanda.

Maybe I can make it right.

As her hands slipped from my shirt, I spun around and faced Tyler Hayward. "I won't let you take her." I spoke, my voice thick with emotion as I rolled up my sleeves, prepared to fight if I needed to.

He didn't bat an eye as he nodded his head, but not to me.

"Y/n?" My breath hitched at a voice. There's no.. that's not possible. My head turned to one of the doors that cracked open, followed by a body climbing out.

Her hair flew behind her as she rushed forward but was stopped by an agent. "Y/n!" My eyebrows pulled together, my arms falling at my side.

She's alive.. I looked back at Tyler, his smirk reappearing. "You can choose, Y/n. Wanda, the one who killed your mother and responsible for more destruction than construction..." My eyes left his. "Or your sister."

I looked behind me, Wanda's eyes not meeting mine but staying forward, almost as if she knew..

I looked back forward. Y/sn was staring at me with dull eyes, bags resting under them as she fought against the guard.

My head lowered. "I'll come back for you." I said lowly so only she could hear. "I promise." She didn't respond and I couldn't look back to see if she would.

I walked away.

I could hear electricity crackling behind me but I kept my eyes forward, only focusing on her as she continued to fight through the agents arms until I reached her. "Y/sn." I breathed out, raising my hand to rest on my sisters cheek as she stared at me with teary eyes. "You're alive?" She nodded, holding back her own tears while we stared at one another for a moment. "Come here."

She crashed into me, her arms tightened around me as I held her close. My eyes closed as I tried to ignore the fight behind me. The guilt that built up inside of me, the anger and rage and pain but it was my sister. I couldn't... she had to understand.

Wanda had a brother, she had to understand.. right?


to be continued...

PART TWO coming soon.

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