5 Seconds Of The Pierced Slee...

By bandhoez9194

231 14 3

Basically, a bunch of one shots about 1D, 5SOS, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... More

Valentine's Day - Ziall
Malum - Dinner
Kellic- Journey
No Homo - Miall
Smooth - Larry
Tall - Lashton
Drunk - Niam
⚠Not Adults - Taime (Jaime/Tony)⚠
⚠Phan: No, They're Not⚠
Georry: Full Homo
⚠️Phan: Hush Hush (SMUT)⚠️
Dream.. Girl? H20Vanoss
Contract Killer - BBS
Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel
Halloween - Terrormoo
Early Mornings - Terrornuckel
Colors - Terrormoo
Oh Mr. Vanoss
I Do Need You - Terrornuckel
⚠️ Control - Krii7y ⚠️
⚠️Touches - Krii7y⚠️
Missed Plans - Krii7y
Foiled -Daithi & Brock friendship
You Came Back? -Terrornuckel
A Shot In the Dark -McDooo
Uncertain - Buddie

⚠️Perspectives Pt. 2: Home⚠️

1 0 0
By bandhoez9194

A/N: hallo! Welcome back to this little short of a story ^_^ I hope yall are enjoying this!


"Jonathan?" Luke called out as the four men hesitated in the doorway. "Go away Luke!" They heard and the four men felt their hearts jump into their throats.

"Nope! Get down here, you have company, and no, I'm not chasing them away!" Luke yelled back and they all heard a loud grumbling and stomping from upstairs.

"Who the fuck would be- what?!" They heard and all four men looked up to see a figure at the head of the stairs.

Evan caught a glimpse of a overly baggy hoodie and basketball shorts, before the figure disappeared again. "D-Delirious?" He called out softly, stepping forward with Brock at his side. Brian and Tyler fell in behind him and together they walked to the foot of the stairs.

"E-Evan, Brock? Br-Brian? Ty-yler, why are y-you hear?" They heard whimpered and they all felt their hearts break at the scared voice.

"We were worried about you, Del," Brock said softly and Evan glanced at Luke, the older man nodding before looking back up the stairs concerned.

Evan took a breath. "J-Jonathan. We missed you and we wanted to see if you were okay. You know we care for you," he tried and they all heard the sharp intake of breath.

"H-how- C-Cartoonz! You t-told them m-m-my name?" He yelled and Luke stepped forward. "Yes I did, Jonny. Brock called me last week to let me know they were coming down, and I know you trust these four the most. Come down here, you know it's safe," Luke coaxed and the four waited with baited breaths.

"Jon? If you don't want us here, we will go. We'll put this behind us, and forget it happened, but only if you want us to go," Brian said softly and Evan felt his heart clench painfully at the idea of being so close and yet not seeing his best friends face.

By the looks on Tyler's and Brock's face, they were feeling the same but they all agreed, nodding as one. "We don't want to push you, Del. We just want to know if you're okay," Tyler said quietly and everyone went silent, waiting for Delirious' response.

"Y-you don't have t-to go," they heard whispered and all four men let out silent sighs of relief. "Will you come down? I need a Delirious hug," Evan asked hopefully and they all waited with bated breaths again.

"Y-yeah. Just- just give m-me a moment," he said and the four men smiled excitedly at each other. "Take all the time you need, Del," Brian said earnestly and they all stepped back, following Luke's instructions to the living room.

"I'm going to go talk to him privately, you guys wait here," Luke said softly and the four men nodded, silently walking into the living room.

Once there, Brian leaned heavily into Tyler's side. "He didn't kick us out," he said dazed and Evan grinned relieved at him. They started looking around examining the large room curiously.

There was a large brick fireplace, pictures on the mantel. When they moved closer to look at them, they all smiled fondly. All the pictures were photos of the crew, different selfies sent to him or posted on their Instagrams printed off and arranged.

Evan, Brock, Brian and Tyler's photos were closest to the front. They all smiled warmly and continued to look around. The large couch was a dark, navy blue polyester, a matching loveseat and armchair circling the room.

The white walls were pretty much bare, only holding a single large canvas dreamcatcher with a painting of a wolf on it and H20 Delirious' signature mask hanging beside it.

A large TV was set up on a dark mahogany TV stand, a 7 shelf bookshelf filled to the brim with movies.

The four men sat down beside each other on the large couch, waiting patiently. They knew it could take Delirious some time to get ready, used to waiting on him for games. Brian was the only one worse at time management.

The minutes seemed to creep by, each minute feeling like hours. But still, they waited. Internally, all four men thought privately that they would wait till the end of time for their mystery friend.

Finally, after a half hour, they heard steps. They all looked up, seeing Luke walk in. "He's right behind me, give him a second," he said softly and they all nodded, standing and facing the doorway.

A moment passed and soon a small figure, shorter than even Brock at his 5'9 height walked in. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a blue ripped tank top. They could clearly see the half sleeve tattoo decorating his right bicep, a lip piercing being chewed at between pink lips.

"H-hi," Jonathan whispered, his piercing cerulean blue eyes glancing up under a long black fringe. The four men couldn't help but stare, feeling their love grow individually.

"Hi," Brock said softly, the other three smiling excitedly. Evan stepped forward first, wrapping his arms tightly around Jonathan's waist. He felt the smaller man flinch before relaxing, arms wrapping around his neck.

The other three men circled them, arms criss crossing and wrapping around each other. None of them heard Luke leave the room, too focused on the fact that all five of them were together.

"Um- can't breathe," Jonathan gasped finally and they all stepped back, giving him room to breathe.

Evan tilted his chin up, studying his face. "How dare you be so pretty," he play scolded and everyone smiled fondly at the flush that crept across the shorter man's neck and cheeks.

"I-I'm not pretty, look at you guys!" He said, his voice cracking so familiarly they all couldn't help but laugh.

Tyler stepped forward and gave the man a tight hug, towering almost a full foot above him. He picked Jonathan up, swinging him around.

"H-Hey! Put me down!" Jonathan laughed, clinging to the taller man's shoulders.

Tyler gave him one last twirl and set him down, Brock and Brian stepping forward one by one to give him an individual hug.

Jonathan felt warm, his heart bursting. His four favorite people were here, and they didn't hate him? He rubbed at his cheeks, hating the flush that heated them.

"Why are you guys here?" He asked softly and the other four looked at each other. "We missed you. You've been ignoring us for weeks now," Brock said finally and Jonathan flinched, looking down.

"I'm really sorry, I just- I just had some things to work out," he said lamely and Brian sighed. "We've all had things to work out, Jon. You know you can come to us for anything, right? We're your friends, your family. We're here for you," he said earnestly and the other three nodded in agreement.

Jonathan shrugged, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. "Not this," he said finally and Brock frowned. "Talk to us, Jon. Please?" Brock begged, making Jonathan wince again.

"I- I don't know if I can, you'll hate me," he said quietly and the four men rolled their eyes. Evan stepped forward, taking Jonathan's hands tightly in his.

"There is nothing, in this whole universe, that will ever make me hate you, Jonathan. Not even if you murdered someone," he said and Jonathan quirked a smile at that before it faded away.

He seemed to think for a moment before shaking his head. "I can't tell you guys still, I don't think you'll think of me the same if I do," he said and Brian stepped forward.

"How about this, we'll all tell you a secret and you tell us one, even if it's not the one you're working on right now," he said and Tyler and Brock exchanged a glance before nodding.

Jonathan hesitated, eyes on Evan's hands as they were still wrapped around his. Finally, he nodded. "I- I guess that'll work," he said eventually and Brian smiled encouragingly.

"I'll go first, I'm bisexual," he announced and everyone shot him a surprised look. Tyler, Evan and Brock felt hope at that one and Brock couldn't help but say, "I'm pansexual."

Tyler was shooting his head back and forth between the two, hope filling his stomach. "I- I don't have a label. I love whoever," he said hesitantly and Evan smiled at him.

"I- I've always considered myself straight, but recently, I've been thinking otherwise. I don't have a label for it, but um, yeah," Evan said awkwardly and everyone smiled at him encouragingly.

Jonathan was gaping at the four, shock and mild hope eating at his heart. "I-I'm pan, too. But I also think I'm p-poly?" He stammered, wincing violently as the four turned to him.

Brock stepped forward, taking one of his hands from Evan's and giving him support. "We still love you, Jon," Brock said gently and they all could see the tension leave his body in one quick swoop.

Tyler looked around, feeling hope eat away at him. Determination filled him and he stepped forward. "I- I have one more. I, I think I've fallen for my best friends," he said, faltering faintly and closing his eyes as they all looked at him.

"Wh-which friends?" Brian asked, worry and hope in his eyes. Tyler saw that hope and smiled faintly, looking down at his feet.

"My four closest friends, the ones who I know I can depend on the most," he said finally too scared to say their names.

Evan smiled, elation filling him. "I- I fell for my friends too," he said confidently, making Tyler's eyes shoot open and everyone look at him.

Brock nodded. "M-me too. I think I-I'm in love with the four people I know the best," he said, looking at Jonathan determinedly.

The shortest boy was shaking, eyes wide as he stared at the four men. They watched him hopefully, worry eating at them as he didn't say anything, eyes still wide.

"Y-you- you-," he stammered, unable to get the words out. He swallowed. "You l-love me?" He whispered, tears filling his eyes. Tyler stepped forward first, taking Jonathan's hands from Brock's and Evan's.

Brian stepped up behind him, reaching out and threading his fingers with Evan's, making the Canadian blush at him before turning back to Jonathan.

"More than anything," Tyler whispered and Jonathan threw his arms around Tyler's neck, clinging to him tightly. Tyler wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller man, lifting Jonathan's legs to wrap around his waist.

Tyler sat on the floor, cradling Delirious in his lap. Brock and Brian moved closer, Brock moving to sit in Brian's lap but curl around Jonathan and rest his head on Tyler's shoulder. Evan knelt beside them, fingers twining effortlessly with Tyler's and Brian's.

"Can I be the first to ask if yuu four will go out with me?" Evan asked softly and all four of them nodded, eyes lighting up.

"So we're all together? Boyfriends?" Jonathan asked, hopeful words muffled against Tyler's shirt. Evan ran a hand through his soft soft hair, smiling lovingly. "Yes, Jon, we're all together," he said and Jon pulled back, eyes dancing.

He looked around at the four men before hesitating. "Can I kiss Evan?" He asked softly and the Canadian's heart swelled. Jon wanted to kiss him first?

Brock and Brian exchanged knowing glances before nodding. Tyler smiled faintly, eyes softer than they'd ever seen before nodding also.

Jon crawled out of Tyler's lap, moving to sit in Evan's. Evan couldn't help but wrap his arms tightly around the smaller body.

He pressed his fingertips to Jonathan's chin, tilting the lips towards his. He could tell the other three were watching, but was more focused on the way Jonathan's eyelids fluttered over the deep, piercing blue eyes.

He watched him, wanting Jonathan to make the first move. Jonathan eyed him shyly, looking up at him wide eyed.

Evan smiled gently before leaning down, hovering a few millimeters away. He wanted Jonathan to make the final move, wanted to know Jonathan wanted this as much as he did.

The shorter man did just so, moving to close the gap. Their lips met, gasps coming from their chests.

Soft was all Evan could think of, heart hammering away in his chest. They pulled apart and Jonathan blushed prettily at him, eyes looking down.

"My turn," Tyler said, reaching out and plucking the smaller man out of Evan's lap. Jonathan squeaked, but turned around and wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck.

Evan watched curiously as Tyler took the lead, placing one hand on Jon's hip and the other on the back of Jon's neck. Jon leaned forward and kissed Tyler, a shudder running through his body.

He glanced sideways and noticed Brian and Brock had leaned forward and kissed, Brian's fingers entangled in Brock's hair.

Evan felt a shiver, attraction and lust filling his body as he watched four of the most attractive men in his life kiss each other.

His pants grew tight, but he wasn't sure what they'd want to do. Those questions were answered as Brock whimpered into his and Brian's kiss, Jonathan letting out a breathy sigh.

Evan moved forward, pressing his chest to Brock's back. The two kissing pulled away from each other, Brian's blue eyes dilated. He leaned around Brock, pressing his mouth against Evan's, Brock leaning forward and pressing kisses to Brian's neck.

"Oh wow," Evan heard Tyler mutter as Evan pressed his tongue against the Irish man's. Jonathan let out a needy whine as Tyler stood up.

"C'mon you four, let's go find a bed. I'll have you guys in the living room someday, but I don't want our first to be on the floor," Tyler demanded and Evan and Brian broke apart.

They all stood, following Jonathan upstairs and to his bedroom. Evan grabbed Jonathan's waist as soon as they were in the room, spinning him around and pressing his lips eagerly against the pink ones.

Jonathan sagged against him, arms wrapping around the taller man's neck as Evan easily picked him up. He carried him over to the bed, laying the smaller man down next to Brian and Brock who were already there.

Tyler stood in the middle of the room, watching his four new boyfriends make out with each other. Brian and Brock broke apart and Tyler was drawn forward as Brian's blue eyes met his.

He leaned down and pressed a bruising kiss to the Irish man's mouth, hands slipping under his shirt.

Evan sat up, pulling his shirt off as it got overwhelmingly hot in the room. He watched Jonathan's eyes trail over his chest and stomach, eyes dilated with want.

He smirked as he leaned back down, kissing along the oldest' jawline and neck. Jonathan let out a sinful moan at the touch, and everyone shuddered at the sound.

Tyler sat up, pulling Brian's shirt over his head before pulling his own off. Brock panted, eyes wide as Tyler and Brian kissed again, Tyler's teeth pulling at Brian's bottom lip.

At Brock's needy whimper, they broke apart and looked down at the man. Tyler smirked, leaning over to kiss him. Brian panted, watching as Evan left love bites down Jonathan's pale skin.

Evan sat up, meeting Brian's eyes. "Jon, do you have any lube?" Evan asked, not taking his eyes away from Brian. The oldest swallowed, shivering from want as he reached over and pulled a bottle from his nightstand.

Evan grabbed it, setting it down beside him before leaning over, giving Brian a kiss as Evan's nimble fingers undid Jonathan's jeans.

Tyler had Brock's shirt off and jeans undone, loose against the whimpering man's hips. He sat up, locking eyes with Evan before leaning over and kissing him.

They broke apart, Evan focusing on Jonathan as Tyler tugged at Brian's jeans, undoing them and pushing them down around the middle of the Irish man's thighs.

Brock watched the two wide eyed, pressing his palm against the front of his jeans. Tyler noticed this and pulled it away, making Brock whimper and move his hips up.

Tyler leaned down and kissed Brock's nose. "Patience, baby," he said, voice soft yet demanding and Brock's eyes went dark before he nodded quickly.

Evan had made quick work on Jonathan's clothes, the older man now stripped down to his boxers. He sat back and admired his work, a scattering of lovebites covering the pale skin of Jon's neck, chest and stomach.

Brian had quickly taken his own jeans off, working to pull Tyler's off. He was struggling slightly, little annoyed huffs coming out of his mouth. Tyler laughed lightly before helping, pulling them off and throwing them to the side.

Together, Tyler and Brian worked on slowly stripping Brock, heads pressed together as they kissed and bit softly along the older man's chest and stomach.

Jonathan and Brock were letting out identical moans and gasps, hands twined together between them. Evan sat back, watching Tyler and Brian for a moment.

Evan ran a hand down Brian's back, fingernails teasing the skin and making Brian gasp out a moan. Brian sat up, leaning over to kiss Evan messily.

"E-Evan," Jonathan whimpered and Evan pulled away from Brian, hand still in his hair, to look down at the man. "Yes?" He asked teasingly and Jonathan pouted.

"P-Please," he begged, the front of his boxers twitching. "Please what, baby?" Evan asked softly, his free hand trailing down the bare skin.

Jonathan let out a huff, hand moving down to press at his boxers. "P-please, do someth-thing," he begged, eyes wide.

Evan felt Brian shudder as the Irish man took in the flustered mess that was Jonathan, his hand reaching out and running softly over his stomach. Evan saw Jonathan twitch at the touch, and couldn't help but lean down and kiss the already kiss swollen lips.

"Patience, baby," he said, echoing Tyler softly. Jonathan huffed, but leaned up to kiss Evan again.

Brian turned back to Tyler and Brock, realizing that Tyler had gotten Brock's boxers off and had a hand wrapped around the older man's dick. Brock was letting out needy pants, head thrown back as Tyler left dark purpling marks down his throat.

Brian swallowed, hand pressing against his front. Tyler sat back, grabbing Brian's hand before kissing him deeply. His hand didn't slow on Brock, moving just slow enough to keep the older man on edge.

"T-Tyler, please please," Brock whined, hand twisted in the sheets. Tyler pulled away from Brian, slowing his hand just a little. "Please what, baby? What do you need?" He asked softly and Brock swallowed.

"You, something, please," he begged quietly and Tyler smiled. "I'll take care of you, baby," Tyler promised, leaning down to kiss his nose. "But let me take care of Brian too."

Brock nodded, swallowing and settling back with his chest heaving. Tyler nodded with satisfaction and turned back to Brian, the Irish man trembling slightly.

Evan had Jonathan out of his boxers, kneeling down and pressing lazy, open mouth kissed along the older man's hip bones. Jonathan was squeezing Brock's hand, mouth open, eyes closed and head thrown back.

Brock leaned over as Tyler slowly undressed Brian, mouths moving together. Brock tilted Jonathan's head towards him and pressed his mouth to his, teeth and tongues mashing as they kissed desperately.

Evan looked up and noticed that Jonathan's attention was elsewhere, smirking faintly. Without warning, his lips enveloped Jonathan's tip, tongue pressed flat against his leaking slit.

Jonathan jerked away from Brock with a keen, hips jerking up into Evan's mouth. Evan held his hips down, moving as slow as he could just to make Jonathan writhe.

Jonathan let out an obscene moan, hands reaching down to tug at Evan's hair. Evan hummed around Jonathan's shaft, making the older man twitch.

Without taking his mouth away, he grabbed the discarded bottle of lube and opened it, squeezing a good bit onto his fingers. He brought a hand down and rubbed gently at Jonathan's entrance, soaking it with the liquid.

He pulled away and asked for permission silently, Jonathan's wide eyes nervous but willing. He nodded hesitantly, spreading his knees wider.

Evan pressed his middle finger inside him, working it slowly until he felt the older man relax. He pressed another one in, going slower this time. He took his time stretching him, wanting to make this as painless as possible for his boyfriend.

Tyler watched as Evan fingered Jonathan, dick twitching in his boxers. He looked back to Brock and Brian, the two making out messily as Brock clumsily moved his hand around Brian's shaft.

He sat back and watched his four boyfriends, soaking in the sounds Jonathan and Brian were making. He felt the bed jump as Jonathan jerked, head falling back and a loud moan slipping from his lips.

"T-th-there! Fucking shit, Evan, get in me please," Jonathan groaned, hands twisted in the sheets. Evan grinned, not removing his hand.

Jonathan let out shuddering cries as Evan massaged his prostate, three fingers deep already. Evan leaned back, pulled Tyler in for a kiss as Jonathan squirmed and moaned, rutting down against the fingers.

"Give it to him, Ev," Tyler murmured against the Canadians lips and Evan pulled back, smirking. He removed his fingers from Jonathan, wiping them carelessly on the sheets as he shed his boxers.

Pouring a good amount of lube on his dick, he spread it out before lining up with Jonathan's entrance. "Look at me baby boy," Evan said quietly and Jonathan locked eyes with the Canadian.

Evan pushed forward carefully, sliding in as slow as he could. It took all his self control to not thrust into the tight heat, but there was no way he was going to hurt Jonathan.

Inching in slowly, he kept his eyes on Jonathan's face. Gauging his expressions, he bottomed out and stopped, panting slightly.

Tyler shuddered at the sight, slipping a hand into his own boxers. He looked back over to Brian and Brock, seeing Brian hovering over the smaller man and leaving kisses all along his neck.

Tyler moved around Jonathan and Evan, leaning down to kiss Jonathan. Evan felt Jonathan relax around him and pulled back an inch before thrusting back in. Jonathan moaned into Tyler's mouth, hand twisting into his hair.

Brian had grabbed the bottle of lube from where it was laying next to Evan, spreading it over his fingers. "You ready, Brocky?" He asked him softly and the older man looked at him with wide, trusting eyes.

"G-go slow?" He asked shyly and Brian smiled fondly. "I'll take my time, I'll take care of you," he promised, leaning down to kiss him softly. He used the kiss as a distraction,  easing a finger into Brock and waiting for him to relax.

Brock focused on the kiss and Jonathans little gasps and moans, the feeling of warmth as Tyler pressed against him. He let out a little gasp as Brian pressed two fingers into him, scissoring them and then curling them.

A burst of pleasure shot through Brock, eyes flying open and back arching, a deep moan coming from his chest. Brian leaned over and kissed him, swallowing the moan.

"Right there Brocky?" Brian asked teasingly, two fingers massaging that one spot that had Brock seeing stars. He nodded frantically, mouth open and eyes squeezing shut.

Brian pressed a third finger into him, this stretch burning slightly but that went away as all three fingers pressed against his prostate, waves of pleasure filling him.

"Y-you don't get into me n-now, I may finish b-before we're started," Brock gasped out a warning and Brian chuckled. "Who knows, maybe I'm going to see about getting you to finish a few times," Brian teased rubbing slow circles on the slightly hard spot.

Brock moaned, hips twitching. Tyler looked over and locked eyes with the withering man, smirking at the needy desperation in them.

Evan was thrusting properly into Jonathan, savoring the little "ah"s he was letting out. He lifted one of Jonathan's legs, throwing it over his shoulder and angling himself.

Jonathan positively screamed as Evan nailed his prostate hard. "Evan!" He yelled, head thrown back. Evan almost came at that, loving the way Jonathan said his name.

He continued to thrust into that spot, the bed bouncing with every movement. Brian had pushed into Brock, the older man letting out gasped moans as Tyler reached down and wrapped a hand around his dick.

Soon, Evan and Brian were thrusting into Jonathan and Brock at the same speed, both men crying out. Tyler was messily kissing Brian, one hand on Brock's dick and the other on Jonathan's.

"Please please please please please," Jonathan cried, feeling his orgasm approach. Tyler pulled away from Brian and looked at him, blue nearly gone in his eyes as lust filled his body.

"Come for us," Tyler ordered, wanting to see Jonathan fall apart. Evan nearly came as Jonathan tightened around him impossibly, spurts of cum coating the oldest's stomach. He continued thrusting, riding out Jonathan's orgasm.

Jonathan went limp, but he was still hard. Evan pulled out of Jonathan, moving so Tyler could take his place. Tyler glanced at Evan, who just nodded with a smirk and he leaned over Jonathan, giving him a messy kiss.

"You have one more in you?" He asked lowly and Jonathan blinked his eyes open, dazed satisfaction on his expression. He nodded quickly, spreading his legs eagerly.

Tyler chuckled, grabbing the lube and coating his dick, guiding it into Jonathan easily. Evan groaned at the sight of Jonathan's face twisting with pure ecstacy, eyes squeezing shut.

Brock let out a whine, hands clinging to Brian's shoulders. Evan looked over and saw the tell tale red flush creeping over Brocks skin. He reached down, wrapping his hand around Brock's dick as he leaned up to kiss Brian.

"Please, Bri, please please," Brock whimpered, eyes squeezed shut as his head fell back. Evan pulled away from Brian, who just smirked. "Come for me baby," Brian coaxed, picking up speed.

Brock threw his head back, a loud keen coming from his throat as he came hard, coating Evan's hand and his stomach. Brian cursed quietly and pulled out, hand moving over his own dick as he came over Brock.

Jonathan was letting out high pitched whines, his sensitivity pushing him to the edge again. Evan just smirked and pulled Brian into his lap, grinding his hips upwards.

Brian gasped, head falling back as Brock sat up dazed, kissing Evan deeply. "You wanna watch Bri ride me?" Evan asked, voice rough. Brock nodded quickly, eyes dilating again.

Evan picked up the lube, coating his fingers again and pressing one against Brian's entrance, not penatrating yet. "Do you want this?" He asked Brian softly, not wanting to push him but Brian nodded eagerly, leaning down to kiss Evan.

Evan pressed a finger into Brian, moving it a couple times before adding a second. Brian panted into Evan's mouth, pressing down onto the fingers.

Evan stretched the Irish man carefully, wanting to take his time but Brian had other ideas. Grabbing the lube, he coated Evan's dick before pulling Evan's hand away, sinking down onto his dick slowly.

Evan nearly cursed, Brian being tighter than Jonathan as he hadn't had time to stretch him fully. Brian didn't seem to care, mouth falling open as he bottomed out.

Evan held Brian still, making sure to not hurt him. He glanced over at Jonathan, who was shaking and red, Tyler still moving fast and hard.

Brock had sat up to kiss Brian, hands reaching to tug harshly at Brian's hair. Brian let out a breathy moan, shifting so he could properly move up and down.

Evan helped, thrusting up in time with Brian's bouncing. He brought his knees up slightly, changing the angle and making Brian jerk away from Brock and falling forward onto Evan's chest.

"Oh fuck!" Brian moaned and Evan grinned, thrusting up hard again. Over Brian's pants and moans, Evan heard Jonathan let out a loud keen, stimulating sobs breaking from his chest.

"Ty, Ty, please, please, oh fuck, please!" He cried, fingers scratching at Tyler's arms. Tyler reached down between them, wrapping a hand around Jonathan's dick.

"Come, baby boy, come," he panted out, feeling his end nearing but wanting Jonathan to finish again. Jonathan threw his head back, a shattering cry breaking from his chest as he came for a second time.

Tyler cursed low, holding back as hard as he could until Jonathan finished. As Jonathan went limp, he pulled out and came hard over the smaller man, not even having to touch himself.

Brian moved with desperate need, Evan thrusting quickly up into him. Brock reached over and took Brian into his hand, still leaving love bites down Brian's neck.

"E-Evan, I'm gonna, please, oh fuck," Brian whimpered, eyes squeezed shut. Evan picked up speed, feeling the strain in his thighs and stomach but ignoring it.

"Come, Bri," Evan ordered, feeling himself about to also. Brian let out a shout, back arching as he came, coating Brocks hand and Evan's stomach. Evan couldn't pull out in time, coming hard inside Brian.

Brian went limp, resting his palms against Evan's chest. Evan panted hard, eyes closing as he leaned back. Tyler had left the room, returning with wet wash rags.

Evan slipped carefully out of Brian, apologizing softly as Brian winced. Together, Tyler and Evan cleaned their boys up, Evan wiping his own stomach.

Putting the tags aside, they turned and smiled at the three worn out men curled up together, Brian snuggled in between Jonathan and Brock. Tyler went and laid down on the other side of Brock, Evan curling behind Jonathan.

"I love you guys, so much," Evan whispered, pressing a kiss to Jonathan's hair as his fingers threaded with Tyler's over everyone.

Brock blinked sleepily up at him, smiling fondly. "We love you too, Ev," he replied, voice husky. Everyone nodded in agreement, quiet murmurs of "yeah" and "We absolutely do" and "always" coming from them.

Evan reached over and pulled Jonathan's blue duvet off the floor, draping it over his four boyfriends. "Get some rest my loves," he said softly and Tyler smiled at him over everyone's heads.

Brian was already asleep, Jonathan extremely close behind. Brock yawned, resting his head against Brian's and closing his eyes. Tyler blew a kiss to Evan before laying his head down, his eyes sliding shut too.

Evan watched his four best friends sleep for a moment, heart swelling with contentment. Who'd have thought that just a week ago, he was wondering if these guys would hate him or be uncomfortable around him if it ever came out that he was in love with them.

And now here they were, snuggled up in Delirious' bed, together. He knew they'd have to tell the rest of the crew, and probably would never tell the internet, at least not for many years, but for now? Evan was happy keeping them to himself. He felt like being selfish, even if only the week they were down.

He laid down and breathed in the soft pine scent of Jonathan's hair, smiling. He drifted off.


Luke sat outside in his truck, wondering what the heck was going on. He knew Jonathan had feelings for the four men inside, and from what Evan had said and the looks in the other fours eyes, he knew those feelings were mutual.

He checked his phone, seeing that over 30 minutes had passed since he came outside. No new messages from Jonathan or the other guys. He sighed and turned off his truck.

He got out and headed up to the doorway, walking in without knocking like normal. It was silent, which made Luke frown confused.

Checking the living room, he didn't see anyone in there. No one in the kitchen either. He started walking upstairs, frowning. Where was his brother and his friends?

He walked up to Jonathan's room, the door shut. He was about to open it when suddenly a loud noise sounded. He froze, eyes going wide. "Ty, Ty, please! Oh fuck, please!" He heard Jonathan whine, other sounds of moaning and the bed squeaking coming faintly through the door.

He gasped quietly and turned and ran, wanting to wash his ears out with bleach. He did not just hear his brother having sex with four other guys. Nope. No way. Nuh uh.

As he sat in his truck, radio turned up as loud as possible to drown out the noises still replaying in his head, he glanced up to Jonathan's bedroom window. Thankfully, it was covered, but Luke could see the shadows moving behind the curtain.

He shook his head rapidly, thankful he'd brought the four mens suitcases inside earlier. He pulled out of the driveway and headed home, knowing Jonathan would text him later.

As he drove, though, he couldn't help but grin. Good for you, Jonny. Knew you had it in you, he thought wryly. He had known it would be a good day.

A/N: all done! I have... never written not only BBS smut, but Poly smut in general, so this was kinda new for me lmao. I hope yall enjoyed!! Kisses!


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707 11 9
Here are some random one-shots I make of my favorite fictional characters/crushes. If you have a request for a one shot you'd like me to write, pleas...