You Are My Sunshine (Guardian...

Oleh JustReadinBook5

54.4K 1.1K 363

Not my story. All rights/credits (and whatnot) go to the author. This is only partial of the whole story. Ro... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1- New Member
Chapter 2- Bar Fight
Chapter 3- Memories
Chapter 4- Visiting
Chapter 5- Camping Out
Chapter 6- Love and Understanding
Chapter 7- Arguments
Chapter 9- First Mate
Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"
Chapter 12- Story Time

Chapter 8- First Date

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Oleh JustReadinBook5

After the fighting and Lianna going flirty over the cologne, everyone finally calmed down. Peter though got a couple of whippings on the back of his head a couple of times.

"Damn you, Lianna." Peter mumbled to himself. He opened the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. "Why couldn't she just let Gamora at least hit me once?" He grabbed a towel and wrapped up the ice pack, laying back in the pilot's chair.

He groaned when he laid the ice pack on his head. I can make it, he thought to himself. I just gotta keep myself busy, that's all.

Just then, the sound of Lianna laughing filled the room causing for a headache to form for Peter.

"I can't believe you tried talking to a raccoon!" Lianna laughed out. She bent over, holding on to her gut from laughing so much. Rocket just growled at her and sat down by the table.

"It looked just like me!" Rocket yelled. "So I thought 'hey, why not talk to it', but APPARENTLY they don't speak english!"

"Would you stop yelling!?" Peter said.

"Sorry." Lianna said. She looked at the clock and shocked realization fell upon her face.

"What's wrong, Lianna?" Rocket asked.

"I just forgot, I was gunna help my dad with somethin'." She said, rushing to grab her leather jack and satchel. "No trouble while I'm gone, ok?" She asked Rocket.

"I promise." He said, standing up on the chair.

"Good." She said, quickly laying a kiss on his cheek. "Bye." She waved before going outside.

Rocket just sighed and sat back down, thinking of maybe doing something special for her when she got back.

"Oh ho ho, Rocket bein' a lil' mama's boy now, huh?" Peter deviously asked.

"W-What?" Rocket didn't know what he meant.

"Dude, she just KISSED you!" Now he knew what he meant. He drew his ears back and snarled at him.

"None of yer business, Peter!" Rocket got up and started toward his room.

"Wait a minute, Rocket!" Peter got up and ran in front of Rocket. "I don't mean to nosey but-"

"Your always nosey!" Rocket interrupted. He walked around Peter, but ended up blocked again. He just growled at him now.

"But, I wanna give you some advice! For a date!" This caught Rocket's attention.

"Why would I wanna take her out on a date?" He asked, regretting having ANY advice from the guy who couldn't keep a girlfriend for a week.

"A date is like a ritual of declaring her as yours! You can also do that with sex, but that's if you've been with that person for a while." Rocket knew Peter was getting a bit off track now. "But what I'm trying to say is that you have to take her out on at least one date."

"Have you ever went a date?" Rocket asked, crossing his arms.

"Um, no." He plainly said.

"What?! Then why do I have to!"

"Because you get to know more about that person."

"Then why don't you ever do it!"

"Because I just go for the hot ones."

Rocket 'hmph'ed. "Well then, I'm makin' the RIGHT decision." He walked off to his room.

Peter just smiled and put his hands on his hips. "That's my boy."

-Time Skip-

As soon as Rocket's door closed, he ran for the dresser. He rummaged through the few clothes he had; looking for something nice. He finally came upon a tux that he bought from the last bounty hunting.

"I said it'd come in use." Rocket said to himself. He laid it down on his bed and straightened it out. And then it hit him.

"I gotta cook up somethin'!" He quickly ran out of the room and to the kitchen. He pulled open a drawer and pulled out a cook book Peter had. He frantically flipped through the pages until he found one.

"'Steak Delight' sounds perfect." Rocket said, quickly going to the fridge. He found the steaks, but at the top rack in the back. He grumbled something and stepped inside of the fridge, still not reaching it.

He let out an annoyed sigh and went to find a stool. When he came back he saw Gamora taking out the steaks.

"Hey, what're you doin'?!" Rocket yelled, putting the stool down and walking over to her.

"Getting steak to eat." Gamora said.

"But I need it!" Rocket said, trying to reach for the bag.

"For what?" She asked again.

"A DATE! I need them for a date!" He couldn't believe he just said that. He thought of what would happen next from his weird pleading action.

Gamora just whipped the bag away from him. "Who would care for such a silly ritual! It's just like eating with only two people!" She stormed out of the room in disgust, leaving Rocket in sadness and failure of showing care to his one true love.

"Okay..." Gamora said, handing the bag to him. Rocket just stared in shocked confusion as it laid before him in his hands.

"What?" He just stared at the bag and Gamora, confused of what just happened.

"You can have it." She said. "I know this is important to you."

"How'd you know?" He quickly turned angry and bared his teeth a little.

"An assassin must be very observant of his or her's surroundings and enemy. Also, I heard and saw the entire thing before and after Lianna left." She said.

"So, you know it's for ,Lianna?" He asked, his ears going back in embarrassment.


"Would you help me?"

A silence fell upon them. "Sure."

Rocket looked at her with glee and gestured her to take the bag. He ran over and grabbed the stool, putting it by the counter ledge. He picked up the book and laid it on the counter.

"Okay... Do you know where the herbs are?" Rocket asked, earning a little giggle from Gamora as she reached for the cabinet with spices.

-Time Skip-

"Easy putting it down, Groot." Rocket said, gesturing his hands for him to carefully set the picnic table down.

"I am Groot? (Why do you want the picnic table up here anyway)" Groot asked, setting the table down on the ground.

"For a good reason." Rocket said, grabbing the red table-cloth he brought up. He flung the cloth over the table top and straightened it.

"This is the perfect place for it." He whispered to himself, putting his hands on his hips.

He planned on setting the date back on the hill by the tree, where the view of the city will be their background during tonight.

A blinking sound caught Rocket's attention and he saw it coming from his communicator. It was Gamora. He quickly put the communicator back and ran downhill to the ship, Groot watching him in confusion.

Rocket ran up the ramp, greeted by a delicious smell of meat and sauce.

"The foods comin' together well." Gamora said, stirring a pan with sauce. Rocket went over to Gamora and stood on the stool, dipping a finger-tip into the pan. He taste tested the sauce, delighted by the mild and spicy taste.

"Keep it up, Gamora." Rocket said, almost sounding like a complement.

Rocket heard another beeping noise and checked the communicator. He gasped to see it was Lianna.

"What do I do?!" He panicked.

"Go answer her!" Gamora said. "She'll call you again if you don't."

"H-Hello?" Rocket answered nervously.

"Hey, Rocket." Lianna said. "I was callin' to tell ya that I'll be back soon. Probably in about ten to fifteen minutes."

"O-Ok." He said. "I'll see you soon then."

Lianna giggled over the line. "Love ya! Bye!"

"You, too." Rocket ended the call and pulled at the fur on his head.

"She'll be here in ten ta fifteen minutes!" He yelled. "What now!?"

"Go get dressed!" Gamora said flipping the steaks. "By the time she gets back, the sun will begin to go down." Rocket nodded and ran to his room, quickly ripping his suit off and putting on the tux. He went over to his dresser and grabbed the cologne, remembering to spray a small amount. He went over to the mirror he kept by his desk and checked himself for flaws. Tonight, Lianna will be mine, he thought. Nothing will break out bond.

-Time Skip-

The moment had finally came.

Rocket was on the hill setting up the table decorations. He hid a jar of Groot's glowing spores underneath his seat and straighten the sliver plates. He couldn't stop straightening his bow and sleeves while waiting for the signal.

And then it came.

A light flashing back and forth came from the ship, meaning Lianna was coming.

He quickly ran down to the bottom of the hill and looked for her, seeing her figure in the distance.

She was still wearing what she wore from the lake, but with jeans and a leather jacket. She was looking around curiously, wondering why Gamora sent her here. She noticed Rocket by the hill, wearing a black tux.

"Well, aren't you Mr. Proper." Lianna teased as she approached him, kneeling down on one leg to get near his head level.

He gave a soft chuckled and reached into his over coat, pulling out a dark blue rose he asked Groot to make for her. It was speckled with white and thin swirls of yellow, supposedly resembling space. "I got this for you." He said, handing it to her.

Lianna gazed at the delightful present Rocket had given her. "It looks so beautiful, but how?" She asked with amusement.

"Had a little help from Groot." He said, grabbing her hand. "Now, close your eyes." He gently pushed down her eye lids, she giggling as Rocket lead her up the hill.

"Where we going, Rocket?" Lianna asked, trying to stay bent over for Rocket to hold her hand.

"You'll see." He smirked, knowing his plan will work.

They reach the picnic table and Rocket let got of her hand. "You can look now." He said, smiling with joy.

Lianna opened her eyes, and was surprised to what she saw.

It was a candle-lit dinner with some bottles of wine and two silver plates with lids.

Lianna gasped with joy that Rocket had planned this for her. She quickly snatched him up and gave him kisses all over his face. Rocket could help but to chuckle at Lianna attacking him with kisses.

"Ok. Ok, calm down." Rocket said, grabbing ahold of her face. "Wouldn't you like to eat before havin' 'desert'?" Lianna's face immediately lit up with excitement and she set him down, taking a seat at the table and Rocket went to take his.

"Go ahead." He cooed. "Take off the lid." As she took off the lid, a cloud of steam escaped and a delicious smell filled her nose. She looked and saw a marvelous steak in front of her covered a brown-marron sauce with some garnishes around it and on top.

"Steak, for me?" Lianna asked in astonishment. Rocket nodded with a smile. He carefully opened the bottle of wine and poured them into their glasses.

"To the gal I love." He announced, standing up from his seat to cling his glass to her's.

Lianna smiled and took a sip of the wine, Rocket grabbing the jar beneath his seat. He sat the jar on the table and screwed off the lid, letting the glowing spores light up their table more. Lianna gazed joyfully at the sight of the glowing spores, laying her stare on to Rocket with a happy smile on her face.

They both began to eat when Rocket heard something. His left ear turning to the side to detect what it was. He heard nothing and just continued to cut though his steak with all his might.

-Time Skip-

Gamora was in the distance. Not too far from the date. She watched them eat and play around with the spores, flinging them at each other now and then.

She couldn't but to smile at them, seeing how happy Rocket was. It's been a long time since Rocket had smiled his genuine smile of joy.

Gamora's always had a secret soft side, no matter how cruel she seemed. And that was the reason why she helped him with the date dinner. Sure, she doesn't like getting no credit for something she has done successfully, but it was different on helping a friend with a reasonable and unquestionable need.

But then she felt a presence, very close by. She kicked the person out from under their legs and quickly unsheathed her katana, holding the tip up against under their chin.

It was Peter.

"Oh, sorry." Gamora simply said, removing the katana from his chin. He let out a shakey breath and clambered up on to a sitting position, holding a hand to his chin. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask that until you almOST KILLED M-!" Peter's mouth was quickly covered by Gamora's hand, she gave him a harsh shushing gesture with her hands.

"Don't yell!" She whispered. "They'll hear us!"

"Who?" Peter asked quietly as he removed her hand. She pointed down toward the tree they last slept in, where Lianna and Rocket were dining. "Oooh..." He whispered in realization. Gamora just gave him a 'you're kidding me, you stupid fuck' look.

"What're they doing?" He asked.

"They're on a date." Dhe said a little harshly, still mad at him for almost blowing cover.

"Then, why are you watching them?" He asked again, just slightly scooting closer to her.

"To see how things go." She replied, watching as Lianna playfully bounced a spore off Rocket's nose. "You don't know what Rocket would do if he messed up somethin'."

"Got that right." Peter nodded in agreement, surprisingly earning a small smirk from her. "Hey, uh, didn't you make that?" He pointed to the food.

"Yes." She replied, still carefully watching them.

"Then, aren't you made that Rocket stole the credit from you?"

"No, why should I?" This shocked Peter.

"Gamora, are you sick?" Peter asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"No, just helping out a friend." Gamora said, pushing away only one of Peter's hands. He was again shocked, pulling his hand back to himself. Gamora noticed and knew she must've been freaking Peter out a little.

"It's just--sometimes another sense will come over me, making me a little more helpful for some other's needs." Peter could see her blushing now from embarrassment. He put his hand on her hand and she sheepishly looked over at him.

"I'll won't tell anyone." He said, earning a smile from her. "Just don't tell Lianna I was with you alone. I'll get whipped in the head again." Gamora slightly giggled and gripped Peter's hands a little, watching as the date began to wrap up a little.

-Time Skip-

Lianna was the first to finish, Rocket still trying to eat the other half of his steak without using his hands and teeth. Steaks are damn tough without using my teeth, Rocket thought to himself as he managed to cut off another small chunk.

Lianna was just messing around with the spores as she waited patiently for him to finish. She looked passed the tree and spotted a weird, lumpy figure in the distance.

"Shit! She saw us!" Lianna could recognize that voice a mile away. It was Peter. She soon after found out that Gamora was with him as the both of them ran for the ship in a hurry. I guess I could give the guy some slack, Lianna thought as she watched the hatch come down on the ship. A giant ray of light was shining out from inside the ship.

Rocket saw Lianna distracted and decided to ditch the utensils. He grabbed ahold of the half-eaten steak and took a huge bite out of it. So damn good! He soon felt a little weight on his chest.

It was the sauce, dripping off the steak and on to his tux.

"Fuck!" Rocket quietly cursed, but apparently not quietly enough for Lianna. She looked at the saucy mess upon his tux and mouth, she slyly slipped a smile from her lips. She got up and sat beside Rocket, who was currently trying to clean up the mess on his tux first.

She took his chin in her hands and planted a kiss on his lips. She ran her tongue along the line of his lips, licking up the sauce. She started to take off the top of Rocket's tux as she laid another kiss on his lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth a couple times to taste more of the sauce.

When she broke the kiss, Rocket was topless. He blushed in little embarrassment, but felt clothing being put on him. It was Lianna's over shirt. Smiling at each other, Rocket stood up and planted a kiss on her cheek. She split the steak in half and put him on her shoulders, handing him the one half as she picked up his messy shirt and coat with one hand and blowing out the candle.

They both finished off the steak as they walked downhill to the ship. They got inside, dropped the dirty clothes off at the makeshift laundry room, and went to Rocket's room. Lianna fixed up his bed as he just washed off his chest.

He came out of the bathroom scrubbing a towel against his chest. He opened his door and found Lianna sitting on the bed, waiting for him with a little, flirty smile on her face. He smiled too and climbed under the covers with Lianna, using a remote to turn off the lights.

"Goodnight, sweetie." Rocket said, laying a kiss on her nose. He felt his tux pants pulled off in one swift motion. Lianna threw the pants carelessly over her shoulder with a smile and brought him to her chest, the both of them quickly dozing off.


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