My Little Nightmare || Bitty...


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With Y/N now graduated from high school and now living with her parents, she doesn't have much to do besides... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

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This was it, the day I had been dreading...

I was nervous, EXTREMELY NERVOUS. Not only because I had a DATE, but also because of RAINE!

Nightmares up to something and now that he's gone? I don't want to know what it is..

At this point in time all I wanted was for this date to go smoothly.. dear god I hope it does..

regrettably getting myself both physically and mentally prepared for what I was about to endure, I now had to go through with one of the most painful tasks I've ever experienced.

Getting Nightmare in his cage...

Although Raine had come to pick him up, she would be useless as always... especially when it comes to this..

"Alright! Now, where is that little demon." Raine asked with kitten oven mitts on her hands. Seriously?

I rolled my eyes, knowing this was going to take hours. "He should be in the bedroom... hopefully.." I sighed, fully expecting her to go in and instantly run out in tears like she had multiple times in the past.

Raine made her way over, determination sparkling in her eyes. God, she's always so cheerful, isn't she? It's no wonder Nightmare hates going with her... The thought of Nightmare hanging out with Raine being torture brought a smile to my face. Now he can feel the same suffering that I've felt for years..

Following behind her for extra support, we both cautiously made our way inside, eyeing every corner he could be hiding in. oh fuck.

"D-..Do you see him anywhere??" Raine asked stuttering, clenching her oven mitt covered fists.

"No.." I let out, worried that somehow he was going to sneak out.

Raine had still been standing in the doorway with the door wide open. "Move you dumbass!" I whisper shouted, pushing her inside before shutting the door behind us. "You think leaving the door open for him is gonna help us??" Raine chuckled out of embarrassment.

"Let's just get this over with, I have a tight schedule for today and need to leave soon." Raine nodded, opening the carrier door in preparation while I searched the room.

"Niiiightmare, come on buddy it can't be that bad!" I called out, checking under the drawers where we usually hid when he felt like attacking my feet. "I know Raine can be insufferable at times but I've got a busy day today alright?" Raine huffed at my comment. "Not helping Y/N..."

"fine.." I mumbled back. "Look alright, im trying to leave earlier so I can head down to Miss Huakai's, pick up some more stuff for you. Maybe even a treat or two." I bribed, hoping it could bring him out of his hiding place, nothing...

I groaned, dragging over a chair so I could check the tops of my wardrobe. Peering over the top, nothing once again.

"Where on earth is he-..."

I turned around.


"Seriously?" I sighed, staring at Nightmare who sat on a blade of my ceiling fan, watching down on me with his annoying shit-eating grin. "So are you getting down or am I gonna have ta grab you?" I asked, once again no response.

With a sigh I "admit defeat", stepping off my chair and moving it back over to my desk. But in reality, I was just reaching out for my controller, secretly hiding it in my hands.

"You really are a pain, you know that Nightmare?" I commented, looking up at him as he smiled. oh, you asshole. "but don't think you're safe up there." I said, pulling the remote into his view and setting it to the fastest it could go.

Nightmare was shocked, clearly not thinking this hiding place through. He quickly came flying off although he attempted to grab on with his tentacles.

jumping out to catch him before he hit the wall, I quickly shoved him into his carrier before he had the chance to fight back, locking the cage door.

I sighed, dropping myself down to the height of my desk. "Look buddy, you're only going to be there for a couple of hours, you're tough enough to hold out until then."

After the other day when Nightmare came back from Raine's, I knew I needed to think of something, some way to deal with Nightmares behaviour. Maybe it was my exhaustion that gave me this new attitude, too bothered to think of the consequences, I dunno.

I mean it seemed to be working pretty well. so all this time I just needed to be an asshole back to him? I mean maybe... That might cause him to be more troublesome though... God, I have too much to think about right now.

"There" I stood up to face Raine, "He's in, now I gotta rush. I need to meet with Daniel and still make it to Miss Huakai's afterwards so I gotta go. Be good Nightmare!" I called out, shutting my bedroom door to leave before Raine could give any input.

Well, that's one problem solved. I thought to myself, shutting the front door behind me.

Now while I didn't care in the slightest if Nightmare was good or not for Raine, i couldn't help but feel nervous about what he had said.

"What makes you think im planning something, hm?" His voice repeated in my mind over and over. He was like a mosquito flying around your room at night, just being an asshole.

Don't worry about that for now, you have bigger things to worry about for the moment.

I crossed the street, making my way in the direction of the cafe and Miss Huakai's. My heart began to race slightly faster than normal and the palms of my hands were beginning to sweat. Anxiety and dread, creeping up on me with a hint of excitement.

Wait, I was EXCITED for this??

I mean, I thought Daniel was cute and all and that I should give him a shot, but I wasn't ACTUALLY excited right??? That's not like me..

Eh, maybe it's just the excitement of the free food I'd be getting.

Published 31st July 2021 12:45 am

Working on date chap atm, thx to Corgi_Master_007 for the reminder ;P

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