Stay On Track (Bangpink AU)

By hjandali

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~47~ finale
Author's Note


18 0 4
By hjandali

(T/W: knives, violence, blood, hint of sexual abuse)


Jungkook and Jimin binged 10 episodes of Friends before yawning. Their eyes were sore from staring at the T.V nonstop. Meanwhile, Yoongi and Rosie discussed future projects that she could start with.

"I've always wanted to do a whole concept album, revolving around a personal theme. So this is  super exciting to me!" Rosie squeals, making Yoongi smile.

"I'm excited to see what side of Rosie you'll put out there." He shuts his notebook filled with notes and leans back on his chair, stretching his body further under the table. "Good brainstorming today. We can continue this tomorrow, boys, you have to head back home."

"UGH" Both Jimin and Jungkook sigh loudly, knowing that they can't stay in this fridge of a house any longer. "Can't we just sleep over? Me and Jimin can share the couch!"

"NO." Jimin immediately refuses, making Jungkook slump. "Do you have any idea how many times you kicked me in your sleep when you first moved in and didn't have a bed yet?"

"But people change!" Jungkook argues, but Jimin was already walking to the door. "Jiminnn!!" He cries out, making Rosie giggle at his child-like persona.

"Actually, you guys can stay here for the night, isn't the mechanic coming tomorrow? One night here won't hurt. If you want, I can even bring Lisa over. It'll be fun! I have enough pillows and blankets for all of us!" Rosie offers, making Jimin and Jungkook face her with glitter in their eyes.

"THANK YOU." They both sprint to the singer and kneel in front of her in gratitude.

"oh my god, both of you better get up before I kick you." she jokingly threatens, making them both stand up quickly.

"Well doesn't the café close by now? I can go fetch her. Jimin, stay here and help Rosie set up pillows and blankets and maybe 2 movies to watch." Jungkook says as he exits the door with the manager, who waves goodbye in the process.

Jimin begins the process of transferring pillows from a hidden closet to the living room couches, while Rosie cleans up the trash that both boys left behind after their binging.

"Gosh you guys never throw out your snack wrappers. When you're in my place, you clean up after yourselves, okay?" She scolds like a mother, which shouldn't be surprising. She's a clone of her mother, is what people around them always say.

"Woah wait." Jimin halts his actions. "The way you grabbed that bag, it sounded oddly like some sort of tune." He begins to mimic the tune with his lips, a short sound that somehow sounds like an instrument. After repeating the tune over and over, Rosie catches on and sounds out a different tune as a continuation. They both look at each other at the same time, eyes widened by their sudden creation.

"Q-quick! Record it on your phone!" Rosie orders, which Jimin immediately does. "Oh my gosh, is this seriously how you produce songs? This is so cool!" She giggles at the thought of using everyday sounds to make a hit song.

"You'd be surprised. One time, I farted in the shower and that sound soon became a number one hit collab with a featured singer." Jimin comments further, making them both laugh at the random trivia fact.

The rest of the night was filled with more cleaning and random noises escaping their lips. Slowly piecing together a potential song.


Yoongi and Jungkook part ways as he reaches his car. They give one last handshake before separating. "Stay safe Kookie." Yoongi says before entering his car, while Jungkook smiles widely. That nickname just does it for him.

The night was calming and quiet. The only visible sounds were his footsteps and breathing, and maybe his thoughts if that counts. Jungkook doesn't usually leave the house at night alone, he always has the producer by his side. So being alone wasn't so bad, it's therapeutic. 

Bloom's was a walking distance from Rosie's place, so it didn't take too long for him to reach the front of the café. However, the interior was dark. He leans closer to the window, his nose squishing onto the glass, flattening his nose like squidward.

"hm, I guess she left." He says before pulling away, his nose turning light red. But somehow, an odd voice in his head told him to open the door. He knows the café is closed, and the door is most definitely locked. But maybe it's his childish instinct that insisted on opening the door for fun. What he didn't expect was for the door to creek open effortlessly.

"w-what the.." He steps in slowly, brain switching to defense mode. "H-hello?" he calls out, his voice echoing throughout the quiet café. "Lisa you irresponsible plastic fork, you forgot to lock the door. Wanna get robbed?" He stutters out with a pout, somehow feeling like he should be looking after her constantly.




The sound of moving fabric and muffles makes its way to the quiet scene. Jungkook stops himself from exiting, now intrigued by the sudden sounds. "L-lisa?" he calls out once again, which only escalated the muffled sounds. He tip toes towards the source of the sound, hearing his steps echoing around the dining area. Just as he reaches the counter, his eyes widen at the sight, his heart feels like it stopped beating. It was too dark to see the clear image, but he could make out a few triggering sights.

Hands tied, a thin strip of fabric covering Lisa's mouth, her bear chest to the point of being fully exposed, the rest of her clothes thrown further to the back of the kitchen, and her face full of bruises.

And her eyes.

Her fearful eyes filled with tears. As soon as she sees him, she begins to let out loud muffled screams. She wasn't able to let out words, but her eyes were giving some sort of warning.

A warning to look back.

Jungkook's ears perk up at the sounds behind him, his instinct triggering him to look back and defend. Just as he looks back, a dark figure raises its arm, a knife in hand.

Lisa muffles out a loud scream, which Jungkook tries to block out.

With his left hand, he grabs the wrist that contained the knife, and used his other fist to throw a powerful punch, making the figure step back before charging once again. Jungkook uses the counter behind him to support himself and kick his foot up to knock the knife off of the intruder, which sent the knife flying across the dining area.

In the meantime, Lisa was flailing around the floor, trying to escape the rope that tied her wrists together.

The man quickly charges at Jungkook with no hesitation and throws him off the counter towards the dining table nearby, the impact of his body breaks the table in half.

"argh!" Jungkook grunts as he tries to stand back up. He won't give up just yet. "Lisa stay where you are!" He shouts before he was back on his feet, fists up. That's when he noticed the familiar smile appearing on the figure's face. "Y-Yin?"

The man charges towards the bodyguard and holds him by the collar, making his back slam onto the wall. He quickly uses one of his hands to throw a punch straight towards Jungkook's jaw, then another punch with his other hand towards his lip, blood splattering across the floor.

"You should not have come. You will regret this" Yin grunts as he kicks between Jungkook's legs, making him yelp in pain. Yin watches as Jungkook falls to the ground while breathing heavily, blood dripping from his mouth. "I'll make sure you never escape out of here with news to the cops. I'll let you go if you promise not to tell anyone of anything you witnessed." Yin smirks down at Jungkook. But the younger only looks up at him with a sly smirk, wiping the dripping blood that escapes his chapped lips.

"You wish, b****" Jungkook growls, then jumps up, causing his head to meet Yin's nose in a strong force. As soon as he was in the right posture, Jungkook grabs the man's wrist and twists it, using his whole body to slam him face first to the floor. Now straddling Yin on his back with one hand holding his arm behind, he uses his other hand to punch the side of his head, knocking him out instantly. After a couple of minutes of panting, trying to catch his breathe, he checks the other's pulse.

"Meh, he'll wake up soon enough." He says with an innocent smile, despite his messy face. He slowly stands up, wincing from his aching body, and stumbles towards a light switch. As soon as the light bulbs turn on, he raises his eyebrows at the scene he caused. "I have a lot of explaining to do, huh." Lisa hums in agreement from a distance. "Oh sh**, Lisa!" He hurriedly sprints towards the younger, but the sight made his face instantly red.

She was technically naked.

"Sh- I mean, c-crap. I'm s-sorry! I-I d-didn't see anything!!" He covers his eyes and turns away. "L-let me get you something to cover you so I can untie you. I don't think the cops would feel comfortable seeing you like this either." She only responds with another exhausted muffle. He fetches an apron and blindly throws it on top of Lisa. Hesitantly, he looks back at her covered figure, sighing in relief that he still remains to be a holy child. "Here let me untie you."

Jungkook grabs the knife that almost stabbed him earlier, and runs behind Lisa, who was laying on the floor from exhaustion. He doesn't know how long she's been fighting off Yin but it's evident by her tired and puffy eyes. Although he noticed it before, but under the bright lights, he could clearly see the amount of injuries that Yin planted on her face.

"That son of a b****." Jungkook spits out before freeing her wrists. "Here, take my hoodie and wear it for now, just until the cops come in. I'll turn away. Let me know when you're done." He stands up and pulls off the hoodie he wore. Thank god he had a shirt underneath. He placed it next to her and walks over to where Yin laid, making sure he was still there.

After a few minutes of shuffling, Lisa stands up with her old pair of pants and Jungkook's hoodie.

"why would you have a hoodie on while it's hot outside." Lisa finally asks after taking off the fabric that sealed her mouth.

"Well I-"

"why didn't you take care of yourself more?" she interrupts, her voice getting louder and shakier.

"I mean-"

"You have the hands to change clothes and legs to walk to go shopping"

"Lisa I know-"

"AT LEAST YOU WEREN'T HELD BACK FROM DOING ANYTHING AND WATCHED TO THE POINT THAT YOU FELT SUFFOCATED" She shouts out before realizing her sudden behavior. "I- I'm sorry..." she slowly crouches down to her knees and cries into her hands.

"It's okay, I know you're stressed out" Jungkook crouches down to her level and reaches his hand to her shoulder to comfort her  

"D-don't touch me!!" She suddenly yelps, making Jungkook retract his hand. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"No it's fine, I should've been more considerate" Jungkook stands up and watches as the siren lights flash towards his face, coloring his face with a red and blue hue.

The cops walk into the scene and began their questioning. One of them talks to Lisa separately while the other talks to Jungkook. After the investigation was over, they cuff Yin and escort him to a cop car, isolating both youngins.

"Let me take you to Hobi's place." Jungkook offers, but Lisa immediately shakes her head in refusal

"No please! I can't have Hobi see me like this! Please don't tell him any of this happened! He'll flip out on me and start blaming himself for everything! I beg you don't tell him!" She says desperately, shaking is shoulders for the true begging effect.

"Okay okay, don't worry I won't! I'm assuming he doesn't know of whatever has been going on with you?" He asks, getting a nod in response. "Okay then, let me take you to Rosie's. Me and Jimin are staying over since our AC is broken"


"No buts! You need to be in a warm safe zone with lots of people to take care of you" Jungkook scolds at her refusal, but she wasn't having it.

"I'm not going. You can't make me. Rosie would fall apart if she sees me like this, especially since I've been ghosting her for weeks." Lisa crosses her arms, indicating that she wasn't moving anytime soon.

"Lisa do you have any idea who I am? I am Jeon Jungkook, a body builder. And I can easily carry a twig like you all the way there with no effort"

"T-TWIG?!" Lisa parts her mouth in offense.

"Yeah. You heard me. TWIG. Want me to spell it out for you?" Lisa rolls her eyes.

"Since you helped me, I'll go." She says with a visible pout, making Jungkook smirk at his victory. Maybe winning arguments against girls wasn't a myth. She walks behind the counter to grab her clothes. "Let's go before I change my mind."

"You know Lisa, you scare me sometimes." He admits with a chuckle, trying to lighten her agitated state. 

"I know. I scare myself all the time" she says, quietly following him out the door. She turns to lock the door, the sound of clicking seals the door shut.

Just as they start walking, Lisa notices Jungkook limping, wincing every time his foot touches the ground. His hand pressing against his pained stomach.

"Lean onto my shoulder, you're limping" Lisa offers, but Jungkook straightens his posture.

"I don't need your help. I'm a man, I can handle pain" he says proudly, but Lisa saw right through him.



"Your crying" Jungkook sniffles back his pain, then shakes his head in defense.

"T-that's man tears to you" he wipes away a single tear from the corner of his eyes before placing his elbow on her shoulder. "Thank you though."

"It's whatever. I owe you a lot" she says quietly with all sincerity.

"Nah it's fine. I care about your well being. I grew up without any siblings so, consider this a family favor."


"Yeah. I see you as a big sis, you know? Sissy Mississippi?" Lisa stops her walking and gives him a crooked eyebrow.

"If I were your sister, I'd much rather mail myself to an orphanage" she sasses back before proceeding with her steps.


Even after such a traumatizing event, Lisa still has that Lili effect in her to make her stronger. She didn't want Jungkook to worry much, so she suppressed her tears and shaken state for the rest of the walk. 

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