Sinbound: Armageddon

By ElenaForestNovels

10.8K 615 524

Ayça, the Queen of Evil and Midgard's antichrist, has accepted her royal status after the epic battle and dem... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Sinbound: Variants teaser
New fanfiction out!

Part 21

252 16 0
By ElenaForestNovels

Thor's hammer crashes down onto the floor, cracking the black tile. We all jump, startled by the abrupt intrusion. It illuminates the situation going on outside, since now there's a giant hole in the glass windows. We hear car horns honking, metal being crushed, and civilians screaming. We all share a terrified look with each other and watch Thor's hammer retract out of the room. 

"Hela." We all say in sync.

We rush to get up, Tony is inside his suit in seconds. Peter rushes to get his suit on while I make mine appear with a flash of red around my body. I turn to face Loki, who's in his stunning Asgardian attire. I'll never get over that cape.

We all run to the window and look out. That's Hela alright. 

"Are you ready for this, kid?" Tony Asks through his suit.

"Now is as good as any time, I guess."

"Then go kick some ass." He says, then launches himself out of the broken glass window. 

"Peter?" I look to him, gesturing down to the ground below us. 

"Hold on tight!" He says, pulling me into him and swinging us down by a web. Loki meets us down there, landing right next to me. I cover my head, ducking a car being hauled over our heads. When I stand back up, I look around for anyone I know. I see Steve and Natasha fighting together and run over to them. Peter and Loki separate, defending themselves.

"Have you seen her yet, Cap?" I ask, blasting a plasma towards a warrior that was attacking him.

"Not yet, but I don't think she's far behind these guys!"

"What about Banner?" I ask next. Steve just points past me, and I turn to see him scaling a building to reach a group of enemies at the top of it. "I'm guessing that's where Hela is!" I say, and begin running over to it. I fight my way through Hela's warriors, slashing my twin blades around me to clear a path.

"Loki!" Scream, seeing someone come up from behind him. I toss my dagger and it hits him, right as Loki turns around to stab him. He rips my knife out of the guy's back and throws it back to me. 

"Go, Hela is on top of that building!" He tells me.

"Oh, she is? Well, that makes it easy!" Tony says, soaring over us and flying straight up the building. I keep going, then run up a pile of mutilated cars to take flight, spreading my wings to catch myself. Ok, I hope everyone saw that because that was really badass.

I fly up into the air, the wind stinging my face slightly. The beat of my wings propelling me upwards is all that I can hear against the wind in my ears, and I soon find myself hovering over the city.

I land on the rooftop, only to see Hela strangling Tony. The metal is crushing under her hand, causing him to be powerless against her.

"Let him go!" I scream frantically, hearing him gasp for air.

"Two fathers down, one to go." She says, giving his neck one more squeeze before he falls the ground. 

"DAD!" I scream, running to his lifeless body. "Jarvis? Are you there?" I ask, the urgency in my voice alarms even me.

"I am here. Tony is alive, but barely. He needs urgent care." The AI responds.

"What a shame, then." Hela says, shoving him off the edge with her foot. I scream out and look over the edge, seeing Hulk catch him and bring him safely down to the ground. Thank god. I stand to face Hela. We're alone on the rooftop.

"Ayca." She says, greeting me.

"Hela." I say back with the same tone.

"One last chance?" She asks.

"You've been too gracious, but my answer is still no." I growl.

"Then you will die." She says, reaching her hand out to grab my face by my chin, placing the other on my forehead. I see a flash of white and a vision she's forcing me to see. It's... my death.

"That's not real!" I say, shoving her back.

"I'm not the trickster, you stupid girl."

"But I am." I say, appearing behind her while I have kept an illusion of myself for her to talk to. I stab her in the back, and she yells out in pain. "Have fun getting that one out!" I say, appearing in front of her and stabbing her in the gut. She screams again, ripping it out and stabbing me.

Fuck, that hurts, but it goes away quickly. I pull the weapon out of my body, feeling a tingling pain as the wound heals itself. That immortality is coming into play well.

"I see you've learned from your mistakes." She observes.

"I don't wanna hear it, Hela. You've sent your hounds of hell for me already, but today I'm gonna serve it to you." I say, slashing my sharp nails across her face. She comes back at me, fierce and raging. We fight on the rooftop, knowing that we won't get anywhere. I am immortal and she is the goddess of death, we cannot kill each other. Neither of us can win at this game that we are both overqualified for.

I am getting out of breath. This bitch just won't quit! "Stop!" I yell, as if it would do anything. She does actually pause before launching at me with a spear. I lift off the ground, letting my wings carry me into the air. I come back down, hard on top of her and pin her to the ground. "I said stop!" I growl. My skin starts smoking and my vision goes red. This might be my only chance.

Suddenly I'm knocked over by one of her warriors. I tumble to the ground, almost toppling over the edge of the roof. I can see the city below me. Tony's no where in sight, and the fight has carried deeper into the city. I don't see one goddamn avenger anywhere. 

She picks me up by my hair, and I yell in pain. I grab her wrist, and her skin starts burning. The steam and smell of burning flesh comes quickly, and she tries to get away. I let go and she almost looks... scared. 

From behind her, I see Thor charging up to come down with a hard hit to the roof with his hammer. Hela turns to face him just as he hits down. I duck from the lightening while she's thrown off the building. Thor looks at me, electricity shooting across his skin. I nod at him once, then fly down to Hela.

She's standing in front of her big, ugly dog, barely a scratch on her. Damnit. I at least wanted to see her fried from the lightening.

"I'm noticing a power struggle between us, seeing as neither of us are giving up!" I call to her, letting the tips of my wings drag in the rubble on the ground. "More so just a struggle on your part, though." I smirk arrogantly at her, trying to stand tall.

"I advise you to give up, child."

"Sorry Hela, but I don't take well to authority, even to those who haven't earned it."

"Watch your mouth, you foolish girl!" She says, then turns to command her giant dog after me. I fly into the air, ready to attack, when it runs past me. Confused, I turn to watch it gallop towards someone else... towards Loki.

I scream out to him while Thor begins to fight Hela. I'm too late, Fenrir has Loki in his teeth. That's it, she's crossed a line.

I get raging mad, more so than I've ever been before. Then it happens.

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