By musicialtie

444K 32.7K 2.6K

It's story of a girl who is the craziest fan of the rockstar of the nation. Her only dream is to meet him jus... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Hello there world,, I am back!!!
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Author note
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79

Part 60

2.3K 278 52
By musicialtie

" Ohh, it feels like the old days!! " Abhi sighed happily hugging his best friends.

"Yes, its been a while we three are together like this. I was seriously missing you guys!" Sriya exclaimed in the hug.

" ohh, I so love you guys!!! " Nandini shed happy tears and hugged them tighter.

They were sitting in the cafeteria of the Westend Mall in Pune and chatting their hearts out. Sriya as per their paln, met Abhi and Nandini in the mall and then they just couldn't help but exclaimed in joy seeing eachother after so many days.

Abhi signalled Sriya and on its cue, she said clearing her throat  " So, I believe you have some explanation to do, Ms Nandini Moorthy "

Nandini choked on her pizza and asked startled " What? W...What are you talking about?"

Abhi sighed and said " Look Nandu, we know there's something you are hiding from us. "

Nandini just sat there trying to mask her palpitating heartbeats in the fear of getting her 'little secret' out which was actually not so little secret.

Seeing her feigning mask, he continued
" Throughout the entire ride, I saw you hooked up to your phone, you were messaging someone constantly. You were terribly upset when we started from Mumbai. You were cried out loud like you were leaving something behind. Moreover that, I still don't know where is your grandfather's flat you are staying at. And, you never allow me to drive you to college or drop. Hell, we don't even hang out anymore Like we used to do. "

Nandini was stunned seeing the outburst of Abhi. She knew how hurt he was because of her difficult behavior recently. But  she had  to do what she had to do save her relationship with Manik. And, looked like it somehow costed her relationship with her friends.

"Abhi... Woh.." she stammered with finding the proper words. She had already decided to inform about her relationship to them on her birthday. That would be the best way according to her logic. But it needed to wait for another week.

" Abhi, calm down. " Sriya, the always more composed and mature among three friends said calmly and then she turned her gaze to Nandini.

" I don't know what is going on with you Nandu, but I am sure you will going to tell us. And I am expecting this soon, sooner the best. "

Before Nandini could protest, she continued " I have turned a blind eye till now as I know you always have been more open when your heart wants it to, and I honestly admire that part about you. But, that doesn't mean I have shut this thoughts down that why do we not know the details of your apartment and how are you managing with the expenses without any help from us. You are always been a part of my family Nandu, so I loved taking care of you. But, its been months you started rejecting my help. And, don't tell me the little amount in your bank is what is helping you go through your life. So, I am waiting patiently for you to open up and you better have a great explanation for everything. "

Nandini gulped her saliva down and slowly freed the breath she was holding. She was feeling really guilty to hide such Great news of her life from her friends who were her support system, who loved and accepted her as their own family. But, it was not an easy to discuss news over a cup of coffee. Like 'hey guys, lovely to see you and before I forget, I am dating The Rockstar Manik Malhotra and having a live-in relationship. Oh and by the way, it is a secret from the world.!!!'

Sriya noticed the changes of emotions playing on Nandini 's face and her intuition of Nandini hiding something just proved it absolutely correct.

But, she knew, they had to wait for her to open up as Nandini was always a tough cookie when it comes to sharing her deep emotions other than it was for that Rockstar Malhotra she was obsessed with. She could go miles and dozen about him and her feelings for him in a heartbeat.
And, she was genuinely ecstatic when she got to know that Nandini got him as mentor also, she was doing an album with him. She knew her best friend deserved it not only as a student but as the craziest fan who sacrificed so much just to get a single glance of The Rockstar.

All she was sacred of loosing her lost-in craziness-for-a-celebrity best friend. She knew the Bollywood glamour world was cruel and Nandini getting involved in any tiny possible way with The Manik Malhotra was something dreading her heart. She was scared for her naive best friend to face any heartbreak, because if the reason was Manik Malhotra, then none would be able to save Nandini From getting shattered, she was that much deep into that Rockstar.

So, she silently prayed to God, to keep her friend's craziest-fan feelings in check while she would  be around That insanely famous notorious arrogant Rockstar and also Billionaire of  nation.

Little did she knew that her crazy friend was already drawn and sank in deep in love sea. Not alone, together with that Rockstar himself. And, her craziest fan friend was then actually painting the life of The Rockstar.

" Guys, yes, there's something I want to share eagerly with you two, but trust me when I am saying this, just allow me few more days, will let you know everything. But have faith in me and little patient " She requested and both Abhi and Sriya nodded affirmatively seeing the eagerness in her hopeful  eyes.

" Yyyaayyy!!! " she exclaimed in happiness tugging both of them in a tight hug.

" Alright, it getting late, lets to back to my place and then tomorrow will have our celebration!! Also do shopping for Nandu's birthday! " Sriya proposed and then they started walking out of the Mall.

While walking she suddenly came across a banner of Vouge India magazine and there stood her devilishly handsome yet hopelessly romantic boyfriend emerging from a pool wearing nothing but a flimsy white wife-beater and boxers which were clinging on his sculpted torso like second skin allowing her to ogle all the good places of his body. He was holding a guitar as well. Her body on its very familiar accord reacted and she felt clenching between her legs. They still didn't reach to that intimate  place yet, but, she was all ready to change that next week on her birthday. It would be a return gift to Manik. And, boy was she prepared!

Suddenly she started missing him terribly and it was like the unique bond they had, her phone chimed indicating another zillion message from her Word's King. In that 7 hours span, Manik had sent her numerous msgs demanding her whereabouts which she replied every time without missing a heartbeat.

The look on his face when she stepped out his car that morning showed her how vulnerable her presence had made him. It broke her heart to see him so upset but his doubts of whether she was coming back to him, was something shattered her soul. She then and there understood how deeply he loved her and somehow it gave her heart immense warmth.

"Soon My World's King soon, I will be back soon " she whispered still staring at the giant festoon of Manik.

Abhi suddenly turned his attention back finding Nandini unmoving and his gaze followed her to Manik's poster.

" Seriously, Nandu!!!! " he sighed deeply walking to her followed by Sriya.

" U get to see him so closely yet you still drooling on his posters. Unbelievable! " he exasperated dramatically bringing Nandini's attention back to her friends.

She secretly  blushed with his comments and retorted back boldly saying " Haan toh, I can ogle him any time and anywhere. He is my World's King. And, only a Queen is allowed to drool and cherish her King."

" My goodness Nandu, you are getting cheesier day by day! " Abhi chuckled and slipped his one hand around her shoulder and another around  Sriya.

They all laughed and winking secretly to the poster Nandini followed her friends outside of the mall completely forgetting to reply back to Manik's recent message.


Here in Mumbai M-label's office, Manik was getting restless. Its been 15 minutes, Nandini didn't respond back to his messages. Thrice!

' What are you doing? I am missing you like anything baby.'     sent at 6:58 pm

' Nandini? Busy? ' sent at 7:02 pm

' Nandini where the hell are you? Why the hell are you not responding? Are you okay? Did anything happen to you? Reply me back dammit! Am dying over here in anxiety. "

Sent at 7:10 pm

He kept staring at the messages he had sent to her, impatiently. He was getting anxious with each passing seconds. All horrible scenarios were crossing his mind. His trembling fingers were itching to dial her number but her strict instructions prohibited him to call her during her stay with her friends. So, he was helpless.

Manik Malhotra was helpless! Also, hopeless in love!

He waited for another  good minute, and then abruptly summoned Aman in his office.

Desperate times demands desperate measures!

"Pass me your phone."  was his straight command as soon as he saw Aman entered in his office.

" S..Sir! " confused Aman uttered seeing his boss's sudden restlessness. He was in perfectly good mood an  hour ago, then what possibly triggered this sudden mood change. He wondered. But, one thing he was sure of, that might directly or indirectly concerned Nandini mam because only when it's came to Nandini mam, his arrogant careless beast boss became extremely in love lover - prince.

" Give me your phone, you fool " Manik shouted again grabbing his Manager's attention back.

Anan hurriedly passed him his phone and without wasting a single second he dialed Nandini 's.


They were in Abhi's car driving to Sriya's place. Suddenly Nandini's phone started ringing. She pulled out her phone from her bag dreading whether it was Manik. But, her logical mind assured her that he wouldn't call ignoring her request. So, when she saw the caller as Aman, suddenly her heart skipped Fearfully if anything happened to Manik. And, that mere thought scared her to the core and she hurriedly answered  the call.

" H..Hello Ama...." before she could finish, Manik's panic shout paused her.

" What the hell is this Nandini? Where are you? Why the fuck are you not responding to my messages? Did something happen? Are you alright? Tell me. I am coming. "

" NO!!" she exclaimed suddenly grabbing attention of her friends who were sitting in the front.

Understanding the situation she had created. And, though she was shocked receiving Manik 's call that too from Aman sir's phone, which was completely unlikely mighty Manik Malhotra.  She then and there understood the anxiousness in his voice and somehow the fault was her as she forgot to respond him back even though knowing how tensed he would be.

She composed herself infront of her friends and then replied " A..Aman sir, hello.  "

" Don't Hello me, Nandini Moorthy." Manik sternly retorted.

Nandini felt like giggling listening his childish whining. But composed herself getting two pairs of curious gazes.

" Yes, Sir. I am fine, thank you for asking. And, I am in Pune currently, I will be back Sunday evening, so I can drop by to the office on Monday if it's okay with you. "  she then indicated her friends saying the call was from M-lebel office.

Manik fetched the hidden mock with her 'sir' and an euphoric teasing he felt in his south region.

" Oh baby! " he sighed silently imagining Nandini and her shy whilst alluring touches.

His pleasant sigh didn't go unheard by Nandini and unknowingly a blush crept on her cheeks understanding his train of thoughts. The both kept silent for few seconds relishing each other's breathing.

" I miss you " he whispered after  breaking the silence.

She was overwhelmed all over again knowing the love he had for her.

" So am I. " she replied back lovingly, gaining  frowns on her friend's faces and then quickly added clearing her voice to damage control " I am also excited for the album. I appreciate it truly. Have a nice evening sir."

Manik understood that he had to hang up before they uncovered their relationship to her friends with expressing their feelings which were all over the places then. And, he knew, even though Nandini was trying hard to reply with composed way, he very well knew how her face must be marred with her signature tomato color blush. It was enough to give away their secret. And, Nandini would kill him if he would let that happen before her birthday when she had planned to sit with them face to face to reveal about their relationship.

"Okay, I am hanging up. Just don't forget to reply back please, it kills me and come back home fast. I love u baby. " saying quietly he hung up the call completely forgetting the presence of his manager.

He let his manager encounter such vulnerable private moment accidentally, irritated him. That moment was only for him and her. So it really irked him knowing that he just gave a first class front row seat to his loyal manager to witness his private moment.

Aman was in awe encountering such lovable moment of his arrogant boss. He would be happy to bet his life to the media who had nicknamed him as Rude Arrogant Brat of Music industry. How pathetically wrong they were! He became mesmerized with every emotions played across Manik's face while he was on call and his respect and adoration for his boss increased another level.

Manik awkwardly cleared his throat and threatened
"One word about this out and you are fired Aman. You get that? "

Aman chuckled nervously to his boss's empty childish threat he was getting from the very beginning of this employment.
" Sure thing, boss "

" Now, out." Manik barked throwing Aman's phone to him.

And, the beast was back!Aman thought and  walked out of the lion's den hurriedly.

Manik's phone then  dinged with a new notification.

" Nandini!!!!" Manik sighed happily opening the new message 

" I love you too my World's King."  it read.

With that all his bad mood, anxiety flew away and a happy content smile kissed his face. All because of his craziest fan-girlfriend.

That was love!

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