Power to Strive

By freetimewriter_

242K 4.9K 2.1K

First Things first! This Story doesnt belong to me. It belongs to ii-phoenix-ii on fanfiction.net. I don't ow... More

Fall of Shinganshina Part I
The Fall of Shinganshina Part II
Humanity's Comeback Part I
Humanity's Comeback Part II
First Battle
The World The Girl Saw
Small Blade
Left Arm
Primitive Desire
Eyes Yet to Be Seen
The Special Ops Squad
What Needs to Be Done
The Female Titan
Forest of Giant Trees
The Bite
Erwin Smith
Crushing Blow
The Defeated
No Regrets Part I
No Regrets Part II
Ymir Speaks
Ilse's Notebook
The Torturous Curse of Youth
Book 2 is Out!


6.3K 144 87
By freetimewriter_

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: The Female Titan's identity is revealed. They believe she had something to do with Marco's death. Levi observes Ymir. Hange vows revenge and Eren almost has a revelation.


"Armin, I'm glad I could be a good person for you. You've won your bet." Annie said with a mad look on her face. "But this is where my gamble begins!" She brought her hand up to her mouth.

Armin instantly shot off the flare gun. Scouts surged from their hiding places, surrounding her. Annie nicked her finger with the blade in her ring and lightning burst out.

Eren stopped running, glancing back to see the Female Titan's body forming, eyes wide and mouth open in shock.

Erwin's voice narrated. "We've identified the person likely to be the Female Titan." The Female Titan opened an eye, staring down at Eren. "Her name is…"

"Annie!" Eren said.

She was absorbed into the nape and the Female Titan stood tall.

Eren quickly turned and ran as rocks fell.


[A Few Days Earlier]

The former Survey Corps HQ appeared.

"They're late." A small candle lit the almost empty mess hall. "Erwin and his damn folk are making me wait. Our Military Police escorts are gonna arrive first." Levi took a sip of his tea. "Maybe he's constipated again."

"There's that shitty sense of humor again."

"Connie, just don't," Mikasa sighed.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Everyone's been feeling really crappy because of the last few episodes."

"Really, dude? Puns?" Jean rolled his eyes.

"You're just annoyed because I'm the funniest one of the batch and you'll always be number two."

Several people groaned.

"We've been here for hours and watching TV. I guess I can't expect you guys to fully appreciate my sense of humor when you're so pooped."

That brought another round of groans.

"Alright, alright," Connie held up his hands, "I'll stop. From the looks on your faces, I can tell you're dung with me."

That earned him more dirty looks but the veterans seemed mildly amused.

"Sorry. Had to get one last one in. Continue, sir," he told the commander.

"You're quite talkative today, Captain," Eren commented, sitting at the far end of the table.

"Cut me some slack. Talkativeness is in my personality."

The recruits chuckled.

They were silent.

Levi put the teacup down and winced. He touched his injured leg, letting out an annoyed grunt.

"I'm sorry," Eren said quietly, looking down. "It was all my fault."

"It's not your fault. That's on me," Mikasa said.

"If only I'd made the right decision…" Eren's fists trembled in his lap.

Eren took a deep breath. Don't get frustrated. Just do better. It hasn't happened. I won't let it.

"I told you," Levi said. "No one could have foreseen the outcome."

Several people coughed pointedly.

"Yes, you all saw the cracks in the plan," Hange said. "But the outcome wasn't etched in stone. We could have still caught her..."

"Cracks? More like gaping holes," Ymir muttered under her breath.

The door creaked open. Eren stood up.

"Sorry for being late." Erwin's voice was heard.

"Not at all," Eren said. "You guys…" Armin, Mikasa, and Jean were among the people standing with the commander. "Uhh…"

"We've identified the person likely to be the Female Titan," Erwin spoke, his words surprising the Shifter. "This time we will catch her."

Armin, Mikasa, and Jean stood silently.

The recruits looked on skeptically.

She transformed. I'd say the plan has already failed. Again. Christa hoped they had a back-up in place this time.

"The operation will begin the day after tomorrow," the commander said.

A map of the Walls was open on the table before them.

"The location is Stohess, where we'll be passing en route to the royal court. This is our one and only chance," Erwin said, Eren and Armin sitting across from him. "If we can't escape there, you'll inevitably fall into the hands of the authorities."

Levi and Mikasa sat blank-faced.

"Then it'll be even harder to pursue those who scheme to destroy the Walls. Humanity's annihilation will become even more imminent."

Not all of humanity. But our people definitely. Petra thought. It was still mind-boggling to think there were other civilizations—or at least one—still out there. It completely changed their perspective on the war. Human vs. human. She wondered why the Shifters had attacked the people of the Walls. We've been locked in here for a century. What had happened back then that they couldn't let it go even after a hundred years?

"We must bet everything we have on this operation."

Eren nodded, face grim and serious.

"The plan is as follows: While we're passing through Stohess," the commander traced the route with his finger, "Eren, you'll act as bait to lure the target to this tunnel. If you can bring her into its depths, then even if she transforms, she won't have the space to utilize her power. But if by any chance she transforms before then, we'll have to rely on you, Eren."

"Yes, sir."

"Try not to fuck up again," Jean said.

Eren gritted his teeth but kept quiet.

"I'm not trying to be a dick," he said after a pause.

"I know. I've bungled up enough already."

Aw. Petra smiled. They're not tearing at each other's throats.

"Are we certain our target is in Stohess?" Eren asked.

"Yes. She's in the Police."

"The Police?"

"Armin figured it all out," Erwin said and Eren looked at him. "She's also suspected of killing those two captive Titans. She might be your former fellow trainee from the 104th."

"Hold on now!" Eren's eyes bugged out. "The 104th?!"

"The name of the woman suspected to be the Female Titan is…"



The explosion sent several Scouts flying.

The Female Titan stood, transformation complete.

"Annie Leonhart," Erwin's voice finished.

Blood had splattered the walls of the tunnel. Armin and Eren stared at the crushed and bloodied bodies.

"Shit!" Armin cursed when a massive arm came in.

Mikasa yanked Eren and the three ran away as the hand came after them.

Sasha shivered. Creepy.

"Damn! The way she was acting… She must've seen through me right away!" Armin said. "She knew we were gonna ambush her underground!"

The large hand searched for them blindly.

"There must've been some other way to do this!"

Another way. Erwin thought about the flaws in the plan they had used. Primarily the blatant lack of people and leading her underground. But if that's how she's expecting to be ambushed, it wouldn't raise her suspicions if they traveled above ground. And if they were surrounded by people, he didn't think she'd be suspicious then. But plain-clothed Scouts pretending to be average people won't be enough.

They would need actual civilians, including children, to be mixed among the soldiers, but they couldn't risk that. Most civilians wouldn't put themselves in danger like that—or be good enough liars to put on a convincing show of going about a regular day—much less put their children in the middle of it. But Erwin didn't intend for it to reach that far. He planned to successfully capture the Female Titan in the Forest of Giants Trees. The TV had already provided them with plenty of info and shown where and how things could go wrong. But he had also learned not to underestimate their foe. Just to be safe, he'd make contingency plans on contingency plans.

The commander glanced over at the middle couch. Already he had some changes in mind for the 57th expedition. Starting with Mikasa's placement in the Special Ops Squad. If she really was like, she needed to be trained by the best. Regardless the hostility she felt toward Levi, he was sure she would not pass up the chance to join the same squad as Eren. She certainly has the credentials for it. No one could deny her skills. She'd killed more Titans during the Battle for Trost than most Scouts had in their entire lifetimes.

"You'll have time to think about that later. What should we do now?" Mikasa asked.

Armin took a second to think. "First of all, we need to rendezvous with Team 3 on the surface then according to the backup plan, fight Annie…the Female Titan." He looked to the Shifter. "Eren, you'll have to transform and assist with her capture. That okay?"

"Yeah," Eren looked ahead.

"Hey!" A Scout waved ahead of them.

"It's Team 3!"

"Did your capture attempt fail?"

"Why do I have a feeling they're going to die?" Christa said.

"It did!" Armin replied. "Move on to the next station!"

Suddenly, a giant foot came down, smashing the two Scouts.

Some flinched.

"I was hoping I'd be wrong."

The three stopped and a gust of wind hit them, sending dust flying. They lowered their arms when it cleared somewhat.

Armin gasped. "She kicked it in?!"

The large foot lifted, revealing the mangled bodies crushed against the stones.

"We have to help them!" Eren said.

"Dude, it's too late," Connie said. "They were crushed! Save yourself!"

"Eren! Back!" Mikasa grabbed his hood and pulled him away.

The Female Titan's outline was seen through the hole.

"Hey, Mikasa!"

"That bitch wouldn't mind killing Eren?" Mikasa released her hold on him.

They turned to Armin when he spoke, "She risked it… She smashed open the tunnel hoping she wouldn't kill you. It's crazy, but that just makes her even scarier!"

Well, that's just fucking great. Levi thought.

"Annie will be trying as hard as she can to catch you!"


"What should we do?" Armin spoke, kneeling alongside his friends. "She cut off our escape. Even if we jumped out using our gear, she'd ambush us the instant we surfaced. On the other hand—"

There was an explosion down the tunnel on his left side, the dust extinguishing the sconces.

He protected his face with his arm and lowered it once the dust cleared away. "If we stay here, it's just a matter of time until we're crushed."

"I'll handle this!" Eren stood. "Like that time with the cannonball!"

An image of Eren's transformation at the base of Wall Rose appeared, the half-skeletal half-muscular Titan catching the iron ball.

"That might work!" Sasha nodded.

"Good thinking," Hange said.

"Come here!" Eren pulled them close. "Let's do this! Stay close to me!" Looking at his hand, he brought it up and bit down, causing blood to spurt.

Mikasa and Armin closed their eyes.

"Where's the explosion?" Hange was a little disappointed. It was always such a pleasure watching the Shifters transform.

Eren cried out in pain as the sound of teeth scraping flesh continued.

Petra winced, rubbing the bite mark on her hand, knowing all too well how painful that was.

"Not again!" Blood stained the corner of Eren's lips. "Why now?!" He took a step back and fell to his knees. "Why now?! It hurts!"

Mikasa watched him silently.

"So you can't transform unless it's for a specific, concrete reason? Clear your mind! Focus on it again!" Armin said.

"I'm trying!" Eren bit his hand again.

"I don't understand. What's wrong?" Christa looked worried.

Sasha bit her lip. He hasn't lost the ability, has he? She thought panicked, mind jumping to the worst-case scenario.

More blood pooled out of his hand as Eren continued to rip his skin apart with his teeth, grunting in pain.

"Aren't you really," Mikasa knelt, looking him dead in the eye, "just hesitating to fight Annie?"

"Eren?" Armin said.

"What?" Connie said disbelievingly.

That's what I was afraid of. Armin thought.

"You're shitting me," Jean shook his head, face incredulous.

Mikasa's expression turned deadly. "Don't tell me that you still refuse to accept that she's the Female Titan?"

Ymir raised a skeptical eyebrow. Eren isn't that big a dunce. He knows it's her.

"How?" Sasha said.

"Oh c'mon!" Christa stared at the TV, dismayed.

"No way!" Eren yelled at the same time. "I'm not blind!"

Mikasa's lips turned down in displeasure. It wasn't his eyes that were the problem but his heart. His heart was wavering. He still considers her a close comrade, a friend. He couldn't bring himself to attack her.

"What just happened right before your eyes?" Mikasa leaned closer, the crazed look still in her eye.

"Yikes. She looks terrifying."

"That bitch killed your comrades! You still refuse to accept that—"

Eren squeezed his eyes shut. "Shut up! You're not helping!" He bit his hand and the sound of skin shredding was heard again.


Eren's voice was heard as the screen went dark. "Annie's the Female Titan?"

Erwin remained stoic.

"Why? Why would you say that, Armin?"

"For shits and giggles," Levi said sarcastically. "Why do you think, dumbass?"

"She knew your face from the beginning," Armin answered. "Not to mention," a shot of the Female Titan stopping her fist as Jean was suspended midair flashed on the screen, "she reacted when I referred to how you 'sought to die so soon,' which nobody outside the 104th would understand. And mostly because I'm pretty sure she killed Sonny and Bean," the image of the two Titan appeared, first tied up, then as steaming corpses, "the two experimental subjects."

Hange growled.

"But why?"

"One would need quite the skill to kill those two. The culprit would've used their own 3D maneuver gear since they'd be accustomed to it."

So that's why we had a gear check? But Annie wasn't caught," Eren pointed out.

"Because she brought Marco's to the check."

A flashback of the inspection appeared with Armin staring at Annie's gear.

The expressions on the faces of the recruits darkened or became stoic.

"That's how she passed."

"What?" Eren looked at him in surprise and confusion as Jean watched them. "What does Marco have to do with this?"

Mikasa frowned. That's what we'd all like to know. Where does Marco fit into all of this?

"I don't know."

Everyone around the table sat quietly, listening. Levi was reading the paper in his hand.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"No, I'm pretty certain."

"I got that, kid." Levi interrupted their conversation. "Do you have any other evidence?"

"I don't."

"In my opinion," Mikasa turned to him, "the Female Titan resembles Annie."

She does. Sasha thought. Based on her physical features, you can narrow it down to the blonde-haired, blue-eyed women of the 104th. Then based on skills, it had to be someone in the top ten. Not just anyone could kill the two Titans and successfully attack Squad Levi. It had to be either Annie or Christa. Sasha couldn't even begin to imagine sweet, kind Christa as a cold-blooded killer. Annie definitely fits the bill on that one, going off their attitude alone.

Eren stood up, indignant. "What? What are you even saying?!" He demanded. "Is that all you—"

"So we've got no proof," Levi spoke over him, "but we'll still do it."

"No proof? What? Then why? What if it isn't Annie?" Eren asked.

"If it's not Annie, then she'll be cleared of suspicion," Mikasa answered.

"True, we'll have put her through a terrible ordeal. But if we do nothing," Armin continued, "you'll be sacrificed to MP Brigade's whims."

"It's just not right to doubt Annie…"

Eren felt so blind and naive.

It's obvious in hindsight. Armin thought.

Mikasa eyed the male Shifter in her periphery. It wasn't so easy for him to shake off a bond forged from three years of blood, sweat, and tears. He's always been too emotional.


"Eren, after hearing that it might be Annie, has anything come to mind?" Mikasa asked.

Eren's breath caught in his throat.

In a flashback, Rogue froze as the Female Titan took up a fighting stance. Inside the green-eyed giant, Eren stared at the sight before him in shock.

"That's her special stance," Ymir said. "Pretty unique I'd say."

How did he not put two and two together? Then Jean wondered if he could have had he been in Eren's position. He would have, he knew he would have. But he wasn't sure if his reaction would have been any different: frozen in shock.

"You fought the Female Titan in hand-to-hand combat. Did she use any of Annie's typical moves?" Mikasa questioned.

Eren imagined Annie taking over the Female Titan's image, in her fighting pose, and the kick she used. The Female Titan used the same technique, swiping her leg out and kicking Rogue's head right off his shoulders. He could still remember the expression on the other Titan's face, mirroring Annie's.

"You know it too."


"Annie is the Female Titan. So why aren't you fighting? Are other feelings holding you back?" Mikasa eyed him intently.

"What?!" Eren gasped out.

Eren glanced guiltily over at Levi and Petra. Levi was looking unsurprisingly pissed while Petra seemed disappointed. His heart fell. Forget even failing to avenge them, I can't even bring myself to Shift and attack her. He felt crushed by his own inability to fight. They must feel so betrayed.

Whatever happened to that psychotic, violent little boy who killed two grown men to save a girl he didn't even know? Jean wondered.

Armin suddenly pulled out a sword, "I've got a plan! Mikasa and I will exit that hole," he pointed to his left, "and the entrance," he pointed to the other side, "at the same time. Annie will have to follow one of us. That should buy you time to run the other way!" Armin pulled on his hood and ran, halting when Eren spoke up.

"Wait! That means one of you is going to die!"

They tensed at the words.

Eren was horrified. Now one of them would die because he couldn't save himself, much less anyone else.

Mikasa pulled on the cloak and Eren looked between the two of them.

"If we keep sitting here, it'll be all three of us! Mikasa! On my mark!"

"Okay! I'll go that way!"

Eren watched her take off. "Mikasa!" He glanced at the other boy. "Armin! How? How can you fight?! How?!" He yelled.

"What do you mean how? What, you expect them to roll over and die?" Jean looked very irked.

"Really, Eren," Christa frowned. "That is very unlike you."

That expression is very unlike you, too. Connie thought. Even she's annoyed by his pathetic behavior. Not a word he ever thought he'd used to describe Eren Yeager.

"It's not me," Eren protested weakly.

"Technically it is," Hange said.

Ymir nodded, "You need to get your shit together."

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Levi scowled.

Mikasa turned to the male Shifter, "You're the one who taught me: fight to win, remember?"

Eren sighed loudly, "It's not me. I haven't done that—"

"Yet," Sasha added.

"—and I won't."

"He's right," Armin spoke up. "This hasn't happened," he reminded them yet again. It was too easy to become emotional and caught up. "We won't let it get this far."

"Exactly, no reason to gang up on him," Petra nodded and he smiled gratefully.

"Correct. So," Erwin said sternly, "let's not lose focus here."

Mikasa's eyes shifted to the side and she stopped, looking over her shoulder at him, "We've got no choice. It's a cruel world out there." She put on her hood and ran.

Eren's surroundings started to shake.


"That's not good."

The ceiling opened, collapsing over him. And Eren was buried under a rockfall.

Hange gasped, "What if his nape got crushed?"

They waited, looking anxious or scared.


The Female Titan stood aboveground.

"Eren!" Armin ran out into the sunlight, mobilizing his 3D gear and flying toward him.

The Female Titan turned her back on him to see a hooded figure exit out the other side and take to the skies. She surged forward and caught the person in her fist.

They stiffened, automatically waiting to hear the crunch of bones.

Mikasa severed the Titan's fingers.

"Yes!" Connie cheered.

"Phew," Christa lagged back in her seat.

"I got worried for a second there," Sasha exhaled.

"Annie!" Mikasa reached the ground and shot toward the Female Titan. "I'm not letting you have Eren!"

"Eren!" Armin landed near the mess. "Eren! I'm coming for you!"

Eren was lying face down, unconscious, half buried under the rubble.

"Eren!" Armin grunted, plying off a large piece of the wreckage. "Wake up!"

The Female Titan looked over and started moving. Mikasa flew after her, letting out a battle cry. The Female Titan covered her nape with her left hand as she ran and threw out her arm to swipe Mikasa, who dodged the attack, one sword digging through the skin of the arm.

"Yeah! Nice dodge!"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Now carve her up again!"

The roofs of the buildings the giant's fist connected with exploded. Countless rocks flew, one of them hitting Mikasa and sending her rolling to the ground. The Female Titan took in her unmoving form and continued.

"Oh fuck!"



"I'm sure she's only unconscious," Petra said.

"What?" Eren gasped at the scene. Did she just knock-out Mikasa? No way! He didn't even bother to consider the other option. Mikasa couldn't be killed so easily.

"Don't let the Female Titan get away!" Three Scouts chased after her. "We can't let her out of here!"

The Female Titan held up her fingers as they finished healing completely.


Not too far away, the MP whimpered, watching the smoke rise.

"What's going on?! Backup team!" Nile yelled at the soldiers, Marlo and Hitch, atop the roofs. "Leave this to us! Go check it out!"

"Yes, sir!" Marlo raised a sword in response. Then he, Hitch, and Boris took off.

"I hope they don't die. They're not that bad," Christa said.

"This is weird. That explosion and—"

"Nile!" Erwin stood by a carriage, Levi standing nearby with his arms crossed. "Dispatch all of your soldiers. It's probably a Titan."

"What are you saying? This is Wall Sina! There can't possibly be Titans in here!"

"Well, there is now," Petra muttered.

Behind them, Jean jumped out of the carriage on the side of the street.

"Stop!" An MP soldier grabbed his shoulders. "Don't move, Yeager!"

"I'm tired of playing dress-up!" Jean yanked off the wig. The man gaped open-mouthed, startled back.

Everyone snickered.

"Never call me that again, asshole!"

They burst out laughing.

Jean ran toward Erwin. "Commander, I'll go as well." He pulled on his cloak.

"Get your gear from Team 4."

"Yes, sir."

"Having a fiery spirit is good, but don't forget how to stay alive," Levi said.

"Yes, sir."

He's so different compared to when we first saw him as a trainee. Hange thought.

Nile gaped at the scene, watching Jean runoff. "Erwin, what—"

"He looks like a poor confused fish," Sasha said.

"Commander, here!" A Scout landed behind Nile and opened the brown trunk, revealing the 3D gear.

"Thank you." The commander quickly suited up.

"Hey, Erwin—"

"All those who can move, mobilize!" Erwin began giving out orders. Levi stood by without a word. "We must assist with the capture of the Female Titan!"

"Erwin, stop!" Nile confronted him, rifle in hands, looking very angry. He cocked the gun at Erwin and the other MP soldiers followed suit. "What you're doing is a clear rebellion against the king!"

A few people gasped.

"Let's hope he doesn't have itchy fingers," Ymir said.

"No," Levi said bluntly. "Is your head as hollow as that gun barrel? You haven't a clue what's going on, by the looks of it."

They snickered.

"Maybe don't insult the man pointing a gun at you?" Connie said, but he was grinning widely.

"Dismantle your gear, Erwin!" Nile demanded.

If this doesn't work out, the commander will be a lot of trouble for defying the military. Armin thought.

Meanwhile, civilians panicked and ran as they caught sight of the Female Titan.

"A Titan!"

"There's a Titan!"

"How did it get here?!"

Above them, on the roofs, the MP soldiers simply stared at the sight in disbelief. "Dude… That's a Titan."

So useless. Mikasa thought.

"But how?"

"Outta my way!" Jean ran through the crowd. Just standing around, dammit! He glanced at the soldiers standing by, not doing a thing. I wanted to be one of them. He looked ahead. "What about now? Shit!"

"Now you're in the most badass division," Sasha said.

"Hell yeah," Connie nodded.


A group of Scouts approached the Female Titan.

"Don't even try taking it down! It'll be enough if we can just hold it back!" One of them yelled. He flew over her, avoiding her fingers, and grabbed another Scout's hands. The two of them spun and he threw the other Scout.


"That's so cool!"

"I wanna learn how to do that!"

He yanked out his swords but the Female Titan, one hand still covering her nape, grabbed the wire in front of her and pulled it down, causing the man to crashed into a building.



"But it looked so badass..."

The Female Titan grabbed the wire of the other Scout and yanked it, making him crash into her bicep, impaled by his own swords.

"It's hopeless!" A Scout said. "It can see right through the movements of the 3D maneuver gear!" He quickly moved away from her.

Mikasa flew a few feet above the ground and rounded the corner. "You won't get rid of me so easily!" She cut the Female Titan's Achilles' tendon.

"Go, Mikasa!"

"I should've known you wouldn't go down so easy."

"Always such a badass!"

Armin removed another piece of the wreckage. "Eren! Answer me! Eren!"

"Hey!" Jean landed behind him. "What are you doing?!"

"Jean! Eren's under here!"

"What?! Wasn't he supposed to transform into a Titan?"

"He couldn't! Probably because the Female Titan was actually Annie."


"We have to get him out!" Armin turned back to Eren. "Help, Jean!"

"He couldn't?!" Jean's expression of disbelief quickly turned into anger. "What the fuck were you thinking, Eren?!" He knelt by the unconscious teen and yelled at him. "I told you we'd all be counting on you! Is this our payback for placing humankind's future and our very survival in your hands?! Marco…" His head fell, shoulders shaking. "Marco…"

Eren's shoulders slumped. Oh yeah, yet another person I let down.

Petra eyed him sympathetically. He hasn't actually failed anyone but he's really beating himself up over it. It did hurt that he couldn't bring himself to fight the bitch who had killed their squad and the other Scouts. The thought their deaths had been in vain, they hadn't meant enough to warrant beating her down to a bloody pulp, it hurt a lot. But he's known her for years and we were barely a team for a month. He was still thinking of her as a comrade, not as their enemy.

The boy needs to grow the hell up. Levi thought. He needs to start acting like a soldier. It was a war. And there was no place in war for whimpering about traitors who were former friends. Crush her before she kills more of your real friends.

Eren's eyes opened weakly.

A rock flew into the building across the street and the debris from the destruction flew at them.

Jean and Armin jumped out of the way, Armin rolling and skidding to a stop. Down the street, the Female Titan fought an unseen person. Armin looked over at the Shifter. "Eren?"

"Shit!" Jean cursed, standing behind him. "We've gotta bitchslap that skank first!" He removed his sword and ran toward her.

Levi snorted at the choice of words.

Jean didn't hesitate. He went right for her. Eren thought, brooding.

"Eren, there's something I told Jean before."

One of Eren's eyes shifted toward Armin.

"You can't change anything unless you can discard part of yourself too. To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity. Annie can do that, I bet."

Annie swiped at the Scouts buzzing around her as civilians watched.

"I don't know what her goal is, though. But whoever can pull it off, wins!" Armin said with conviction and stood.

Eren lay still, a pipe sticking through his body.

A Scout charged at the Female Titan, flying from the ground up, cutting her shin. She caught him with her free hand, the other spinning another Scout, and smashed them both into a building beside her.

"Annie!" Armin glared. "If you don't kill me now, next time you won't have time to place your bet!"

The Female Titan turned to look at him and Jean attacked from behind. But she covered her weak spot with crystalized fingers.

"Too slow, damn!" Jean growled.

Jean retreated and yelled over his shoulder, "Armin, this way!"

"Roger!" Armin ran by the Titan and took off using his 3D gear.

Jean was in the lead with Armin behind him and the Female Titan following last.

Hange was grinning insanely, clutching a rope, body trembling.

Hange squealed in excitement. "Avenge our babies!" She screeched.

"Coming… She's coming…"

"Squad Leader, your eyes are glowing maniacally," Moblit said worriedly.

They couldn't help but laugh.

"Look at her face," Christa laughed in delight.

"She looks like a cat that got her hands on the cream," Petra said.

"That's right~" Hange's fingers wiggled in anticipation.

As Jean and Armin raced by, Hange stood, placing her foot on the barrel. The Female Titan turned to look but it was too late.

Hange yanked the rope and fired. Dozens of wires flew, wrapping around the giant's body. She tried to swat Jean and Armin but they dodged. The wires continued to fire, trapping her in place. Her legs and arms were locked in place.

"For Sonny and Bean!" Hange screamed.

The Female Titan glared in fury.

They tensed, afraid she'd rip free.

More wires shot out from behind her and yanked her down. She fell with a boom, causing dust to rise.

They leaned forward, not speaking as if it might break her free.

Scouts unrolled and tossed a metal net with arrowheads over her.

On the ground, dust floated around the many wires. Armin landed by the Female Titan, who was pinned underneath the net.

"Okay! I didn't think we'd need another backup plan, but you're just insane." Hange stood on the roof with other Scouts, spinning a wire. "Commander Erwin is quite the guy. Now then…"

Hange walked forward and dropped to the ground. Using her 3D gear, she landed gracefully.

"That was a cool landing," Sasha complimented.

"Why thank you."

"Be a good girl for me, will you?"

Mikasa stepped out from behind a contraption holding six barrels.

Hange placed a hand below the Female Titan's eye. She held a broken sword just before her eye, making the pupil shrink. "You can't summon other Titans to eat you either this time."

"Whoa, she's pretty cool," Connie said.

Hange cackled like a manic, almost drooling imagining what she would do the Female Titan.

"Never mind. She's nuts."

"But don't worry…" Hange looked down rather psychotically.

"Holy shit."


"I'm going to devour you instead. I'll make sure to digest every bit of intel I get from you."

"So, is it time to celebrate?"

Suddenly, the Female Titan swept out her leg, destroying the barrel holders.

"Spoke too soon."

Hange and Moblit jumped back. Mikasa landed in a crouch beside them, "She broke free?!"

"I'm getting real tired of this shit," Mikasa scowled fiercely. She just wanted to run out and bash Annie's face into the ground.

"You aren't the only one," Jean said.

"There weren't enough traps?! Don't let her escape!" Hange ordered.

The Female Titan ran, wires still stuck in her with the barrels attached on the other end flying behind her.

Jean and Armin gave chase.


"You can't change anything unless you can discard part of yourself too." Armin's words echoed in Eren's mind.

I know. His eyes were unfocused. My friends are out there. I can't fail them now.

Mikasa and the other Scouts charged at her and she swept out her arm.


Mikasa dodged the rocks artfully.

The corpses of Squad Levi flashed quickly, followed by the death of his mother.

That's right. Remember what she did. Levi thought.

Erwin smiled. He had a good feeling.

Eren blinked, eyes clear. He began to pull himself up. Blood squirted out. I'll annihilate her. Eren gritted his teeth, covered in blood. No… I'll kill her!


"Fucking finally!"

"There's the crazy bastard we know."

"Now beat her down!"

"Don't get your ass kicked again!"

"You've got the other Scouts this time to back you up! No excuses!"

"There's only one more main episode! Let's win this for real now!"

Mikasa came at the Female Titan from above. The giant attempted to kick her and she dodged but the wind sent her flying back.

"I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong."

Mikasa tired to use the gas to slow her momentum.

"You can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending!"

Mikasa hit the ground running before she fell and rolled to a stop.


"That had to hurt."


"Mikasa!" Armin yelled.

"It's a cruel world out there."

Eren screamed and blood shot out as he lifted himself up.

"It's about fucking time!"

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

"Here it comes!"

Lightning exploded.

And so did the room.

Even Petra and Hange jumped to their feet and joined the recruits in unintelligible screaming.

"What is it this time?!" Nile demanded, looking over his shoulder.

Erwin stared hard at the lightning.

The Female Titan stood still.

A cat napped on stone steps.

Then the ground began to shake and the sound of thunderous footsteps was heard. Some Scouts on the roofs turned to the source. Windows shattered when the massive body ran by.

The Female Titan turned and caught a fist in the face from the roaring Rogue Titan. She was sent flying back into a building. Rogue steamed, his lone visible eye glowing green.

Levi winced, covering his ears to protect them from everyone's screams of excitement. He smirked, heart racing wildly in his chest.

"Get her," Erwin grinned widely.

"Eren!" Armin called out.

Jean watched without a word, crouching on a roof.

Mikasa lifted her head, "Eren?"

The Rogue Titan bent his knees, arms up, and charged at the Female Titan, roaring as he ran.

The group screamed along with Rogue.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!" Christa fell back into her spot, arms still up.

"Holy Rose, Maria, and Sina! That was fucking epic!"

Hange and Sasha screeched together.

"You're going to beat her this time," Petra told Eren.

"I fucking will!" His eyes were shining.

"You better," Levi threatened. "Or I will—"

"Start the next episode already!"


"Let's go!"

"I'm so fucking pumped!"

Erwin had wanted half a minute to have a quick discussion with Levi and Hange but everyone was clearly too riled up. "Very well then." He hit play.

~Please Review❤️😊

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