What Needs to Be Done

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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: The recruits brainstorm, trying to discern the identity of Sonny and Bean's killer. Levi fills Petra in on the true purpose of the 57th expedition.


A finger traced the lines on the paper with the MP Bridge's logo stamped at the top.

A 3D gear, without the gas canisters, lay before it.

"When's the last time the shaft was replaced?" The MP soldier asked.

"Six days ago, after the clean-up operation," Sasha answered.

"That matches the records," a female MP soldier scribbled on her clipboard.

"Okay, next." The man moved on. "You are?"

"Krista Lenz of Squad 42."

"We'll inspect your gear next."

Around the room, 3D gears were placed on the tables with two soldiers standing at attention behind each table.

"Who'd have thought killing Titans was a punishable offense," one trainee said.

"It is when it hurts humanity," Eren said. He loathed the Titans but even he could understand the benefits.

"It does seem ironic, but those two were valuable test subjects," his comrade said.

"Even so, why are they searching for the culprit among us trainees? We just finished cleaning up the battlefield today."

"Yeah, everyone's exhausted from the cleaning."

Nearby, Armin heard them talking. "The culprit must've really hated the Titans," Connie said from the boy's left.

Or was a traitor. Sasha thought. A spy for the enemy.

Armin looked to him, "Yeah. But in this case, they ended up helping the Titans instead. They may have fulfilled their personal desire for vengeance, but the net result is a major setback for humanity." He looked straight ahead.

"I think I get why they did it because I can be an idiot myself."

"No arguments there," Jean snorted.

"At least he's honest about it," Ymir said.

"You guys seriously suck," Connie complained, pouting.

"Ignore them," Christa patted his shoulder. "They're just rude jerks."

"We're only teasing, you know," Jean said. Guess we should tone it down a bit.

Connie's words grabbed Armin's attention. "Before I'd ever seen a Titan, I was certain I wanted to enlist in the Survey Corps. But now, I never want to see another one. And today, we all have to decide which branch to join too." He glanced over to his left.

Jean's fist was clenched tight, trembling slightly by his side.

Is Jean seriously… Connie thought.

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