Descried Desire • Kenma K.

By kiwitooth

187K 6.7K 3.4K

━━━ ❝ MR. CEO APPROVES ❞ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ Trust me, I have ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤno further intentions with you ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 18

2.7K 111 33
By kiwitooth

Third Person POV

You yawned as you typed on your computer, going about your business as normal, doing your work and tasks. Only the loud clicking of the keyboard and the ringing of phones in the office could be heard as you were all used to it already.

"Ms. L/n!" A familiar voice and knocks were heard through the glass door.

"Secretary Himari!" You turned your head and saw Himari standing at the door, waving at you and motioning you to come.

You opened the door and greeted her. "Yes?"

"Are you ready for your training?" Himari asked in an excited manner as you smiled and nodded.

"I like your office!"

"Yep! I made sure I clean it and left no dust because you're coming." Himari said, popping the P.

"Come here." Himari made you sit at her desk as she showed you a stack of folders and documents.

"The first thing that I'll show you is how to organize Mr. Chairman's files." She handed you the stack of folders and both of you walked into the library.

"Sir Kozume's office or his library is where he usually does his job; he hates noise and prefers to be alone and in a calm environment, he claims, in order to concentrate better." Himari and you strolled down the library aisle, just seeing a variety of books and other papers inside the tall racks.

"He does like being lonely, he reminds me of a cat." Both of you laughed as you continued to stack and organize the books.

"He sure does, sometimes Sir Kuroo would playfully splash him with water and he would get so mad." Himari laughed.

"Oh, and what's next in here?"

"Hmm, if I had time... I'll show you how to make his morning coffee and his meals." She said while staring at her wristwatch, and you glanced at her puzzled.

"Does his coffee have to be perfect as well?" As Himari nodded, you giggled.

"Of course! When I unintentionally added too much sugar to his coffee and he realized it right away, he wasted no time in dumping it out in the bin and demanding that I make another." Himari shivered playfully.

"Not surprised I guess." You shrugged as you continued to fix the books.

"You're learning quick huh." Himari clasped her hands together as she was amazed at how you perfectly aligned the books and folders.

"Why thank you!"

"By the way, how was the essay and letter that Sir Kozume assigned?" Himari questioned as you felt your heart skip a beat, almost forgetting that you already started it yesterday.

"I started it last night, I even stayed up all night just to finish three pages and I have to contact my old schools and work just to get my report cards." You slouched and sat at the nearby table and chairs as Himari did the same.

"That's good, usually people would procrastinate."

"Oh, yes, I was the worst procrastinator in high school; it was almost a habit, but luckily, I learned to quit, especially now that I'm entering adult life with hectic schedules." You giggled as you remember the memories back in your high school days.

"I was also like that in high school, but my sister would always scold me even if she's younger than me." Himari laughed.

"Wow, never knew you had a sister. What's her name?"

Himari paused as she hesitated to answer and speak. "O-oh her name, yeah, we are not in good condition actually, she's not here with me."

"Ooh, yeah of course I understand that." You nodded as you felt suspicious and confused for a second.

"Oh and also I need to go back to my office and you also need to go back working, some employees just contacted me and they need me." Himari rushed as she said her goodbyes as you also went back to the office room.

"How was the training?"

"It was fine, I just felt a little dizzy because we were in the library and the bookshelves were tall. And it's my first day." You sat in your chair, continuing to work on the letter Kenma had requested.

You yawned again as the time flew by, it was almost 8 p.m., the room was dim, and only the lights from the computer illuminated your face and the room as the other employees had gone home and Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Yachi were the only ones left.

"Psst, Y/n." Yachi called you as you went to face her and raised your brows.


"Am I the only one who isn't convinced about Himari's reason on why she's leaving the company?" Yachi whispered as she rolled her rolling chair to sit beside you.

"I-I mean, I am also, but I respect her though, It may be personal I guess?" You shrugged as your brows furrowed.

"D-do you think, Sir Chairman and Secretary Himari, like... you know, had a secret relationship and something happened that made Secretary quit?" Yachi mumbled.

You stopped typing in your computer as you went to face her. "Um, it may be possible though? I don't know. Stop assuming so much Yachi, and it's none of my business." You tried to shrug it off.

"Do you like Secretary Himari... Y/n?" Yachi asked nonchalantly in an instant.

"She... she's suspicious...that's all." You wanted to tell her but you thought that she is only just testing you.

"It's either she's quitting because of grandmother, or it's something between Sir Kozume and Secretary."

You nodded slowly as your brows furrowed as the information entered your head while you processed it.

"Chill out sometimes Kenma."

Kuroo and Kenma were drinking a couple of drinks at his office, which was still in the corporate building.

"I still can't believe that Y/n would be your next secretary." Kuroo shook his head and chuckled.

"I can't deny but to relate, I mean whatever happens would happen I suppose." Kenma shrugged.

"You did make a legitimate proposal, anyway– is it not a bit too much, a letter collecting her reports from her former employment and school?" Kuroo spoke worriedly, thinking that the work that Kenma gave you was a bit too much.

"Nah, I have high expectations from her especially as my next secretary, that's the first task that I gave, and I expect her to meet them." Kenma said as he chugged his beer.

"Nora contacted me and said that she's been staying up all night just for that."

Kenma raised his brows and faced Kuroo. "What am I gonna do with that? What? Tell her to sleep?"

"Furthermore, it is her work and task, and even though this is her first assignment, she will have a lot more responsibilities in her future days in this company, and they will be much more difficult, and if she can't do her first, well good luck to her in the future." Kenma added as he scoffed.

"You have a point, your a strict one aren't you." Kuroo could only sigh and understand his friend.

Kuroo looked at his phone and stood up. "Well, it's almost 12, I need to go home now, still got to do things tomorrow."

"I'll call guards to prepare your car." Kenma stood up but Kuroo shook his head.

"No, it's okay I can do it myself, goodbye Kenma."

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