Neo x Reader - Alone Wolf (RW...

By Obahar_

18.9K 415 368

A gender neutral Y/N was nothing but an old folktale to the people of their village. So when an imminent thre... More

Voting Ended: Neo is the CLEAR winner here!
Chapter 1: That Lone Guardian
Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 4: Sweet Encounters
Chapter 5: The girl with the coloured hair
Chapter 6: Everyone has a story
Chapter 7: Dastardly
Chapter 8: Christmas
Chapter 9: My Warning
Chapter 10: Under Her
Chapter 11: To Duel & Dance

Chapter 3: Initiation

1.3K 42 42
By Obahar_


Y/N: "hmm... very green. Just like home with Papa..."

Ozpin: "If it wasn't this green then we may not be able to call it the Emerald Forest any more!"

Qrow: "Still can't believe you're making them do this..."

Ozpin: "I hardly twisted young Y/N's arm, they seem quite interested in testing their mettle after what must have been quite a long few years without feedback or a mentor."

Qrow: "...-nothing wrong with letting them have a night's rest first though... *glug*"

Ozpin: "Qrow. Please, I must insist you resist the urge to drink such beverages on the school grounds."

Qrow: *glug* "Eh, I got nothin' better to do, thought I'd come and watch but I was feeling a bit parched..."

Ozpin: "sigh"

* * *

Ozpin: "If you wouldn't mind, could you stand right there Y/N?"

Y/N: "Stand here?"

Ozpin: "Yes, thank you. That's perfect."

Y/N: "...Where are Grimm? I see none here."

Ozpin: "Ah. Well, this is but the spectator's stand, the Grimm you are to face will be down there- below this cliff. But I'm not asking you to go in there and just kill Grimm... no, I would rather you search these forests for a ruin of sorts. And within these ruins, you will find a small Relic. I want you to return here with that Relic- that is your mission."

Qrow: "You got that, kid?"

Y/N: "... Climb down into forest, find 'rahlic' in a 'rooin' and bring it back here. Kill all Grimm in the way. Correct?"

Ozpin: "Mostly... although I never said anything about climbing down into the forest..."


That was the noise of Y/N, being launched past both Qrow and Ozpin, far out and incredibly high above the forest floor.

Qrow: "Surely you get a kick out of that, otherwise why else would you insist on launching everyone you meet of this damned cliff!"

Ozpin: "It is beneficial to see how one would react when they are forced to think on their feet."

Qrow: "But their feet are miles up in the sky!"

Ozpin: "True."

* * *

Ozpin: "I don't believe you ever mentioned what weapon our new friend uses, did you?"

Qrow: "I didn't. Seems to be a combat bow of some sort, was able to kill a couple Ursa in a single arrow each. No clue on his semblance though, there was next to no intel to gain from the village."

Ozpin: "As was expected with only one remaining villager. But a bow...? You don't see something so rudimentary that often- but I suppose such a weapon would make sense for a recluse without access to a dust shop nor metals to forge a real weapon with."

Qrow: "I'm also not too sure on how the kids gonna land safely with some sticks and a string..."

Ozpin: "It seems we are about to find out."

As Y/N had started to run out of forward momentum, they began to slow down and simultaneously lose altitude at a faster rate.

However, it seemed as if they were waiting for this exact moment before they decided to take action. Unsheathing their bow and holding it tightly in what one would assume to be their dominant hand whilst their other hand seemed to be fiddling around for something inside of that small bag they have strapped to them. If I didn't know better, I would say that they seem to be constructing something then and there as they soar through the sky, hurtling towards the ground.

After they seemed content in whatever they were doing inside their bag, they pulled out the most strange looking arrow, with the arrowhead replaced for what seemed to be a clamp of some design whilst the shaft of the arrow had a bundle of what appeared to be rope.

Qrow: "A grappling hook arrow?!"

Ozpin: "It would seem that, whilst they only had access to primitive materials, young Y/N did not rely on just the standard design of fletched arrows."

The young Y/N then nocked their arrow to their bow and whilst they were hurtling through the air at breakneck speeds they seemed to be at complete peace as they slowly pulled back upon the drawstring of the bow and after a few moment's aim, let the arrow loose towards the branch of one of the forest's taller trees with the attached rope trailing behind.

With what could only be described as a perfect shot, the arrow wrapped around the branch several times before making impact and embedding itself deep into the trunk.

They then fiddled with their bow, it seemed like they flicked a switch or something? Regardless, the rope that now connected the tree to Y/N's bow was being retracted. And this began to drag Y/N down towards the tree, helping them to lose a lot of the momentum they were suffering from since I launched them off this cliff.

* * *

A couple moments later and Y/N had landed squarely upon the branch and had retrieved their arrow and rope and placed them both within their bag. 

Qrow: "Huh... not bad kid!"

Ozpin: "Indeed."

Qrow: "... Seems they chose a bad landing spot though, buncha Grimm under that tree from the look of it."


Qrow: "Huh... never mind."

Ozpin: "That speed... I can't imagine many others could fire as many arrows in that short of a timeframe. You truly undersold their abilities, Qrow."

Qrow: "I only saw them fight a couple Grimm! That forest he lived in was practically empty of the things!"

Ozpin: "Hmmm... an impressive feat for a sole survivor, to manage to keep such a large area free of such an invasive threat."

Qrow: "Wait... what are they doing now?"

Still standing on the branch, Y/N was now on their tiptoes, with their neck extending their head so far out it looked like they were trying to reach the sun. Are they... smelling something?

A couple moments later and Y/N then started jumping from branch to branch, heading off in what seemed like a very specific direction...

Qrow: "Hey Oz, where abouts are those ruins that you placed that dumb Relic of yours?"

Ozpin: "... In the same direction that they are heading... it seems they have yet another trick up their sleeve."

Qrow: "You don't think that...?"

Ozpin: "If they have a way to sense such objects, they could prove incredibly useful in the future... or incredibly dangerous..."

Qrow: *glug*


Qrow: "That's gotta be a record or something right?"

Ozpin: "Hmmm... this is the first time I used this particular ruin for the initiation. But it was indeed quite fast, and they killed quite the number of Grimm along the way."

Y/N then walked towards the ruin, they seemed incredibly wary though- as if they were looking for something else other than the Relic... Are they expecting an ambush or a trap of some sort? Or is it something else?

After a few moments of hesitation it seemed that Y/N had relaxed and decided to finally approach the Relic and retrieve it.

After picking up the Relic, Y/N placed it inside their bag and then jumped back up into the tree branches, seemed they were not one to waste time. That can be a boon... and a bane, but that's what Beacon is for - to help these young huntsman and huntresses to develop their skills and become the best defenders of good that they can be.


Ozpin: "Welcome back, you did very well Y/N. You still have that Relic on your person, correct?"

Y/N: "Yes. Here."

Y/N then opens their bag once more and pulls out the small Relic that I had planted in the Emerald Forest but a short while ago and then hands it to me. They're... rather blunt, aren't they?

Ozpin: "Thank you, and well done. Most well done!"

Y/N: "I did... well?"

Ozpin: "Indeed, you did well... although, I must ask: how did you know where to find the ruins?"

Y/N: "I... I didn't? I smell human, so I went to look. But all I could find was weird rocks and no people."

Ozpin: "I was the last person in that forest, and that was quite a while ago..."

Qrow: "You could smell a lingering trace of somebody from that far away? Is that your semblance?"

Y/N: "Seem...blanse?"

Ozpin: "Hmmm..."

Y/N: "Is my seemblanse why I have Grimm parts? From my Witch?"

Qrow: "Grimm parts?!"

Ozpin: "What do you mean by that Y/N? Grimm parts? And who is this Witch?"

Qrow: "Papa didn't like Witch much. My Papa used to call her that... but I have not seen my Witch since very young."

Ozpin: "His wife, perhaps? I never knew he got married... although I didn't know he had a kid either..."

Qrow: "Great friends with their Pops, eh!? *glug* And what did you mean exactly by Grimm parts?"

Y/N: "I... do not like to remember memory."

Ozpin: "Hmmm... you wouldn't happen to have a tail, would you Y/N?"

Y/N: "... yes."

Ozpin: "May I see it?"

At first, Y/N seemed to hesitate. But after what seemed like a moment's pause to think, they seemed to have come to a decision.

And then a rustling noise could be heard coming from Y/N's lower half, and a couple seconds later a rather large and bushy tail emerged.

Qrow: "Is that a dog's tail? So the kid's a Faunus?"

Ozpin: "Hmm... More accurately, a Wolf Faunus."

Qrow: "That would explain the sense of smell I suppose..."

Y/N: "Woolf Foornus? I do not know these words."

Ozpin: "A Wolf Faunus. It is a completely normal thing, it just means that along with your human characteristics you will also have a few animal features too. Your tail for example, but some Faunus can also have other features of an animal: ears, whiskers, wings and scales for example."

Y/N: "... I used to have weird ears, but not anymore... are they Faunus too?"

Qrow: "Used to? What happened to your ears?"

Y/N: "I cut them off. I thought they were bad. Papa found out as I tried cutting off tail... Papa was mad and told me not to."

Qrow: "You cut off your ears?!"

Ozpin: "I suppose that Faunus History and Physiology was not something your father deemed important to teach you, it is rather unfortunate- Faunus extremities are quite a useful gift that so few get to take advantage of..."

Qrow: "So why'd you try and cut them off? Were they bugging you or something?"

Y/N: "...Papa didn't have them. No villagers either... only monsters."

Ozpin: "So you thought you were turning into a monster...?"

Qrow: "Damn... *glug*"


Ozpin: "Well today has certainly been interesting. It was nice to meet you today Y/N, and I am more than happy to provide you a place in my school."

Y/N: "Thank you?"

Qrow: "Hey Oz, what are you doing about the whole needing a team thing?"

Ozpin: "Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? For now, I have had a room prepared for you. Ah yes, it'd be this one here..."

Qrow: "Wait... so you're not sticking them in with anyone? They're just going to work alone?"

Y/N: "Yes. Prefer alone... easier to focus."

Ozpin: "You will still have the opportunity to work alongside the other students, but as Qrow pointed out earlier, teams of four are sort of our thing. And there are currently no gaps for you to fill, so for now this room will be your new home, and I will have a student bring up several books for you as you requested earlier."

Y/N: "Ok. Thank you."

Qrow: "This is probably goodbye kid, I gotta get back on the trail. I'm sure you'll do fine here at Beacon... and it was uh- nice to meet his kid. I'm sure he'd be proud of you."


Y/N: "Hmm? Behind door smells... weird."

*knock knock*

Y/N was alarmed at the sound for a moment, then realising that the noise was due to someone knocking on their door Y/N got up off their bed and opened the dorm room door, to be greeted by someone they had never seen before.

Y/N: "You are who? Need help?"

???: "Just here to drop off some books from the library, you are Y/N right?"

Y/N: "Yes. My name... These are books? Look different..."

???: "Well if every book had the same cover then it'd be a pain to find the specific one you wanted, I suppose. Do you... not read books often?"

Y/N: "No. No time to stop. Not safe. Had to keep hunting... to keep village safe."

???: "Huh, sounds like a busy life... well, I suppose I'll just leave these books here and I'll make my way back to my dorm. They prepared quite the variety of books for you to read... although there's no fiction there. Enjoy... I guess?"

Y/N: "Wait!"

???: "Hmmm? What's up? Did I forget something?"

Y/N: "Fichsion. What is that?"

???: "Fiction. Fick-shun. It's what we call the stories in books that aren't real... you know, fairy tales?"

Y/N: "No. I do not know... is it good?"

???: "Well, I like it... but I like reading a little bit of everything I suppose..."

Y/N: "Hmm... I have interest. And Fiction can be found in book place, yes?"

???: "You mean the Library? Yeah, you can find Fiction books in the Library. But it's closed for the night, you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

Y/N: "Night... when Grimm sneak around. They close to protect books from Grimm?"

???: "What? No! The Grimm can't get close to any of the buildings in Vale! It just closes at night so the Librarians can get some sleep... where exactly are you from?"

Y/N: "...Alone. He found me guarding forest for village. But village was empty... so he bring me here."

???: "Huh... I don't really understand, but surviving out there on your own was probably tough, right?"

Y/N: "... Still alive."

???: "I suppose that's one way to look at it... say, you don't mind if I actually stick around and read my own book? My dorm isn't exactly the easiest place to read... and it sounds like you'll probably need help reading some of the words, right?"

Y/N: "Your dorm... dangerous?"

???: "sigh Not exactly... just loud."

Y/N: "I don't understand...? But. You can stay. Yes."

???: "Thanks, I appreciate it... I suppose I'll just sit myself over here. And you can uh- ask for help if you get stuck on a word, okay?"

Y/N: "I thank you... name?"

???: "Hm? Oh right, the name's Blake."


Blake: "You know, you're not too bad at reading for someone who claims they haven't read a thing in years... and it's way quieter in here than it is in my dorm. I appreciate you letting me crash."

Y/N: "Crash? Did you fall?"

Blake: "Heh, no. It's another way of saying thanks for letting me stay here."

Y/N: "Oh. I see."

Blake: "... sigh I should probably be heading back now before my team worries where I am. But it was nice to have somewhere quiet to read once the Library is closed... and you're not bad company either I suppose."

Y/N: "I... I think I understand? You are nice people too."

Blake: "Heh, thanks. Say, if you ever want help with your reading and speaking or what have you... I don't mind helping, it beats being in the dorm with that prissy princess and those two loud sisters for sure!"

Y/N: "Hmm... I thank you... Blayyke?"

Blake: "It's just Blake. Goodnight Y/N!"

<2651 words>

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