Izuku x Ochako fanfic "Parent...

By Legendaryhc

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Picking up straight from where "earn your place" left off we follow Deku and Uraraka's journey during the 9 m... More

Chapter 1: Back home
Chapter 2: Mr & Mrs Uraraka's reaction
Chapter 3: Na-na, why don't you get a job?
Chapter 4: You got the job!
Chapter 5: Ryukyu to the rescue
Chapter 7: Walkies
Chapter 8: Mirko team-up
Chapter 9: Role model?
Chapter 10: Deku has a surprise
Chapter 11: Reunion
Chapter 12: There she goes
Chapter 13: School run
Chapter 14: Uraraka Vs Himiko
Chapter 15: Small bump
Chapter 16: Detective Deku
Chapter 17: Kill of the night
Chapter 18: First scan
Chapter 19: Mother and son
Chapter 20: A new development
Chapter 21: It's time
Chapter 22: Corporate shenanigans
Chapter 23: Plan B
Chapter 24: Eve
Chapter 25: Deku arrives

Chapter 6: First blood

2K 32 39
By Legendaryhc

"Deku look out!" Uraraka called. Deku saw it just in time, jumping out of the way before he was crushed by the chunk of skyscraper that had fallen from the building.

"Thanks. Heads up!" Deku called to her as he jumped over the now shattered chunk of concrete that he'd evaded. As he did Uraraka was waiting below him and without warning she jumped up into the air to meet him, grabbing hold of his hand. The two worked with perfect synchronisation, both knowing what the other was planning to do without having to communicate. They'd trained so much together that they were both on the same wavelength when it came to strategies and so on. Uraraka made him weightless before spinning in the air herself and launching him as hard as she could.

"DETROIT SMASH!" Deku screamed as he slammed a powerful fist into the chest of the villain. He was sent hurtling backwards and slammed into the side of a car, crushing it beneath his weight.

"Hahaha. You've gotten stronger since we last fought kid. It's going to make killing you all the more fun" he said as he rose back to his feet.

"Actually it's going to make defeating you even easier. When we first fought I made the wrong decisions and you underestimated how strong I was. I learned my lesson that day. I can only hope the same can be said for you Muscular" Deku said as he used Black Whip to catch a falling piece of rubble, saving a little girl that it would've crushed.

"Thank you!" she squeaked before Uraraka jumped in, swooped her up into her arms and swiftly left the battleground to get her to safety.

"Wow. You're still just as annoyingly naïve as the last time" Muscular said as he used his quirk to build up his strength. As he did so Ryukyu attacked. She leapt out from behind him and tried to crush the villain with her mechanical arm. However muscular caught it and held her arm aloft, charging up his power as much as possible while he prevented himself from being crushed. However he forgot about Deku who suddenly showed up behind him and he slammed a powerful kick into his back. The impact slammed muscular into Ryukyu, causing him to bounce off of her dragon form. She caught him in her mouth before slamming him into the ground.

"Heh. This sucks" Muscular said as he spat chunks of concrete out of his mouth.

"Good work kid. I'll take it from here" Ryukyu said seeing the villain defeated. She flung herself towards him hoping to bite down hard on his arm however all of the sudden the villain rose to his feet and landed a powerful uppercut on the dragon's chin. He hit her so hard that Ryukyu reverted back into her human form and was sent hurtling through the air.

"Ryukyu!" Deku called out ready to catch her with Black Whip but before he could do anything Uraraka appeared again, catching the dragon hero.

"I'll get her to safety. Finish this guy!" Uraraka called out using her quirk to float and her wires to navigate. Muscular moved to intercept Uraraka's path but Deku saw it coming using Black Whip to catch Muscular and throw him back down to the ground. Uraraka took the opportunity Deku had given her and get the hell out of dodge.

"You're no fun. I just wanted to kill the bitch" Muscular said. Deku's heroic expression quickly faded. First it turned into a frown and then it very quickly turned into one of anger as he scowled at the villain. Muscular stopped smirking and realised he'd made a huge mistake.

"What did you call her?" Deku asked as Muscular could feel the rage being aimed directly at him. Whilst they had been fighting Uraraka and Ryukyu had cleared the street of civilians. Meaning Deku didn't have to hold back anymore.

"I-I didn't mean it like that. I-I-I-" Muscular tried to back track but Deku interrupted. He charged One For All through his toes and simply flicked them. Immediately a huge force of air blew down the street. Muscular had to dig his fists into the ground just to stay there otherwise it would've swept him up and carried him away.

"AAAAAHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" he bellowed as the blast didn't let up and he had absolutely no idea how Deku was managing to do this. All he knew was that if he could create a blast of air this big from seemingly not moving a muscle then how hard could he hit now? Finally however the wind let up.

"How did you-" Muscular began but again Deku cut him off.

"The first time I fought you my body couldn't withstand the power of my quirk. However it's been a long time since then. I've grown stronger and I can handle way more power than I could back then. I'm now able to use the full strength of my quirk!" Deku exclaimed with a dangerous look in his eyes. Muscular knew he'd already lost but that didn't stop him from pleading.

"No! Wait! Let's talk about this!" Muscular begged but Deku didn't listen as he charged One For All through his body and again flicked his toes to send a huge blast down the street.

"AAAAAHHHHHH! NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!" Muscular yelled as he once again desperately dug his fists and this time his feet into the floor.

"One For All. Full cowling. 100%!" Deku proclaimed victoriously as the full strength of One For All coursed through him. One million percent would still break his body but he was finally able to use 100% of his quirk for as long as he wanted to.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Muscular continued to scream as he desperately tried to hold on, digging his feet even further into the concrete. As he did his eyes widened when he saw Deku glowing with power and energy. He knew he was done for and tried to run.

"Fuck this shit" he said pulling hands out of the concrete. Immediately Deku blasted more air towards him barely having to move anything to create the blast. Muscular's arms were sent flailing in the air as his feet were still planted in concrete.

"NO! NOT LIKE THIS! FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN! GGGGAAAAAHHHHH!" Muscular screamed as he desperately tried to get his arms back down to the floor to hold on as he could feel the blasts getting more and more powerful as Deku began to walk towards him.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU HEAR ME YA LITTLE RUNT!? FUCK OFF!" Muscular bellowed as one his feet was pulled from the concrete and he quickly slammed it down to keep it planted on the ground. He had hoped it would smash back through and allow him to stay planted but no good. The blasts of air had ripped his muscles from his limbs. Now he was just a regular sized guy. He was still strong of course due to his size and build but only as strong as a regular person could be without a quirk.

"NO! NNNOOOOO! I SWEAR TO GOD KID I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND THAT STUPID BITC-" before Muscular could finish his sentence there was a flash of green as Deku suddenly covered a distance at least 30 metres and slammed an uppercut into Muscular's chin in the blink of an eye. Of course he reduced how much power he was using now that Muscular didn't have his built up muscles to provide extra protection otherwise he would've killed him. A streak of blood followed Muscular as he was flung into the air from the force of Deku's punch. A few of his teeth were knocked out or chipped from the impact too. The villain barely held onto his consciousness as he flew up high into the sky. As he did though he saw a small figure getting closer and closer.

"Who-" Muscular was about to question who could possibly be up this high but before he could finish his sentence he saw who it was and his heart skipped a beat. Uraraka smirked. She caught him by the arm as he flew past her making him float. Using the momentum he'd provided her she spun in the air several times as they went higher and higher into the sky.

"PLEASE STOP! I'M GONNA HURL!" he begged using his free hand to cover his mouth.

I know that feel bud. Still not gonna stop though.

"Who's the bitch now!?" Uraraka proclaimed as she finally released him hurtling him back towards the ground at a speed that was three times faster than the speed he'd been launched up at.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" he screamed in terror but before he hit the ground Deku reappeared. As the giant man came crashing down, Deku kicked him hard in the gut, launching him through a nearby building but he wasn't done yet. Using Black Whip he caught Muscular as soon as he was done crashing through the building and then pulled him back through on a different floor to make sure he hit more things on his way back.

"All yours!" Deku exclaimed as he spun and threw Muscular back up into the air towards Uraraka who had followed his descent and was crashing back down towards the ground. She grabbed Muscular by the face and continued her descent with a giant man in the palm of her hand and slammed him into the ground, head first. The impact was like a miniature asteroid had crashed down from outer space. Dust flew everywhere making it impossible to see anything.

"Ochako? You good?" Deku called out after a few coughs from breathing in dust. The dust began to settle though and when it did Uraraka stood over the unconscious villain's body.

"Target down" she reported triumphantly. That's when the two of them heard cheers and screams of joy from the spectators a few hundred metres down the street who had been watching the action from a safe distance.

"Now that, is how you take down a villain" Ryukyu said reappearing in her human form along with some police officers who took Muscular into custody.

"Are you ok?" Uraraka asked not even taking a moment to appreciate the compliment. She wanted to make sure Ryukyu was healthy and ok before she celebrated.

"I'm fine. No major injuries to report, it was just one hell of a hard punch" Ryukyu said clenching her jaw a little as she remembered the pain from the impact.

"I'm glad you're ok" Uraraka said relieved.

"Me too kid. I seem to be on a bit of a losing streak. A Nomu ripped my arm off and now this punk got a lucky shot on me" Ryukyu said taking a moment to seriously consider what was going wrong for her in her last two battles.

"Don't worry Ryukyu. You just need some time to get back into things. This was your first battle since the Nomu and those things are incredibly powerful so you can't be blamed for what happened" Deku said trying to offer some reassurance. Ryukyu huffed with a faint smile clearly appreciating the kind words but he wasn't sure she agreed with him.

"Speaking of first battles, that was one hell of a way to make your pro debut! No casualties, two or three civilians with minor injuries and a powerful villain got his ass whooped. My only advice would be to minimise property damage next time" Ryukyu joked. Deku and Uraraka looked around at all the rubble and damage caused to the surrounding buildings and the road.

"He started it" Uraraka joked nodding towards Muscular as he was thrown into the back of a police van, still unconscious.

"He got what was coming to him. Nobody calls you a bitch and gets away with it" Deku snarled still slightly agitated by the comment it seemed.

"Speaking of which, why do I always get called a bitch? What's with that?" Uraraka asked. It was something that she's questioned before but she really wanted an answer as it always seemed to happen to her.

"Kid, I don't know if you noticed but these guys don't exactly have snappy quips or clever insults and nine times out of ten they know they're gonna lose. So, bitch is kind of their go to insult whenever they fight a female hero" Ryukyu informed her.

"Oh. Well that sucks" Uraraka said a little disheartened by the information.

"For them. Words are harmless but a punch from a dragon tends to hurt a hell of a lot. Or being thrown around like a ragdoll by a girl that makes you weightless and float probably sucks too since there's kind of nothing they can do about it until you're done with them" Ryukyu said which caused Uraraka to both blush and chuckle a little.

"Either way, taking down Muscular with no casualties and minimal injuries to civilians is an amazing debut Ochako. I'm so proud of you" Deku said with a bright smile. Uraraka smirked at him.

"Thanks handsome. You weren't so bad yourself" she said cheekily running a hand along his chest and gradually but deliberately worked it's way down causing Deku to grin and also blush because he knew there people watching.

"Um, guys. I know you two are probably still coursing with adrenaline from the battle but we've got paperwork to do and also the press are gonna be here soon so-" Ryukyu began but before she could finish Uraraka flung herself at Deku and locked lips with him, passionately making out as she knocked him to the floor to continue their moment of passion. Ryukyu stood there awkwardly trying not to look.

"I'm uh....I'm gonna go" she said before awkwardly and slowly backing away. After a few more passionate and incredible kisses Deku finally broke off.

"What?" Uraraka asked trying to lean in and kiss him again but he held her back.

"Later. You heard Ryukyu we've got work to do first. We can continue this at home" Deku said standing up as she held onto him. He was so strong that it felt like she didn't weigh anything. Either that or she was floating, he couldn't tell.

"Fine. But you better be true to your word mister" Uraraka warned him.

"I promise I will" Deku said as the thunder of thudding feet quickly approached and got louder by the second.

"Good" she said triumphantly giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.

"Now, let's go introduce the world to the new pro hero power couple. Deku and Uravity..."

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