Elizabeth Olsen x Female Read...

By wandaslovely

645K 17.7K 9.4K

This story starts with you getting a part in a new marvel movie. You become friends with many of the MCU cast... More

Chapter 1-The Convention
Chapter 2-Auditions
Chapter 3-First day on set
Chapter 4-Friends?
Chapter 5-Important Birthday
Chapter 6-Dance, Graduation, and Hearbreak
Chapter 7-Mending heart and New Love
Chapter 8-Loving you
Chapter 9-Family and Friends
Chapter 10-Previews and Paparazzi
Chapter 11-Anniversary
Chapter 12-They Know?
Chapter 13-Questions and more questions
Chapter 14-Alone
Chapter 15-Reunion
Chapter 16-Ending and New Begining
Chatpter 17-unexpected visitor
Chapter 18-Patient
Chapter 19-Press Tour pt.1
Chapter 20-Press tour Pt. 2
Chapter 21-Happy Place
Chapter 22-The premiere
Chapter 23-The accident
Chapter 24-Fault
Chapter 25-Recovery
Chapter 26-Finally
Chapter 27-First Day
Chapter 28-Goodbye
Chapter 29-College
Chapter 30-Adjusting
Chapter 31-Surprise
Chapter 32-New Zealand
Chapter 33-Help
Chapter 34-No escape
Chapter 35-Jared
Chapter 36-The answer
Chapter 37-Performance
Chapter 38-Friends and Fans
Chapter 39-Together
Chapter 40-She knows
Chapter 41-Little black box
Chapter 42-Call me
Chapter 43-Forever
Chapter 44-A noise at the door
Chapter 45-Taken
Chapter 46-Trap
Chapter 47-Stay Close
Chapter 48-Home
Chapter 49-Love Story
Chapter 50-Impromptu adventure
Chapter 51-A welcome addition
Chapter 52-Sonogram
Chapter 53-Intimate
Chapter 54-There's always next year
Chapter 55-Back again
Chapter 56-Visitors
Chapter 57-Hike
Chapter 58-Snapchat
Chapter 59-Keep working
Chapter 60-Hurry
Chapter 61-That's a wrap
Chapter 62-The Late Late Show
Chapter 63-Comedy and Tragedy
Chapter 64-Relaxing day together
Chapter 65-Well deserved
Chapter 66-Eventful ceremony
Chapter 67-Just in case
Chapter 68-Before I die
Chapter 69-Surgery
Chapter 70-News
Chapter 72-Dream
Chapter 73-No responsibility
Chapter 74-Homeymoon pt.1
Chapter 75-Honeymoon pt. 2
Chapter 76-Honeymoon pt. 3
Chapter 77-Tests
Chapter 78-Cardboard box
Chapter 79-Let me stay
Chapter 80-Baby A
Chapter 81-Alora
Chapter 82-Emily's Decision
Chapter 83-Surgery pt.1
Chapter 84-Surgery pt. 2
Chapter 85-Aunts
Chspter 86-Home

Chapter 71-First day

5.4K 183 93
By wandaslovely

*It is early morning on the day after your surgery. Amy, Tyren, Penelope, El and Sofia went home. Scarlett and Brie are currently at your apartment/El's apartment. Your parents both stayed the night in the hospital, but got up early and went home to get some fresh clothes.*

You wake up still in a lot of pain, despite the medication. You look around. Lizzie is asleep in her cot next to your bed. You look to the other side and see Lizzie's mom.

Jarnette: Good morning. How you feeling?

Y/N: Hmm...okay I guess.

Jarnette: I assume that means not good.
*she slightly smirks*

You smile

Y/N: No, not good, but I will be.

Jarnette: That's the kinda optimism I like to hear! I didn't get to tell you yesterday, for obvious reasons, but congratulations!

Y/N: Thank you! I don't think it's really set in yet. So much has happened over the last week or so that nothing feels real anymore. But I know that I'm happy.
You look over at Lizzie sleeping and smile at the way her lips are slightly parted and her brow furrowed.

Jarnette: I'm happy to officially get to call you my daughter in law!

You smile widely at her

Y/N: I'm glad about that too.

Jarnette: Would you like me to go get the nurse for anything? You said you weren't feeling good, is it the pain?

Y/N: Yeah but I assume it's supposed to hurt after open heart surgery.

Jarnette: I'm gonna go get him either way.

Y/N: Okay, see you in a minute.

She gets up and walks out of the room.

You turn back to Lizzie and lean over to tuck a piece of hair out of her face. She startled awake.

Lizzie: What's wrong?! Is Y/N okay?!

You chuckle softly

Y/N: Lizzie it's me. And yes, I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. You should rest.

Lizzie sits fully up

Lizzie: I've had plenty of rest. How's my wife doing?

You smile

Y/N: I'm never gonna get used to being called your wife, but I love it and you! I'm doing fine.

Lizzie bites her lip

Lizzie: I love you too. Where is everyone?

Y/N: Went home, I guess. And your mom just left to get the nurse.

Lizzie looks concerned again

Lizzie: Why? Are you in pain? Are your stitches okay?

Y/N: It hurts but not terribly. I still just feel pretty weird and drowsy, like I'm hungover or something.

Lizzie: Well it's probably the anesthesia and the pain killers.

Y/N: Yeah.

*Lizzie stands up and pulls on a sweatshirt from her bag.*

Lizzie: So, what should we do today as our first full day of newlyweds?

You laugh lightly but stop yourself because it hurts.

Y/N: I don't think I am supposed to really do anything today.

Lizzie smiles and takes your hand

Lizzie: Oh come on! We are going to have an awesome day and forget about all of the shittyness of what's happened recently! We're just gonna play board games and I'll read to you so you can rest and we'll watch crappy hospital tv...

Lizzie stops as she sees you start to tear up

Lizzie: Hey, what's up?

Y/N: It's just that yesterday was one of the scariest days of my life, but you also made it one of the best and now you are trying to make today great too. I'm really sorry that we can't have a normal first day of marriage!

Lizzie: I don't care if it's normal. The point is that I'm married to you! We have plenty of time for "normal" days.

Y/N: I'm really lucky I've got you.

Lizzie: You think that now but just think of what I'll be like in 20 years!

Y/N: I can't wait!

You smile at each other.

Jarnette comes back in, followed by one of the nurses that you met yesterday.

Nurse Mike: Hey, Ms. Olsen said you were in pain. How bad is it now? We can increase the pain meds, but we don't want to go too far with them.

Y/N: I'm not gonna lie, it's kinda gotten progressively worse since I woke up.

Lizzie gives you a glance but doesn't say anything.

Nurse Mike: Alright well does the pain feel like it's at the incision site or more internal?

Y/N: Sort of both.

Nurse Mike: Well I'm going to change the dressing and check your stitches just to be sure.

*He takes the bandages off and checks the stitches.*

Nurse Mike: These look okay and there doesn't seem to be any sign of infection.

*He cleans up the incision site and applies new bandaging. He ups the pain medication that is going through your IV and then leaves.*

Jarnette: Is there anything else either of you need? I was going to go check into my hotel, but I could do that later.

Y/N: I think we'll be okay. Thank you so much for coming, really!

Jarnette: Of course! I'll always be here when you call!

She leans over and kisses your forehead and then gives Lizzie a hug.

Jarnette: Make sure to take it easy today! I'll see you both later.
*She waves and walks out of the room*

Lizzie claps her hands together

Lizzie: Time for breakfast!

You groan

Y/N: But I'm not hungry!

Lizzie: The doctor said that's normal after surgery, but you need to keep your strength up. Even if you don't have an appetite, you have to eat something.

Y/N: Fine.
You roll your eyes

Lizzie playfully glares at you and scrunches her nose

Lizzie: Don't sas at me missy!

You smile mischievously

Y/N: Don't you mean Mrs.?

Lizzie smiles and and takes your hand.

Lizzie: I guess your right.

She kisses the back of your hand.

*After breakfast, Lizzie goes to one of the waiting rooms and returns with some magazines, books, and board games and dumps them on the bed.*

You quickly grab one of the games

Y/N: Yay! We're playing Clue first!

Lizzie smiles

Lizzie: You're the boss.

Y/N: That is correct.

You both laugh

Y/N: Seriously though, we don't have to just do what I want.

Lizzie: I think having undergone heart surgery yesterday qualifies you to get to make the decisions.

Y/N: Good point, but I'm not the only one who's had a difficult time lately. I know it couldn't have been easy sitting in the waiting room not knowing what was going on. I felt that way after your accident. And I know I haven't exactly made it easy, but you've been really optimistic around me and it gave me hope.

Lizzie: Well you should have heard me talking to Scarlett while you were in surgery, I was far from optimistic.

Y/N: But that's exactly what I mean, even though you were having a hard time too, you didn't let me see that. I want you to know that you always can show how you really feel, but yesterday it really was helpful to have someone showing me the better outcomes.

Lizzie: I always want to be able too show you the better outcomes, because there is always a chance. And honestly sometimes doing that for someone else allows me to believe it more myself when I'm not able to see the positive possibilities.

Y/N: Well I'm glad it helped you too. Game now?

You smile at her

Lizzie: Yes, now we can play the game.

*You set up the Clue board and select your players. Then you shuffle the cards and place one of each category(person, room, weapon) in the envelope that is set in the center of the board. You then suffle and divide up the remaining cards between you and Lizzie.*

Lizzie: Okay roll the dice and who ever gets higher gets to go first.

You pick up the set of dice and toss them on the board. You roll a ten.

Y/N: Ha! Beat that Olsen!

Lizzie rolls a twelve.

She grins at you and you glare back.

Y/N: Oh you think your so cool, don't you?

Lizzie laughs

Lizzie: Kinda

You pinch her arm.

Lizzie: Ow! What was that for?!
She rubs the spot where you pinched her

Y/N: Well I'm too tired to punch you so I thought a pinch would suffice. 

Lizzie: Don't make me tickle you to death!

She reaches for your foot

Y/N: No! Stop! Truce! I'm sorry!

Lizzie laughs

Lizzie: Okay, okay. Truce.

*You finish the game(Lizzie wins and you pinch her again for it). You then decide to rest and watch tv for a while.*

Y/N: Come up here with me, please!

You stick out your bottom lip and give her puppy-dog eyes.

Lizzie: Well I can't say no to that face!

She gets out of her chair and climbs up in the bed with you.

Lizzie: Are you sure this is okay? I'm not hurting you?

Y/N: Yes, it's fine. You could never hurt me.

Lizzie blushes and lays down next to you. She puts her hand on your arm and leans her head on your shoulder.

You turn on the tv and flip through the channels a little while. You end up on Gilmore Girls.

Y/N: Ooh I haven't watched this in forever! Can we please?

Lizzie: Of course we can Y/N.

She kisses your cheek.

*You both end up falling asleep while watching the show. You are still drowsy and weak after the surgery and Lizzie has barely slept this last week, she was too busy worrying about you.*

You wake up before she does and watch her sleep for a few minutes. Eventually, she slowly opens her eyes and looks up at you.

Y/N: You're really beautiful when you sleep you know.

She scrunches her nose and puckers her lips slightly. You plant a kiss to them and smile as you pull away.

Y/N: So I don't want to ruin our chill/non-serious day, but I did want to talk to you about something.

Lizzie shifts to sit up

Lizzie: Okay, shoot.

Y/N: Even before the surgery, I was talking to Dr. Stevens and reading a little about this and-

Lizzie: About what?

Y/N: I'm getting there. Be patient.

She rolls her eyes but then nods for you to continue.

Y/N: So I know we talked about having kids
She nods
and I know we never really discussed the specifics of how, but I had always thought I might want to be pregnant and carry a child, but I just kinda wanted your thoughts about that. Because it is a higher risk for someone with a heart condition. I mean some women do it and they and their baby are totally fine but still.

Lizzie: Well it's your body so that is up to you, but you know I would be worried and want you to get a lot of idk like tests ahead of time, to make sure it's as safe as it can be for you.

Y/N: Yeah, of course.

Lizzie: But if this is something that you want, I'll support you.

Y/N: Thank you! And obviously this doesn't have to be soon, but it's just been on my mind so I wanted you to "be in the loop" about that.

Lizzie: Well it could be soonish if you want.

You look at her

Lizzie: I mean it doesn't have to be you if you're not ready or don't feel healthy enough, but if you do want to have kids sooner, I'm open to talking about that.

Y/N: Really?

Lizzie: Yeah. And for the record, I'd be into carrying a baby too so if you aren't up for that, I could.
She smiles

Y/N: Good to know. I think I'm still up for it but I want to learn more about my risks and stuff. Maybe we should go to a fertility clinic or something.

Lizzie: Yeah. You still have another week in the hospital and then it's a long recovery at home but I'll see if we can make an appointment for a few months from now.

Y/N: Sounds good.

She snuggles back down next to you and kisses you.

Authors note:
I thought we could all use a nice cozy chapter after what's been going on lately

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