Shut up and love me (Dally Wi...

By TheInsiders

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Shut up and love me (Dally Winston Romance)
Chapter 1: The Fight That Changes It All
Chapter 2: Friday Night Traditions, Saturday Morning Frights
Chapter 4 A Night To Remember
Chapter 5 Love birds
Chapter 6:Am I in love?
Chapter 7: For him I would do anything
Chapter 8: Johnny + Bree = Forever
Chapter 9: Pony make a move
Chapter 10: How does the last name Winston sound?
Chapter 11: Kissing in the rain
Chapter 12: The Rumble
Chapter 13: Don't die mom
Chapter 14: Getting out of Town
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 3 Making It Official

3.7K 61 3
By TheInsiders

Catherine's Point Of View 

   Once we got to the hospital, I parked quickly; it was a horrible parking job but we didn't really have time to fix it. Dally got out and opened the back door to get Jake out. The whole car ride there Jake wouldn't stop talking, if anything maybe he got some sense knocked into him, well stabbed into him? I don't know but he could hold a conversation, and didn't say anything about the pain. Dally carried Jake in, while I ran inside to tell them about Jake, they got a stretcher ready for Jake. The lady in the front handed me the papers for Jake. Which wasn't a good idea, I knew nothing about him. Therefore all I could write down was his first name, and that he was allergic to bees. Jake was placed on the stretcher and then left. I just stood there wondering if I should leave or wait for a report on Jake. Dally walk over and joined me. "Well, I think the kid will survive." He said trying to lighten the mood. I wasn't in the mood for any of Dally's jokes. 

  "This place is out of it. I know a place were we could have a lot of fun." He winked and kissed me on the cheek. I rolled my eyes, "No Dallas. We should probably wait to make sure I didn't kill the son of -" I was stopped by the front desk lady. "Hi again, um is there anything else you happen to know about Jake." She asked in a sweet tone. I shook my head "No, we just found him in the park like this, and figured we'd better bring him in." I softly smiled. She smiled and then walked away. "No so smart, now if they call the police, then we have to follow that story." Dally said before siting down in a nearby chair. I rolled my eyes, "What was I supposed to say Dallas? oh I know that I throw a knife at him?" I whispered as I leaned in real close to him. He kissed me and smirked "That would have been the perfect thing to say." He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him, a doctor called out Jake's  name. "James! Jake Jame's friends and family!" I walked over. "Here." I smiled. "Jake is doing fine. Well, will be fine. There might some scarring about other than that he is good." The doctor said while looking extremely. I nodded "Good to know... When will he be released?" I asked trying to read this doctors face. "Your husband will be released, tomorrow." He said. Still couldn't read him. "WAIT WHAT?! He is not my husband. I just found him in the park. I don't even know him." I said. "That's not what he has been saying this entire time. But whoever you are to him, be here tomorrow morning to get him." The doctor said before turning and leaving. Dally came over and smirked. "Should have left him to die." He whispered in my ear. 

    I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "There's someone I want you to meet." I said as I started to walk down a hallway to Clare's office. "Is Clare Sintra here?" I made eye contact with this extremely attractive doctor, he looked at me then at Dal. "You must be Catherine Sintra. I'm Drew." He put out his hand. I went for a shake but instead he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I felt my face get hot. "Clare's here, Room 120, right there." He pointed to a room. "Thanks." I looked at Dal who eyed Drew. I knocked on the door and walked in. "Hello Miss Sintra, I seemed to have hit my head and there is blood everywhere." I said in a deep voice. She spun around "Oh my god how bad is - Oh my god Catherine is that you?!"She practically screamed.  Clare is only 14, a rule follower, and the opposite of me. "Oh my god. Catherine, its  been what a year?" She hugged me. "Yeah, still dealing with mother?" I looked at her. "Yeah, Its tough without you coming home every night, I even miss when you would bring guys home, and do whatever with them. I just miss you." She hugged me again. "Okay okay, I'll visit soon." I said laughing. 

     Dally walk in and stood behind me awkwardly, obviously I found it attractive. "Eww. Its Dallas." Clare made a nasty face to Dal. "Clare be nice. Dally this is my sister Clare, Clare this is Dally." I knew Dally was probably mouthing curse words to Clare. "Whats goin' little kid." He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not a little kid." She folded her arms. "14, That's a kid." Dally pulled me in closer to him. "Lets go, it was nice seeing you." I turned around and left with Dally following. "What a brat." He opened the door for me. "She is not a brat." We walked to the car, bumping into each other. "Well shit, you can't park." Dally said laughing at me. "Shut it before I hurt you." I said getting into the car. I started the car, and waited for him to get in. He slide in, and shut the passenger side door. "Did your parents even teach you to park." He said in-between laughs. I rolled my eyes again, and backed up. He came up with many more jokes about my parking on the way back to the Curtis's house.

  Just before we got inside he pulled me aside, and he grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "I know, you'll always be way too good for me, I never asked last night in the closet.... Will you be my girl?" He sighed. "I'll understand if you say no." He looked into my eyes. I was thinking. I... didn't really now if I should say yes. I couldn't get over Dal's looks, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, just everything about him.... "Yes." I finally blurted out. He hugged me, then kissed my lips. "I promise, I won't break your fragile heart." He looked into my eyes. I smiled, and kissed him back. We walked inside to join the rest of the gang. 

   " The girl I've been chasing for years finally said yes." He smiled as he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Every time he breathed I felt it. He pulled my hair to the side, and bent down to whisper "You know, We could go to bucks, and have sex for the rest of the night." I felt my face get hot. Dally kissed my neck softly before bringing his head back up. I knew Steve, and Soda had heard because they looked at us and laughed. I turned and looked up at Dal. "That sounds nice." He bent down and kissed my forehead. "Dally, and Catherine, if you wanna use a bed, you could use mine." Soda laughed. I turned around and hugged Dally taking in his scent of grease, and Cigarette smoke. I buried my face in his chest. 

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