Better Than I'd Thought | Sal...

By maxxfoxx

173K 5K 15.2K

While it was true that Sal had virtually offered Travis refuge from his strict father, he hadn't expected him... More

twenty one
twenty three
twenty Four
25 - Final Chapter

twenty two

5.4K 161 528
By maxxfoxx

Travis woke up in a cold sweat after yet another nightmare.

He'd been having awful dreams lately. Dreams about his father hurting him or Sal, dreams of Travis glancing out the window and seeing Kenneth's face grinning at him on the other side.

   Sal's bed was losing his scent. His guitar was dusty.

Henry's outlook on the situation was getting worse.

Travis made taking care of Gizmo his new responsibility. Sal's father was too much of a mess to get it done. He'd come to realize that cats were actually pretty cool.

Gizmo would cuddle up by his waist as he slept. He'd always been kind of skeptical of him, but with Sal gone, he'd grown fond of Travis.

Maybe he knows that we both miss Sal, Travis thought, before shaking his head, no, that's stupid. cats aren't that smart, are they?

Either way, Travis was happy to be comforted when he was so stressed out, even if it was by a cat.


   "Chocolate's fine," Larry shrugged to Todd, who turned his back to order from the ice cream truck.

    The wind blew up and into the sleeves of his tee-shirt, making him shiver.

   "You should've brought a jacket." Todd smiled after returning with two ice cream cones. One chocolate and one vanilla.

   Larry laughed. "Sal would've annoyed the hell out of me until a hoodie on." He admitted. "He probably wouldn't have even let me leave the building without one during this weather."

   "He's always worrying about everyone else." Todd grinned, shaking his head. "What does Sal normally get from the ice cream truck?"

   "Hm," Larry tilted his head up, biting the inside of his cheek as he thought, "Usually someone that no one else would choose, like those characters themed popsicles, or a snowcone or something, but his favorite ice cream flavor is cookie dough, I think."

   "Let's pick up some for him, for when he wakes up."

   Larry nodded with a smile, sitting in silence for a moment as he listened to the bustling of the world around him. "What's Neil up to?"

   Todd's face softened, "Neil is at his grandmother's house, helping her with her garden."

   "I'm surprised you didn't go with him." Larry laughed, "You two are usually inseparable."

   "She lives a few states away." He explained, shrugging. "It kind of sucks, but Neil will be back in two days."

   "Yeah, I get you." Larry sighed, "It's been pretty lonely with Sal not around, and we're obviously not dating or anything like you and Neil are, but the kid's my brother." He frowned. "I miss him, man. So I try to visit him a lot."

   "I'm sure he'd appreciate that." Todd put a freckled hand on his shoulder. "He'll wake up soon."

   "I know." Larry asserted, "It's just that it's been two weeks already, dude. Everyone's worried about him." His eyes widened. "Especially Travis. Have you seen him recently?"

   "Ah, " He winced, frowning, "he's not taking it well? I saw him a few days ago and he was asking me and Neil about being gay and stuff."

   "Dude looks like he hasn't slept in weeks." Larry mumbled, "He's all freaked out because of his father and worried to death about Sal. I guess I'd be a mess too if I was stuck in that apartment with Henry all day."

   "At least Sal isn't around to hear it this time," Todd mumbled. "He shouldn't have to hear all of that awful stuff Henry says when he's wasted."

   "My mom is worried about him," Larry grumbled. "I don't think she's ever heard the things he says about Sal when he's drunk."

   "It makes me think that Sal's dad actually blames him for what happened to Sal and his mother that day."

   "He probably does," Larry said. "Drunk words are sober thoughts, dude."

   "Poor Sal."


   "Sal, you have to wake up now." The echoing voice demanded, making him feel hazy.

   I don't know how, Sal thought, feeling hopeless, I try, but-"

   "Don't worry about that." The voice said. "The universe will take care of it. I just need you to know that this is goodbye. The people in your life need you."

  I know.

   "Soon, everything will be okay. Don't lose hope in yourself just yet."


Grocery shopping. It wasn't something that Travis particularly enjoyed.

His dad was usually busy being a pastor, so he didn't have time to pick up groceries. Travis usually went with a 'family friend' from the church. He was pretty sure they were just trying to suck up to Kenneth by running his errands for him.

Today, he was with Henry.

   He wasn't sure how the guy hadn't received a million DUI's since Sal went to the hospital. Travis hadn't seen him sober in 14 days.

   "What's that?" Henry's gaze sharpened, irritated res eyes focused on the item that Travis had put in the cart.

"Applesauce," Travis mumbled. "For when Sal's back." He knew Sal loved them.

Henry narrowed his eyes, turning away, "Put those back, kid. Sal's dying. He's not going to-"

"I'm paying them with my own change that I've saved up," Travis interjected firmly. "They're only three dollars."

"You shouldn't waste your money," Henry mumbled. "Especially on someone who is always so eager to get into trouble."

"This isn't his fault, " Travis reminded him, feeling his face becoming hot with anger, "and even if it was, he's your son. How can you say those things about him?"

"Stay out of it, Travis." Henry glared at him, "As if you have any knowledge of how a parent should act. I've heard a great deal about your father."

"My father's actions are not my fault!" Travis gritted his teeth, feeling tears rise into his eyes, "And... They really messed me up."

Henry looked away.

"From the perspective of a son who has a terrible relationship with his father, " Travis sighed, "I'm just trying to help you improve yours with Sal."

"Sal isn't even here."


Travis was jolted awake as the house phone on his bedside table began to ring loudly.

His dog barked a few times a gizmo leaped to his feet, hopping off the bed.

He glanced at the clock. 3:20 a.m. Travis reached for the phone with a scrunched-up face.

"Yeah?" He mumbled groggily.

"Dude!" The voice exclaimed, "Has Henry got the call yet?"

"Larry?" He rubbed his eyes. "What are you-"

"It's Sal, dude!" He cheered rushedly, "They just called my mom, man! He's waking up!"

"He's-" Travis felt the words getting caught in his throat. "Sal's-"

"Hurry downstairs!" Larry said. "You can come with us to the hospital!"

Travis never got out of bed quicker. He threw the phone back down and rushed to find his shoes, nearly tripping over his own feet.

Finally, he wouldn't be alone anymore. Finally, he could say with complete certainty that Sal would be okay.

He paused for a moment, seeing Henry rushing to get his jacket on.

The man turned his head upon hearing him, "Sal-"

"I'm going now, with Larry." Travis nodded, bounding out the door and down the hall.


"Mommm, " Larry groaned as his mother zipped up his jacket, nearly catching the skin of his neck in it. "It's not that cold. I just wanna get going."

   Todd stood beside him with a smile, wearing a green pea coat.

   "Larry, I'm not letting you go outside into the snow in an undershirt and a pair of sweatpants." Lisa scolded him. "You will die."

   "No I won't, mom," He grumbled, turning his head. Larry's eyes widened, "You're here!" He broke away from his mom, approaching Travis.

   "Hey," He yawned, pushing his hair out of his face.

   "Hi," Todd waved to him with a warm smile.

   "See," Larry pointed at him before glancing back to his mother, "He doesn't have a jacket either."

   "Honey, you can't go out like that. You're so thin the cold wind will just go right into your bones." Lisa frowned, noticing his clothing. He was wearing a maroon shirt with a loose pair of sweatpants. "I have one of Larry's winter coats in the car, okay? Put it on once you're in the back seat."

   Travis nodded, feeling anxious.

    "Can we go now?" Larry mumbled.

    "Yeah," Lisa shrugged, "The people at home know that I'm taking you two, right?"

   Todd and Travis nodded almost simultaneously.

   "I'm sorry that you have to take all of us," The ginger smiled at Lisa as they walked outside into the snow.

   "Don't worry about it, Todd. You've always been so considerate." She smiled, "You guys are all like my kids now, so I don't mind."

   Todd nodded happily and turned to Larry who was walking ahead of everyone else, "Where's Chug?"

   Larry spun on his head, walking backward so that he could talk to him, "Chug is sleeping over at Maples house." He snickered.

   Travis blushed and stared at the snowy ground.

   Todd laughed, "and Ash?"

    Larry grimaced, turning back around, "We got into an argument. This is my punishment for her." He crossed his arms like a child.

   "That's a little harsh, isn't it?" Travis's eyes widened, "I mean, I don't really know her, but wouldn't she like to know."

"I'll still tell her," Larry shrugged, "but she pissed me off so I don't think I can see her right now."

Lisa sighed, shaking her head.

Todd frowned, "What happened?"

   Larry shoved his hands inside of his jacket pockets. "She said..." He exhaled loudly, "She said that it's unfair that Sal always gets the most attention."

   "He doesn't though." Travis mumbled, "I mean he does right now, but that's because he's sick."

   He shrugged. "She just came off really selfishly. It made me mad." As the years went on, Larry had become increasingly protective of his step-brother.

   "I'm sure she didn't mean it so harshly," Lisa patted his head, "Ash and Sal are good friends."

   Larry brushed her hand off. "She wouldn't be talking behind his back if they weren't good friends." He shook his head, getting into the car. "Whatever, that doesn't matter right now. I just want to get Sal home."


"Can you tell me your name?" The nurse asked, holding the stethoscope to his chest.

"Sal," He mumbled, "what's going on?"

"Last name?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, feeling tired. "Fisher. Where am I?"

   "The hospital." The nurse said gently, "You had a significant amount of rat poison in your system. Do you know where that might have come from?"

   "Rat poison?" His eyes widened.

   "In this situation, it's important to ask, did you maybe take something purposefully?" She gazed into his eyes. "As an... attempt to-"

   "No, no!" Sal shook his head. "I didn't- I wouldn't do that."

   "I see." She said. "The only other logical explanation is that someone gave it to you and you didn't know."

   "I don't remember..." He mumbled, looking down. "Where is everyone? I want to talk to my dad." His eyes widened. Travis. "Can I call someone?"

   "We've contacted your father about your change in condition." The nurse assured him. "He should be here soon."

   "He's not here?" Sal frowned. "How... How long have I been asleep?"

   The nurse hesitated. "Two weeks, fourteen days."

   "Oh god," He groaned, "That means I missed two episodes of my show." He was going to try and get Travis to watch it with him. He swallowed. Was Travis okay? Maybe he'd gone back home after being alone in the house with Henry for so long.

  "What about your parents? Do you remember anything about them?"

   Sal frowned. "My dad's name is Henry. We live in an apartment building. My mom..." He looked away, "She died when I was little, so."

   "Any siblings?"

   Sal's eyes lit up. "Larry," He smiled, "He's not really... My biological brother, and he's not even technically my stepbrother yet, but... Yeah, Larry."

   "Ok," She smiled back at him, "Well, the good news is that your memory seems to be working pretty well." The nurse paused. "The bad news is that your body isn't."

   Sal frowned.

   "You don't seem to have any ability to move, below your waist, right?"

    He shook his head.

   "Don't worry," She said, "This isn't abnormal for patients coming out of comas. Sometimes your body just needs a few days to adjust to being used again after so many days of laying there."

   "Oh, okay." Sal felt a weight lift off of his chest.

   "We'll send you home with a wheelchair." She stood up, "Your father and stepmother are on their way. We spoke to them over the phone earlier."

   Lisa, Sal smiled. That probably meant that Larry was coming too, maybe even Todd. Hopefully, his dad would bring Travis along.

   Sal was excited to see them all again. For now, he'd wait in bed, staring at the moon through his room's window.


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