Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

Von AdoredbyMinAgustD

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This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... Mehr

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Von AdoredbyMinAgustD

I follow Jimin, smiling at the bewildered looks of the others. Jin looks surprised at me, then at the others. I wink at him and walk outside. Jimin waits by the car. The door is opened for me and I get in. Jimin sits down next to me. Really close, touching my side. I smile to myself, watching out the window. 

At some point he takes my hand and plays with my fingers. "How are you? Nervous?" He asks me and I chuckle. "No. It itches as hell, so I know it's healing. They'll remove the stitches today, hopefully. I want to take a normal shower again, not thinking about keeping my head out of the water." I tell him with longing coating my voice, thinking about a normal shower.

"Want me to join you when you can?" He asks me cheekily. I tap my lower lip like I'm thinking about it and he pouts cutely, jutting his lower lip out. I want to bite it, but I don't. We're almost at the hospital. "Hmmm," I say, teasing him more, "maybe."

We sit in silence. His mind is occupied and I don't have a clue what to say now. I see the hospital come into view, so we're almost there. The car stops and seconds later the door is opened. Jimin gets out, and holds his hand up for me. 

I take it and get out. He holds my hand as we walk through the entrance. I know where we need to go. I've been there before, when I was staying here after waking up from a coma again. I take the lead and walk to the elevators. When the doors open, we four get in, and Yong and Chul-Moo cage us in, creating a little cocoon. It does make Jimin stand flush up against me, and I get a little hot. 

The elevator stops, letting new people get on and it's getting crowed. Everyone shuffling to make room. Now he's hugging me from the side, caging me into his strong arms. He holds me firmly, protectively and I swallow the tears down. I need to keep my head straight. It's not that people can recognize us, wearing face masks, and my bodyguards shield us pretty good. 

He leans closer to my ear, stepping closer. How is that possible? "Sorry about this," he whispers. A shudder travels my spine at his raspy whisper, feeling him against me is putting my brain into scrambles. All I want to do is press him against the wall and lick my way down to his impressive buldge I can feel against the side of my leg. 

I shake my head and lean up to his ear, "don't worry. Everything is fine." I whisper softly, my voice trembling a little. I hope he doesn't hear it, but when I pull back he has a knowing look in his eyes as they laugh at me. I elbow him softly and he chuckles. The elevator stops at our floor, my bodyguards creating a path so we can get off. 

I lead them to the waiting area and leave them to tell the assistant I'm here for my appointment. I can walk right in, the doctor will be with me shortly. I wave at Jimin and enter the office. I take a seat and as I wait I look around the office again. 

A wooden desk, clean and orderly. The chair is a simple thing. The walls are adorned with diplomas, and other achievements. One wall has shelves full with books and little models of organs. Various plants placed around the office gives it a nice vibe. 

The door opens and Dr. Cha walks in. I get up, bow and shake his hand. "Good day Aqua. How do you feel?" Straight to the point, it's what I like about him. He's mid thirty, black hair styled back, friendly eyes. Taller than me, obviously. He holds my hand and pulls me to the examination room through the second door. "I'm fine," I tell him, "it itches and resisting the urge to scratch is getting harder." I finish speaking when he makes me sit on the bed against the wall. He turns me around so he can examine the wound. I take the hat off.

"It looks good," he says probing the skin right next to the crust. It itches and is a little sensitive, but no pain anymore. "Okay I think they can come out." He says as I turn around again. "So I can get it wet now?" I ask right away. He chuckles, "yes. It's healed well. Don't scratch, then the scar will be minimal." He says next. He walks to the door and turns before leaving me alone. 

"I'll send a nurse to remove the stitches. And I don't think there's any need for you to return, unless something else happens. Goodbye Aqua." And he leaves through the door. "Goodbye and thank you Dr. Cha," I yell a little. He's so fast, he must be busy. 

I wait for minutes, then finally a nurse comes into the room. "Hello," I greet her. She smiles at me, "Hello. Aqua is it?" She asks me and I nod. I give her my back and she first studies it, then softly removes the stitches. It doesn't hurt but tickles making it itch stronger. 

"All done," she says as I hear the tools she used drop into the metal bowl. I softly feel the wound with my finger tips. It feels hard, and my hair is already growing back, but still so short it tickles my fingers. "Thank you," I say as I get off the bed. I bow in goodbye, and leave the room and then the office. 

Jimin jumps up as soon as I'm out of the office, worry all over his face. Smiling, he smiles back. "Everything okay?" He asks and I nod. I put the hat back on, I'm still holding in my hands. He comes closer and puts my hair behind my ears when I'm done putting the hat on. I take his hand and walk back to the elevators. 

Yong and Chul-Moo follow us. I press the call button and we wait. The ride down is just us four but Jimin is still right next to me. Walking through the hospital, he takes my hand and strokes the top. 

Outside we wait for Chul-Moo getting the car, with Yong opening the door for us when it stops before us. We get in, and he starts to play with my fingers right away. "I hope you don't mind but I want to take you somewhere." He tells me, smiling sweetly. I shake my head and lie on his shoulder. He starts to hum a melody I don't know, closing my eyes I listen to it. It's soft and sweet. 

I get woken up by Jimin softly stroking my cheek. Oops, he laughs at me, and I stretch my back, yawning. I cover my mouth till it's closed, then smile back at him. I get snared in his eyes, not noticing the door is open behind me. 

"We're here," is gruffly uttered behind me. It pulls me out of Jimin's eyes. I turn around and Chul-Moo steps away. He doesn't like me much. He looks disapprovingly, he probably thinks I'm a spoiled brat he needs to guard. I don't care. I climb out, Jimin is right behind me, taking my hand and leading me to a back door. 

We walk through and as soon as the outside noise gets cut off I hear them and know where we are. I've always wanted to go, but not finding the time to go. "I've rented the place for an hour, so it's just us two." He tells me. He opens the second door and we get greeted by the one staff present. 

I get swarmed by all the cats inside the cafe. And I walk to the middle and plop down on the floor. I don't care. One makes itself home in my lap and I hear Jimin chuckle behind me. I stroke it behind its ears and I feel it purring in delight. 

Jimin plops down opposite me after ordering drinks. The only two kittens pounce on him and I get my phone and snap a picture. The sight is too cute not to freeze it in time. He looks up when he hears my phone. "Thank you. I love it." I say stroking the various cats around me vying for attention. 

Our drinks arrive and we chat about me going solo and about them getting ready for a new comeback. The tour that was supposed to happen with Gemstones is canceled. I need to talk to Chun-Hei about how to proceed. Next I need to write my own songs and one with Yoongi. 

The hour passes us quickly and I'm sad to leave. I love cats. They are such curious creatures, very affectionate. Jimin gets up and holds his hands for me to pull me up. I gently lift every cat I have in my lap and place them back on the floor. They look disgruntled as they were sleeping peacefully. 

We make our way back to the back door and outside we get greeted by Yong. Chul-Moo is probably with the car. Jimin wraps an arm around me, walking side by side to the car. Yong is behind us, at the door Jimin opens it and climbs in. I follow, sitting next to him. 

The door slams shut and seconds later the car moves. "Thanks Jimin. I've always wanted to go. I loved it." I say before kissing his cheek. He smiles big, his eyes turning into the cutest crescents. I snuggle into his side and the silence settles over us. It reminds me off the date to the beach he took me on. And the sex on the beach and after with Yoongi. My blood flows a little quicker through my veins. 

The drive home doesn't take long. Before I know it I'm climbing out of the car after Chul-Moo opened the door. I bid them a great evening and enter the house after opening the door. Jimin closes the door entering after me. I get rid of my shoes and walk to the living room. 

I can hear the TV, the volume quite loud. I halt in the doorway and observe the scene before me. All six are sitting on the edge of their seat, completely focused on the newscaster popping on the screen. They don't even notice me. 

Arms snake around me from behind, a chin on my shoulder, "what is happening?" Jimin whispers in my ear. I shake my head and listen to the newscaster. 

'This is an extra news bulletin. There is an unknown phenomenon happening. At this point there are 23 people admitted to the hospital with the same strange symptoms. 7 of those people died within the span of 24 hours. And the doctors are sad to say the others will follow, not understanding what is ailing those poor souls. The authorities don't know how it happens, or why those people were attacked. The police made a statement informing the public there are an unknown amount of suspects attacking people, targeting soul marks. The police also asked the public to be silent about soul marks or soulmates. As everyone knows talking about it is prohibited, and anyone caught will face the consequences. So should you find yourself a victim of such an attack, inform the police immediately. There is a special phone number you should call. It's……

Hoseok turns the TV off and throws the remote on the table. I look at them, and four are white in the face, all looking at me, finally noticing Jimin and me. "Those poor people," Jungkook says, shaking his head. "But who would do such a thing? And what is it they do? I mean 7 people died." Hoseok asks, but no one replies, not knowing the answers. I don't have a clue, but I think I need to have a chat with  dad again about soulmates. He should know more right? As a whisperer?

I get my phone and check the time. It's early enough. Will he be at work or at home. You know what, why not call him. I dial the number as I get out from Jimin's arms and walk to my room for privacy. After four rings, "Y/n? Anything wrong?" He greets me, I chuckle, we don't call each other a lot. Well never actually. "Hi dad. Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to talk to you. Can I come over?" I ask. It stays silent for a second and I wonder what he's thinking. "Sure. I'm at the office though," he says. 

"Oh that's fine. See you in a few. Bye dad." I say. 

"See you soon daughter. I'm happy to see you. Bye," and he disconnects the call. I get back to the living room and say goodbye to the guys. They are surprised I'm leaving, but don't say anything. I take Jimin's hand and pull him with me. 

"Don't shower yet. Wait for me till I get back." I whisper into his ear. His hands squeeze my sides as he pulls me against him. I hug him to me, kissing his neck. He kisses behind my ear very softly and I sigh. I break the hug and step back. But he isn't done yet and steps with me. But instead of stopping after the one step I took he pushes me back till my back is pressed against the wall. My heart rate increases, pumping my blood like rapids through my body. 

My fingers tingle with the urge to touch him, but at the same time I'm paralyzed. He cages me in and I can't get away. But more importantly, I don't want to get away. He leans his whole body against me, then his hands stroke my arms down to my hands. He laces his fingers with mine, holding my hands firmly yet softly. How? He lifts my hands over my head, crossing my wrists and holding them above my head with one hand. 

With the other he softly trails his finger over my nose, lips, down my neck to the top of my breasts. He moves closer, getting next to my ear. "Thank you for today. At the café you looked so cute and somehow so sexy, all I wanted to do is take you right there between the cats. Feeling you snug and warm around me. I'll wait for you. Don't take too long." He purrs. His voice coated with arousal firing my blood more and all I can think about is that I want him to kiss me. 

But all he does next is kiss the tip of my nose, releasing my wrists, turning around and walking up the stairs. I do see him adjust himself, and he felt hard just now. I smile and shake it off me. I put on my shoes and open the door. Luckily Yong is just outside and he looks surprised to see me so soon. 

"Anything wrong?" He asks me. I shake my head, "no. I just wanted to visit my dad." I tell him. He nods his head and walks to the car. I follow him and he opens the door. I get in, he closes the door when I sit down. I hear the other car doors slam shut and then the car drives away. 

I close my eyes, leaning my head back, thinking. Where are the Gemstones? What is their plan? Do they have a plan or is it just Sexy's fake soulmate? I come up empty, having really no clue what their end goal is and how they want to accomplish it. 

The car stops and I sit up, waiting to get out. Leaving the car in the garage I get on the elevator. At the top floor I get off and knock on the door to dad's office. The door opens and he standing radiating, spreading his arms wide for me to step into. And I do, hugging him. He gives my cheek a kiss and pulls me into the office.

We sit down on the couches, "so how are you? I see you've been busy sealing another bond." He says smiling at me. I smile back, "I'm fine and yes we certainly did. How are you? Busy?" I ask back. 

"Nothing I can't handle. So what do you want to talk about?" He asks. Smiling, I think about how I want to approach this. "Funnily about soulmates," I finally say. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and then he nods knowingly. "You saw the news bulletin huh?" He asks me. 

I get up and snatch a bottle of water, holding one up for him but he shakes his head at me. He gets up himself and pours himself some whiskey from the liquor cabinet. "Want something to eat?" He asks me but I decline. I'll get something on the way back home. We sit down again and I look at him. 

"So what do you want to know?" He asks after taking a sip, sighing at the taste. "You're a whisperer and feel the marks. Is there anything else you can feel?" I ask first. He shakes his head, "nope. Just the marks." 

"Isn't it overwhelming feeling them constantly?" I ask and he laughs out loud. "I don't always feel them. I have to concentrate and sometimes they feel strong, like with yours. They're the strongest I've felt so far. Even the orchid. And sometimes it's really faint. But they don't bombard me constantly." His laughter dies and he regards me questioningly. He knows I've got more to ask him.

"Are there other people like you? Not a whisperer but something else?" I ask next, taking a sip. He swirls the whiskey in his glass, looking at me. He takes a long sip, placing his glass on the table. He clasps his hands in his lap. "I'm going to tell you what my grandmother told me when I was little and we found out I was a whisperer just like her. It skipped my parents and at first they thought it skipped me too. But when it became apparent it hadn't she told me this after explaining what I was." He grabs his glass and empties it in one long gulp. He licks his lips and I wait impatiently. He sure likes to draw this out. I don't mind, I like this. 

"Now let me emphasize that I don't know if this is true or not. I never encountered anyone capable of what my grandmother told me. There's a legend implying there was a person who could remove soul bonds. I don't know how they would do it. My grandmother didn't know." He scratches his chin, thinking before continuing. 

"The legend says that a very beautiful princess received the mark from someone who was far beneath her station. Apparently she wanted to live a little before marrying one of the suitors vying for her hand." I laugh and he chuckles. "She ordered the royal physician to find a solution so she wouldn't be associated with this person. She got the mark first and the man of course loved her and told her sealing the bond." He gets up to refill his glass and takes the bottle with him. He takes a sip, smacking his lips in appreciation. 

"The legend says he found a woman who removed the mark from the princess. The princess died three days later, and her soulmate lived a half life, turning bitter and he made it his life's work to get a law put up so talking about soulmates is prohibited." He sighs long. 

"This happened, if it happened at all, a very, very long time ago. There is no actual proof." He sips again, almost emptying his glass. It's a sad story, why wasn't she happy with what she got? I don't dwell on it, never knowing the reason behind her actions. 

"We only know of it because it gets passed down the families. And I know there must be other whisperers, but I never met one. A while back there was a news report about someone helping people finding their soulmates, do you remember?" He asks me. I nod, remembering thinking if it maybe was dad. But apparently not. 

"Anything else?" I ask, looking straight at him. I'm not going to ask him if I'm right about the other two being my soulmate. I don't need to. It feels like it and I'm going to trust my instinct. But I want them to remember everything before I say those three simple words. 

He shakes his head, "no. Now you know everything I know." He pats my hand, "are you scared you'll be attacked?" He ask me, but I shake my head. I have no reason to be scared. People only know about Yoongi and I and the other three are secret. Besides my bodyguards have made me feel safe so I'm not worried. 

"No I'm not afraid I'll be attacked. It's hard getting close to me now with Chul-Moo and Yong constantly around me." I squeeze his hand and he smiles at me. "Thank you. I won't keep you any longer." I say as I close the bottle and put it on the table. I get up, and he sets his glass on the table. 

I walk to the door and turn around. He's right behind me and I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye dad. Talk to you later?" I say pulling back. 

"I'm happy you came to me, Y/n. Goodbye daughter," he says kissing my forehead. I laugh, he sure likes to say daughter. I wave and walk out of the office. Yong is lounging on a couch, while Chul-Moo is standing stiffly just next to the elevator. 

He calls the elevator and we get on when the doors are open. I check my phone for the time as we ride down. 'Yoongi? Is someone cooking dinner?' I wait and when I'm walking to the car Yoongi responds. 'Love. No, not yet. Why?' 

'I'll get take-out. Anything you desire?' I ask back, climbing into the car, but holding my hand up for Yong. He waits, 'the only thing I desire is you, Love'  Floats into my head. I smile to myself. "Can we get food on the way home?" I ask Yong. He nods his head, "sure. Anything specific?" He says, waiting for my reply. 

"Korean chicken please," he nods, then closes the door. After fifteen minutes of driving the car slows down. The door is opened after stopping and I get out. Entering the restaurant, Yong and Chul-Moo hot on my heels. I must admit it's a little tiring constantly being watched. I order everything that's popular and wait for it to be prepared. 

Yong takes the various bags with food and we leave the restaurant. The drive home doesn't take long, my stomach grumbling because of the smell hanging around me in the car. It smells delicious and I can't wait to get home so I can eat. The last time I brought food home, Jungkook and the others devoured it in seconds. I didn't mind it in the end. Otherwise we never would have the soulmate festival as my favorite date Yoongi took me on. It's in my top three. Jimin's beach date is too. And the picknick with Jin too. 

The car stops finally and I get out of the car and take the bags with food off Yong, after opening the door. I close the door with a foot, then toe my shoes off. 

"Dinner's here," I yell loudly through the house.


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