The Ghost

By Goddessamonghumans

255K 7.4K 1.8K

Currently being re-written! Check out Creating the Ghost for the new version! (Not finished in the least) "No... More

1. how pissed are you at me right now?
2. What kind of mother are you!
3. I know all this, I am a graduate.
4. It is time to begin the naming ceremony.
5. Welcome, welcome
6. hah I caught you
7. Fina-fucking-ly
9. You've been a bad boy
11. I love you G
12. What happens if I kill her?
13. What is the initiation?
14. Mark, are you busy?
16. My turn to reveal to her!
17. Her initiation
18. Where have you been
19. My Comeback
20. I trusted you
21. Ghost's secret weapon
Character List
22. The plan
25. I'll just kill them both
26. We are safe
27. Domino, Jackson
28. The blank faced sister
29. Next time I kill you
30. Idiots
31. Domino and Rosie's turn
32. Fear me
33. I'm bored
35. follow their lead
36. you forgot who raised me
37. She moved all of them out!
38. She just fucking died for G!
39. He's...
40. G! Don't!
41. So... you're Mark's... boyfriend???
43. You created me
44. plans
45. I will protect my family.
46. too easy
48. Enjoy the pain!
49. The Ghost
50. Stay safe G, I'll always love you
51. Le Renard
52. Half Birthday
53. You're Fired
54. The Video
55. Rogue
56. Questions
57. Jacques
58. Scars
59. She might kill me
Character Questions
60. Rebrand
61. Massacre
62. Is she...
63. A nice long chat
64. Friend
65. Life's not fair, kid.
66. Losing you
67. The Show
68. Heirs
69. Sisters
70. He's gone
71. No more hugs till I've had a shower!
72. I promise
A/N Editing

47. The darkness

1.1K 52 35
By Goddessamonghumans

Galaxy POV

(Before the phone call)

I stand waiting, just out of sight of the base. The sky started letting tears fall soon after John went in, making everyone but me run to their cars for protection. I savor the sadness and anger of the earth that replicates my own emotions, planning the gruesome murder of each and every single person who hurt my family.

Today I shed the name of Ghost, it's too subtle for my plans. Today I will become a true demon killing with more hatred in my heart than even Satan has in his entire body.

Nothing worth living for by the Violent Femmes playing breaks me out of my reverie. It takes me a moment to realize that it's my phone ringing, but when I see the caller id I rush to pick it up.

"Are they safe? Are you out of there yet?" I yell the moment the phone is at my ear.

Stacy and Thea yell into the room they're in, "G? Is he actually safe?"

Holding back a sigh, I relish in this sadness for a moment longer. Wishing that Ashley hadn't just given them trust issues again.

Something in the energy of the call changes, but I'm not sure what. I'm still trying to come up with an answer that will make them feel safer with John, when I realize, there is no way he is not holding Mark right now in some way shape or form. "Yes girls he can be trusted. You are safe." I try to soothe them. "Just look at the way he's holding Mark, if this was a trap, he wouldn't be so gentle."

"How... How did you know?" He barely manages to stutter out.

I allow myself to laugh at his predictableness, but as I speak my voice gets more and more serious, "I sent you in after your boyfriend who we already knew had been beaten pretty badly. There was no chance in hell you weren't holding him right now."

I hear him chuckle lightly, but it quickly stops for some reason. I pause waiting for him to speak, but after he doesn't say anything else, I start asking questions, "Where are you right now?"

"We're still in the room they were being kept in. The girls didn't trust us and Rosie and Mark are both hurt pretty bad and are out of it right now. They're going to need emergency surgery the moment we get them to our doctor." He explains the situation to me.

I sigh through the phone before giving out commands, "Alright, get them out now. We'll start the assault the moment you're out of the building. I don't want them in the crossfire. Now take me off speaker."

It takes him a moment of what I'm guessing is resituating Mark until he can hold Mark and still have the phone to his ear, but also turned away from everyone else. "Ok you're off speaker." He tells me when he's done.

I immediately darken my energy, so the next words that come out of my mouth make all the blood drain from his face, "If either of the girls are injured in some way shape or form, I'll hurt you worse than I've done to my sperm-donor. And if Mark or Rosie dies, you will suffer the exact same injuries they have. I will not tolerate failure."

I hear him squeak out a "yes ma'am," and then I hang up the phone.

I spend the next 20 minutes pacing, anxious for them to be out of there sooner rather than later. It feels like it's taking them too long, they should have been out of there already.

Deciding that something is wrong, I make all of the people going in the front door with me get out of their cars and stand in the pouring rain with me. "Something is wrong, we may need to go in before they're out. Ruby, if that happens, I want you to use your training and make your way to them. If they're still at the exit point when you get there you have full clearance to kill the men with your most painful methods."

Ruby nods at me before walking away to get her weapons for painful deaths, a sledgehammer and an injection that I've heard compared to the cruciatus curse from Harry Potter.

Continuing giving orders, I turn to Paris and Jasmine, "you two are in charge of Ashley." They look shocked at me.

"You want us to take care of her?!?" Paris asks, almost afraid.

I nod solemnly, walking away to check with another group of my assassins, while keeping an eye on the pair. They argue with each other for a minute as I brief the other group, but once I finish up they have disappeared to the weapons cache we brought with us.

My phone beeps with a message from John, about to be ambushed, move in now.

Rage grows deep within me, building to a fury that slowly overflows my body taking over my thoughts. Everyone around me tenses at the emotions rolling off of me, waiting for me to give the order to move in.

It takes me a moment to realize that I ordered them to stay as I move to walk in the front door. The instant the door is open, five guys are firing at me. Thankfully my sperm donor was the one who hired them, so every bullet missed.

"You fucking bitches should have thought twice before shooting at me." I yelled as I threw knives that slice through each of their throats paralyzing them while killing them slowly. Pausing for a moment I bathe in their pain, before running down a hallway in search of more people to destroy.

It only takes me a few steps before running into another group of three men. The first man comes running at me, trying to choke me out, but I grab one of his arms, completely tearing it off. He screams out in pain, but manages to grab hold of my wrist. I slip my wrist out of his hand as I roundhouse kick his head creating enough force to snap his neck.

The next man comes at me with his own roundhouse thinking I'd be unbalanced, but I dodge it with a back handspring kicking him in the face in the process. It takes him too long to recover as I knock him to the floor and stomp across his chest on my way to kill the third man.

Recognizing who I am, he backs away slowly until he is pinned against the wall. I decide to see who exactly hurt my siblings by getting information from this weakling.

"Who hurt them?" I growl letting him feel a small portion of my rage that I've been keeping caged for Ashley.

He whimpers quietly, "his second and thirds."

Getting my answer, I twist his neck ruthlessly and walk down the hallway in search of more people to dismember.

On the next turn only one man stands in my way. So when he decides to try to fight me, I ram my finger into one of his eye sockets effectively gouging his whole eyeball out in one of the most painful ways possible. His shrieks of pain and disgust, at seeing the remnants of his eye come out of his face on my thumb, makes the darkness in me smile.

As I continue killing men in the base, I feel myself falling back into a blackhole of dark emotions. With each death I give, I get pulled deeper and deeper into the abyss. I've stopped feeling anything but my rage and sadness.

Slowly but surely each man in the building is killed as they challenge me, reverting me to my darkest self from when I was still at the school. It took them months to break me out of this state last time, but this time I refuse to ever go back. I can't care for anyone anymore. Sure I will claim my siblings as mine, but the only reason I will avenge them is because it would be an insult to me if someone went after them.

I accept this. I am not worthy of anyone, so I will reject everyone.

It takes me almost an hour to kill every man in the building. I'm searching the last corridor for Ashley, but my hopes aren't high. We grew up together, so she knows all of my moves, she's even spent time with the devil in me.

Surprisingly she sits at a desk in the very last room I check, acting like a villain in a bad movie, she even did the idiotic slow clap. The room itself is simple with just the desk and chair furnishing it. An open window lies in the corner fluttering a curtain that attempts to hide the outside world. Recognizing that she will bolt if she sees the true me, I hide the darkness behind a mask, letting her see what she wants to see.

"You know, I honestly wasn't sure if you were going to make it to me or if you would hand me off to one of your cronies." Ashley says as she acknowledges my presence.

I reply with a sickly sweet voice, "Well I figured you didn't want any of these pesky henchmen around anymore, so I took care of them all for you. You're welcome."

"Well thank you, you're right. They're so fucking weak and can't even beat someone to death right." Ashley complains almost lightheartedly.

"About that, you know I have to kill you now... right? You've hurt what's mine and that cannot go unpunished."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Don't you see! I've saved you! You were becoming soft. Letting yourself get raped, protecting your parents, even bringing children to one of our bases! They were just causing you more pain and I couldn't handle seeing that happening to you anymore. I've liberated you from the ties of blood."

Her cries of desperation make me laugh. Knowing that this could essentially go on forever, I unleash the darkness that has been growing in me since I charged into the building.

The sudden change in atmosphere shocks Ashley, but I speak before she even gets the chance. "When did I tell you that I wanted to be saved!?! I was enjoying having true feelings for once, but now you've gone and ruined me yet again! I will kill you even slower than it's taking me to kill Jackson."

Ashley gasps, "you mean you haven't even killed the bitch yet! He's still alive!"

I scoff, "He won't survive much more torture, so don't you worry yourself about any of it." Leaning down I whisper quietly into her ear, "you should be more worried about how long it's going to take me to kill you."

Her danger sensors finally go off in her mind, but it's too late for her. The moment she tries to bolt out of her chair and to the door, I use the momentum to slam her against the desk with my hand wrapped tightly around my neck.

She doesn't even flinch as I take out a knife readying to take her fingers. I bring the blade slowly through her first finger maximizing the pain with a jagged cut to ensure there will never be an option for her to reattach them, not that I'd ever let her live long enough to try.

I feel myself slipping farther and farther into the blackhole with each cut I make on her fingers, and it feels... delicious. I've stopped feeling any of my own pain and regrets, but I'm swimming in a pool of rage that goes on endlessly.

It takes me a while, but I cut five of her fingers off, one for each person she took from me. When I finish, she still hasn't made a sound or changed her facial expression.

"G, look at me! I did all of this for you! I love you!" She freezes with fear as the last three words echo around the room.

I scrunch my eyes in distaste, slamming my fist on the desk splashing her blood back into her face. "Love is caring about what makes other people feel like they are important, precious and worth the life they've been given. All you've done for me is care about your own relationship with me."

She scowls, "I have tried to make sure that you never feel the pain of being betrayed by family again! How is that not love?"

Growing tired of this conversation I grab her hair pulling her up so I can whisper in her ear, "And yet you, who I had already claimed as family, have made me feel more betrayed than ever. You've awakened my darkness. Now live with it."

Finished with talking to her I slam Ashley's head into the table just hard enough to make her unconscious. I grab the curtains hanging over the window and tie her with them. Then carry her out of the building.

Entering the outside world, I notice that my people are positioned at each potential exit point, but no dead bodies lay at their feet, as each man decided I was weak and challenged me. The two other girls I claim as sisters wait at the front entrance.

They glance between me and the body I'm carrying, but keep their mouths shut. I don't even spare them a second glance before throwing the girl on my shoulder into the trunk of my car and driving off.

While driving down the road a memory of my phone buzzing while I murdered people pops into my head, so I take a glance at my phone. There is a text from John that my siblings are in surgery, but no other news yet. The text creates a small spark in my heart, but the darkness quickly suffocates it, making me lose any hope I had ever had of keeping a family.


Sorry this took me so long, I was trying to make her fall into darkness more believable. I wanted to make sure that her character didn't fall too easily.

Ok so the big questions!

How would you like Ashley to be tortured?

How should Jackson (barf) finally die?

I will do my best to incorporate your ideas, so let your darkest and devilish self out! We need ideas worthy of our little devil 😈.

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