James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

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Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 38

196 2 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(Hadaza's POV)
I wake up the next morning to autumn climbing up on the bed and flopping onto her daddy's chest gently. "Mowwwwwing daddy." She says bouncing on the bed. "Morning princess." He says grabbing her and set her on his hips. "Did you have a goodnight sleep princes?" I ask yawning and look over at her. "Yes mummy. I sowwy." She says looking at me sadly. "Its okay baby girl. Mommy should be sorry. She shouldn't have yelled at you. Can you forgive mommy?" I say holding my arms open for a hug. Autumn slides off her father and crawls into my and gives me the biggest two year old hug she can give me. I hug her and kiss her head gently and hold her looking at my husband. "I'm going to go see if the little one is up and we can have morning cuddles." He says getting up to check on our other daughter. I let him and hold autumn as she lays with me. "Did you enjoy yesterday?" I ask her. "Yes. Mummy I went potty." She says smiling. "You did? Did you make it to the bathroom?" I ask. "Yes mummy." She says smiling brightly. "Can you show me how many times you went on your fingers?" I ask. She puts two fingers up and smiles proudly at herself. "You went two times by yourself princess? That's amazing. High five." I say holding my hand up. Autumn smiles proudly and gives me a high five and a surprise cuddle as James comes in with a smile and our daughter who was wide awake and fussy. "Someone is hangry." My husband says rocking her. "Alright give her here." I say sitting up fully and take my t-shirt off and undo my nursing bra then take her to start feeding her. "Daddy I hungy too." She asks looking up at him. "Alright I'll go make breakfast. Do you wanna stay with my mommy and sissy or do you want to come help me?" He ask her. "Hewlp." She says smiling. "Okay. Lets go." He says smiling and helping her down and walks downstairs with her. I smile and sit in bed breast feeding my daughter as my husband makes breakfast for us with our daughters help. Dahalia eats hungrily and blinks trying to understand where I am. "Is breakfast good baby girl? You like mommy milk don't you?" I coo gently and feed her. Dahalia eats hungrily and moves her tiny hands trying to grab onto my breast. I smile and watch her eat hungrily and hold her enjoying the bonding time I am having with her while she eats. Dahalia eats hungrily and sucks roughly on my breast getting the milk she needs. I sit feeding her and smile down at her kissing her head and look up hearing the doorbell ring then hear voices. "She's upstairs. Why are you here?" I hear my husband say to someone. "I wonder who daddy is talking to." I say looking down at her. Dahalia finishes eating and detaches from me and whines. "Okay okay." I say fixing myself and burp her. Dahalia burps and coos as I get up and fix myself a bit then head downstairs with Dahalia cooing and kicking. "What is going on down here?" I ask walking downstairs and into the kitchen laying Dahalia down in her rocker. "Hi Hadaza." I hear a familiar voice that makes my skin go cold and my blood boil. "Get out. Now." I say turning around and face my parents. "Look Hadaza honey we just wanted to come see the kid or should I say kids and to say we are sorry. As well as see you and James." My mother says grabbing my hand causing me to pull my hand away quickly. "Get out. You are breaking the restraining order." I say upset but trying to keep myself calm because my kids were in the kitchen. "Actually there is no restraining order." My mother says. "James get them out of here please. NOW!" I say going back to my kids. "Mummy Dat." Autumn asks pointing to my parents. "They are strangers baby girl. Pay no attention to them. Daddy is going to show them out." I say distracting her and grab my phone and text my friend who is a cop and tell them what is going on. James gets my parents out as they are met with the cops waiting for them. "Everyone okay in here??" I hear my husband say as he walks into the kitchen.  "I otay daddy." Autumn says smiling and eats her breakfast as if nothing happened. "Good princess and I see your sister is good. What about mommy?" I hear him ask me and rub my back gently as I get some tea. "Mommy is fine. Just fed up with things." I say not looking at him. "I'm sorry love. I should've stopped them. I did not intend for our daughter to see them." He say holding me gently. "I know. It just scared me when I saw them and it brought back the memory of them kidnapping our daughter. Now they know about our other daughter and they are out which does not make me feel good." I say panicking no longer able to keep myself calm. "Love set the cup down and look at me." He says taking the cup out of my shaking hands and sets it down then turn me to towards him. I look at him shaking full of fright and anxiety. My husband wraps me in his arms and kisses me gently and holds me. I shake and kiss him tearing up and hold him. "Everything is going to be okay. Shhhhh relax. I got you. Nothing and no one will ever harm my family or my kids and wife. Shhhh." He whispers in my ear and stroke my hair softly. I hold him and calm down still shaking but not as bad as I was before. "Here drink." He says holding my cup of tea and makes me drink it. I hold onto his hands and take a sip of the tea and shake. "Mummy otay?" I hear autumn ask concerned. "Mommy's okay autumn. Eat your breakfast sweetie." He says looking at her. "Otay." She says eating without another question. I drink my tea but pull away hungry and wanting some food. "You think you can eat now?" He asks me. I nod and look at him relaxed. "Kay let's sit you down at the table." He says setting me down gently and goes to get me some food. I sit grabbing the cup of tea and drink it slowly as James set my food on the table. "Thank you." I say looking up at him. "Your welcome. Now eat and take sometime for you while I go and take care of autumn and dahalia." He says kissing my head softly. "Okay." I say eating my food as my husband cleans up our daughter and takes her to the living room to play with her and watches our other daughter.

After a few minutes of alone time to myself I finish eating and clean up then head upstairs to shower and get myself together. I finish and change throwing up my hair up in a messy bun then make my way downstairs. "Hey you two look its mommy." I hear my husband say as I walk into the living room where he was playing with our daughter autumn and rocking our daughter dahalia. "Mummy." Autumn says smiling and runs to me. "Hi darling. You behaving and helping daddy?" I ask picking her up and smile. "Yes Mummy." She says happily as my husband stands up and holds me while our infant daughter sleeps in her rocker. "You feeling better now love?" He asks me as he holds my waist. "Much. I just need some time to get myself together." I say looking at him with a smile. "Good. I like seeing all my girls happy." He say softly kissing me. I smile and kiss back holding onto autumn. Autumn pulls my face away from her father and shakes her head. "No Mummy. Ewwwww." She says shaking her head causing my husband and I to laugh. "What I can't kiss daddy?" I ask looking at her. "No." She says holding onto her father claiming him like she owns him. "Baby girl listen to me mommy and I love each other. I love you and your sister the same but we need to share." James says holding her. "Otay daddy." She says nodding and holds him. "So is it okay if I kiss mommy?" He asks her. "Yes daddy." She says nodding. I watch him and laugh looking at her watching the interaction with her father. "Your silly princess." I say kissing her head gently. Autumn giggles and squirms wiggling in his grip causing him to set her down on the floor. I look at her and watch her run around trying to not squeal. "How bout we put on your jumper and you and I go play some football (American soccer) princess." James says kneeling down and stops her in her track. "Otay daddy." She says smiling and goes with him to get her jumper on and then head outside to play leaving me and our other daughter alone inside. "Well baby girl looks like its just you and me right now." I say looking over at her as she sleeps and smile grabbing a book to read having time to myself to ready.

Thirty minutes go by and Dahalia wakes up from her first nap of the day and wines getting hungry. "Okay love lets get you fed." I say picking her up and unhook my nursing bra and my nursing tank top and start to breast feed her. Dahalia latches and starts to suck eating and moves her hands. I smile and feed her hearing my husband and daughter come in and look over my shoulder. "Hey guys how was it out there?" I ask smiling. "It was great. Autumn and I had a great time. How has it been in here?" My husband asks walking over to hang up their coats and then takes off Autumn's shoes. "Its been fine. This little one woke up from her nap hungry so she is eating right now." I say as my daughter autumn walks with her father and sits in his lap watching me feed her sister. "Wanna watch some tv princess?" He asks our daughter. "Yes daddy." She says smiling up at him. James smiles and turns on the tv and puts on one of Autumn's favorite tv shows while I continue to breastfeed Dahalia and focus on her. Autumn sits watches her tv show and snuggles into her father holding his hand. I look over at her and smile as I still feed Dahalia. "She's hungry today." James says looking over at his daughter. "I know its like she didn't eat breakfast this morning." I say laughing as Dahalia pulls away finally finishing. "Oh look she's done." He says smiling. "She is. Was lunch good for you." I say burping her. James smiles and fixes my nursing bra and nursing tank top as I burp our daughter. Autumn still sits on her fathers lap watching her tv show and snuggles into him more. I smile and finish burping Dahalia and then lay her in her rocker freeing up my hands and stand to head to the kitchen. "Where you going love?" My husband asks. "I'm going to take care of making lunch and to put the ice pads on my breast because they are sore." I say from the kitchen. "Want help?" He asks me. "I'm good love. Besides you have a two year on your lap who needs attention." I say giggling and take care of my breast and then make lunch. "Mummy I tiward." I hear my daughter say. "I know baby girl but how bout you eat a bit of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich then you can go to sleep." I say cutting her sandwich in half and give her some. She takes it and eats part of it standing next to me and then yawns looking up at me. "Okay princess lets put you down for your nap." My husband says setting her sandwich on the counter and picks her up taking her to her room. I smile and put her sandwich in a container then go and put Dahalia in her crib upstairs letting both kids sleep then make my way downstairs to finish making lunch for my husband and I. "So both kids are asleep. That never happens to us." I hear my husband say as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him gently. "It doesn't. Hopefully both girls will sleep for a bit giving us two some well deserved alone time." I say finishing making our lunch. "Agreed." He says moving my hair off my shoulders and kisses my neck and shoulder gently. "Mmmmm first eat your lunch then you can have desert later." I say setting my hands on the counter and smile closing my eyes enjoying the feeling. "Mmmmm but lovey I want desert before my lunch." He says still kissing my neck gently. "Mmmm baby please don't leave any marks on me. Our daughter will be asking questions. Plus I'm out of foundation to cover up the marks." I say running my hand through his hair. "I don't know why you cover them up. They are for people to see and for them to know that you are mine. Lets have a bit of fun love." He says turning me to face him and kisses me. I kiss him back roughly and wrap my arms around his neck and move closer to him.

James kisses back the same way and holds me against him running his hands over my body being careful of my breast. "You know we still have one more week before we can fully have sex again." I mutter still kissing him. "I know but for now just let me please you." He says pulling away slightly and moves the kisses to my neck and chest as his hands do the rest of the work. I let him and moan softly feeling the most pleasure I've ever felt. James continues his actions and before I know it I was already on my third release. "God lord James." I say leaning against the counter out of breath as James comes up and cleans me up. "You enjoyed it then. That was the first time we did it." He says smiling and hugs me. "I know. We need to do this more often." I say giggling a bit and hold him and smile. "We do. But now I am hungry for lunch." He says smiling and kisses me softly then grabs his food. "Of course you are. So am I and that is just from me breastfeeding." I say eating my sandwich and smile. "You are amazing. I just admire how you can carry a baby in you and then be able to provide food for them." He says eating. "You are making me want to try for another baby James when I said I didn't want to have another one." I say eating my sandwich. "I know love. It is up to you. We can try for another baby but its you body and decision." He says taking into consideration about my body and just the sheer amount of pain I have to go through. "I think it will be better once I know how I feel with the birth control method I am going to use. I mean it would be nice to have another kid but at the same time I am content with our two daughters and my body has had enough changes for me." I say finishing my sandwich and clean up. "Then we won't have another baby. I am content with our two daughters and you. I support you with any decisions you make involving you and your body." He says kissing my head and helps me. "I love you James. You are different from every guy that I have dated. I'm so thankful for you." I say finishing the dishes and dry my hands off. "I'm thankful for you love. I'm so glad I married you. You are different then most of the women I dated. I'm thankful you are the mother of my children. I love you." He says kissing my head softly.

I smile and go sit down on the couch with him and set the baby monitor on the coffee table in front of us. "What do you want to do now?" He asks me. "You see that basket of laundry?" I say pointing to the basket. "Yeah what about it?" He asks. "That is what we need to do. I need to fold those and put them in the proper rooms." I say looking at him. "Well then lets fold them." He says reaching over and grabs the basket and sets it in front of us. I smile and start to fold the clothes watching him goofing off. "God I feel like I have three kids instead of two." I say giggling a bit. "Are you calling me a child?" He asks throwing a pair of my leggings at me gently. "Maybe I am." I say giggling and catch them. "You know what you get for calling me a child." He asks standing up. "No what?" I ask looking at him. "The tickle monster." He says gently and playfully tackling me down onto the couch and starts to tickle me causing me to giggle and squeal. "eeeeek James!!!! Stop that tickles." I say giggling and lay on my back trying to push him off even though he wasn't hurting me. "Not until you say your sorry for calling me a child." He says tickling me. "I'm sorry I called you a child." I say between fits of giggles. "I forgive you." He says stopping and helps me up.  I sit up and look at him catching my breath and smile. "Now let's finish folding the laundry." He says smiling and folds the laundry acting as if nothing happened. I roll my eyes and go back to folding the clothes and check the baby monitor seeing dahlia was still sound asleep and don't hear my other daughters tiny feet walking around. "Our daughters sure do love their naps." I hear my husband say causing me to look over at him. "They do but they need the naps. Especially Autumn if she doesn't nap then we have a cranky two year old. Dahalia has no problems sleeping. She sleeps after being fed." I say smiling. "That is true but we should be thankful for both of our kids not having a problem sleeping." He says rubbing my back gently. "I know and I am so thankful that our daughters are not a struggle. I love my daughters and I am so happy that they are related to both of us. I just wish that our daughters will be around my family but they can't because of what happened to our daughter." I say sighing and set the basket of folded clothes on the floor then lean against him gently. "I know baby. Look at it this way they are in a safe and loving environment with us and my parents and that they are willing to look after them when we need them." He says rubbing my back still and pulls me closer to him.

"I know. I'm thankful for your parents. They have been a huge help to us. Also they have been nothing but supportive and kind to me." I say looking up at him. "They love having you." He says smiling and kisses my head. I smile and stand up picking up the basket. "I'm going to go start putting most of the clothes and towels away before one of the girls wake up." I say smiling at him and make my way towards the stairs. "Okay." He says smiling watching me go upstairs. I walk upstairs and make my way to our bedroom and set the basket on the floor in our room and then start to put our clothes in our dresser and sigh wishing things would've been better with my parents. "Mummy?" I hear my daughters voice say from behind me. "Hi princess. Did you have a good nap?" I ask shutting the drawer I was working on then turn to her and kneel down. "Yes mummy. Wheres daddy?" She asks looking at me. "He's downstairs baby. Why?" I ask looking at her. "Just cauwas." She says shrugging. "Well he might be busy with some work at the moment. Do you want to help mummy put clothes away?" I ask looking at her. Autumn smiles and nods enjoying being a helper. "Okay. We need to be quiet because sissy is still sleeping. Can you do that for mummy?" I ask her and stand up. "Yes mummy." She says nodding and smiles. "Okay. We are going to finish in mummy's and daddy's room before we go to your room." I say smiling walking with her to the basket. Autumn smiles and goes with me and takes a piece of clothing that I hand her while I grab some and walk with her to the dresser. "Okay princess that goes in here." I say opening the lower drawer and point to the shirt she has in her hands. "Otay." She says smiling and puts the shirt down. "Thank you." I say putting the shirts I have in my hands in while my daughter goes to the basket and gets a piece of my clothing.

"Mummy wats dis?" She asks causing me to look over my shoulder and see her holding my bra. "That honey is something mommy wears under her shirt." I say taking it and put it in the top drawer. "Otay." She says smiling as I close the drawers and walk over to the basket with her. "Okay lets get the basket and head to your room princess." I say grabbing one side of the basket. "Otay mummy." She says helping me pick the basket up. "Now we need to be quiet when we go out of the room because of sissy." I say walking with her. Autumn nods and walks staying quiet as we walk out into the hallway and over to her room. "Are you being mommy's little helper?" I hear my husband ask as he sees us. "Yes daddy." She says softly as we walk into her room. "Well good job princess." He says smiling and goes to our room. Autumn smiles widely as we walk into her room and put her clothes away. "Okay honey I'm going to go into the bathroom to put the towels away. So why don't you go to daddy and give him loves and cuddles." I say to her. "Otay mummy." She says softly and leaves the room and goes to her father. I smile and make my way to the bathroom and put the towels away then set the laundry basket in its area and make my way to the nursery to check on my other daughter. "Hi baby girl. Did you have a good nap?" I coo seeing her awake and laying in her crib then pick her up. Dahalia coos as I pick her up and lay her against my shoulder. "Wanna go cuddle with Daddy and sissy?" I coo softly and rub her back gently.

Dahalia just coos and lays against me sucking my shoulder gently as I walk to the bedroom and smile seeing my husband and my other daughter cuddled on the bed and reading. "Hi love. You and Dahalia decided to come and cuddle with us." My husband says looking up at us with a smile. "We did. And it seems like you decided to take your shirt off." I say laughing slightly and crawl into be with them and Dahalia in my arms and still sucking on my shoulder. "Hey we aren't going anywhere so why not. Plus you and our daughters love it and I get some skin to skin time with Dahalia." He says sitting up slightly with Autumn in the middle of us. "Of course." I say smiling as Autumn snuggles into us both and plays with the string on my sweatpants. "Do you see what this little monkey is doing?" I say looking at him and show him Dahalia. "Awww come here princess. Lets stop eating mommy for now." He says taking her out of my arms gently and holds her putting a pacifier in her mouth. Dahalia sucks the pacifier and moves snuggle into him. I smile and watch him stroking Autumn's hair gently as she continues playing with my string on my pants. "Look at my wonderful family. I have my beautiful wife and my adorable and strong daughters with me. I couldn't ask for anything else." He says holding all three of us gently. "Wuv you daddy." Autumn says smiling up at him. "I love you to princess." He says bending over and kisses her head then kisses his other daughter head. "I love you my husband. Thank you for marrying me." I say smiling and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for agreeing to be mine for the rest of your life. I love you my beautiful and strong wife." He says smiling and kisses my head. I smile and snuggle into him with our daughters pulling Autumn up onto my lap. We cuddle for an hour and a half before everyone gets hungry and then head downstairs to start dinner. I head to the kitchen and start to make dinner while my husband plays with our daughter autumn and rocks our other daughter. "Dinners ready guys." I call to them. "I hungy Mummy." Autumn says looking at me. "Okay princess." I say setting her in her high chair and then go get her food and set it in front of her. Autumn smiles and says thank you and starts to eat as I go back to put mine and my husbands food on plates. "What did you make for dinner love?" He asks me and gets an apple juice box for Autumn and hands it to her. "Its pasta." I say handing him the plate and roll my eyes smiling. "Anything you make is amazing love." He says smiling and kisses my head. "Mmm thanks love." I say smiling and sit down with my food and eat it. James smiles and sits eating his food and talks with me. I smile and eat talking with him and our daughters but stop hearing a knock on our door. "I'll go see who it is." He says leaving me and our daughters in the kitchen. I hear some rustling and grunts causing me to get up and get the kids telling autumn to be as quiet as possible and go into the laundry room making sure I have my phone and shut us in the room keeping us quiet. "Mummy I scawrd." Autumn whispers. "I know baby but we need to be quiet and wait for daddy." I say looking at her holding my sleeping daughter. Autumn nods and sits with me on the floor in the dark and keep quiet. A few more minutes go by and the noises die down to silence then my phone vibrates indicating that I have a text from James telling me I can come out now and that it is safe. "Okay princes daddy says that its okay to come out." I say standing up with her and slowly open the door poking my head out to see my husband standing by the counter waiting for us. "Daddy." Autumn says running to him. "Hi princess. Oh I am so glad that you, mommy, and sissy are safe." He says picking her up and kisses her face. I come out and put dahalia back down in her rocker and rush to my husband and hug him. He sets autumn in her high chair and lets her eat then hugs me tightly and holds me. "I'm here. I got you love. Your safe." He says holding me and kisses my head. I hug him and shake a bit in fear. "Who was it?" I ask not letting go. "Your father. He was surprised to see me answer the door. I'm guessing he expected you. He came to take the kids but I stopped him. He's in prison for life. Both your parents are. They won't be anywhere near us." He says holding me and rubs my back comforting me. I hold him and sniffle worried. "I hate my parents." I mutter against his shoulder and hold him. "I know love. Lets not talk about it right now. Lets eat and then cuddle. Once our kids are asleep we can talk." He says rubbing my back softly. I nod and pull away going to sit down and eat my food. James sits down next to me and eats his food and rubs my back softly still calming me down. I let him and eat looking down relaxing my body holding my hand. After we finish dinner James cleans up telling me to take the kids upstairs which I do and lay autumn on our bed and lay Dahalia in her rocker then crawl into bed next to autumn and hold her. "Look at my girls." I hear my husband say as he walks in and crawls into bed next to us. I smile and look at him stroking our daughters hair gently. "Daddy I scward." Autumn says snuggling into him. "Why are you scared princess?" He asks picking her up and lays her on her chest softly. "Becaws of pewrson." She says looking at him. "Awwww baby girl Daddy promised you that nothing would happen to you or mommy or sissy. I will be there to always make sure you and your sister and mommy are safe." He says stroking her hair gently. "Otay daddy." she says snuggling into him and holds him. He smiles and kisses her head gently and wraps his arms around her gently rubbing her back and looks over at me. "She is in love with you James. Its adorable." I say smiling and kiss his cheek softly. "Both girls are in love with you and I couldn't ask for more." He says smiling and kisses my nose. I smile and giggle softly looking at him and lay my hand on his softly. Autumn lays against him and holds his shirt in her hands. A few hours go by and Autumn was sound asleep on her fathers chest while I was breastfeeding Dahalia. "I'm going to put this one to sleep." He says sitting up slowly while holding her. "Okay. I'll continue to feed this one." I say smiling watching as he leaves with her. "I'm guessing after your done eating you might be going down to sleep as well missy." I coo smiling down at Dahalia. Dahalia just blinks looking up and eats moving her tiny hand and lightly grabs the material on my nursing tank top. I smile and gently stroke her hair. "You look so much like your dad." I say softly looking over her features and see she looks like her father. "Well I hope she would look like me." I hear my husband say. I look up at him giggling and smile rolling my eyes and continue to feed my daughter. "How's the little one doing?" He asks sitting next to me and kisses my head then his daughters. "She's fine. How's autumn doing?" I ask looking at him. "She's fine. She didn't want me to go but once I told her she was okay and safe she went straight to sleep snuggling with her bear." He says looking at me. "I'm glad she went to sleep but I am not to pleased that she is scared. Its just I don't want our kids to be frighten of the world but they are because of my parents." I say sighing and look down. "Hey listen to me everything will be okay. Our daughters are strong and will forget about what happened. Love don't worry you are okay and I will make sure that you and our daughters are safe before me." He says stroking my hair. I nod and look down seeing Dahalia was done eating and had detached from me. "Okay princess lets burp you and then let you sleep." I say burping her gently. Dahalia kicks and squirms then starts crying loudly upset. "Awww princess come here." James says taking her and stands walking around and rock her walking around letting me fix myself and get myself comfortable. "I'm going to change her and put her down to bed." He says walking out with her. "Okay." I say getting up and walk downstairs to take care of my breast and make sure that the doors and windows were locked and the alarm was set. Once I knew we were all locked up I turn off the lights and make my way upstairs and walk into the bedroom to see my husband slipping on his sweatpants and smile walking up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist gently and kiss his back. "Come around here beautiful girl so I can see you." He say gently grabbing my hand and pulls me around to face him and looks at me. "Hi." I say smiling and look up at him with a smile and place my hands on his bare chest. "Hi love." He says holding my waist gently and smiles down at me. I smile and look at him keeping my hands on his chest. "You look so beautiful love." He say moving some of my loose hair out of my face. "Thank you. You look handsome." I say smiling up at him. "Lets take this out though." He says grabbing my hair tie gently and lets my hair fall down over my shoulders. "Why did you do that?" I ask looking at him and move my hair out of the way. "Because I love how your hair accentuates your feature." He says looking at me. "What features? I have no features since I gave birth." I say looking at him. "You are perfect even after you gave birth to two babies." He says gently kissing me. I smile and kiss him keeping my hands on his chest moving closer to him. "I should get changed." I say pulling away from the kiss. James nods and lets me go smiling at me as I get dressed. I change into a pair of leggings and a nursing tank top then put my hair up in a ponytail. "Now where were we?" James asks gabbing my hips and gently pull me towards him. I live closer to him and smile placing my hands on his bare chest gently. "I think we were about here." I say and stand up on my tip toes and kissing him. He smiles and kisses back pulling me into him gently and holds me against him. I smile and kiss him and rub his shoulders gently and then wrap my arms around his neck.

We make out for a few minutes before we both pull away needing air and then crawl into bed turning out light off and falling asleep. "DADDDY!!" I hear my daughter yell loudly crying causing James and I to both wake up and go to her. "What baby girl?" He asks arriving in her room and looks at her only to find her sobbing and hiding under her bed. Autumn just cries shaking and hides. "Awww princess it's okay. Your safe. Come out from under your bed love." He says softly and sits down on the floor holding his arms out for her. She cries and crawls right into them and holds him tightly. "It's okay baby girl. Shhhh your okay. Daddy's got you. It was just a nightmare nothing more." He says holding her and rock her gently drying her eyes and calming her down. I smile small and leave the room to check on my other daughter then go back to my daughter and husband. "Shh baby girl. Your okay. Shhhh." He says rocking her and still sitting on the floor with her in his lap. "I scawrd daddy." She says sniffling and holds him. "I know princess. You have nothing to worry about at all love. Mummy and daddy will be here to keep you safe." He says rocking her. Autumn slowly calms down and holds him and yawns. "You sleepy princess?" He asks. She just nods and closes her eyes slowly. "Okay let's put you back into bed." He says laying her gently in her bed and tucking her in giving her her bear and kisses her head making sure she is comfortable and everything was alright before heading back to me. "What was wrong?" I ask as we walk back to our room. "A monster was chasing her and she couldn't find us. Mainly me." He says as we crawl into bed. "Poor thing. That's the second nightmare she had about a monster this week." I say laying down and snuggle into him. "I know love. Let's get some sleep and we will talk about it in the morning." He says holding me. I nod and yawn falling asleep on his chest and hold him. We sleep peacefully the rest of the night thankful we are safe.
(Here's chapter 38. Hope you like. Please if you can comment and vote. It really helps me.)

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WARNING: My first language is not english, i can write wrong... but If i do, you're Welcome to correct me You and your brother Harry Potter is raised...
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|𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨| These are just some stories that I thought would be fun to right about the twins. They are happy...