The Brilliant Duo

By twinfgamesfan123

3K 51 23

A week before this story takes place... Nathan looked down at James's phone (which was on the counter). It re... More

Is it love?
The sickness
Healed already?
Real life is not Minecraft
The Brilliant Duo
The Sus Duo
Love Confessions
Much More Than Friends
Extra Chemistry
Continents Apart
The Runner
An Unworthy Date
Jealous Boss

Love Til The End

146 3 4
By twinfgamesfan123

A/N :
So I did a little poll the other day to see which of my stories (that I am still continuing) y'all wanted me to write on next. This was the one that was picked, and as a surprise, it will be over 2000 words (I technically did 3000, so prepare yourselves)! Enjoy!

The next day...

I was walking in circles waiting. I was waiting for Gabe and James to walk down those stairs, holding each other's hand. Or at least just say "I love you" to each other. But that was not the case. James walks down the stairs. Five minutes later, Gabe comes down. James and Gabe start to have a conversation. I think they expected me to be unable to hear them, but I was close enough that I could make out every word. "Do you think we should tell Nathan?", James asks Gabe. "Maybe later, he does not seem to be in a good mood right now", Gabe responds. "Okay", James replies as he nods his head. They walk away from each other. What do they want to tell me? Should I start secretly filming? Are they actually dating?, my mind says, buzzing with questions. I won't really know until later, will I?

James's POV
Gabe and I both knew Nathan was listening. We just didn't admit it to him. Gabe and I walk away from our conversation and go out separate paths. I walked towards the jet skis. Gabe went another path to get there. When we were both there, we got on the jet skis and went to the island. I had asked Cedric and Jordan to help me set up a little date for us. Luckily they had done a magnificent job. Gabe and I get off the jet ski and walk onto the island. Gabe trips while getting of. He lands on me. We nearly kissed. Luckily though, we did not. I could tell Nathan was watching. Gabe gets off me really fast and helps me up as well. I could tell that Nathan had now looked away. I bring Gabe over to the table that was set up. It had random things that Gabe liked on it. I quickly peck him on the cheek and he blushes. We sit down. I take something out of my pocket. Something unexpected. And no, it was not an engagement ring. I place it on the table in front of Gabe. I open the small container, to reveal a small necklace. It read James in script. Gabe takes out a small container as well and had placed it before me. When he opened it, it revealed another small necklace, but this one read Gabe, in script. We give each other the necklace. "Wait, how?", he asks. "What do you mean by 'how'?", I ask him "how did we both get each other almost the exact same thing?", he corrects himself. "Two great minds think alike I guess.", I reply. "I guess so then, eh?", Gabe asks. I nod.

After the date (they are currently filming a video)...

"Hey guys it's unspeakable here and today we are going to be recreating some of the funniest commercials!", Nathan explains to the camera. "Shall we get started?", he asks. Me and Gabe both nod. We cut the camera and go in front of a green screen. Nathan puts on a necklace and lays down on the floor. We start filming. "Help, I have fallen and I can't get up!", he exclaims while holding the necklace. We cut the camera. Gabe puts on an unspeakable headset. And I'm sorry, but I need to plug this,! I feel much better now. Gabe sits down in front of a monitor. Cedric points the camera at him and starts to film. "Don't worry, help is on the way", he says. We stop filming and Gabe gets up. He gets up a video of firefighters getting into the truck. He plays the video and we start filming. Right before the video ends, we cut the camera. Nathan gets off the floor (I forgot he was there for a minute). Our next commercial to re-enact was....

Drum roll please (long series of drumming sounds)...

A grammarly commercial. I sat in a seat with a monitor in front of me. I pulled up a word document. I start to type a business-type letter. We start filming.

Word through word this is what I typed (If it is underlined it means grammarly came in  and wanted to adjust it):

Dear Boss,

It is you're (your) employee, James. I was wondering about a raise. You said erlier (earlier) that you would give me 1 (one) if I worked harder. I have been working extra hour's (hours) and was hopping (hoping) I could get it now. Please, I really do beleive (believe) I deserve it.

You're (your) best employee, James.

"If I didn't have grammarly I might as well of not gotten a raise!", I say as I fix all the underlined words. They cut the camera. I get up and Gabe takes my place. He pulls up a new word document and types this (once again, if it underlined it means grammarly wants to adjust it):

Grammarly is a fre (free) program that helps with al (all) types of computers. You can use it on word documents (Word Documents) and on google documents (Google Docs). Grammarly helps with both gramer (grammar) and speling (spelling). Once agan (again), it is compeletly (completely) fre (free)!

"Wow, my vocabulary is really approving with grammarly", Gabe remarks. I hold back from a laugh. He clicks on everything misspelled or with incorrect capitalization. We finish that commercial and we start a Progressive commercial. Nathan grabs a trash bin (dustbin), and a sign that read Get your merch at!. "Action", Cedric says. "Do you really need this sign?", Gabe asks Nathan while holding the sign. "No", Nathan said as he started to throw it in the trash can. "Wrong, you keep it.", Gabe claims. We were doing the commercial backwards just for the fun of it. "How do you say this word?", Gabe asks both me and Nathan in another scene. The board read people. "People", Nathan says. "No", Gabe replies. He looks my direction. "Pe-op-el", I say. "Correct", he says. We do a couple more things from the commercial and cut the camera. It was around the time that Gabe and I were going to tell Nathan our little secret.

An hour later...

Nathan puts a camera down. It appeared to be off. Nathan came to sit down next to me. He looked rather tired. Gabe and I were having a debate over which was better on pizza, pepperoni or pineapples. Nathan interrupts us. "What y'all talking about?", he asks us. "Which is better, pepperoni or pineapples on pizza?", I reply. "Oooh", Nathan says. "Pepperoni", he adds. "What!?! Pineapples any day!", I tell him. "What about you, Gabe?", Nathan asks him. "I like both", he says. "That was not a choice", I respond. "Alright, then pineapple", Gabe says. "And pepperoni", he adds. Nathan I look at Gabe with similar confused expressions. "We already said just one", I explain to him. "Wait, What did you say?", Gabe asks playing dumb. "We. Already. Said. Just. One.", I say very slowly and clearly. "Wait just one?", he asks. I wonder how long this conversation is going to be, I think. Centuries maybe. Surprisingly, no one responds leaving us all in silence. Gabe and I look at each other. Our eyes meet. His adorable eyes stare into mine.

Nathan's POV
Gabe and James stare at each other for a couple minutes. Now is my chance to ask them! "Is there something y'all are keeping from me?", I ask them. Gabe looks at me and then at James and then me and then James. This process goes on for a few more seconds. When he finally responds...

Gabe's POV
I look from Nathan to James and then Nathan to James. I do this for three more seconds, when I finally respond, "Nathan, James and I are dating". Nathan's whole body freezes. "Y'all. Are. What?", he slowly asks me. "Dating", I repeat. "What? Since when? How?", he asks bursting with questions.

Nathan's POV
They. Have. Just. Admitted. To. Me. I didn't actually think they were. I thought they were just pranking me. Gabe and James both had worried expressions on their faces."What? Since when? How?", I ask meanwhile finding a new energy. "About 3 weeks ago, we started dating", James says. I was still in partial shock. "Are y'all joking?", I mange to mumble. "No", they say at the same time. "I - I need p - proof", I say meanwhile starting to stumble. James takes out a necklace from his pocket. It was half a heart that read Gabe in script. I look at Gabe and he takes out the other half of the necklace, which read James in script. I was now almost petrified from shock. I really thought this would happen, but I guess then I wasn't prepared. I could tell my eyes were wide from shock.

James's POV
Nathan's eyes went wide. "Do you think we are in trouble?", I whisper in Gabe's ear. "Dunno", he whispers back. Nathan just stood there, breathing rather heavily, knowing him. I could tell now that Nathan was just shocked, not about to fire us. Just shocked. Nathan shook his head. "It's a joke", he said again. "It's not", Gabe and I repeat at the same time. "Y'all are lying", he claims. "We. Are. NOT. Lying.", I tell him slowly and extremely clear. "B - but", Nathan starts. "We. are. dating.", I say loudly for him. He looks at me. I could see in his eyes confusion and misunderstanding. Gabe looks at me. Fear in his eyes. No one knows what Nathan might do.

Gabe's POV
Nathan just stands there. I look at James. He looks at me. He had on a concerned look. Is Nathan going to fire us? Are we in trouble? Are we doing a reveal video?, my mind asks all of a sudden questioning everything. "Good for you too", Nathan finally manages to say. I could tell my eyes went wide. "You aren't mad?", I ask. "Nope", Nathan replies. "Really?", James asks him. "Y'all can do what y'all want..", Nathan starts. "But", I start him off. "I filmed it", Nathan says. The room goes silent. He is just going to post it like that. Not even tell us he was filming in the first place? Do we even get a say in this?, my mind rushes with questions. Thoughts over flow my brain. "You can't just do that without permission!", James yells at Nathan. "Oh, I can't?", Nathan asks clearly clueless. "No, you can't, you need our permission!", I inform him. "Oh", Nathan says. "Can I post it?", he questions. I look at James. James looks at me. He nods his head. I nod mine saying if he wants. "You can", James tells Nathan. "Really!?!", Nathan asks. "Really", we say. "Thanks guys", he says as he runs to the camera and turns it off. He carries the camera to the editing room. "We actually letting him?", I ask James. "I mean, if there are over 10 hate comments on it, we might as well beg Nathan to take it down", James replies with the longest explanation ever. "Ok", I say as I nod my head. Now just to see the reactions of fans.

Jordan's POV
Nathan enters the room with the largest grin I have ever seen. "What?", I ask. I needed a smile. My girlfriend and I have had some tough times lately. "I just filmed Gabe and James confessing to me that they are dating!", he says so excitedly. "You didn't know?", I ask him. "You did?", Nathan asks me. "I thought everyone knew they were dating", I confess. "Hm, interesting.", Nathan exclaims. "Cedric know?", he questions. "Yep", I reply. Nathan gives me an interested look. "Anyway..", he starts with a slight pause. "Can you edit this?", Nathan asks me. "Sure! Do you want me to use the footage from this morning in front of it?", I ask him.

Nathan's POV
"Sure! Do you want me to use the footage from this morning in front of it?", Jordan responds. I forgot that we filmed a behind the scenes earlier. "Yes, that would be great!", I respond. Jordan nods and takes the camera from my hand. He immediately gets to work on the computer. Good think I hired hard workers. I exit the room and go to the kitchen. The delightful smell of food fills my nose. "What you making?", I ask Gabe as I walk by. "Roasted frog", Gabe jokes. "Not funny!", I defend. "I'm making steaks", Gabe replies. My stomach grumbles. Gabe laughs. "Someone is hungry", he exclaims. "How much longer?", I ask. "30 minutes", Gabe says meanwhile controlling his laughter a little bit. I walk away. I sit next to James. He was intently watching his computer screen. He kept clicking on things and then typing. Almost as if replying to comments. Eventually I stand up and look over his shoulder, to see him looking at hate comments in the video that Jordan had just posted. I saw one that read, "James is too good to be with Gabe" and another that read, "Who is Gabe to be with James? James is SO MUCH better than him!". I could tell James's heart had just broke. It really was all about James being better than Gabe and deserving someone better. Honestly though, I really didn't disagree. James keeps scrolling through hate comments until he comes upon something that will probably question his every thought. It read:

Mary Arichoba • 2 Minutes Ago
Wait, James is cheating on me? I'm his girlfriend! I'm going to kill him!

I look at James. He was on his phone. I looked at his screen to see him texting someone. It seemed to be his girlfriend from a year ago. The door bell suddenly rings. I go to open it. As I reach for the handle, James stops me. I push him to the side and open the door. His ex-girlfriend stands there in the doorway. "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS JAMES?!?", she asks. "I BROKE UP WITH YOU!", James shouts back. "NO YOU DID NOT!! YOU CHEATED ON ME!", she yells. I witnessed him breaking up with her on a FaceTime about 4 months ago. "He did not cheat on you! I saw him break up with you!", I explain to her. "What do you mean!?!", she yells and questions at the same time. I hear someone running upstairs. A few seconds later, Gabe is running down the stairs crashing into James. James falls into the wall with Gabe on top of him. "How is this aloud!?!", Mary screams. Gabe's lips met James's. I hit into James to push him away a little. I knew it was an unintentional kiss, but still. They don't say anything except for Gabe mumbling "Sorry". "THEY JUST KISSED!!!!!!!!!!", Mary screamed as if she was a Karen. That should be her name, not Mary, but Karen. "Yes they did, because James isn't your boyfriend, he is Gabe's", I inform her as I start to close the door on her. She tries pushing it open in no luck. I close the door. "BOTH OF YOU IN MY OFFICE NOW!!!!!!!!!!", I yell at them. Gabe's face now showed a scared expression. James looked at me like I was Voldemort. "NOW", I inform him. He runs to the little room we had meetings in. I angrily walk towards the meeting room (as we called it). I open the door to see Gabe snuggled into James's chest. "STOP IT", I yell at them. "You said we can date!", James objects. "In private and not in front of me!", I yell. Gabe whimpers. Why in front James?, my brain asks. One of my many weaknesses was James. I was originally not going to allow him in my videos, but then again he is himself, scary. Honestly brilliant, but scary (lol I had to do it sorry (Harry Potter reference)). Gabe pushes more into James. I run away to my room. James runs after me. Oh no. This was not good. I mentally face palm myself.🤦🏻‍♂️.  I run into my room and slam the door. I lock it. Bang, comes from the other side of the door. Silence. Then another bang. More silence. A silence you should like. A silence that tells you that you are safe and alone. One that tells you that you should be thankful. A silence that you should get used to. I hear footsteps leading away from the door. And then....

"J - James", I manage to spit out. Another loud bang. The ones that tell you that you are in trouble. The kind that tells you to run for your life. James ran right through my door. He collapsed with me.


I sit up in bed. Breathing heavily. Gabe was sitting next to me crying. James was sleeping on the floor. "Gabe?", I ask. He looks up. "Nathan!", he yells in joy. He hugs me. "Why are you so happy?", I ask him. The last time he was this happy, he got a raise. "You haven't woke up all day!", he informs me. "So y'all are not dating", I ask with a bit of exaggeration on "not". "No, we are. You just went unconscious when James hit into you.", Gabe said. "James! Where is he!", I ask Gabe. He points to the floor with a frown on his face. I get out of the bed and walk over to him. He seemed to be unconscious. All of a sudden he moves. I freak out because he seemed to be dead a second before. I jump on to the bed. Gabe giggles and I give him the death stare. His eyes go wide. All of a sudden I feel someone tap my shoulder. Instead of turning around though I jumped off the bed. I hit into Gabe making him go with me. We fall on the floor. I fall on top of Gabe. Our lips accidentally meet. James comes over and kicks me off Gabe. James helps Gabe up and then...

Big Time Kisses Him!

Chapter: 10
Word Count: 3073

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