Saying No: a Lemonpai (Lemon...

By bagged_milk999

7.7K 260 781

Basically started this as a vent/comfort story because this is one of my fav fnf ships, and I have been feeli... More

It's Hard To Say No...
I Can and I WILL Write About Characters Trying Cannibalism For The First Time
It's the Little Things
Hunting and Hunger
Can't the Future Just Wait?
New Beginnings


989 37 74
By bagged_milk999

     College was just getting more and more difficult, Senpai didn't know why he was still even in school in the first place. That damned classmate that took all of his pencils had finally stopped asking, although they kept giving him suspicious looks whenever he looked at them. Whatever, it's not important right now, just focus on this fucking test! Senpai didn't understand, he couldn't remember learning any of this before and he always payed attention in this class.

     He was on the verge of tears as he turned in the test, he hadn't finished it and he was certain he got at least half the problems wrong. He begged and cried for another day to work on it, he was desperate he NEEDED this grade, he was barely scraping a B in this class. The teacher said no, that it was easy and that he should understand this by now. He didn't, he tried so hard but he just couldn't grasp the concept.

     Senpai was going on his nightly walk now, he needed to talk to Lem, school was just too much right now. He had passed an alleyway, not the one Lem and him always met up at, and suddenly he was dragged in by his bag. He quickly brought out his claws, he wasn't going down without a fight.

     He was pulled into the very end of said alley, and before he could do anything to his attacker they stabbed his hand, pinning it to the wall. He screamed loudly, and tried to use his free hand to unpin it but that hand also got stabbed into the wall. Said attacker showed themselves, although it was actually a group of people. They dug through his stuff, grabbing the walkie talkie Lem gave him and destroyed it.

"H-hey, stop tha-"

     He was quickly silenced by another knife being pulled out. He looked at one of the people and recognized them, it was the same person that used to ask for pencils everyday. He realized that everyone here was from his college, and they were all staring at him with disgusted and angered looks.

"Wh... why..?"

"You already know why, freak." One of them responded, spitting on him. Senpai was in tears, confusion evident on his face as he spoke.

"I... I really don't, did I do something wrong? I, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean t-"

     He was cut short by another wound, this time right above his hip. He was bleeding fast, it hurt so much, he tried to scream as loud as possible but either nobody cared or nobody could hear him. This is it..? I'm gonna die here, no friends or family, just... a cold dark alleyway..?

"That's one of two, now all we gotta do is find that lemon freak and kill him!"

"Easy as pie, let's do this!"

     Lem, they were going to kill Lem, he had to warn him! He couldn't move, he tried so hard to free himself but he was losing blood too quickly now, he was thankful they kept the knife in him or he'd be dead by now. He heard footsteps, and saw someone familiar...

     Lem was worried, Senpai was running late and he never ran late. He wasn't responding to the walkie talkie, and Lem could've sworn he heard a scream that sounded way too close to Senpai's for comfort. He decided to check around, try to find him, when he sniffed the air and smelt blood. It wasn't just anyone's blood, it was Senpai's, he could tell. Lem started to quicken his pace, he followed the smell of blood when he heard another scream. Senpai was in danger, Lem knew exactly where he was now as he teleported to said location, an alleyway that was oddly enough the only unoccupied alleyway in the city.

     Lem rushed and saw Senpai was half crucified, a knife deep in his stomach as he cried, his attackers were laughing, LAUGHING as HIS FRIEND was dying. Lem was pissed, he listened in on them as he tried to control himself for just a bit longer, long enough to figure out why they did this. That's when he heard them say,

"That's one of two, now all we gotta do id find that lemon freak and kill him!"

     That was all Lem needed to hear before ambushing them from behind, NOBODY hurt his friends and go away with it. Senpai watched as Lem attacked from behind, killing one of the attackers with a sharp tentacle stabbing through their chest. The group attempted to kill him at first, but Lem was too strong for them, he wasn't holding his powers back anymore.

     In the end, none of them lived, they were mauled into shreds, Lem even went as far as to rip some of their heads off. Lem calmed down a bit when he remembered Senpai was bleeding out, he was most likely dead by now. Lem quickly went up to Senpai, he checked for a pulse to see he was still breathing, just barely.

"Senpai- Senpai can you hear me? Please, please stay awake, don't go, ok? I'm right here, I won't let anyone hurt you!"

     Lem took the knives out of Senpai's hands, he tried getting Senpai's attention but the boy was unresponsive. His heartrate was slowing, Lem panicked, he didn't know how to help. All that he knew was that he couldn't take the knife out of Senpai's stomach, or he would die instantly.

     Lem tried everything he knew, but he couldn't save Senpai. There wasn't even a last goodbye, Lem felt his heartrate decrease and eventually stop.

"S... Senpai?" Lem tried to wake him, he knew the boy wasn't sleeping but he didn't know what else to do.

"Senpai! Please, please wake up! Why, why did they go after you..? Senpai..."

     Lem was in tears, Senpai was really dead because he couldn't save him in time. Lem cried, and that was when he remembered something he could do.

"A revival spell!"

     Lem suddenly exclaimed as he quickly teleported Senpai to his secret meat box. There was a high chance this didn't work, Lem knew that well. For starters, this only worked on other monsters, not demons or humans and Senpai's species was still... debatable. Plus, he needed to obtain Senpai's DNA and his killer's DNA, which he sadly couldn't get from the knives since he had touched them all, thus contaminating them with his own DNA. Meaning he would have to guess and hope he chose the right dude's blood or this wouldn't work.

     Lem went with the guy closest to the end of the alleyway, it would make sense for the guy closest to Senpai to have done the kill. Lem created a summoning circle with Senpai's blood, mixing in bits of the assumed killer's blood in as well. He gently placed Senpai's body in the circle after removing the knife inside his chest.

     Lem quietly whispered, "Please work, please bring him back..." as he cast the spell. Lem waited, but... nothing happened. He was about to cry again, he couldn't bring his closest friend back, he was going to be alone again... Or so he thought, until a flash of light suddenly appeared over Senpai's body. Lem watched, excited as the flash disapeared and he heard a heartbeat.

"Senpai, are you awake?" Senpai opened his eyes, as he slowly tried to wrap his head around everything that happened. He didn't even get the chance to speak, however, as he was suddenly enveloped in a hug, he could feel Lem's tentacles wrapping around him tightly as well, Senpai didn't know Lem had tentacles but the more you know. Senpai couldn't help but notice they were the same height now, which was weird because Lem was always taller then Senpai.

"L-Lem... Your squeezing... too tightly..!" Senpai breathed out, and Lem let go slightly.

     He took a moment to breathe, it felt like forever since he had last inhaled normal oxygen, turns out hell was not a fun place to be in.

"Hey, Lem..? Is it just me or are we the same height..?" Lem studied Senpai a bit before realizing he was right.

"Huh, looks like the revival spell made you grow a bit!"

"Something tells me that's not all it did..."

     Senpai analyzed himself as he spoke, he noticed his clothes had melted into him, at least they partially did, he could still maybe take off his pants a little bit but the lower parts were most certainly stuck into his skin. His teeth were sharper now, his whole mouth felt a bit bigger actually. He also noticed his claws wouldn't go away, no matter how hard he tried to make them shrink. Senpai looked back at Lem and noticed he was staring at his eyes.

"Is there something in my eye..?"

"No, I just can't help but look at them... They're glowing..!"

"Oh, that's... Something, I guess." Senpai yawned, he was exhausted. "Hey Lem, you got a bed? I'm exhausted and, I don't wanna go back to my dorm..."

"Of course!" Lem teleported Senpai into the 'bedroom', which consisted of just a single king sized bed.

"Some family got rid of it because it had bugs! Luckily for me, I just killed all the bugs!"

     Senpai layed down, the bed was surprisingly nice feeling. However, shortly after he got comfortable he realized he was horribly hungry.

"Lem... I just realized I made a mistake."

"What happened? Did you hurt yourself?? Is the bed not good feeling??"

"No, none of that, it's just... I'm hungry..!"

"Oh, well that's peeerfect! We have plenty of food now because of those... rats!"

"Mmm... Can't wait!"

"I'm going to make a lovely stew, it may take a bit but I promise it's ttaassttyy!"

"No need to tell me twice!"

     Lem was about to leave when Senpai shouted, "Wait!"


"Tomorrow, I wanted to know if... You could come with me to my college! I just want to grab my things and then I'm unenrolling."

"Your gonna drop out?"

"Either that or I die, plus I'm kind of... Unfit for a college environment." The two chuckled and Lem cheerfully sang, "Of course I'll come with! Anything for my closest and firstest friend!"


"Hee hee! Alright, I'm gonna get started on dinner, ok?"

"Alright, let me know when it's done!" Lem left, and Senpai decided to take a nap for a bit while he waited.

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