It's the Little Things

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A/N: I probably should've mentioned this in the first chapter but this whole book has a lot of gore and shiz-

     It took Senpai a week to even notice his teeth had gotten sharper, appearantly Lem was the only person that noticed. Senpai had only noticed because he bit his tongue and instead of it just hurting a little, he was bleeding for a full hour. Luckily he had been around Lem when it happened, and after Senpai was done screaming violently Lem explained that his tongue wasn't meant to handle sharp teeth like that.

     Not much else had changed except that he was hungry. It wasn't just hunger, he felt like he wasn't eating at all somedays. It was harder to focus, especially if someone had any open wounds because he could smell the blood so clearly, it surprised him that nobody else complained.

     Lem remembered the first time Senpai complained about his hunger, it wasn't really him complaining however it was more so of him almost passing out from stomach pains. Lem even remembered how the conversation between the two had went.

(A/N: I don't know how to set up flashback sequences yet sorry but this is supposed to be a flashback) "So then I went up to the duuuuddde, told him to fuck off and I ate him!" Lem laughed, and Senpai nodded.

"Uhuh..." He had a blank expression on his face as he grabbed at his stomach.

"Senpaiiiii? Are you ok? You aren't responding like you normally would!"

"Mmm... Fine, just... Stomach... Hurts, I'm fine though really!"

As soon as he said that, however, he fell over. Lem grabbed him before he could fall onto the sidewalk, however.

"Senpai!? What happened, who did this to you?"

"So... hungry... Food... Need..."

"Ooohhhh, why didn't you say something sooner?"

     Lem quickly carried Senpai bridal style and teleported the two of them into his secret meat box. He searched one of the fridges for anything to eat, he found he still had a few leftover pieces of a person that he had turned into stew, and grabbed a piece. Senpai didn't think twice as he grabbed the meat and chomped on it, his eyes sparkling as he did so. As in quite literally they were glowing blue as he ate the body part.

"Mmm... Thanks Lem, your... mmm, this is really good..!"

"Of course, I can't have my best friend passing out on me!" Lem sung cheerfully, before adding in a slightly more serious tone, "I need to go hunting soon though, my meat box is running low..!" Lem grabbed himself a piece, and the two ate and chatted for a bit.

     It had been a bit since then, and somehow the conversation had turned to singing.

"Hey Lem, have you ever sung in front of a crowd?"

"Hmm... Sort of, yeah! I was in a mall, although I altered everyone's perception so they couldn't really see me, except for the people I was singing against!"

"You can alter people's perception?"

"Yup! Makes it easy to hunt people!"

"Neat! Who did you sing up against?"

"These two people named Boyfriend and Girlfriend! God I wish I had won, the girl looked so tasty! Her long red brown hair, and her fingers..."

"Wait... red brown hair? Was- was she in a red dress?"

"Yeah! The red made her look even tastier!"

"Did... that Boyfriend dude have cyan hair? And- and a red hat, wore it backwards?"

"Yup! God he looked tasty toooooo!"

"...Oh. Them." Senpai spat, Lem looked at him and noticed he looked angry. Anger was an underexageration, he was furious.

"Did you also lose to them?"

"Even worse. They- they got me killed! Those stupid assholes, I- I wasn't supposed to lose damn it! I- I died because of them, oh if I ever SEE them again I'll-"

     Senpai stopped midsentence as he felt something sharp dig into his hands, he could smell the blood coming out of said hands. He looked at his hands and saw that they had been clawed through. By his own claws. He screamed in pain, Lem quickly looked to see Senpai had grown claws, and he clearly didn't know how to control them. Lem chuckled before quickly helping Senpai pull his claws out of his palms, the latter was in tears as he did so.

"Senpai, do you have bandagesss?"

"Yes- in my bag, front pouch, -shit this hurts!"

     Lem wrapped Senpai's hands, even going as far as to kiss his hands as he did so.

"Thanks..! You- you didn't have to kiss them though..."

"I know, I just wanted to show that I liiike you!"


"...And I wanted to taste your bloood!"

"I... had a feeling that was the case. What's it taste like?"

"It tasted pixely!"


"Something wrong? You seem troubled!"

"No, it's nothing, just... Why'd that happen?"

"Oh, the claws? Hmmmmm... Well, for some scary creatures, when we get angry out powers go all over the place!"

"So is that why your never angry? Because you don't want your claws to show..?"

"Nope! I'm never angry because if I were to be angry, we'd have a lot more problems then just a few claws!" Lem smiled as he spoke, he sounded very cheerful for someone saying such dark words.


"Like this!" Lem summoned a small, black goopy looking ball, and Senpai looked at it, clearly confused by whatever it was.

"Uhhh... What is... That?"

"That's my greatest power yet!"

"A... Blob of ink?"

"No silly, this is a virus! Sorta, anyway! You see, all I have to do is get even a single little piece on someone and they're under my control! They can even spread it through singing or direct contact! I've been calling it the corruption!"

"Huh, neat! Does it have any weaknesses?"

"Well, it has one... If someone's vocals are strong enough, they can undo the virus by singing!"

"Wait, then how can you tell who is and isn't affected if both sides are singing?"

"Trust me, you know! They look very different!"

"Have you ever infected someone?"

"Yeah, I do it all the time! I just don't use it on all my victims though! I'm not ready to take over the world quite yet, haha!" Lem joked, but Senpai could tell there was a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Well, I will say if your gonna go after world domination, go after that Boyfriend guy first, he has... A singing voice, I'll give him that."

"Your pretty smart, you know that? Oh, by the way, your wounds should be healed!" Senpai slowly removed the bandages to find that his wounds had in fact healed, as if they were never there.

"Wait, how did-"

"You don't know? You heal much faster from wounds that are self inflicted!"

"Wow, that's pretty cool!"

     The two spent a bit more time together before heading their seperate ways for the night. Senpai was glad Lem was here, he was a pretty cool dude. Little did either of them know that they were being watched...

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