Hunting and Hunger

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     Senpai awoke to Lem standing over him, staring at him. Senpai yelped, what was he doing here? Then he remembered everything that happened, and quickly calmed down.

"Are you ok?" Lem asked politely, and Senpai nodded.

"Yeah, I just didn't expect you to be staring at me while I sleep..!"

"Sorry, I was just trying to wake you up!"

     Senpai suddenly noticed that his cheek was... wet?

"How exactly did you try to wake me..?"

"Like normal people do!"

"Which is..?"

"I licked your cheek!"

"Lem... That's, not normal."

"...Oh. Well, anyway! The stews ready whenever!"

"Alright, I'll be right there, just give me a moment!" Lem left the room, leaving Senpai alone with his thoughts.

     He had started thinking about how he was going to sneak into his dorm room, he couldn't just let himself be seen by everyone, right? I wonder how good Lem's teleportation is... He thought as he finally got up out of bed. He could smell the stew, he started drooling as he walked just a bit faster, he really wanted to eat, he was starving.

     He entered the doorway to find Lem had set up two bowls, and the moment Senpai walked in Lem looked in his direction before smiling.

"Senpai! You can sit wherever!"

     Senpai stood there unresponsive, causing Lem to walk up to him. Lem waved his hand in front of Senpai's face, but he just stood there, drooling.

"Senpai? Heelllooo?? You there?"

     Senpai suddenly fainted, and Lem quickly caught him. He felt light, a bit too light for a monster. Lem carefully sat Senpai down on the couch, (he doesn't have any dining chairs, he had been lucky enough to find a nice couch in an alleyway) and spoon fed him a bit of stew.

     Senpai woke up to the taste in his mouth, he hadn't even remembered falling asleep but that didn't matter now, the taste was better then anything he'd ever had before.

"Ghh-" He choked as he attempted to speak, and after accidentally spitting out the spoonful of food onto the ground he spoke.

"Sorry- Jesus christ I wasn't expecting that to taste so good!"

"Aww, thanks!" Lem grinned cheerfully, as he went to give Senpai another spoonful.

"I can feed myself..."

"D'aww, but I wanted to feed you!"

"But your doing it just one spoonful at a time, and I'm really, really hungry..!"

"Oh, I can fix that!"

     Lem placed Senpai on his lap before grabbing the bowl of stew and bringing it to Senpai's mouth.

"Is it too hot?"

"No, it's fine!"

     Lem slowly poured the bowl into Senpai's mouth, the latter drinking it rather quickly, a bit too quickly which only added to Lem's suspicions.

"Senpaaiiii..! You haven't been eating enough, have you?" Lem cried out as he stopped pouring the stew into his mouth.

"No, I haven't been... I just, really like the taste of meat, especially human meat and... I don't have money for meat, and because of that I've only been eating around you..!"

"Senpai, that's not gooood! Why don't you just hunt people?"

"I... I don't know how to hunt."

"What!? You should've said something sooner, I can show you!"

"But don't you have plenty of meat now..?"

"Well for me I do, but I'm not the only one here now!"

"Oh... Wait, does that mean-"

"You live here now! That is, if you don't mind sharing a bed!"

"Not one bit! But we still need to go to my dorm room and get my stuff..."

"Well duh! Where do you think we're going to go to teach you how to hunt?"

"You want me to go to my college to hunt people..?"

"Mhm! It's perfect, because their the reason you have to be here in the first place! Not that I'm complaining, your a great guy!"

"Mmmm... Works for me!"  Senpai exclaimed as Lem poured the rest of the stew in his mouth.

     The two quickly ate the stew before Senpai decided to mention the college situation again.

"Hey Lem? How exactly do you plan on entering the college unnoticed?"

"That's easy!" Lem held Senpai's hand before teleporting them to his college dorm.

"How far can you teleport?" Senpai asked as he grabbed a few of his belongings.

"Anywhere I've been to before!"

"Neat! Ok, I think I got everything!"

     Lem grabbed Senpai's hand before walking outside the door, much to the latter's confusion.

"What are we-"

"Shh! I'm teaching you how to hunt!" Lem whispered as he pointed at a guard.

"Ok, so first you want to-" Lem was about to explain things when Senpai had rushed off and sliced the guards head off with his claws.

"Like this!?" He shouted, and Lem responded with a chuckle.

"Well yes, that works but don't you want to have fun while you hunt?" Lem explained as he walked up to the dead guard.

"How exactly do you do that..?"

"You chase them! Just don't let them get away!"

"That seems a bit... Cruel, don't you think?"

"It doesn't feel cruel to me!"

"Alright, I'll trust you on that!"

     The rest of the night was spent with Senpai and Lem hunting and killing random townsfolk, Senpai had never had more fun in his life, he was excited to do this again. Eventually the two got tired and called it quits, although they had gotten a lot of meat for a bit, Senpai even ate some of the meat as they teleported back to the secret meat box.

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