New Beginnings

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     Senpai found himself on campus grounds again, a pep in his step and a smile on his face as he went to finally unenroll from college. I have nothing to worry about..! I'm pretty strong now, plus nobody should be outside of campus since its school hours! Senpai hummed, when suddenly he had felt his stomach rumble.

"God damn it I forgot to eat..!" He mumbled as he walked around, trying to remember where the administration offices were. That was when he was stopped by a hand grabbing his arm, causing him to jump and turn to see who it was.


"Senpai~!" The girl hugged him, it was extremely awkward but he lightly hugged her back.

"Senpai where have you been!? We- I've been so worried!!"

"I... I actually just came here to unenroll..!"

"Unenroll?? Why?? You- you were- and still are- such a good student!"

"I have other plans, life goes on and... things change, you know?"

"Hey... Senpai?" Anne blushed, and Senpai attempted to back away slightly but remembered she was clinging to him.


"I... I just wanted to tell you... I love you!"

"What the fuck." The words left him before he could stop them.

"Err- sorry- I just- I'm-" Senpai quickly went to correct himself only to be interuptted.

"I understand... I won't hurt you, I'm not like those nasty jerks!"

"N-no, it's not that, it's just-"

"We can take it slow, don't worry!"

"No not that, it's that-"

"I promise I'm not scared of you, so just let me-"

"I'M NOT SINGLE!!" Senpai shouted, and Anne flinched.

"Your... Taken? Oh- well I'm certain she's lovely..!"

"He. I'm dating a guy."

"Oh... I didn't know you swung that way! Anyway, want to go grab a coffee, call it a date?"

"What? Hell no!"

"Aw, come on! It'll be fun, just the two of us!"

"I'm not going on a date with you, that would be cheating!"

"It's not cheating if nobody finds out!"

"Look, I said no and that's final! Now let go of me and leave me alone!"

"Tch, since when did you stop being such a yes boy?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, yes boy!"

     Anne had let go of Senpai, poking at his chest as she spoke.

"Look- just leave me alone, I don't want to have to hurt you, ok?"

"Oh come on, you wouldn't do any harm to someone like me, would you~?"

     Senpai was on the verge of snapping, he was annoyed and this girl was wasting his time. The sun and hunger weren't helping either, god he just wanted to unenroll and go home to eat a meal with Lem. He turned to walk away, still arguing with Anne as he went to walk away.

"Come on, just one date~?"

"I said no!"

"Just shut up and say yes you stupid freak!"

     Something had snapped in him, his patience ran out as he sharply turned to look at Anne, anger and hunger in his eyes as he quickly approached her.

"S... Senpai..?"

     Senpai had quickly grabbed her arm so she couldn't escape, panic in her eyes as Anne attempted to fight back. He wasted no time as he tore off a chunk of flesh from her arm, causing her to scream. Her screams got louder as he tore off bits of flesh, not wanting to kill Anne quite yet. Senpai relished in the yells, he was starving and hearing his food make such... fearful noises was so satisfying, he loved it! He was caught in such a trance that he hadn't even noticed the random student that had saw them, as they called the police before running off.

     It wasn't until he had finally gotten bored and ripped through Anne's throat that he had recognized the sirens, and realized he was fucked. Senpai panicked as he realized there was only one way in and out of campus grounds, and the police were likely there. Senpai was ready to fight, he didn't know how durable his body was but he was about to find out.

     That was until someone had grabbed his arm, and he realized Anne's body had... disapeared? He panicked and thrashed around until Senpai realized who was grabbing him: Lem had at some point followed him here!

"Oh my god Lem I thought-"

"No time to talk, we can't get caught."

     Lem sounded oddly serious as he scooped up Senpai bridal style and teleported back to the secret meat box. Senpai noticed instantly that there were a shit ton of dead bodies, and he could only assume there were more in the fridges. Amongst the mass of bodies was none other then Anne's, which was the most torn up one of them all. Actually, upon closer inspection, all the dead bodies weren't really injured much, aside from a snapped neck.

"Lem... what's with all the bodies?"

"Oh, these? Well, I managed to sneak my way into a groupchat of people who found out about our existance! It took forever, but I managed to kill them all!"

"Really? Wow, that's... is that why you were on campus grounds?"


"Why exactly did you... do all of this?"

"Because I have an idea about our diner!"

"What kind of idea..?"

"I wanna leave the city! I know it might be difficult but if we go somewhere less... suspicious, then we could easily get a permit to start a diner!"

"Sounds like a plan to me! But- how will we take all of this stuff?"

"No worries! I got a big bag, we can shove the bodies in here!" Lem took a big bag out, it was huge and Senpai was fairly certain they didn't sell those at stores.

"How did you get a bag that big..?"

"Oh, I got it custom made! Said it was for moving purposes, I didn't lie!"

"Oh, neat! I guess we should pack up and get going..?"


     Senpai couldn't believe he was really leaving this town, it honestly was... terrifying! But also exciting, he finally got the chance to live a perfect life with someone he cared for.

     It had been two years since that day, and boy were things busy.

"Lem! We've got another order, I put it with the others!"

     Sen called out as he put yet another plate in the sink, along with a cup. Sen was surprised, ever since they moved it was relatively easy to open up a diner, turns out the combined money of all of the duo's victims was more then enough to start up the business. That combined with Lem's ability to hide the food's true looks (along with the tastes, smells and textures), and the town being shockingly normal towards them had allowed for business to go swimingly.

"Alright, I just finished the next order!"

     Lem called back, he was honestly just happy to be able to spend so much time with his boyfriend. And in such a nice house too! It had a basement and four rooms upstairs, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. His only complaint was that sometimes the tv did this weird thing where it glew red, there was no way to stop it or turn it off, so they would have to sit and wait for it to stop on its own. Aside from that, however, Lem felt he had the perfect life with the perfect boyfriend.

A/N: so in other news senpai never unenrolled lmao imagine the student debt-
jk he actually has a new identity now, also yea idfk where I'm goin with this story anymore I just got hella inspired

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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Saying No: a Lemonpai (Lemon Demon x Senpai) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now