The Mandalorian of Azur Lane...

By Joshuasteam43

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set in an Parallel world. Join Josh Erwin, the commander of Azur Lane as he strives to reach his goal of livi... More

main commander Bio
Josh's secretaries and allies
chapter 1: sisters reunite
chapter 2: hornet fleet rescue
chapter 3: the grey ghost and the lone queen of the north
chapter 4: the spies within the Sakura Empire
chapter 6: the mystery of the black wisdom cube
chapter 7: alternative universe in peril part 1
chapter 8: alternative universe in peril part 2
chapter 9: the commander's student
chapter 10: Kaga's upgrade and confession
chapter 11: the calm before the storm
chapter 12: the battle of the mirror sea part 1
chapter 13: the battle of the mirror sea part 2
chapter 14: Aftermath
chapter 15: the new ship and the Elite
chapter 16: Roon's training begins
chapter 17: the engagement.
chapter 18: the wedding ceremony
the ranger of Camelot sneak peak
Special: the hunt for red October (Azur Lane version part 1)
chapter 19: back to normal?
chapter 20: preparation for the attack
Kage-marine Bio
chapter 21: plan of defence
chapter 22: clash in the sea
poll: commodore of Azur Lane.
chapter 23: the battle of sisters
chapter 24: the commodore's arrival
sneak peak
chapter 25: the commodore and the Siren
chapter 26: testing of the prototype
chapter 27: call for aid (side story)
chapter 28: Iris Libre (side story)
sneak peak: the Mandalorians and the sniper

chapter 5: helping the spies

222 4 10
By Joshuasteam43

At an abandoned island. Kaga and the others are hiding from the red Axis blockade. Sheffield was out scouting and then she returned to tell them about the blockade wasn't going to ease up.

Kaga: damn. They're not letting up. (Sighs) i hope that Josh gets here soon.

Edinburgh: are you and the commander close?

Kaga: yes. I'm on first name terms with him.

Sheffield: first name terms?

Kaga: when we first met, the commander told me that he is fond of snow foxes in the wild. But after a battle with the Sirens I was badly injured then he nursed me back to normal. During that time, he and I became best of friends.

Edinburgh: that explains why you and he are on first name terms.

The white Katsune nods.


A fog rolled in around Josh's fleet.

Josh: (looking through a spyglass) hmm. The weather has changed for the past two hours.

Tripitz: you're not vrong.

Josh: (lowers the spyglass) I have an idea.

Tripitz: I'm listening.

Josh: think that you and the others could turn on the fog lights?

Tripitz: sure.

She does so and asks the others the same but on approach, Josh orders the fleet to turn off the fog lights to have the element of surprise and asks the girls to gather on Tripitz's ship to form a plan to get Kaga and Belfast's sisters to safety.

Josh: here's the plan: Cleveland and Javelin. You two are to search around for Kaga and the others, Belfast and Enterprise. Keep Iron Blood busy while they do that. And last but not least. Hood and Tripitz, I would suggest that you two to start a bombardment when you two are ready. Does that work with everyone?

Oklahoma: what about the rest of us?

Josh: we'll get their attention.

Everyone agreed to the plan and started the sneak attack.

With Kaga and the others
They heard fighting from afar making Akashi hide behind Kaga

Kaga: sounds like Josh is here with his fleet.

Edinburgh: w-why would he be here with a fleet?

Kaga: because he isn't one to be afraid to fight.

A few minutes later.
Kaga gotten defensive as a couple of planes flew closer and she took them out with ease.

Sheffield: it looks like we've been discovered.

Kaga: tch. Looks like you're right, Sheffield.

Back with rescue fleet
A sword was drawn as Tripitz's turrets turned towards the blockade along with the other battleships.

Josh: (to Tripitz) you may fire when ready.

Tripitz: understood. (Shouts) FUIRE!

Wales: (six barrelled turrets aim in Formation and draws a specially designed sword) Fire at Will!

Her turrets and the others fired at the blockade while Cleveland and the other crusiers and destroyers sped to the island but was intercepted by Takao and Atago.

Cleveland: great. Guess that they knew about Kaga being a spy. (To Belfast and Enterprise) get going to the island!

Both: ok.

Then Belfast and Enterprise rushed over to the island followed by Javelin and Laffey.

At the island.

Kaga, Sheffield and Edinburgh had engaged the iron blood girls in combat until Sheffield gotten badly injured. Kaga was glaring at them when Belfast and Enterprise arrived then was told to meet up with Javelin to be escorted to Josh's fleet. they met up with the destroyers and head to the fleet.

With the armada
Oklahoma notices that there are some planes are enroute. Josh ordered for his friends to counter with their AAs. He saw Zuikaku and Shokaku are enroute to find Enterprise. He ordered QM2 to intercept them and as expected she did.

QM2: I'm sorry. But you won't find grey ghost here. (Draws sword and with a cocky smile) You wouldn't turn down a chance to fight against me would, you?

This made Zuikaku snap and charged against the royal dragon while they were fighting Zuikaku gotten distracted with QM2's masterful skills.

Zuikaku: (thinks) she's good. It's like that she can read my movements and knows how to counter them.

QM2: Wide Open!

Zuikaku: huh?!

She kicks Zuikaku in the gut making her knocking her opponent back when she tries to get back up, Zuikaku was met by the tip of her sword making her look at QM2. She thought that QM2 was going to finish her, QM2 did something unexpected by putting her sword away and helps Zuikaku to her feet which made her confused.

QM2: thanks for the duel.

Zuikaku: (confused) h-huh? U-um thanks?

Josh: (shouts) MARY! Enough messing about! And get your battle carrier ready to receive some visitors.

QM2: ok!

She summoned her ship self which made the crane sisters shocked by the mere sight of a ship and were speechless.

(QM2's ship)

On board Tripitz's ship.

Josh: Kaga.

Kaga: Josh.

The two embraced into a hug then they broke it up with some troubling news

Kaga: Josh, Akagi is in league with the Sirens.

He walks towards the side of Tripitz's ship

Tripitz: Josh? Didn't you hear her?

Josh:I heard. clear the main deck.

This made Kaga and Tripitz confused and left to the stern of Tripitz's ship

Josh: (focuses and opens his eyes) Purifier? I want to ask you something

Then Purifier appears behind him

Purifier: WhAt CaN i Do FoR yOu?

Josh: did you know about Akagi in a alliance?

This made Purifier shocked about what he asked

Purifier: ThAt DaMn ObSeRvEr! JuSt WhAt WaS sHe ThInKiNg?

Josh: I take it that you didn't know?

She shakes her head into a no formation

Josh: it doesn't matter anyway Purifier. What are they planning?

Purifier: PrOjEcT oRoChI.

Josh: what's that?

She explains what it was then vanishes leaving Josh to think about what she explained and was distracted by a surprise hug from behind

Josh: oh hey, Kaga.

Kaga: what was that about?

Josh: we have a spy within the sirens, Kaga.

Kaga: who?

Josh: Purifier.

Kaga: a siren leader?! Does anyone else know?

Josh: a few.

Kaga was shocked and Josh told her that Queen Mary 2 had the same reaction.

Next chapter: the mystery of the Black cube

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