Highschool DXDoom

By BeastsofDarkness

117K 1.5K 1.9K

A human of unknown origin comes across a town in Japan,knowing of the supernatural that live among it. He sho... More

First Day
Tearin' Wings
The Nun
Plus One
Until it is Done
Memories Recovered
Talk with The Devils
Old and New Faces Pt.1
Guys Chill Out

Old and New Faces Pt.2

7K 143 135
By BeastsofDarkness

C'mon guys, this story is not THAT good... But if it's really worth all the commotion 👀

Y/N could be seen organizing weapons and metallic figures in his basement. Hayden was still being repaired on the counter while being hung up.

Samuel:I over heard the conversation last night...

Y/N continued organizing his stuff but made sure to listen to Hayden.

Samuel:are you not going?

He paused before turning to him with a raised eye brow. Confused on why he should go.

Samuel:I know you don't trust them,and this could most likely be a trap but it's possible we can gather Intel on how to get out of here.

Y/N only shook his head before continuing to move boxes or hang guns on the wall.

Samuel: though I did find it oddly suspicious on how the one named,Grayfia was it,knew how much we hated the devils. She knows something about you,she probably wants to lure you in.

He turns to Hayden once more and smiles, seeing on how he finally realized the point on why he should not go.

Samuel:then again,Gremory said something about her brother. It's possible Grayfia was taking orders in retrieving Rias. Something about an arranged marriage,maybe?

Y/N was clearly ignoring his possible theories.

Samuel:all I'm saying is that you should grab intel...

Y/N didn't say anything and continued to ignore him. He raises his Super Shotgun to the wall.

Samuel:there is a chance you can get a fight out of this...

He paused, thinking about what he had just said.

Samuel:unless you're too frightened of a few devils...

He tightened the barrel of the shotgun as he heard Samuels remark. He, frightened!? The Doom Slayer, The Unchained Predator,The Hell walker!?!

Hayden can hear both a groan and sigh from him as he removed his shotgun from the wall. Prompting Hayden that he was deciding to go.

Issei could be seen walking towards the ORC club house along with Asia and Kiba.

Issei: you're right I think something is bugging me.

Kiba:if I had to guess, I'd say it's either House of Gremory drama or Y/N.

Issei:hmm, speaking of which Asia are you ok after Y/N snapped?

Asia:yeah,it was just a scratch.

Issei:still,I can't believe that asshole.


Issei:like seriously,who does think he is!? One second he's all good and now he's being a total...

He pauses once they met the front of the clubhouse,only to be met with Y/N with his back against the door. He had his armor on but no helmet, showing off his low brow expression he had to Issei.

Issei:uh, w-what're you doing here?

He rolls his eyes before going back to waiting. Akeno opens the door breaking the silence.

Akeno:ah, you're all here... including you, oh goody~

Y/N just looked at her disturbed. The trio were the first to enter but Asia had her shy eyes on Y/N. She seemed hesitant to pass him but quickly stayed close to Issei. He couldn't help but smile at the fact she thought the pervert could keep her safe from him.

Y/N walked in last allowing Akeno to close the door and lead them to a room where they found Koneko and Rias along with Grayfia.

Rias:good everyone's all here...but may I ask why you invited him?

She looked at Y/N who gave another look back. Rias couldn't fool him,no matter what her expression was she would always be scared of what he could do.

Grayfia:like I said, this is his punishment for nearly striking down Lucifer's Wife.

Lucifer? Did she just say Lucifer!? And she was his wife and Rias is his sister!?! Then again looking at Grayfia's “design” he could imagine this would be the King of Hell's type.

Grayfia:my lady if you don't mind, may I be able to speak openly?

Rias: let's hear her out.

But before she would be given the chance to speak,a large fiery portal gets everyone's attention. Everyone tensed including Y/N, fits his head into his helmet. Coming out of it was a blonde man in a red jacket.

???: ah,and Riser has arrived in the human realm.

Riser:I've come all this way to see you,my beloved Rias.

Issei: okay who's this douche?

Grayfia: this gentleman is lord Riser Phenex, he is a pure blood devil of noble birth. He is the third heir to the house of Phenex.

Pure blooded eh? Then he should be a fun bastard to beat the shit out of.

Grayfia:he is also the fiance of the next head of the house of Gremory.

Issei:fiance to what,your joking right!?

Grayfia:I am not,lady Rias has already engaged to lord Riser for quite some time now.

Riser just sat down with his arm upon to Rias curling her hair. Akeno passes him a cup of tea which he takes a sip.

Riser:the tea by my my Rias queen is most delicious.

Akeno:thank you for the compliment sir.

He then places his hand on Rias thighs.

Rias:that's enough Riser,let it go. Why don't you understand I have no intention of marrying you.

Riser:but my darling, Riser believes your families circumstances are still such that you can't afford to be so selfish.

Rias: I am not bringing my family to ruin. I have intention of denying you your right to our name, however let me be clear my husband will be my choice.

Riser: remember it's imperative for devil's to remain pure blood, we're still recovering our numbers from the last war. Both your father and Sirzechs decided on this arrangement with the future of devil's in mind.

Rias:my father and my brother and my whole clan made this decision because they are to much of a rush. For the final time,Riser I will not marrying you.

He grabbed her by the chin.

Riser:for the final time Rias,Riser bears the reputation with house of Gremory. So that is unacceptable. Riser doesn't care if he has to incinerate everyone in this room. You will return to the underworld with me.

Grayfia:my lady Rias Lord Riser as you know I am here by order of Sirzechs'.

Wait so is it Lucifer or Sirzechs,Y/N thought.

Grayfia:Which means there will be no disruption of peace.

Riser:when told such an ominous thing by one who is known as the ultimate queen,even Riser can be someone so fearful.

Grayfia:my master was told to be a complect of some sort. As such he has assigned me a last resort,should communication break down.

Rias:yes of course he did,would you care to be a little more specific?

Grayfia:if my lady insists on putting her personal preferences above those of her family,she is to settle this to be a rating game with lord Riser.

Issie:wait what's a rating game,why does it sound so familiar? Oh yeah Sona mentioned something like that didn't she?

Kiba:it's a game noble devil's play with each other. Long story short they and their servants compete in battles to determine who wins.

Issei:the chest thing?

Akeno: exactly it's the reason we have individual powers that are inspired by what we call evil pieces. In order to play the rating game.

Issei:okay that's good to know.

Riser: unfortunately,my inexperienced bride has never qualified for an official game.

Akeno:he knows only mature devil's are allowed to participate so it's not if she's had much opportunity.

Issei:so you're saying we have a disadvantage?

Koneko: we've got more to worry about than that.

Riser: Rias I have to ask,is this adorable group the extended of your servants? There all you have?

Rias:so what if they are?


He snaps his finger to summon a portal to reveal his peerage.

Riser:Riser has 15 pieces,in other words I have a complete set.

Issei:15 and there all hot as hell, damnit. Issei hates him so much.

He then starts pouting.

Issei:why can't I be this guy!

Riser: my dear why is your servant looking at me weeping uncontrollably.

Rias:his dream is to become a harem king.

Ravel: ew what a total barbarian.

Riser:oh is that so? Yubelluna.

Yubelluna,Riser's queen walked up to him and passionately kissed him. Y/N looked in disgust under his helmet for they were at this for a few seconds until Riser's bishop interrupted the two.

???: My King, if I may?

He growls in annoyance as he pulls his mouth away from his queen's face.

Rider: out with it, Mihae.

Mihae: my apologies my king but I sense no aura coming from the armored fellow in the room.

Everyone's attention transfers down to Y/N who tightens his grip on his shotgun.

Rias: this is Y/N L/N, if you're wondering about his race he is a human... A very, odd human.

Riser: a human? Here? Witnessing Riser in his glory?

Riser scoffs while approaching Y/N.

Riser: such insignificant, pathetic insects don't deserve to witness such greatness. The most humane decision is to wipe away his memory...

His body is suddenly surrounded by a fiery aura which intimidated everyone. Everyone except for Y/N. Riser smirked.

Riser: which is why we should terminate it instead.

Though Y/N's reaction is unseen by him, Riser expected him to be quivering in his armor.

Rias: excuse me, but I would like my office to be in one piece.

Issei: no way, I wanna see this douches teeth on the floor. Kick his ass Y/N, I'm rootin' for ya!

???: The pervert believes the human would stand a chance against Riser? He really is a weird one.

Rias: Grayfia, won't you tell these two idiots to stop before tear my clubhouse down?

But Grayfia didn't answer, instead she keeps her eyes on Y/N who kept his posture and waited for Riser's attack first. He wasn't scared, nor would he have a straight face. Under that helmet was a wide, bloodlusting grin. Hands of mass destruction at the ready and double barreled sword of vengeance. But she thinks about it with a look of annoyance before speaking out.

Grayfia: that's enough, Riser.

Riser pauses and turns to her with a confused look. Y/N's face also had the same expression, he would think these arrogant creatures would allow the fight.

Riser: forgive Riser your grace, but you aren't actually thinking of letting this weakling run off with full consideration that the supernatural exist.

Grayfia: precisely, besides this so called weakling already knows of our existence. He has for a long time now...

Y/N raised a brow at this. Surprised to find out she may know more about him then he thinks. But not wanting to question her even further Riser's fiery aura dies down.

Issei: aw man, no fight?

Koneko: quiet pervert, we probably could've died by them just battling.

Akeno: though it is a shame, I would've liked to examine the details of what it would be like to have those large limbs and weaponry destroy me~

Kiba: you... have a problem, Akeno.

Akeno: oh, but was that not clear ever since our time working together?

Kiba: right.

Rias: that's enough, now can we please get this over with?

Grayfia: right, but I would like for Mr. L/N to exit the clubhouse.

His head jolted to her in confusion.

Rias: wait, so his entire reason for even coming here was for nothing?

Grayfia sighs, surprisingly disappointed by this as well.

Grayfia: sadly yes.

He grits his teeth and puts his shotgun away. He stomps towards Grayfia who did her best to keep her stern look. But Y/N could see her soul giving out the fear. Shivering, quaking, sweating bullets. Hell, with Rias peerage knowing what he was capable of, were scared too. Y/N clearly had an invisible murderous aura surrounding him that no one could see due to his race. But Riser was confused on why these devil's would be afraid of this human.

But instead of ripping and tearing, he walks past her and towards the exit while putting his shotgun away. If he wanted to kill them, he'd want to kill them in front of the Big bad down bellow.

But before he could leave, Riser shoulders him and gets close to his ear.

Riser: after Riser marries his beloved Rias, Riser will ignite you in hellfire.

Y/N looks at him, glaring within' his helmet. The unseeable glare possibly stating “Bring it on, bird shit.” . He then shoulders him aside, exiting the room. Riser's peerage gasp at Y/N touching Riser.

But now he could be seen in the woods with his helmet off, the sun setting under the trees. He punches one of them in anger with rage in his eyes. He swore when he gets his bare hands on Samuel for waisting his damn time he'll-

???: hey.

Y/N slightly jumped before turning around and shooting a barrel into a tree. The figure narrowly dodges the bullets.

???: Gah! Chill out it's just me! Koneko!

Even though the figure turns out to be someone he knows, Y/N was more concerned over the fact that he missed. Koneko jumps down and walks up to him with her casual look. Y/N then had a surprised look, never seeing a demonic person casually walking towards him.

Koneko: I just wanted to talk.

She stops in front of them and looks up at him showing their height difference. Y/N couldn't help but slightly snicker at this but was excellent at hiding it.

Koneko: president has declared a rating game against that asshole after the pervert had gotten hurt.

Y/N raised a brow on how and why this should concern him.

Koneko: we'll be out of town to train and we need you for something.

He thought she was trying to get him to join the peerage but she goes to pull something from her pocket. Y/N tightens the grip on his shotgun. But instead of a weapon she pulls out a newspaper in which confuses   Y/N.

Koneko: there's been reports of missing people and remains of missing body parts are being scattered across town. President thinks it could be strays.

Y/N blinks a few times and points his fingers at himself.

Koneko: yes, president thinks it would be logical if you'd take care of it while we're gone.

He puts his fingers on his chin while thinking about it.

Koneko: we both know you don't like taking orders but then again we both know you enjoy violence.

He shrugs in agreeance.

Koneko: well then, guess I'll see ya around.

She then teleports out of the area. Y/N might consider her being his new favorite. He looks down at the newspaper to see an area where the reports have been most sighted. A crazed smile forms up his face. His day may end with some bloodshed after all.

Unknown Area

A portal opens in an unknown mansion. Grayfia appears from the portal behind a red haired man sitting on a chair. He sips a cup of tea with a peaceful look on his face.

Grayfia: my Lord, I've returned.

???: Grayfia I'm your husband, call me by my name.

Grayfia: of course.

???: How did it go?

Grayfia: though your sister still isn't very fond of the marriage, both her and Riser decided to settle this with a rating ga-

???: I already knew of this outcome. I meant him...

Grayfia blinks a few times before realizing he was referring to Y/N.

Grayfia: ah, The Slayer... He was as you stated he would appear. Tall, intimidating, in extraordinary armour-

???: Oh now I just wish I was there to see him with my own eyes.

Grayfia: yes but he seemed more calmer than I expected. All I told him was to leave and he stormed off like a child. Is he not as brutal and bloodthirsty as the legends say perhaps?

The man chuckles.

???: No no my dear, he's the same man who's hands are covered in billions of demon blood. He just doesn't know what to make of our kind. He might have a clue who we are, but probably wouldn't want to jump to conclusions and have another genocidal hate for another race. For now he'll see us as he did The Makyrs. But if he were to ever know of the truth well... Let's pray God faked his death and shows pity on us.

Sorry about the long wait guys, if this story has any mistakes I apologize. I was rushing with this one

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