Power to Strive

By freetimewriter_

229K 4.8K 2K

First Things first! This Story doesnt belong to me. It belongs to ii-phoenix-ii on fanfiction.net. I don't ow... More

Fall of Shinganshina Part I
The Fall of Shinganshina Part II
Humanity's Comeback Part I
Humanity's Comeback Part II
First Battle
The World The Girl Saw
Small Blade
Left Arm
Primitive Desire
Eyes Yet to Be Seen
The Special Ops Squad
What Needs to Be Done
The Female Titan
Forest of Giant Trees
Erwin Smith
Crushing Blow
The Defeated
No Regrets Part I
No Regrets Part II
Ymir Speaks
Ilse's Notebook
The Torturous Curse of Youth
Book 2 is Out!

The Bite

5.7K 144 25
By freetimewriter_

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: Armin explains Annie might be the Female Titan. Some believe him, some don't, and some try to stay neutral. He keeps his suspicions about Annie's part in Marco's death to himself.


Levi fired the gun into the sky.

There was a loud, pitched noise. Everyone had their ears covered, flinching. "A noise grenade?" Eren said.

"What is your job?" Levi looked at his team. "To just let your emotions overwhelm you?"

Petra cringed, images of herself panicking and babbling running through her head. I should've figured Captain Levi wasn't acting without a plan in mind. It had galled her to see herself acting like a headless chicken while their captain had remained calm. She wasn't a new recruit, green as grass. I should've pushed the emotions aside and focused on my orders and stayed quiet!

"No, it's not. Our squad's job is to keep the brat from getting a single scratch on him." Levi turned back. "Even if it costs our lives."

It wasn't to keep watch on me? Eren thought.

"We keep going on our horses, got it?"

"Yes, sir," Petra answered.

"Keep going? For how long? And it's right on top of us," Eren looked back. The Female Titan continued in pursuit. "Again?!" Two Scouts reached her and she covered her nape.

They're going to die even though Eren's elite squad is right there. Christa thought sadly.

"The reinforcements! If we don't help, they'll be wiped out again!"

"Eren, eyes on the road!" Gunther yelled.

"Sir!" Eren said in protest.

"Keep your pace, full speed!" Erd said.

"But, Erd, why?! If Squad Levi doesn't defeat it, who will?" Eren demanded.

"My sentiments exactly," Jean muttered. Even though he had faith in Mikasa, he wasn't sure she could take the Female Titan down. Not yet at least. But if she'd trained with the elite squad, Mikasa would've gotten stronger and then she could have defeated her. His eyes flitted momentarily over at the right couch where the commander sat. Hell, if even Eren had trained to transform and fight in that form, he may have had a slight chance too.

Jean didn't believe Eren could defeat the Female Titan if it came down to just the two of them. Especially if—because—it's Annie. His jaw clenched.

Not only was Eren completely closed off to the idea, despite the proof, she was a better martial artist than him. Than all of them. And she's got experience as a Shifter. Eren's Titan's abilities—nonexistent that they were compared to the Colossal and Armored he suddenly realized—were known to her. Eren can't win and I'm not sure Squad Levi is properly trained for this. If that trap fails, they're fucking dead.

One of the Scouts flew at the Female Titan and she slammed him against a tree with the palm of her hand.

Eren gasped, "Another one's dead. And maybe we could've saved him!"

The squad kept silent, staring ahead. The Female Titan tried to swat the second man and he dodged.

"One's still fighting. We could still make it!"

"Eren, eyes back on the road! Keep going!"

"Are you telling me to look away? To abandon my comrades and run?!"

"Yes, that's right!" Petra said. "Obey the captain's orders!"

"I don't understand why we're leaving them to die! Or why he won't explain! Tell me why!"

Come to think of it, why hasn't he said a word? Sasha thought. Was he afraid of being overheard if he tried to reassure them? Or was he being paranoid and still thought a member of his team could be a potential Shifter? She noticed Hange leaning forward in her seat. Sasha's eyes widened. I get it! They're about to spring the trap!

"That's because the captain decided the reason should not be explained," Oluo responded. "You just don't understand because you're still green! If you get it, then shut up and obey!"

Eren gritted his teeth in frustration. Then he seemed to come to a realization. Wait… He put away his blades, right hand inching toward his mouth.

Levi, Hange, and Erwin stilled.

"But we're so close," Hange whispered fiercely.

Do it. Ymir thought.

I can fight on my own. A fast, fleeting memory of his Titan form punching another 15-meter, saving Mikasa, flashed through his mind. Why am I relying on others? Eren wondered. I can just fight on my own. Eren stared at his hand. He opened his mouth, having made up his mind, ready to bite.

Fuck. Levi mentally cursed. He's going to wreck the plan when we're almost there.

"What are you doing, Eren?" Petra interrupted.

Eren faltered.

"Just a little further," Hange encouraged.

"You're only allowed to do that if your life is in danger. You promised us!"

The Shifter looked hesitant.


"You aren't wrong," Levi said, grabbing their attention. "If you want to, do it."

Eren looked startled by his words.

"Wait, what?"


"I don't get it..."

"Is it a trick or a test or something?"

What's he doing? Eren wondered. Was he trying to stall for time? Distract him? After years as a trainee and especially as a member of the elite squad, obeying orders had been mercilessly drilled into his head. There had to be an ulterior motive or reason.

Defying orders in the Survey Corps is practically a sin. Mikasa thought. It was clear just how much it was ingrained in their brains having watched Levi's Squad panic but not make a move going against their orders.

"I can tell," Levi continued. "It's a real monster. And it has nothing to do with its Titan power. No matter what power you use to suppress it, no matter what cage you put it in, it will never submit to anyone."

"I just want to slaughter the Titans," Eren said, sitting behind bars.

"Eren, the difference between your decision and ours is experience. But you don't have to rely on that. Choose."

Eren stared ahead, wide-eyed, mind racing.

"Believe in yourself. Or believe in the Survey Corps and me."

The rest of the team listened, looking surprised.

"I don't know the right answer," Levi admitted. "I never have. I can believe in my own abilities or the choices of companions I trust. But no one ever knows how it will turn out. So choose for yourself whichever decision you'll regret least."

Eren looked back at the Female Titan again, watching her swipe at the Scout, trying to decide. He brought his hand up.

"Eren!" Petra called out. "Believe in us!"

He stared at her imploring expression.

"I wouldn't," Ymir's words came out louder than intended.

"What?" Christa looked at her, surprised.

"Before you start jumping down my throat," she held up a hand, catching Eren's eyes, "I wasn't trying to be a bitch."

Could've folded me. Levi was really starting not to like her.

"Then what?" Eren asked rudely.

"It's just...well, let's not forget what happened to the last elite team that tried to protect Eren. Only one walked away."

"No disrespect to the Garrison but you can't compare their elite team to ours," Erwin said.

"We may have them beat on technical skills and teamwork, but the threat level is much higher too," Petra pointed out. A number of surprised pairs of eyes turned to her.

"You don't think we can take her?" Hange looked disappointed. "That our trap won't work?"

"Honestly? I don't know," she shrugged. "Based on what I do know and they," Petra gestured to their TV counterparts, "don't, I'm not feeling too optimistic."

"The trap will work." Sasha tried to remain optimistic.

"Yeah, it probably will," Jean agreed. "And then we'll get fucked because we're in a forest surrounded by countless Titans she can spur into ambushing us instead."

"Oh shit," Connie's face fell.

Unease settled in their stomachs.

And then Eren will really be in serious danger, facing an opponent with little knowledge and no preparation. Mikasa thought, distressed.

Armin was having similar thoughts beside her. There are too many things that can go wrong. But he knew that was the case most of the time. And it'll be okay even if the plan is a massive failure. It hasn't happened yet. He relaxed. In fact, the best thing that could happen was for everything to go wrong. That way we can be properly prepared for the absolute worst.


"I came up with a way that'd only half-kill you," Levi said, standing in front of the classroom, chalk in hand. Hange was sitting on the desk nearby while the rest of Squad Levi stood in a half circle.

"What?" Eren stood between his team and their captain.

"I said I'd only be able to stop you as a Titan if I killed you. But this method would only badly wound you," Levi began to draw on the chalkboard. "Of course, it relies on the squad's skill. The idea is to cut you right out of the Titan's neck. We'd end up cutting the ends of your arms and legs off, but they'd just grow back like a lizard's. How disgusting."

"Totally cool, you mean," Hange grinned.

"Wait a minute," Eren said. "I don't know how they grow back. Is there some other way—"

Levi narrowed his eyes. "So you're saying you don't want there to be any danger or sacrifice?"

Ideally, no. Eren thought though he knew that was only wishful thinking.


"Then just resolve yourself. We will, too. The danger for us is that you might kill us. So don't worry."

"Yes. I understand."

"So, that means I can do experiments, right?" Hange asked, light reflecting off her glasses.

"It's very risky," Levi replied. "But that doesn't mean that we can't use him to investigate."

"I can be in charge of planning this, right? Eren, if there's something you don't understand, learn to understand it. It's well worth any risk to our lives."


Levi and Hange stood outside near a well. "Ready, Eren?" A rope was extended down into the well. Hange looked in. "When it's prepared, I'll use the smoke round to notify you. After that, any decisions are up to you."

The recruits watched intently, interested to see what information could be gleaned from the experiment.

At the bottom, Eren raised his right arm, "Understood!"

Hange nodded, eager. "This dried-up well could hold even a mindless Titan." She imagined Eren's berserk form stuck in place, only one arm and the head free and aboveground. "Probably!"

Jean snorted. Probably she says.

"That's the signal." Eren saw the green flare shooting up to the sky. He looked at his hand. Since I sealed the Wall, I haven't tried to control the Titan. If I lose control, Squad Levi might kill me this time. He bit down on his hand.

The well remained calm, quiet, and undisturbed.

"Uh, what?" Connie wasn't the only one confused.

"Nothing happened," Christa muttered. He cannot transform at will. It was sporadic, his control over his abilities.

Hange and Levi sat on their horses nearby, waiting. "Did he not see the signal?"

"No," Levi answered. "We weren't even that sure of his ability in the first place." They moved closer to the well. "Hey, Eren! We're calling it quits for now." Levi, now back on the ground, approached the well.

"Is something wrong?" Hange joined him, looking in. They looked startled at the sight down below.

Blood stained his mouth and hands. "Hange…" Eren looked up, a helpless expression on his face. "I can't become a Titan."

"Wouldn't it be better to use a small blade?" Sasha pointed out. "Instead of biting your hands all the time."

"Now that you mention it," Eren crossed his arms. "That sounds a lot less painful and gross. I mean," he looked at the commander, "if that would be okay, sir."

"It's fine," Erwin shrugged.

"The MP won't have any problems with it, will they?" Connie asked.

"All he needs is a small nick," the commander said. "Since you can transform without any weapons, or use your environment if necessary, there's really no point in not allowing you to carry a small blade."

"Besides, he already carries sharp, deadly swords," Christa pointed out.

"And it doesn't even have to be a small blade. To transform, the two requirements are intent and a wound. A safety pin or even a needle could work," Petra suggested.

"Yeah," Armin nodded. "Safety pin would be good. Easier to carry and hide."


The Scouts were taking a break outdoors, enjoying a cup of tea. Eren sat with his squad while Levi stood nearby, holding his cup. "So your self-inflicted bite wounds on your hands aren't healing, either?" The corporal glanced over at the teen.

Eren clutched his bandaged hands, "No."

"If you can't transform into a Titan, our main goal of sealing Wall Maria is off the table. This is an order. Make it happen." Levi walked away with that.

"Yes, sir," he replied despondently.

"Don't let it get you down, Eren," Erd spoke while Petra went to talk to their captain.


"Well, it just means you're more human than we thought," Oluo said, grabbing his attention.

"That's a nice way to think about it," Sasha smiled.

"Better than rushing into something and getting killed. This isn't meaningless," Erd said.

"Yeah," Gunther agreed. "We can't be too careful."

Why is everyone so calm? Eren looked around. Are they okay with my being unable to turn into a Titan? He picked up his teaspoon and winced. It fell to the grass.

"Are you okay?" Erd asked.

"Yes." Eren reached down for the spoon. It was a little too far out of his reach and he stretched farther. Golden-orange lightning cackled as soon as he made contact. Eren's eyes widened as a small explosion erupted, causing Levi and Petra to freeze and his teammates to cover their faces from the hot steam and jump back.

A few Scouts stared, shocked.

"Hey! What happened?"

"What was that explosion?"

The thick steam faded away, revealing Eren with part of his arm stuck in red muscle, struggling to break free. "Why now?!" He panicked.

"Calm down," Levi said.

"Captain Levi!" Eren looked over his shoulder. "This is…" It was then it hit him.

"I said to calm down," Levi said, his back to the Shifter, addressing his squad. "All of you."

Eren gaped. His squad was standing in a half circle before their captain, blades in hands, looking ready to cut Eren down at the drop of a pin.

"Wow," Christa's eyes were wide.

They reacted so quickly while the rest of the Scouts stood by staring. Jean thought. Strangely, it reminded him of the time Eren transformed to save himself and his friends and Reiner, Annie, and Bert had taken off while everyone else stood around, gaping and confused, unsure what to do.

Easy to see now why they were chosen to watch over him. Armin thought. And take him down before anyone else even had a chance to gather their bearings.

As much as it displeased her, Mikasa had to admit, without the short corporal there, his squad may have dismembered Eren.


Two figures, Hange and Moblit, came running from the trees. "Huh? What was that sound?" Her expression turned from surprise to delight as they neared the Special Ops Squad. She screamed, jumping up.

They chuckled, unsurprised by her reaction.

Eren looked nervously as his squad had him surrounded while Levi looked on calmly.

"Eren! What's the meaning of this?!" Erd demanded.


"Why now? Without permission? Answer me!"

"Erd, wait," Levi said.

"Answer him, Eren!" Oluo yelled. "What are you thinking?"

"Buddy, I do not envy you right now," Connie said to Eren, causing Petra to smile sheepishly.

"No, that can wait," Gunther walked closer. "Prove you're not our enemy—humanity's enemy!" Eren was frozen, unable to answer. "Prove it! Now! That is your responsibility!"

"I dare you to make a single move with that arm!" Oluo yelled from behind him. "I'll cut off your head! I can do it I'm serious! Want to try me?"

Mikasa's face darkened.

"Oluo, I said to calm down."

"Captain, get away from Eren! You're too close!" Petra yelled.

"No, you're the ones who should get back."


"My intuition," he replied.

"What's wrong, Eren? Say something!"

"Like I said—"

"No sudden movements! Prove it to me, Eren!"

"I said I'm not sure—"

"Answer us!"

"You think we can't kill you?"

"I'm serious! Do it now!"

"Are you even listening?"

"Okay, let's do this! Are you humanity's—"

"Please shut up for a second!" Eren screamed loudly.

Silence fell.

The viewers burst into laughter.

"Eren!" Hange screamed, dashing to him. The excited woman shoved Gunther and another Scout out of the way.

That made them laugh even more.

"Can I touch that arm?! It's okay, right?" Drool leaked from a corner of her mouth.

Levi wrinkled his nose at the sight.

"Right? Just let me touch it!"

"Hange!" Eren's eyes were wide. "Wait a second!"

The woman touched the red flesh and steam rose, the sound of sizzling in the air. Hange skipped away. "It's hot!" She slid to her knee, both arms up in the air. "Without the skin, it's really damned hot! Unbelievably hot!"

"She's crazy but pretty damn amusing," Ymir said.

"I can't believe she just touched—on second thought, I can," Jean said.

"Squad Leader, you're too reckless!" Moblit cried out.

Everyone else just watched her with either weirded out or unsurprised expressions on their faces.

"Hey, don't you feel it's hot, Eren? How does it feel where the right hand connects?" Hange asked him. "I really want to see!"

That's right. Eren looked down. If I just pull out this hand. He gritted his teeth. "Stupid thing!" He yanked with all his might.

"Hey, Eren! Don't do anything rash!" Oluo said. The muscles ripped away from his fist. The momentum sent him tumbling backward.

"Huh?!" Hange clutched her head, jumped impatiently. "Wait, Eren! That was too fast! I still wanted to…!" She stopped, noticing the spoon between the steaming hand.

"How come it didn't melt and bend from the steam and the pressure?" Connie asked.

"You'll find out soon," Hange replied.

Eren breathed heavily, "Captain…"

The corporal stood beside him, looking down at him, "How do you feel?"

Eren took a few seconds to reply weakly. "Not…so good."


Night had fallen and Eren was sitting at the bottom of the steps to the basement, Levi leaning against the wall beside him with his arms crossed.

"Until I saw that they were actually ready to kill me, I didn't understand. That they had such little faith in me…"

"Of course, stupid," Jean rolled his eyes. "What would you do if you were in their place?"

"And it's not like they knew you didn't do that on purpose," Sasha said. "I'd have acted on instinct too."

Eren opened his mouth but Ymir beat him to it. "You probably would've wanted the Shifter's head on a spike."

"No, I wouldn't!" He defended immediately.

"Your hatred of Titans is well-known," Christa said. "Honestly, wouldn't you have reacted the same way?"

"I wonder if you'd have even bothered demanding an explanation before going in for the kill," Connie said.

"Eren's a hothead but I don't think he'd have screwed it up for all of humanity because of personal vengeance," Armin shook his head.

"Eren?" Mikasa worried their comrades' words may have hurt him unintentionally.

"I'm just thinking." Eren stared at his hands in his lap, a slightly troubled expression on his face. "I was so quick to judge everyone who judged me but realistically, if I was in their place, and I didn't know me, seems probable I'd have had the same reaction."

"We all know how much you hate the Titans. But there is one thing that surpasses that, your desire to be free. It's what we've always talked about since we were kids and your original and primary reason for wanting to join the Survey Corps," Armin said.

"He's right, Eren," Petra smiled. "It was that desire for freedom that led you to snap out of your berserk state and control your Titan. Now stop making yourself crazy for no reason and get out of your head."

"Yeah, okay," Eren smiled back.

"Obviously," Levi said. "That's why I chose them."

Eren's eyes shifted to him.

"People say you only truly become a full member of the Survey Corps after making it back alive from a mission. But whenever you fight the Titans, you never have enough information. There are too many situations you just can't anticipate, no matter what. They've had to cultivate the ability to take quick action and to make ruthless decisions by assuming the worse case scenario. But that doesn't mean they've become heartless. It's not like they felt nothing when they turned their swords on you."

That's true. Christa thought. They had seemed upset, not just angry, that he'd transformed without permission.

"Captain Levi," Moblit came down the stairs, "Squad Leader Hange wants to see you."


The rest of Squad Levi was waiting for them in the room with Hange and Moblit.

"Take a long crap?"

"Wow, your sense of humor is complete shit," Candy joked.

Several voices groaned while only a few laughed.

"Candy's not that much better in the humor department," Armin said.

"I don't know," Sasha grinned. "That song when Eren's Titan came out of—what did she call that Titan again?"

"San-Titan," Petra provided helpfully, earning an eye-roll from Levi and a snort from Hange.

"Yeah! That one! That was great."

"It was good," Jean agreed.

"I wonder if she finished it," Christa said.

"Let's just get back to the episode," Eren urged before they came up with the brilliant idea to finish the song themselves.

"She is correct though."

"Just play the damn episode, Erwin," Levi said.

"Actually, it was pleasantly quick," Hange replied. "I wasn't sure what to tell the brass. Well, for now," she took out a handkerchief and placed it on the table, unfolded it and revealing the spoon. "Look at this."

"A teaspoon?" Eren said.

"Yes," she picked it up and held it up to them. "The right Titan hand Eren created was holding this. Like this, between its index finger and thumb. It's hard to imagine that was an accident. And for some reason, the heat and pressure didn't warp the spoon at all. Anything come to mind?"

"I was trying to pick it up. I transformed right after," Eren answered.

"I see," Hange stared at the teaspoon. "That may explain why you couldn't transform earlier. Kill the Titans. Block the cannon shell. Lift the boulder. In each case, you had a clear goal before you transformed. My theory is that your self-inflicted injury probably isn't the sole trigger. You may need some goal, as well."

So that's why the teaspoon wasn't bent. Connie nodded to himself. That wasn't his intent.

Eren looked at his hand, "It's true that when I turned into a Titan this time, it was like when I blocked that cannon shell. But turning into a Titan to pick up a spoon…" His hand twitched. "What the hell is this?"

"In other words, you didn't deliberately change without permission?" Gunther asked.

"No, sir."

Gunther sighed. Then the four members of the Squad Levi nodded at each other.

They each brought up their left hands and bit down without hesitation.



"What the?!"

"What're you guys doing?"

Mikasa smiled, realizing the meaning behind the gesture and appreciating it.

"You'll understand in a second," Petra said.

"Huh?" Hange looked around, completely confused. "Uh?"

"Wait, what are you doing?" Eren asked.

Levi watched the scene in silence, expressionless. "That hurt," Gunther said.

"This isn't easy," Erd looked at his hand. "I'm amazed you can bite through, Eren."

"We made the wrong decision," Gunther looked at the teen. "This is a small price to pay. Not that it makes a difference."

"Keeping you under control is our job. And there's nothing wrong with that. So don't get cocky!" Oluo told him.

"I'm sorry, Eren," Petra apologized. "We've been so jumpy. You must be disappointed in our stupidity," her eyes shifted away in shame for a second. "However, even so," she looked him in the eyes, "we're going to rely on you. And we want you to rely on us."

Eren watched his squad, floored.

"So… Have faith in us."


"You guys really didn't have to," Eren said, embarrassed.

"Of course we did," Petra insisted.

Back in the Forest of Giant Trees, Eren's eyes fell to Petra's hand.

"I can't believe you actually bit hard enough to leave a scar," Sasha said.

"Eren, I hope you know I consider you a close comrade and dear friend," Connie began, "but I am never biting my hand to show you how much. That shit looks painful."

"Yeah," Christa nodded, rubbing her hand.

"And do you know how many germs there are in the human mouth?" Ymir crossed her arms and turned her head. "Not happening."

"Thanks, guys," Eren said dryly. "Nice to know how much you care."

"You're welcome," Jean said.

A Scout flew toward the Female Titan and she glanced at him.

"Eren!" Levi yelled. "You're taking too long! Decide!"

Eren closed his eyes and gritted his teeth before declaring his intentions, "I'll go forward!" His teammates watched him, shocked.

"Let me go!" The Scout in the Female Titan's hand screamed. She wiped him on the trees as she ran before tossing her hand back to throw away whatever was leftover from the body.

She can easily crush them in her hands or smash them into a tree. Christa thought. If her purpose was to eliminate anyone that got in her way, she could get rid of them quickly and move on. But...

The bitch enjoys killing them in cruel ways. Jean glared, jaw clenched.

Armin watched sadly. Annie...

Levi, meanwhile, was taking careful account of every person she killed and how to make her suffer for each of their deaths when he got his hands on her.

Eren forced himself to look forward, eyes squeezed shut. I'm sorry!

"Target is accelerating!"

"Faster!" Levi ordered. "We will outrun it."

It's impossible to outrun it. Eren glanced over his shoulder at her. If we keep running away, it'll stomp us all flat! He looked at his captain's back. But… We might all die, but everyone chose to go on, even if it meant abandoning our comrades. Captain Levi has been looking forward this whole time.

Petra and Erd were tense and nervous but staring forward as well. And the rest of the squad believes in him, and put all their trust in him. Eren's expression became determined. I'll believe in them, too. He leaned his head completely back, looking at the Female Titan staring piercingly down at him. Like they believed in me!

The squad rode by two men hiding behind wooden slats.

The Female Titan skid to a stop, surrounded by soldiers in trees.

"She fell for it!" Hange squealed.

Everyone's hearts raced in excitement.

The Female Titan and Levi's squad looked shocked.

"Fire!" Erwin ordered, hanging from a tree.

The soldiers covered their ears and immediately yanked the rope in their hands. Hooks began to launch out and the Female Titan covered her ears, head slightly bowed, caught off guard and put on the defensive.

"Fuck yeah!" Connie screamed. "Take that, bitch!"

The booming of the special target restraining weapons continued as dozens upon dozens of steel wires with arrowheads pierced her entire body.

"She's caught!" Jean exclaimed, a look of awe on his face. It didn't stay long. But will she stay caught or escape?

"We did it!" Christa yelled, thrilled.

"There must be a hundred wires," Mikasa watched, stunned.

"There is no way she can possibly move after all that!" Petra said, eyes wide.

Finally, the last one fired and smoke rose.

Squad Levi kept going, dust and thick smoke blocking out the view behind them.

"We've got her," Erwin said in satisfaction.

"And you were all doubting us so much," Hange laughed happily.

Ymir wanted to point out she could still possibly call Titans and have them ambushed but even she was hopeful one of the arrows had pierced Annie's jaw and wired her mouth shut so she couldn't make a sound.

Eren looked back at the result.

"Ooh let us see!" Hange begged.

"Advance a bit farther, tether the horses, and switch to maneuver gear," Levi said. "You guys will be off on your own for a while. Erd, lead the squad." He got ready to jump off. "Once you're a good distance away from the Titans, hide Eren. Take my horse." With that, he flew back toward the other Scouts.

Eren watched him with an open mouth. "Could they be…"

The Female Titan was stuck, countless, shiny metal wires locking her in place.

"…capturing that Titan alive?"

"Wow," Connie's eyes were wide.

"Look at her," Jean gaped.

Christa gasped. "No way she can even twitch a muscle, forget trying to escape!"

"An animal is always the most dangerous when cornered," Sasha said. "But what can she do stuck like that?"

"Congratulations, looks like you'll all survive your first expedition," Petra smiled and they laughed in delight.

Is this the end? Did they do it? A part of Armin wanted the mission to end in success even though he knew it would be better for them if the mission had some hiccups just so when they left for real they would be fully prepared.

Levi was tense and silent, unable and unwilling to celebrate just yet.

Will she escape? Erwin thought. Will she use some trick? Like calling other Titans to her rescue.

Eren looked at Petra then Oluo.

"Well, Eren? See that?" Gunther asked. "We caught that Titan!"

"This is the power of the Survey Corps! Don't underestimate us, fool," Oluo said.

"Well?" Erd said as the Shifter looked at Petra's smiling face and began to grin. "Do you get it now?"

"Yes!" Eren said happily.


Erwin stood on a branch and Levi joined him. "Looks like it's stopped moving."

"We can't lower our guard," the commander said.

The Female Titan tried to move and the wires creaked but they weren't budging.

"She really is trapped," Armin said.

"And she won't be able to escape no matter how hard she struggles," Hange said confidently. Not by herself anyway.

"But you did well, leading it here."

"We were able to thanks to the rearguard squads that died buying us the time we needed," Levi told the commander. "We couldn't have done it without them."

"Is that so?" Erwin continued to stare down without an expression.

"It is. Thanks to them, we'll be able to see who's inside this thing," he looked down at the Female Titan. "I hope they haven't pissed themselves."

The episode ended with a shot of Female's Titan's face, looking panicked.

"That went well," Christa said.

"It all happened according to plan," Hange said, grinning so wide her cheeks hurt.

"Let's hope it doesn't go to shit in the next episode," Ymir said grimly.

"Must you be such a downer?" Connie grumbled. He was trying hard not to be pessimistic. He really didn't want to jinx it.

"She's right," Levi said unhappily. "We're not safe until we're back behind the Walls."

They nodded. Still, they couldn't shake off the feeling of success. The Female Titan was captured and surrounded by Scouts.

But Ymir had a feeling things were going to go to hell soon.

~Please Review❤️have a good day😊

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