Stay On Track (Bangpink AU)

By hjandali

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~47~ finale
Author's Note


12 0 0
By hjandali

"Damn, your dad has been blowing up your phone all morning" Jungkook snickers from beside Jimin, who was getting dressed to leave. "Do you have to go to him? Why can't you just call him back?" Jimin zips up his pants and looks himself in the mirror.

"I need to get his mind out of the gutter. Hating Rosie's songs is one thing, but disliking her existence to the point of preventing me from working with her because of his selfish reasons? Yeah, no thanks." Jimin gives Jungkook a tight squeeze on his shoulder before walking out of his room, the younger follows him from behind.

"Do you think he'll get convinced eventually?" They lock the door behind them and began walking through the building's hallways.

"Maybe. But it won't be easy. Especially when his reasoning either doesn't make sense or doesn't exist." Jimin rolls his eyes, annoyed about having to face his step dad after a long time for such a purpose.


The boys walk through the automatic doors, greeted by cold air and bright lighting. The front receptionist spots Jimin, and gives a gentle smile as a greeting. He smiles back while Jungkook waves in tiny. She might not admit it, but it's pretty obvious that Jungkook is her favorite between the two. "He reminds me of a pet bunny," was her reasoning.

"Doctor Steven will start his break in 5 minutes. You can sit here to wait." She tells them while ushering them towards the chairs placed on the side. They both give their thanks and sat as ordered. After about 4 minutes, Jimin's step dad comes into view, not looking too happy considering the fact that he hasn't seen his son in months.

"Hey." Jimin greets as he stands up, lifting his chin up to meet his eyes.

"Go ahead and explain for me." he says bluntly.

"Not even a hello?" Jimin asks, clearly hurt by the careless approach.

"I'm not in the mood, Jimin. You really disappointed me with that magazine interview. What the hell were you thinking? Do you want your career to go up in flames?" His dad shoots back, making Jungkook's eyebrow raise high enough to show his confused state.

"You have never actually met her. Plus, I've been getting more recognition nowadays than all of my years back combined. She's an amazing singer and a kindhearted-"

"No!" He raises his voice slightly, making Jimin flinch. "I've experienced life far more than you have and I've seen how people act. They hide a lot about themselves that could ruin their image."

"She hasn't done anything wrong! Why do you have to butt into my career and relationships?" Jimin was now raising his voice back, not caring about who he's actually arguing with. Their exchange was already gaining some looks from the ones around them. "Let me bring her one day and you-"

"I said NO." His dad yells in response. "I don't want to be in the same room as her even if it's my last day on earth." Jungkook gulps at the last comment said. He reaches his hand to hold Jimin's, knowing well enough that Jimin's blood was boiling more and more by the minute. The touch of Jungkook's hand eased Jimin a bit, but he was still evidently angry.

"F*** you." Jimin spits, and sprints out of the door.

"Jimin! Get back here right now! Don't you dare talk to me this way, young man!" his step dad's voice turns to background noise as they walk further from the hospital. When they enter the car, Jimin's eye sight starts to fog up with tears. His hot, emotional tears marking a path down his cheeks, dripping from his chin to his lap. Jungkook notices his state and rubs his back in comfort.

"This feels like deja vu." he says quietly. Jimin nods, wiping his tears roughly. He still felt the anger from the conversation.

"I just feel like *hiccup* nothing I do will ever make *hiccup* him proud. I'm always disappointing him with something."


"And he always nit picks over every little thing I do. Even when it makes no sense!"

"mhm yup"

"I just want him to be proud"

"mmmm hm"

" and I don't want to keep sassing or fighting him but he makes it so hard not to."

"yup. I get it."

"And step mom is just so ignorant and never shows any sort of affection, and never tells what side she's on. Like I feel so alone in situations like these."

"uh huh."

"Do you really have nothing else to say?" Jimin turns to Jungkook, who seems lost on what to respond.

"I parents love you." Jungkook shrugs. "They've been asking for Rosie's and your autograph ever since her debut." Jimin lets out a small chuckle at the fan behavior his parents were doing.

"But they've met me so many times."

"Yeah but they want something physical to show off to their friends." Jungkook sighs in relief upon seeing Jimin's gentle smile.

"I'll have me and Rosie sign the magazine we were in. I'm sure they'll be happy."

"I think they would pass out." Both boys laugh loudly in the car, all the worries of the past half an hour suddenly vanishing.


Lisa finishes up with wiping the counter with the biggest pout on her face. Rosie wasn't working that day, which only meant one thing.

She was all alone that day.

They often take turns with appearing at interviews to talk about their collaboration, while the other took over the café. It was rare to be in the same room nowadays, which made both girls feel lonely and long for each other's presence.

But today made her lonely and sad mood worst because...

It was her birthday.

As a good friend would, Hobi visits Lisa at Bloom's and promises to accompany her for the day. Lisa has been spending so much time with Rosie since her arrival that she barely sat and spent quality time with her childhood friend. They spent the day talking, joking, and laughing over old memories. Their interactions were always either about work or the money they have to pay up. So talking so casually made her happy.

As the sun began to set, the sky turns a dark navy blue. The open sign closes and the café's cleaning session begins. Just as Lisa was about to finish emptying the fridge display, the door bursts open.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LALALALALALALALISAAAAAA." Rosie screams upon entering the door.

"ROSIEEE" Lisa squeals back, sprinting towards the other and climbing her like a koala. "I miss you so much! What are you doing here?"

"I got you a gift! Wasn't it your birthday today?" Lisa pulls back and eyes Rosie with a biggest puppy eyes. Her lips began to tremble.

"Y-you remembered?"

"Since my job interview with you, yeah." Rosie replies with a toothy smile.

"R-rosie.." Lisa's tears were already falling. "I love you so muchh!!"

"uh uh, don't cry yet. Save you tears for the gift." Lisa looks down at the small and flat gift. It looks like a thank you card of some sort.

"I know it doesn't look like much, but it is. Come on, open it!" Rosie claps her hands excitedly. "Hobi! Come here, you have to see what I got."

"Nah I'm good."

"Get your ass over here!" Lisa grabs his wrist and drags him to where Rosie was standing. He might look careless, but on the inside, seeing Lisa this happy made him feel warm. Knowing how much they've been through, a moment like this is worth a million years to see.

Lisa began ripping the wrapped envelope and turns to look at the front of it.

For Lisa (and Hobi)

"H-hobi?" Lisa looks up at a confused Hobi.

"Why me?" he asks. Rosie only smiles in response, indicating for Lisa to keep opening it. As Lisa opens the envelope, a sheet of paper was all that was present. Pulling it out slowly, Lisa and Hobi's jaws both dropped to the floor.

A check for $80,000

"With the help of our collab and some spare cash from Jimin, you're finally free from the fear of the bars. Happy birthday Lisa." Rosie felt her eyes water from the sight of Lisa's already wet from tears.

"You....did you just.." Hobi manages to let out, not believing the sight.

"Is this real? Like, not fake?" Lisa asks between sobs. Rosie nods, which makes Lisa fall onto the floor from her shaken knees.

"We....we're free. After a year and a half of constant fear. We..." Lisa held her hands to her stomach, an unexplainable feeling running through her body. Hobi kneels next to Lisa, who was now crying loudly.

"I hope you can get that worry off your mind and continue to pursue your goals and dreams. That goes to the both of you." Rosie says, now kneeling as well. She uses her hand to move Lisa's head against her chest, comforting the crying mess.

"Rosie." Hobi finally says. "T-thank you." He places a hand on her shoulder, she could feel his shaken state as well. But she keeps up her smile and opens her arms, now hugging the both of them.

She felt like some sort of mother to them at that moment. Even with their badass personas on stage, their smack talk towards others, and aggressiveness with their actions. In the end, they still feel weak, they still are terrified. They needed comfort during such a worrisome time. They stayed in this position, all three of them embracing one another.

Is this what unity feels like? Going from enemies to friends?

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