Classroom of the Elite: Unexp...

By KingpinRisette

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Soooooooooo after reading so many COTE fanfics, I got inspired to create my first one so I am very sorry if i... More

A true Devil
Bitter Betrayal
Weaknesses & Strengths
Surprising Summer
Mysterious Coincidence
Sacrificing One's self
Broken Chains
Demonic Angels
Villainous Faces
I made a new book!
Y2V4.5 illustration leaks
Dealing with the Defectives
Shining Darkness
A lesson called Agony
Torture Time...
Taking out the trash
Fixing Witnesses
Gambling Life and Death
Striking Mayhem
From Bad to Worst

Faithful Discovery

1.8K 112 10
By KingpinRisette

Shinohara POV

Am I being followed by a dark cloud lately? I got beat up and betrayed, I became a pawn of the goddamn devil, almost broke my legs because if his rough training, bawled my eyes out for getting my heart broken at my former crush, and now meeting the same girl from earlier at the worst possible moment.

This stream of bad luck just keeps going on and on and I can't take this anymore yet I still keep going. Why do I keep going when I could just report him immediately and everything will be over?

I somehow can't bring myself to do that as I sort of believe in him in some way. He is truly far more worst than the devil himself but his intentions are mysterious.

What does he gain from all of this anyway? I have the right to know, don't I? He is so difficult to read but I still believe in him. I wonder if he stays true to his word that he would protect me as long as I do is bidding for him. If he does mean it, then...

"Why the troubled look, Shinohara-san? Are you in a hurry perhaps?"

"Huh? N-No, I was about to go home you see." I said as I begin to go up the stairs.

"That's the boy's dorm you're walking into." She said, slightly confused.

'No shit Sherlock.' I thought.

"Is it? Whoops, clumsy me! I'm just very tired because of earlier! Yeah, that's it!" god, I'm so pathetic.

"If you don't mind, would you care to walk to our dorm with me?" She asked. There's no reason for me to say no so I'm sure Kiyo won't mind if I'm a bit late.

"Hm? Sure, I don't see why not." I said as we begin to walk away from the boy's dorm. While she's not looking, I made a quick text to Kiyo that I'll be late in which he replied with a simple "ok".

As we continue walking, I have a weird feeling that I'm being watched or something. I try to shrug it off but it feels so surreal like someone's gonna stab me in the back. If that's the case, then does it have to do something with the person I'm with?

Speaking of this girl, she never told me what her name was. I wonder if It's okay if I ask. I mean, it's okay to know the name of someone you just met right? Plus, we're walking in complete silent so it was getting pretty awkward.

"Uhmm, if it's alright with you, may I ask for your name?" I didn't know why I got formal all of a sudden but it just feels like I'm with a goddamn princess.

"No need to be so formal with me, Shinohara-san. I'm just a normal person." She said with a light giggle.

"It's a force of habit, so sorry about that." I said.

"Does this "habit" of yours happen everytime you meet someone new or you only used it on me?" Crap, It looks like I can't lie my way out of this since I feel like she can read through my mind.

"...the second one. I'm sorry but to be completely honest, it just you look like you're a princess of the royal family or something." I said, lowering my head down.

"..." I'm guessing this awkward silence means she's shocked at what I've said. I look back at her and see that she still has her regular smile. She is also difficult to read.

"While I'm flattered for the compliment you gave me, you don't need to treat me with royalty next time. Like I said, I am just a regular person like you." She said. Well I have to doubt on what you said there since I know one person who is BEYOND regular but she doesn't need to know about that.

"You're right. I'm sorry about that." I said.

"It's fine. So, you asked for my name, yes?" She asked and I nodded.

"My name is Arisu Sakayanagi from Class 1-A. I figured it's only fair for me to tell you my own class since you told me yours earlier." She said.


The moment I heard the name and her class, I was just beyond suprised. I mean, she's a class A student talking to a class D student, The leader of Class A talking to a defective.

"Wa--Wait a minute, you're in Class A?" I asked, still in shocked.

"Indeed. Is it that suprising?" Um, yes!

"Then, why are you talking to me, a defective student?! Let alone the leader!" I said.

"Fufufu, so you know yourself and your own class are a bunch ofvdefects? You catch on quick, Shinohara-san." She said, still keeping that smile on her face.

"To answer your question as to why I kept talking to you, it's because I've taken a bit of interest in you." She added. I don't know if I should be shocked, confused, or both.

"H-Huh? Why me, of all people?" I asked.

"Because out of all defects in your class, you and a certain someone really piqued my interest and I'm sure you know who's the certain someone, yes?" This girl is fucking scary.

"Wait, you don't mean--"

"I'm talking about Ayanokouji-kun, ofcourse."

I don't know why but I feel pale for some reason. I feel like I'm being set up by a trap caused by her dropping a bombshell on me. If she's taken an interest at Kiyo, then does that mean she knows his true nature?!

No, I need to calm down. There is no reason for me to panic even though I'm scared shitless just by standing next to her.

"We're finally here. Thank you for accompanying me, Shinohara-san." She said. Looks like I was thinking too much that I didn't realize we were at our dorm already.

"By the way, may I give you one piece of advice?" I don't know if I should be honored or frightened especially after at what she told me.

"Uhmm, s-sure I guess." I said.

Before she could say anything, she walk closer to me and started whispering in my ear saying...

"Don't trust the false genius known as the demonic survivor of the fourth generation."

After that, she walked away in silence. As for me, I'm still trying to comprehend on what she said.

'What the hell does she mean by that? Demonic survivor? False genius? Wait, does that involve Kiyo somehow? I mean sure he's scary as fuck but is there more than meets the eye?' I thought.

For the next two minutes, I didn't utter a single word. Good thing no one was around me since I was still standing there in a trance, thinking it was too unbelievable for me to believe this. I don't know if I can't handle this nonsense. Sakayanagi-san is one hell of a genius.

"Too bad she's too dumb to notice." After I double-check to make sure no one was around me, I took out my phone.

"Kiyo, did you get all that?"

"I did. Come to my room immediately and make sure you're not being

"Got it."

I put my phone back in my pocket without hanging up, as I look back and forth making sure no follows me. That mysterious feeling of getting watched was gone so I took a breath of relief and go to his room immediately.

While I was running, I couldn't help but think about Kiyo. At my first thought, he was just some gloomy guy who had dead eyes for a living until I met the true side of him. While I do admit that Kiyo is truly worst than the devil himself, he made me realize on how much of a worthless defective I am. Sure it hurts to think about it but it's the hard truth and I need to accept that truth whether I like it or not.

"I guess that's what he's trying or forcing into me that I need to turn my disgusted suffering into my own strength. How would I even do that, I wonder?" I muttered to myself as I keep running until I've reached Kiyo's room.

*Knock *Knock

"Hey, I'm here." I said.

After five seconds, he opened the door and I went inside quickly.

"Kiyo, you wouldn't believe this, I--"

"Calm down. There's no need to rush about everything." He said.

"You're right. Sorry, I was just really worried." I said as I lay down on his bed. All that running made me even more tired. Wait, I still need to tell him something.

"Hey Kiyo, what was that about? How the hell does Sakayanagi know about you?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't even know her in the first place." He said.

"Then why did she took an interest in you? Hell, she even took interest in me which was unnecessary but does that mean she knows about the real you?" I asked. I haven't been this worried about someone before, I guess I started to care a bit about him.

"What do you mean about the real me? I don't have a multiple personality disorder. I'm just a normal person." He said.

"Normal person my ass! Sheesh, how can you even say that with a straight face?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I was born like this." He said. You are going to be the death of me one day.

"I knew you were gonna say that." I said.

"We don't need to focus on her for now so you don't have to worry about me." He said, suddenly making my face feel warm.

"I-I'm not worried about you!" I said loudly.

"Really? Your blushing face says otherwise." He said while still keeping that blank face of his.

"You're the worst, you know that?!" How can he tease me with that dumb straight face and be successful about it?

*Bang *Bang *Bang

"Ayanokouji! Open the door, now!"

"Oh great, it's them. I'm guessing they're here for THAT, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, go hide in the closet and cover yourself." He said. I can tell that he really hates dealing with those idiots.

"You got it." I said as I open the closet, grab some clothes and hide. Hm, his clothes smell nice.

"Where is she, Ayanokouji?!" Where's the girl?!" Wow, is Yamauchi really that desperate to get girls?

"No one is here but myself."

"Don't give us that! We heard someone shouting here!" No one can be louder than you Sudo, but it's my fault to begin with. Me and my big mouth.

"Aren't you here for your pictures?"

"Quit changing the topic! Haruki, Ken, inspect this room!" Oh boy, this is going to be troublesome.

Five minutes and a few close calls later, they gave up and decided to open his computer.

"You got lucky this time, Ayanokouji."

"How many times do I have to tell you that there's no one in here but my--"

"Huh?! Wh-why-why is nothing here?!” oh man, I would love to see their depressing faces! I wish Kiyo can take a photo of them.

"What the hell happened, Ayanokouji?!" Well, hearing Ike's despair is good enough for me.

"How should I know? You three are the ones  who set that RC car."

"Oh man! I thought we set it up perfectly. This is the worst summer vacation ever!" It's becoming the best for me.

"There's always next summer. We still have two years left, dude." Which means more troublesome work for me and Kiyo.

"I guess. Let's just go." Awww hearing a depressed Ike is music to my ears.

When I heard the door closed, I took the clothes off me and leave the closet.

"That was kind of fun, don't you think?" I asked.

"I'd prefer to never happen again." He said.

"I guess but who wouldn't love to see the three idiots suffer?" I asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here you go." I said as I gave him the memory card that contains the real footage.

"Good work. Did anyone saw what you were doing?" He asked.

"I don't think so, since everyone was outside already. By the way, what're you gonna do with that memory card? You're not gonna check out what's in it, are you?" I'm pretty sure he wouldn't but I had to be sure.

"I'm not like them who look at girls like some mere object." He said. Wise words, tough guy.

"Then what, exactly?" I asked.

"To have an unnecessary human being expelled." As he said that, I felt his dark aura emerge that gave me the same feeling he did to me back then. He truly is the devil and I'm his servant.

"H-Huh? What are you trying to say?!" I asked.

"Exactly what I said, and I have this one piece of item that can get them expelled whenever I want." He said, showing me the memory card.

"Don't you even know what you're saying? Our class points would be highly affected if  some of our classmates get expelled." I said.

"I do, which is why expelling someone won't be necessary for now since that's going to be Horikita's job." He said.

"But what happens if it ever involves you?" I was scared to ask this question but I can't help but to be curious.

"That would only happen if the traitors are not caught. Right now, they're probably planning for someone to get expelled, specifically you and others." He said.

"I can see that thanks to Onodera but the question is, why are they even doing this? What are they going to accomplish from betraying our own class?" I asked.

"For now, we don't know what their main goal is but I theorize two possibilities that the first one is they're working for another class and the second probably involve Kushida." He said.

"Wait, wait wait! That doesn't make any sense. Why would Kushida-san get involve in this? She's a great friend!" I'm not wrong, am I?

He didn't say anything but instead he sighed then sat down on his sofa then looked at me and speaks up.

"Sit down, Shinohara." I can tell from his voice that he's serious so I followed his orders and sat down on his bed.

"We're going to have a long talk about Kikyou Kushida."

Wow, a lot of events happened in just one day. Anyway, thank you for 1.58k+ reads. I know it's small but small things can be big accomplishments to me atleast. Hope you enjoyed this one!

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