He Wanted A Submissive

By thewannabegrunge

1.2M 46.7K 59.1K

Luca Giovanni. The heir to New York's biggest enterprise has a task to complete before his father will pass d... More

treinta y uno.
treinta y dos.
treinta y tres.
bonus chapter 01
bonus chapter 02
bonus chapter 03


29.1K 913 1.2K
By thewannabegrunge

(tw: mild violence in this chapter. nothing to write home about, but be warned.)

Reluctantly Valerie was packed into the same black BMW she arrived in and Brian chauffeured her home.

Luca stayed in his humongous doorway as they drove off, looking every bit of a king in his castle as his form got smaller and smaller.

Valerie breathed a soft sigh in the back seat once she turned around after she couldn't see him in the distance anymore. She felt light. This was their first interaction where... he hasn't dominated her into taking any kindness or berating her lifestyle. She felt a pull, a natural one, to him. It was exhilarating.

The thought of his hands around her waist again from their goodbye made her warm all over. Honestly, he reduced her to a thirteen year old girl getting her first kiss. She loved that.

She loved... so much about him. It was becoming increasingly clear that maybe this distance she placed between them did more good than she thought.

"Thank you, Brian." Valerie chirped as he opened her door when they pulled up to her apartment complex. He gave her a simple nod and smile. "You're always welcome, Miss Stevens."

Walking into her apartment she found Nicki over the stove furiously stirring a vibrant green sauce. The whole place smelling of garlic and pepper. "What the hell is that?!" Valerie didn't bother announcing her presence as she came up behind her roommate and scrunched her nose up at the increasingly unappetizing looking... sauce?

Nicki just elbowed her in the stomach and irritatedly blew out a puff of air, never relenting on her sewer mixture in the pot.

"TikTok fucking lied to me! This is supposed to be pesto, but it looks like puke. I hate everyone." The frazzled fake chef griped over the stove, slowing down her mixing to the point she just stopped. Glaring at the concoction like it was the one at fault for looking like shit. Valerie just rubbed her back, mockingly comforting the girl. 

"What do we always say about TikTok recipes, Nicoletta?" Valerie jokingly reprimanded like a disappointed mother. The corners of Nicki's mouth reluctantly turned up at the tone, rolling her eyes, "TikTok is for bad bitches, not for takeout." She deadpanned, nodding like she knew this all  along.

Then to finish it off, Valerie patted her head, grinning. "Good job! You look beat. I'll clean up and heat up the rest of the gumbo we have in the freezer." She told her, shooing the sullen chef out of the kitchen and towards the bathroom. Nicki was covered in green from head to toe, like she got in a fight with a swamp monster.

"You're a godsend, Valerie Stevens." Nicki dramatically cupped her cheek before walking out of the space and into her room. Valerie giggled at that before turning towards the bubbling cauldron of failed pesto. She turned off the stove and began to run hot water in their sink, then poured the mixture in the sink; absolutely appalled when clumps of garlic and onion slapped the bottom of the sink.

The pesto was basically a witch's brew.

It was officially confirmed all Nicki could make were potato pancakes and ramen noodles.

Letting her purse drop from her shoulder and onto the ground, Valerie got to work on scrubbing the pot clean and then going into the freezer to pull out the frozen bag of gumbo stew. She scrapes the stew into the pot on the stove and leaves it there on low heat.

Like clockwork, as soon as the gumbo started to smell amazing again Nicki appeared from her room, a content smile on her face as she sauntered up to their kitchen counter and pulled up a seat. She sat there with her face in her hands and watched Valerie slowly stir the pot.

This caused her to laugh, throwing a humorous look Nicki's way. "Keep looking at me like that I'm gonna think you're falling in love with me."

Nicki snorted, slapping the counter with an over exaggerated laugh, "Been there, done that, babes."

Satisfied with the consistency of the gumbo, Valerie poured the stew into some bowls for the two of them. Placing Nicki's portion in front of her before scooting up to the kitchen counter with a bowl of her own right after. Her first spoonful warmed her whole body, a slight chill coming down her spine to staple just how good it felt.

It was apparent Nicki felt the same way. As soon as she put her spoon in her mouth she let out a long dramatic moan, "Fuck! This is that shit!" She exclaimed, stirring around the rice and shrimp like it was the elixir to life.

Valerie could only nod as she enjoyed her own dish. Somehow her mind wandered back to Luca, she wondered what he was eating for dinner tonight.

She wondered was he eating alone tonight.

More importantly, was he sleeping alone tonight.

"Okay, spill. You're giving me a headache thinking so hard over there." Nicki suddenly groaned. A small smile made its way onto Valerie's face because Nicki just always knew when something the fuck was up with her. Letting out a melodramatic sigh, she stirred her stew as well.

"Luca was in bad shape when I went to see him," She began, his disheveled face and gaunt eyes reappearing in her mind, "he's had it rough these past couple days and I can't help but think that it's my fault. He'd been putting so much into wooing me, and I completely shut him down. I was a bit... rude."

Backtracking on her feelings and boundaries when other people disagreed was Valerie's specialty. She knew in her heart Luca's mental health was not her responsibility, yet seeing him be so hurt by her and lash out because of  it made her want to throw herself at him. She wanted to make it all better.

"He was making you uncomfortable. Fuck him, Valerie. It was really nice of you to check on him, but no. You can't make yourself feel bad he went out and got fucked up. He's an adult. We all have to deal with our own shit." Nicki stated with no remorse at all.

Now that was Nicki's specialty. She took no shit from anyone simply because she'd been forced to her whole childhood. That's why she was so free spirited now. Her happiness always came first, everyone else's— she couldn't care less.

The way Valerie admired that attitude was something she couldn't put into words. Her default to people pleasing is what got her in trouble. The submissive bone in her body loved to jut out in her darkest hours.

"I hear you, Nick..." Valerie half-heartedly agreed, slowly spooning herself more stew. She didn't like the harsh was Nicki addressed Luca, but there was truth to her words. Valerie didn't force Luca to act out, nor did she guide his hand to punch out one of his company's allies.

He was an adult.

An adult that threw everything at her to get her attention. Hell, the lights in the house wouldn't even be running without his dollar tonight.

"He was so sweet to me today. He showed me his house. I even played piano for hi—"

"You played piano for the dickhead?! You won't even play for me! Don't tell me you sung for him too, I'll have to kill him." Nicki interrupted incredulously. Slamming her spoon down in absolute dismay.

A school girl giggle bubbled from Valerie's chest as she watched Nicki's face redden with disgust.

"Fine. I won't tell you." She joked, a huge grin spreading on her face.

Nicki instantly went to a fit of theatric dry heaving and puking. "Oh my fucking God, Valerie. You might as well tell me you're leaving me for him!" She screamed, letting her hands run across her face. Valerie's smile didn't break as she grabbed their now empty bowls and slid from the counter. The pep in her step as she reminisced about the day with Luca definitely noticeable.

"Maybe I am." She quipped as she placed the dishes in the sink.

Nicki sounded off into more fake vomiting.

"I can't handle this shit. I'll slide our divorce papers under your door." The actressy roommate exasperatedly cried. Her footsteps on their hardwood floors letting Valerie know she was retreating.

Quickly rinsing and washing their dishes, Valerie grabbed her purse from the kitchen floor and headed into her bedroom. Taking off her jeans and immediately feeling a million times freer after her thighs were exposed to her cool room's air. She snuggled into her bed and began scrolling through Twitter, sending Nicki things she could hear her laugh at through their shared wall.

Valerie hadn't felt this light in a long while, everything just felt calm for a second.

But of course, just for a second.

That cursed cellphone KJ gave her began to ring and it might as well have shot a volt of electricity up her back. Valerie immediately scrambled onto the floor and pulled it out of her bag, flipping it open and placing it to her hear slightly panting.

"Hello?" She answered, barely able to contain the fear in her heart.

No one spoke on the other line. Not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

"Hello?" Valerie repeated herself a bit louder. Thanking God her voice wasn't shaking as bad as her hands were in this second.

Again, no one responded to her and she now felt like her life literally was turning into a horror movie. She couldn't help, but subconsciously wait for Jason the Killer to knock down her front door.

"I'm going to hang up." She stated now, feeling like a complete fool for even staying this long. This warranted some reaction on the other line, a gruff laugh flooded through her speakers. "That would not be the wisest choice, princess." KJ told her. The flicker of a lighter could be heard straight after.

Valerie stayed silent now, waiting for whatever sick joke he'd called to tell her. Her hands were drenched in sweat and she felt as if she could vomit at any second.

"We need you back at The Red Room tonight. Michael wants another audience with you—"

"Why the fuck would you send me back? He literally knows I tried to fucking kill him." She gritted out of her teeth, tears springing up from pure fear.

KJ was not fazed by her hysterics at all, in all honesty he sounded amused. "Take a deep breath for me, princess. He doesn't know shit that would put you in danger. You know where you're due, and don't make me call again to check if you've gone."

Her blood was boiling as she sat on her room's floor, one heartbeat away from going into full blown madness. "Or what, KJ? Or fucking what? The money isn't worth this." She growled out. Because even after all this, she didn't owe these guys anything. Her name wasn't signed in blood anywhere.

"If you don't want the money, you don't want the money. But think on if you want Luca to know you got head from his half brother, and even then— that you tried to kill him." KJ spoke evenly over the phone, truly unshaken with Valerie's reluctance to follow orders. Valerie was in a cold sweat.

Half brothers?

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I can't even...

"He'll never believe you." Valerie weakly retorted, trying to convince herself more than KJ at this point. After the amazing day she'd just had with Luca, it seemed like it was just a glimpse of what she could never have with him. The deeper she was pulled in by The Armata, the farther away she was from actually fostering a connection with him.

She could almost hear the shrug in KJ's voice.

"I really don't give a fuck if he does, but you do. You'll lose your boyfriend and your life. Don't make these things so hard next time, it's not sexy."

The call ended before she could even think of a response.

It was too much at once. Valerie glanced at her clock and she saw it was already eight in the evening. She had so little time to get ready. It wasn't even for the sake of Luca or keeping things under wraps while she got money on the side anymore.

The Armata had just threatened her life.

Feeling stupid was an understatement. She felt utterly helpless in this moment.

The answer was simple, she didn't want to die. She refused to die.

So, she got the fuck up.


Clothed in nothing, but a vibrant red kimono Valerie sat in the suite Sweetness had escorted her to. Looking in the elaborate gold accented vanity, she barely recognized herself. Tonight was special for The Red Room, it was said that a Japanese business mogul would be in and with him his whole entourage. The club had a lot of money riding on its girls's performances.

Sweetness had done her makeup personally and even took the time to curl Valerie's hair, so now it tumbled down her back in huge barrel curls.

All she could think about was how good she looked, and how it was all to be devoured by Michael. Like she was a lunchmeat platter.

"Hey love, c'mon. The guys are arriving."

One girl peeked her head into the room to tell Valerie, gone as quickly as she came.

Summoning all the strength she had, Valerie got up from her seat and gave herself the once over once more. If she had any body positivity problems before, frolicking around in this kimono took them all away. Hell, she was practically naked.

Pushing open the door and coming out to be with everyone else, Valerie noticed the nervous energy in the room. The dancers and bartenders all primping and putting things into place, everyone subconsciously pointed towards the main elevators entrance.

Approaching Sweetness, who was sitting at the bar nursing a drink, Valerie sat beside her. Sweetness jumped a bit before a slow sweet smile graced her angel like features. Her dark red lip looking sinful against her milky complexion. "How are you feeling, Vixen?" She asked, her lips seductively wrapping around her straw.

Sighing softly, Valerie shrugged. She didn't know how to feel, not until the adrenaline kicked in from seeing Michael at least. She still felt the hopeless pit in her stomach from her phone call with KJ. Feeling like a sitting duck was not too high on her list.

Sweetness gave her a childlike pouty face, reaching out to rub her shoulder. Her cold hands making Valerie shiver. "Aw doll face, tonight isn't gonna be that hard. I was surprised to see you back here after... ya know who sent you and all, but look out-of-towners aren't hard to please at all."

Valerie furrowed her brow in confusion.

What the hell was she even talking about? Who's an out-of-towner?

"I'm... I'm not nervous about the Japanese guys, Sweetness." Valerie plainly put it, her face heating out of embarrassment. This caused Sweetness to giggle, making her choke on her drink a little. She immediately grabbed a napkin, dabbing her mouth and finishing off her laughter. "Oh... then what is the matter, sweetpea? I'm sure whatever you're feeling I've felt a million times before."

The warmness in Sweetness's voice offered little comfort, Valerie rubbed her shoulders slightly as she tried to calm her own nerves.

"They sent me here for Michael. Again." Valerie revealed gravely, and instantly Sweetness got paler. Which was a feat for the redhead.

"They did what? Are they trying to get you killed?!" Sweetness tried her best to hide her dismay by whispering, but the worried glances from the other dancers around them showed that she was still a bit loud. Her reaction scared Valerie. Why was a seasoned dancer like Sweetness worried for her? Why was she handling this like he was gonna strangle her to death?

She already knew he was, but shit.

"I don't know. I don't know." Was all Valerie could say before the elevator pinged. Impending doom set deeper into her heart.

The whole room shifted its attention to the golden doors. Sweetness downed the rest of her drink.

Grabbing Valerie by the shoulders, Sweetness got impossibly close to her face. Her green eyes searching Valerie's frantically, "You are the sweetest girl they've ever sent me. I... I have no idea why they sent you here again or why they've given you to Michael to wreak havoc on you. I see the light in you, I see myself  in you and you don't get to die."

The elevator doors dragged open and it looked to be about thirty men all crammed inside the box. Slowly, the very well dressed men began to pan out around the room. Valerie couldn't stop searching the crowd for Michael, but Sweetness grabbed her face and put her attention back on her.

"How do I not?" Valerie pressed, her throat beginning to close from unshed tears. She couldn't cry, not now. She balled the tail of her kimono up into her hands like a security blanket, trying her best not to dig her nails into her palms.

Sweetness's eyes narrowed,

"You do what you have to."

Then the woman leaned back, let go of Valerie's shoulders, and smoothed her kimono for her. Signaling the bar tender effortlessly, like she hadn't just shaken Valerie to her core. The bartender swiftly slid another drink her way and instead of taking a sip, she offered it to Valerie.

Gratefully, Valerie took a sip. It was awfully strong, a warm burn settling in her chest after she swallowed. She was so grateful for it though, finding herself finishing it off in a matter of seconds.

Taking in the room again, it seemed as if the elevator had emptied completely, but there was no sign of Michael still. The feeling of waiting for a bomb to detonate got bigger and bigger.

"Vixen, we meet again."


Valerie turned to see the tall, raven haired man looking down at with her a devilish glint in his eye. She swallowed thickly.

"Michael, how nice of you to join us tonight! It's gonna be big what we have in store for you all." Sweetness piped up behind her, stepping in between the two just for a second. Valerie was comforted by the step of protection, thankful for whatever time it bought her from facing him.

Michael was not at all interested in what Sweetness was saying to him. He gave her a curt smile and nod, "Is that so? I'm afraid I'll have my hands full with Vixen, we have unfinished business. Don't we?" He didn't miss a beat, his eyes looking over Sweetness and to Valerie again.

Valerie nodded, her hands gripping onto the bar so hard her knuckles began to turn white.

Michael grinned.

"Oh, pity. At least let me get you a drink, I know you like to be a little looser  when you party." Sweetness was right in step with him, signaling the bartender; ordering before Michael had a chance to decline.

"Thank you, Sweetness. Really." Michael sidestepped the fresh drink slide towards him, simply stirring it with disinterest before refocusing. He then moved Sweetness from his view of Valerie, removing her human barrier, now he stood confidently between her legs almost as she sat at the bar still.

Valerie could see Sweetness's hopeless expression on the side of them. She was causing a scene a bit, the men around were becoming more interested in the tryst of them than the other dancers and that wasn't good for business. Sweetness had already done so much for her.

Mustering up a smug smile, Valerie dared to place a hand on Michael's chest and brung him in closer to her. It seemed to surprise both parties, Sweetness looked absolutely appalled. "I've got it from here, Sweetness. I think I can handle him." She punctuated with a suggestive wink.

With no protest, just a cautious smile, Sweetness bowed out from the conversation.

Michael closed in on Valerie as she sipped on the drink he'd decline earlier. She wanted to be as drunk as possible for what was to come— because she had no idea what it was. He took her jaw in his hand, tilting her head to look up at him as she swallowed slowly.

"I was surprised to not see you in a hospital bed next to mine after our last meeting..." He started, crystal blue darkening ever so slightly as he remembered their last time. How she was on his mouth in a matter of minutes, but blacked out seconds later.

Valerie gave nothing away, shrugging at what he was insinuating. "It's always hard for first timers to get accustomed. I don't do the cheap stuff." She lied smoothly, biting down on one of the ice cubes in the bottom of her glass. His eyes watched her every move closely, from the way her chest was rising softly to the slight movement of her throat as she swallowed.

"Bold of you to assume I'm a first timer." He evenly matched her cool demeanor. Except his was real. Valerie's blood chilled.

He definitely knew he was the one on top now, he calmly took the glass Valerie was holding from her grasp and sat it on the bar before offering his hand to her.

As she looked into his eyes, she felt as if she was staring into the face of the devil himself.

And to think he was Luca's half brother?

She couldn't find a sliver of similarity between the two in this moment.

However, she took his hand and let him guide her away from the bustling club. Many of the girls already coiled around another men like pythons.

Into the same room they began their journey in, the door closed behind them with a click which engulfed them in darkness. This time, neither of them made a move to get comfortable on the lone couch in the room. The white rose petals scattered around the floor glinted underneath the soft lighting in the room. Michael looked as if he was glowing, the starkness of his skin making him look like a fallen angel.

It was the ambience of the place, the flickering candles around the room. It made Valerie sick to think all of the romance it was made for, would be the scene of her murder.

She found herself moving towards the wall as he began to close their distance. Looking as if he was in his element, Michael smirked. "I don't like being taken for a fool, Vixen. I don't know who you are, or how you know my brother— but I know that, that night wasn't an accident." He told her with a certain humor in his voice. He took her throat in his hands, ghosting his fingers against her windpipe.

Her breathing was deep, it echoed underneath his words. She made no move to defend herself against his accusations. It seemed futile at this point.

"What do you want from me?" She struggled to breathe, he was slowly adding more and more pressure against her throat. Her legs slightly shook between his.

As if she'd said some magic words, a dark grin made its way onto Michael's face.

"I want what I'm owed." He stated plainly. His hand stayed around her throat while the other made a move on her thigh, his hand getting dangerously close to the waistline of her panties. The smell of him permeated her senses, pine and musk. Like she was in the forest.

Like he was the smell of her grave.

I'll be damned if I lose my virginity to a glowing guy on a power trip.

The two drinks she downed suddenly hit all at one time. Putting a hand over Michael's she moved to wrench his hand away from her throat, but he anticipated her only clamping down harder. The force immediately causing her to sputter and choke. Michael tsked, his gaze shimmering with ill intent, "Don't make this hard for either of us. I'd hate for things to end worse."

Valerie clawed desperately at his hand around her throat, one of her nails successfully slicing through the top of his hand. With gritted teeth, Michael threw her into the nearest wall. The boom of her impact echoing in her own ears along with blood whooshing around her skull, knocking the breath out of her as she scrambled to get up.

With an audience of men who were sure to help Michael if she tried to escape with him on her tail, Valerie knew once again, only one of them were leaving this room consciously.

If alive at all.

"You're sexy when you're angry." Michael had the audacity to casually reveal as he snatched her up by her wrists, holding her frame tightly against the wall. A very hard bulge pressing against her stomach as his other hand freely roamed her body. The urge to puke was no where to be found when she really needed it.

Instead she took the opportunity to spit in his face. The smug look on his face immediately turning to a deep grimace as her saliva dripped off of his jaw.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds, and when they opened they were void of any humanity. Michael slapped her hard across the face, the impact reverberating through Valerie's body. She was panting now, hard. Their chests rose and fell in different rhythms as each of them tried to anticipate the other's next move.

She didn't know what she needed to do, but she knew she couldn't just stay like this. She couldn't go down without a fucking fight.

"I didn't want to have to do this—" Michael started, his free hand moving to undo his belt.

Valerie's body went into shock almost.

Was he fucking serious right now? Was he really going to try to—?

Bracing her feet flat against the wall he had her against, Valerie shunted herself forward; kneeing  him in his pelvis and making him loosen his grip on her. As he stumbled back she shoved him over the couch, making him fall backwards.

Valerie jumped over the couch, trying to reach him once again before he hand the chance to right himself. She kicked him square in the back of his head, a strangled groan coming from him. Pure adrenaline had gotten ahold of her and she just couldn't stop kicking him in his head, over and over and over again. The muffled thud of her foot against his skull was sickeningly sweet.

"How fucking dare you?! I don't owe you shit!" She shrieked, as she landed another blow to the back of his neck.

His body bowed with every kick she landed, she went to finish the job and stomp down on his neck.

Suddenly he flipped over, grabbing her ankle and pulling her abruptly to the ground. Her body slapping the hard floors of the room. Michael sat up and dragged her towards him despite her efforts to wrench herself away from him once more. The man bit his lip as he appraised Valerie's flailing state.

He managed to grab her throat again and force his mouth onto hers in a bruising kiss. Finally, the instinct to vomit to kick in, but not fast enough before Valerie bit down on his lip so hard blood splattered between the two of them.

"You bitch!" Michael sputtered as he held his profusely leaking lip. The warm liquid she knew was his blood dripping on her cheek did not faze her in the slightest. Valerie used this opportunity to slap him just as he slapped her, her nails scraping across his brow ripping open a thin wound.

She made an effort to get off the ground again, but he dragged her right back to him. Ripping her kimono off of her and Valerie praised God she always chose to wear underwear. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her body. Not again. He forced himself on top of her, Valerie was a crying, kicking, screaming mess as he tried to subdue her arms.

"Where's Luca now?" He darkly chuckled as he held her arms above her head.

Tears brimmed her eyes just at the thought of him seeing her in this situation.

"I don't fucking need him." Valerie growled out.

Huffing one last puff of air, Valerie head butted him with all the force she could muster on her back. Michael immediately rolled off of her, now cupping his nose as if it was about to fall off, his guttural screams of agony were deafening as Valerie shakily used the couch to get herself up from his level.

She had to shut him up, and fast.

She looked down at the writhing man with pure disgust on her face. Oh, she was gonna put him out of his misery alright. Kneeling back beside him, she cupped his face and the sickening part is that he didn't flinch away. Instead he leaned into it.

"Oh my gosh, I hope I didn't break it..." She hoarsely soothed him. Just enough for him to look up at her, just enough for him to lower his hand from his nose.

Valerie didn't know what dark feeling came over her as she wound her fist up. The crack that was her fist colliding with his jaw was the finishing bell for it all.

Michael went limp against her palm.

He was knocked out cold.

As she knelt over his body, her ragged breaths were the only sounds in the room. She looked around to see the aftermath, and it looked as if a tornado had come through.

Her kimono was ripped in half.

She knew she looked a mess, if not worse than him. There was no way she was getting out of here unnoticed. The club didn't close until five a.m., and they weren't too far from midnight.

The realization that she may have to stay in this room... stay in the same place he may wake up in made her want to die in that instant.

But then the door opened, Sweetness's red hair was a sight for sore eyes as she worriedly peaked her head in. Horror immediately setting in as she frantically searched the room for Valerie with her eyes.

"Here." Valerie croaked, to help guide the woman and immediately Sweetness shut the door behind her. She stood over Michael's seemingly lifeless body.

"You have to go. Now." Sweetness told her, pulling her up by her armpits and steadying her on her feet. Not even thinking for a second as she pulled off her own kimono and put it over Valerie's battered frame.

"You go to my suite. Don't look at anyone. You get my keys, you find my car, and you get the hell out of New York. Do you understand me?" Sweetness grabbed Valerie's face as she spoke. For some reason, Valerie was seeing three of her at the moment. She felt the urge to puke more strongly as well.

Her legs felt like jello and nothing felt like it was working correctly. "You have to stay with me, baby. Please. Please." Sweetness pleaded, shaking Valerie slightly by her shoulders to get the cloudy look from her eyes.

Valerie just simply nodded. Trying to smile at Sweetness to calm her, but one glance at her mouth made Sweetness turn green in the face. "Oh my God..." Was all she could muster out.

Rather forcefully walking Valerie towards the door, Sweetness opened it quietly. The music in the main room was very loud, loud enough to cover the screams that just ensued at least.

"Thank you, Sweetness." Valerie turned towards the woman, praying this was the last time she'd ever see her. Her throat was raw from screaming, but this woman just kept on saving her life. She could've sworn she saw tears forming in her eyes, but Sweetness simply nodded and pushed her all the way out of the door before it shut behind her. The door's lock immediately being put in place after.

She did exactly as Sweetness instructed, she looked at no one although she felt a million eyes on her. She grabbed her purse and the car keys.

Valerie darted through the same exit she used the last time she made a mad dash through The Red Room. Only this time, there was no black Maserati waiting for her.

It was starting to rain as Valerie sprinted barefoot through the parking lot of the hotel. The night was black and blurry and for some reason she still couldn't hear quite well. The whole world was muffled.

"Hey! Hey!" Gruff male voices called out in the distance as Valerie frantically locked and unlocked Sweetness's car hoping for some headlights to flash so she could hop in.

"We see you! NYPD stop right now!" The male voices were getting closer, and radios were beginning to give feedback.

Valerie's heart couldn't take much more of this.

Seeing a gray Honda Civic's lights flash was like an answer to her prayers. Valerie didn't waste anytime getting into the car and starting it. Locking it immediately, just before two plain clothed officers assailed the vehicle, violently pulling at the door handles.

She had no choice, but to pull out of the space as they banged on her windows and called her every name in the book as they tried to get her to surrender. She just prayed they didn't shoot her tires out.

Without skipping a beat, Valerie left the two officers as they ran through the parking lot yelling codes and coordinates and no doubt heading for their vehicle.

She had no idea where she was going.

She had no idea how she made it out alive.


(a//n: as always, editing later. mind the typos. finished writing at 2:33 am)

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