
By Booping123

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(Book 1) People over the age fifteen have vanished from the small town of Simcoe. Just disappeared without a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Three

565 207 741
By Booping123

Scarlett watched Greyson as he stood in front of everyone. The people of Simcoe seemed in awe or shocked by the way he presented himself. He was always fearless in whatever he did, even with his own ambitious goals.

"I'm Greyson Newman, if some of you don't know. Scarlett and Luke are on the right and left hand side. Preston, James, and Emma are the other three I've brought with me today. You may introduce your people," he sat with his arms folded, watching Jason as he stood.

"I'm Jason. Bella and Mark are beside me, along with Ilya, Nelson, and Zane. I hope we can all work together in this process," Scarlett smirked as Jason sat.

"Uden wants an equal share of food. We don't want expired food with mould forming on the strawberries," Greyson implied, standing again.

Scarlett watched Jason stand once again. "Equal share is fine for food," he said.

The girl named Ilya stood slowly. "We need help with the daycare, like staff and delivering diapers. We only have so many," she pleaded.

"I would imagine you do. We will send some to help with both because the children are extremely important," Greyson said.

Ilya smiled brightly at him, nodding her head various times. Greyson may be an admirable leader, but caring for the children wasn't his first focus.

Scarlett now stood as Ilya sat down. "We get our fair share of alcohol," she said, placing a hand on the table.

It was in her personality to get boys to crack under her weakness. That was the way she got away with things, such as having Mr. Thomas give her the key to the pool.

"Only for teens," Jason remarked, writing it down on a lined piece of paper before sitting down.

"I want to run Burger King as my own business," Nelson said firmly, standing.

Scarlett looked up at Greyson, who tapped the pen on his thigh. She grabbed the pen from under the table and held it.

"If we get our fair share of food for free," he said.

James, who was in the sixth grade, stood this time. The only reason he was here was because he was the brains of it all. The computer geek that she teased whenever he'd be doing research in the library.

"The power still seems to be working, but the phones or cells aren't. Computers are okay as well; just wifi is unavailable. That's just input to put on the table," he explained, slowly sitting.

"And what about these abilities?" Jason questioned Greyson.

"Use it for pleasure," Greyson interjected.

"Wouldn't it be better just to not use them? I mean, some people don't have them, but a few seem to," Jason said.

Greyson's smile faltered at Jason as he let out a sigh. Scarlett stood again to try and control the heat. They didn't need to have a small conflict occur when they just met.

"How about no breaking shit, but we can use the odd times for pleasure?" Scarlett interrupted their feud as she looked toward Greyson, who slowly nodded.

She looked toward Jason, who agreed with her statement as she sat back down. Scarlett felt Greyson squeeze her hand from under the table.

She watched Zane stand as he brushed his hand through his black hair. "The fire department could use a couple of staff," Zane stated, glancing at Greyson, who looked toward Luke.

"Sure, that works. The main objective is that anyone can pick their side, regardless of Simcoe or Uden." Greyson confirmed, staring right at Jason.

Emma was the last to stand, and she clenched her hands in fists with her eyes shut. "Since we need people to be able to heal wounds or treat them, we're fine with you guys having those two helpers at the church. Uden has someone that can heal anything with their power," she explained.

"They heal wounds?" Jason blurted it out. "What about illnesses as well?"

Yes, they had a healer who could fix broken bones or heal colds. Scarlett glanced at Greyson, who wore a smirk, because that healer was Emma.

"Would that healer at least help when things get really bad that Melany or Cindy can't handle?" Jason urged.

"If the healer wishes," Greyson chimed in.

Jason stared suspiciously at Greyson before looking back at Emma. Scarlett doubted that he had caught on that Emma could be the healer because she didn't seem to be one.

"Can we get their name?" Jason asked.

"No! I mean, she doesn't like the attention her power gets," Emma panicked, shaking her head repeatedly.

Scarlett watched Greyson stand and walk to Emma, who looked over at him. He set a hand on her head, making her widen her eyes.

"Emma is just quite protective of her friend," Greyson stated.

Emma looked down at her feet, nodding her head. He took his hand away and looked at them all. Scarlett knew there was nothing else to say because Simcoe just needed the overview.

"I'll send people for the daycare and grocery shoppers. See you around," Greyson said.

They travelled out of the two-story building where the convertible was waiting out front, along with a few people on the sidewalk.

Scarlett saw Henry and the two other guys he was with this morning. They were easy targets that would fall right into Greyson's hands.

As she climbed into the front seat, Greyson slammed the door and turned back to them. "Those are just deals, not our intentions," he stated, driving back to Uden.

"Some of their faces during the presentation were amusing," Luke laughed.

"We'll try and put up with half the bargain," Greyson groaned, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

They reached the academy and travelled out, but Greyson stopped Scarlett in her tracks. She knew it was something important that he didn't want to ask the others about.

"Can you search the filing room for Heather Harp? There should be loads of information gathered in documents. Her being Jason's mother doesn't sit right," Greyson urged.

Scarlett curled her lip in a grin as they both walked to the large school. Some students rushed over to Greyson when he came back, explaining what he wanted them to do. If Scarlett knew Greyson, it would be to change the rules.

She opened the large black doors and went down the front office hallway. The gym was open, and some people were sitting in groups, being watched by Oscar and Lucy.

Greyson demanded that he have most of Uden wait in the gym. Scarlett knew she'd be going to that meeting after she found that file. She wasn't exactly sure what he wanted with Heather Harp. All she knew was that she was the counsellor that she'd been forced to see.

Scarlett walked through the already-open file room. The wooden desk that once held items was now on the floor. There were many filing cabinets labelled both for students and faculty. She opened the black faculty cabinet with files, searching through last names until she spotted the last name, Harp.

"Now, what are you doing? Finding the list of teachers you've manipulated?" Luke commented with a snarl.

"Doing a task for Greyson. Aren't you supposed to be helping him?" Scarlett snarked, turning to look back at the boy.

"Oscar and Preston are helping him round up the students. So why not use the opportunity?" He snickered.

Scarlett turned back and searched the files, pulling out the woman's file. She sat down at the wooden desk in the black office chair, looking through some health records.

"Heather Harp? Isn't that the other high rank?" Luke asked, travelling toward her.

Most of them were files and resumes about her work at Uden Academy. There was some information about her degree in social work or printed information about insurance.

Luke picked one up and began reading for any information. "Wow, getting remarried after your husband dies is pathetic," he said. "Wait, when's Greyson's birthday?"

"May 18th; you should know that," she spat.

He slammed the birth certificate in front of her face as she read over the printed words. This was certainly going to cause a huge shift around here.

"Well, isn't this interesting?" Scarlett started, grabbing the form and pushing the rest of the papers into the file. "It looks like this feud will be far more eventful."

Scarlett walked out of the filing room, toward the back stage. Finding Greyson was a matter of importance since this revelation would change everything.

He was leaning against the wall while talking to Oscar. She busted open the door, with Luke following behind.

"Oscar, out!" Greyson snapped, his eyebrows narrowed.

Oscar groaned as he walked past the two toward the gym, where most Uden students were gathered. As he left, Scarlett handed him a golden birth certificate, which he read over.

"Congratulations! You have a brother!" Scarlett sneered with a laugh. Luke followed in laughter as Greyson could only narrow his eyebrows.

"Fraternal twins: how unexpected. Keeping one and getting rid of one..." Greyson trailed, his face twisted sourly.

"Isn't it time for your speech?" Luke asked with an evil smile, flashing his braces.

The three of them climbed the wooden steps to the stage. There were many students sitting, standing, or leaning in the large gym who fell silent. It was time that everyone knew the plan.

Henry wasn't one who enjoyed following the rules. Sharing everything just seems stupid at this point. They could do whatever they desired, such as asking kids to pay money to go into the variety store.

He could get away with drinking at the oddest times since his dad was an alcoholic in the first place. Yet a lot of the alcohol they did have tasted disgusting.

Henry watched Jason and his group of people walk toward the church steps. The group of people out front followed, wondering what rules had been set. He wanted to make his own rules by doing whatever he wanted. What he should be doing is smoking pot and playing soccer, which he enjoys.

Jason climbed the cement staircase of the church, where most people stood in front of him. He looked down at the note he held and looked up at the people. Henry already knew he was fighting against this boy, who acted like a hero to everyone.

"We have come to an agreement with Uden Academy. We will have a split share of food, along with helping at the daycare and fire station. Some will have to help deliver things to the daycare from the grocery store. Liquor is split evenly if you wish, but nobody under the age of grade six should be drinking," Jason explained.

People began muttering to one another about the rules governing them. Uden had a handful of awesome and intimidating people. They did things in their own way. When he encountered the intentions of Greyson, it took him by surprise.

Since the school was a joint system, nobody acted that way at their school. This meant JK through grade twelve were in the same school. The difference was that they got their end of everything.

"What about those freaky powers? Some of us don't have them!" Isaac called.

There were people who began to agree with his statement. The freaks would definitely try to take over Simcoe with their powers if there were more lurking around. There were two sides to this situation: either you were a freak or normal.

"Those we can't use often. We intend to not use them to avoid conflict between Uden and Simcoe. Uden is allowed to go on Simcoe's side. Cindy and Melany will be our care staff in the church basement. Nelson is the manager of Burger King. We encourage all of you to help out during this time," Jason said, looking at everyone.

"Why can't we do whatever we want?" Henry snapped and stepped forward.

"We have to put it in order. Greyson wants to set up a group to check houses for babies or toddlers," Jason implied.

Henry then spotted one of the Uden vehicles. Jason looked up and walked toward where the guy from this morning had stepped out. He had golden hair and mean eyes, and he was wearing a smirk.

Following were another girl and two guys. They walked toward Jason as Henry followed to get the information. He was going to do it his own way, even if Jason kicked him out from doing it.

"Damn, Scarlett isn't with them," Stick, also known as Matthew Field, sighed. He had fallen head over heels for Scarlett, just based on her looks alone.

It was no surprise because she was hot. If she wasn't a student, you'd believe she was a model for Victoria Secret.

"Dipstick, I'm here for the groceries," Luke snarled.

Henry watched as the students entered Foodland. Jason widened his eyes, making Henry stare in awe. The way they were able to set out a car was unbelievable, while Jason had done nothing except blab on about rules.

"Greyson didn't say they were coming this early..." Jason trailed off.

"I don't remember saying we needed a meeting time. It seems like it slipped your mind," Luke snarled.

Bella walked over toward Luke as he grinned at her, which she stared at her feet. It took Henry by surprise, since she was often the confident one. She was always acting as if she were a grade above, just because of some classes she had with upperclassmen. Even with her looks, many fawned over her. Maybe Uden finally revealing Scarlett and losing friends, made her lose her status.

"Dude, you should say something." Isaac nudged him in the shoulder. He felt short compared to this guy, who was about six feet tall.

Being only five foot two made him seem weak; however, six people have joined his party since they started. One way or another, this place will become wreckage.

"People are allowed to go on different sides, right?" Henry asked.

"Of course, this isn't a constitution. Right, Dipstick?" Luke snarled, directing his eyes toward Jason.

One of the Uden members came wheeling out with food in their cart. There was another person delivering baby items to the daycare, while the last was doing the same.

Henry knew he was doing his own thing before he'd go to Uden. Greyson seemed like an advanced leader over Jason, who wanted playground rules.

"Heather seems to have a lot of secrets," Luke said, leaning against the driver's door.

"My mother did?" Jason asked as Luke nodded at the hazel-eyed boy.

Luke raised his eyebrows as a girl named Rachel came walking back toward him. She looked up with a wary expression. It seemed she was almost in fear of him. If anything, he seemed as chilled as Greyson.

Nothing exactly seemed wrong about Uden Academy that he encountered. They seemed like people who knew what needed to be done, regardless of others in the mix.

"We grabbed our food for now. Two have helped with the daycare. This girl is staying back to aid," Luke spat.

Rachel began walking back toward the small daycare. If anything, Henry refused to get involved with children. They were disgusting in their own way.

Jason walked away from the scene, travelling with Ilya and some children. Henry huffed with his arms crossed. He eyed Stick and Finn at the corners of his eyes.

Jason being in charge would just be like following the rules of tag. Nothing eventful would come out of it, plus he was one of those with abilities. Most of those in Simcoe had no idea of their own supernatural abilities.

"We're making our own rules," Henry spat, looking directly at Stick and Finn. "We're first staying outside the variety store. We're getting what we want, not him."

The outskirts seemed bare to Ashley. She imagined a time when she would travel down the path. They used to go hiking sometimes, to Wasaga Beach. The way the waves would flow as the hot temperature filled the air

Not having Jason beside her felt weird. He was always there to protect her from any danger in school. When they still had school, she got bullied due to being dyslexic. Jason always stood up for her as tears flowed down her cheeks. Being dyslexic already points toward bullying.

At times, she thought being sent to Uden was a good idea. The bullying was catching up with her mind, whispering harsh words only she heard.

The voice that told her she was a burden to those around her. Uden had kids that were far worse, so she had to be thankful for the support.

Ashley stopped on the road and looked at the blue sky. Where did her mom and dad go? How could they just leave them alone?

Jason had to deal with Uden Academy, such as Scarlett. The pretty one with the dark hair and eyes who was full of confidence in everything she did. If Ashley tried to stop her, she'd mess up.

Tears began to water in her eyes as she walked down the road. It felt weird to be walking on a paved road without automobiles rushing by. Ahead, she saw a ditch. It was the one she would play in when they took hikes where the water rushed and buttonbush grew in it. She ran toward the ditch, sitting on the incline. It brought back many memories in her mind.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps. They grew louder by the second, as Ashley covered her mouth with her hand. Was someone going to attack her? Did Jason finally find her? Did any of her friends come find her? Maybe it was all in her imagination.

"You lost?" The voice was deep, as she didn't respond. The person grunted, nudging her back with their foot. "Okay, whatever."

He turned back and left. Ashley could feel her heart racing as she slowly glanced back. It was a guy who was a year older than she was. Her mother always said talking to strangers wasn't always bad.

Ashley climbed on her knees out of the ditch. The dead grass around wasn't good for support. Her foot then slipped into a rabbit hole, making her gasp. There was a sharp pain in her knee as she hissed in pain.

Using her left hand, she pulled her left pant leg up. It was a stabbing pain as blood poured hard down her leg and all over her white and green running shoe. She had to find a way to get back quickly, or she wouldn't be able to find help.

Ashley tried keeping her left leg as straight as possible, but it wasn't working. Every time she tried, the knee kept popping.

Would she have to drag herself out of this ditch? It felt impossible, even with just the small incline. Maybe she would be stuck here to die. Tears began to fill her eyes from the pain and that thought.

Ashley then felt something grab her wrist and drag her to the surface. She glanced upwards and spotted a young girl; her face was full of confusion as she sat beside her.

"I saw something in the ditch when I walked by," the girl said, her hair done in dreadlocks with dark eyes.

Ashley couldn't care less where she found her. All she wanted was to get her knee checked out. Something wasn't right with her left knee, as it felt tight. It was like a rope was wrapped around it.

"Do you know someone who can help my knee? I think I broke it," Ashley murmured. She felt the girl slide her pants leg up. She screamed as the girl jumped to her feet.

"What on earth did you do?" she panicked.

"I was climbing out of the ditch and slipped on something. Next thing I knew, my knee felt horrible." Ashley trembled, feeling tears slide down her cheek.

"Cindy and Melany take care of injuries. I could try and bring you there."

Ashley could only nod repeatedly because she wanted the pain to end, both physically and emotionally. She wished that could happen, but the throbbing in her knee wasn't going to go away.

"Alright," the girl said, proceeding to drag her up. Ashley was small for her age, since she was a premature baby.

The girl carried her in her arms as her knee kept popping and soaring in pain. The tears wouldn't stop flowing from all of the pain she endured.

"I'm Yara Larson, and I'm in the fifth grade. Jason sent people out to search for anyone who was lost. Most are checking houses because of children," she said.

"I'm Ashley, Jason's sister," she whimpered. Tears spilled down her cheeks as the pain felt worse than before.

Yara began running, seeing a golf cart. There were two people in the cart, one of whom was Bella. "Oh my gosh!" she freaked.

Yara loaded her onto the seat as Bella moved from her spot, trying to adjust to the pain in her leg. Yet every time Bella touched it, it made her want to scream. The slightest touch brought it to pure agony.

"I'll get the first aid kit I brought," Melany implied, reaching for the first aid kit.

Bella rolled up her pant leg and screamed. It was something she'd never expected Bella to do. She was always confident in everything she presented. The school's golden girl for her pretty looks and always acting an age above her own.

"Melany, this isn't a normal knee injury." Bella mumbled as Melany rounded to the left side of the cart.

Ashley lifted herself slightly, seeing that her knee was covered in a purple liquid that she had never seen before. It gushed down her leg with some dirt around the wound.

"Her knee is dislocated, but that liquid isn't normal. Did you slip on anything in the ditch?" Melany asked.

Ashley shook her head, but her mind felt dizzy, knowing this wasn't some normal injury. There was a sting as she saw Melany cleaning the wound. The girl had a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it, which made her scream in pain. How could such an injury hurt this much?

"I'll wrap it up for now, but you will have to use support. We haven't gathered that type of hospital equipment. Cindy was helping them gather basic medicine," Melany sighed.

Ashley had to get used to tolerating this pain. The mental pain was eating at her mind more than the physical. All she could hear were the burdensome words. That's all she was toward others.

If she were gone, she wouldn't cause harm to others. No more dealing with dyslexia problems or even this dislocated knee.

The dark thought of death occurred, but she pushed it down. Jason would still be there for her. There were others in the same situation who were parentless. If she could finally escape from this place, would she be free?

She didn't know, but her body didn't feel right. It almost seemed like she was caught on fire until she heard a voice in her head.

"It's thanks to your wound that I'll take over this world."

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