Kitten (BNHA X Child!Reader)✅

By AlanaFitz

658K 22.9K 53.3K

"Hitoshi you can't just put your little sister in the sink whenever she bothers you!" Shota yelled trying to... More

"Want a little sibling?"
"What about her?"
"She's so cute!"
"I thought you were kidding"
"You PUSSY!"
"Happy Birthday~"
"It's not a toy, Tamaki"
"What happened to her!?"
Hitoshi the meanie
The Future (1)
LOV (1)
The Past (2)
LOV (2)
First Kiss!
"Are you cheating on me?"
Her mom (1)
Her mom (2)
Her mom (3) + LOV
Her mom (4)
Her mom (5)
Back to the Future (3)
"She touched my balls!"
The End!

her mom (6)

7.7K 408 1.5K
By AlanaFitz

Not y'all thinking I'm niCE😗💅🏾

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/ᐠ_ ꞈ _ᐟ\ɴʏᴀ~

"Let's get a divorce"

The words echoed in Aizawa's head as he laid on the empty bed. Hizashi was returned to custody till the next case so there was no way they could talk it out.

The blonde usually said things without thinking, but this time it really left Aizawa feeling heavy-hearted

Well readers, let's see what went down that evening.

"W-what do you mean?" Aizawa asked, swerving on the road as he turned his focus back to the road.


"Hizashi you're not making any sense" Aizawa stated flatly "come on.. if this is a joke tell me now."

"No.. I'm not jok-"

Suddenly, The blonde was pushed back with force as Aizawa quickly pulled over at the side of the road. "What are you trying to say?" He asked lowly.

"I'm saying, we should split." Stated the blonde harshly "it'd be best for the both of us"

"How the fuck is it-  ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

"Oh my gosh enough with the noise" Hizashi hissed covering his ears, he couldn't even look at his partner.

Aizawa was beyond mortified. He didn't know whether to feel angry or heartbroken.

"What happened to not parting till death?"

"I'm being realistic!" Snapped the blonde.

"How?! You're making the decision by yourself! You don't even wanna get-"

"I do." He cut in.

".....What?" The ravenette's mouth hung open as disbelief washed over his face.

"I want this. The divorce."

"Shut up Zashi!" Aizawa hissed "You're lying through your teeth!"

"But it's what's best for us! I can't let your career go down with mine!" The blonde finally burst "You're not being realistic! You can still fight for (Y/n) without me causing any trouble"

"But you're not causing any trouble!"

"Yes I am! I don't want the death threats I'm receiving to pass on to my family!"

"Zashi, quit it." Aizawa was in a state of denial "I can-"

"No! I don't need your help! I'll sort it out. Let me do something responsible for once!"

"You're being irrational" said Aizawa.

"...Let it be"

A long sigh escaped Aizawa's lips as he rubbed his sunken eyes "this is what you want?" He asked clinging onto that sliver of hope that Hizashi would say 'spike's

"Yeah. This is what I want." Nodded the blonde.

"I'll think about it" whispered Aizawa, utterly heartbroken. "Let's go.."

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Later that evening..

"Hey.." Aizawa muttered.

"Good evening shouta.."

"I've thought about my decision" Aizawa exhaled into the phone.

There was a long silence before Hizashi managed to answer. He didn't expect Aizawa to be ready so quickly.

Did he actually want the divorce?

"You... you have? So-"

"I'll answer that later... why'd you call?"

"I um.. it's- I uh- i take it back"

".......Good. Because i wasn't gonna let you leave me like that" Aizawa chuckled.

"Shut up man!! I thought I was gonna cry" Hizashi whined.

"Better not cry in front of all those villains" Aizawa poked.

There was a comfortable silence, they were both relieved that the issue was solved.

"I'm really sorry Shouta" The blonde whispered again "I don't even know what i- I'm so stupid! Oh gosh what about Hitoshi and (Y/n)! Imagine the shit they'd go through if we actually-"

"Calm down Zashi, it's alright. You're stressed. We all are." Aizawa soothed "but I want you to collect your thoughts carefully and prepare for the next trial."

"Yeah.. the sooner we do that, the sooner I can wash my hair" He sighed.

"You've caused alot of controversy Mister!" Aizawa joked "but you've got alot of people behind you now that you claimed self defense"


"Mhm.. the crowd loved your speech. It was on the news twice..we had to turn it off so Kitten wouldn't see" Shouta explained.

"Aww my baby~" Hizashi cooed "how is she?"

"She... misses you alot" Aizawa sighed "Have you considered speaking to her?"

"Not yet! I wanna win this case for good! And then I'll go see my baby girl"

"...but she misses you"

"Shouta quit tempting me! Fine just let her come- Ah shit! Time's up!? No!"

After a few more whiny moments on the phone the call ended.

There was no way Aizawa could sleep. The next trial was the day after.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Time skip to the next day cuz I'm a lazy bitch.

"Grape you have to eat your veggies!" The girl scolded her plush "Look! Rainbow and Snuggles ate theirs!" She pointed at the other two.

(Y/n) was thrown off by some sounds she heard coming from her window.

She skipped over to it hoping it was her Villain friends.

Her head cocked back in surprise as she opened the window revealing an uninvited guest.

"Uncle Jeff?" She gaped.

"Hey.....little...dudette" He panted stilling holding onto dear life "mind giving me a hand, bruh?" He asked.

It didn't make much of a difference but she managed to pull him in.

"Are you okay?" Asked the man wheezing for dear life on he bedroom floor.

Jeff was many things.

Fit was not one of them.

"You want some water?" She asked and he nodded furiously.

She ran over to where she was eating and carefully returned back to him handing him a cup of her water.

Jeff basically inhaled the water.

"Okay now?" She asked leaning closer to his limp body.

"Yeah.. thanks" he smiled weakly dropping the cup beside him.


"Wait a second..." he muttered "Bro~ You shouldn't open your windows for people you don't know okay!?"

"Okay!" She nodded "wait.. why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm here to-"

"Kitten what was tha- What the hell!?" Hitoshi yelled sweeping his little sister off his feet shielding her from the strange mullet man.

"Why are you here!?" He yelled "state your reason before I-"

"Calm down, Man!" Jeff cut in "if we hurry now we can make it to the trial!"

Hitoshi's glare intensified "and what would you be doing there?" He hissed.

"I got some evidence on (M/n)!" He blurted.

"What?! How! That's not true... you- you're her boyfriend" Hitoshi babbled.

"Ex. She's a major bitch" He explained "anyway let's head to my car! I'll explain on our way."

Hitoshi looked at him worriedly, then at his sister.

If this was legit and going to save his sister, he didn't want to hesitate further.

"Let's go!" Hitoshi nodded

Jeff sprinted to the window and jumped right out.

Hitoshi gasped and ran after him.

"What the fuck man are you crazy!?" Hitoshi yelled at the man who laid on the ground, assuming he did not stick the landing "we literally have a front door!"


≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

The 2nd Trial...

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOUR GRACE! I PROTEST" Yelled the white man as he burst into the court room turning all eyes and cameras to his direction

"Hey that's (M/n)'s Boyfriend!"

"Think he's got more evidence against Yamada!?"

"Haha! He's fucked"

Aizawa was gaping at this point. If what the audience was whispering was true, they were really fucked.

"You mean you 'Object', Idiot." Hitoshi grumbled, stomping in awkwardly with a child in his arms. He did not like the attention.

"Wait that's Aizawa and Yamada's kid!"

"The girl is here too!"

"Just what is going on here?"

The clicking of cameras increased rapidly as the press surrounded the three. (Y/n) didn't really like it so she buried her head in the crook of her brother's neck.

"What do you want?" Grunted the teen trying to stand his ground.

"I have a question. Mr shinsou, is it true that-"

"Get that shit out of my face" Hitoshi ordered with a deathly glare.

The reported nodded and backed away quickly all thanks to the work of his quirk.

"ORDER IN THE COURT!" The judge yelled grabbing everyone's attention "I let you reporters in because you promised to behave! Sit your asses down before i kick you all out"

"Hitoshi?" The blonde muttered, he was confused. They all were.

"Daddy!" Gasped the toddler basically hopping out of her brother's grasp as she ran towards her father.

"Aww.." part of the crowd smiled softly as she hugged her father.

"Kitten.. how did you get here?" Asked Aizawa

"Uncle Jeff" she pointed at the man who grinned like an idiot walking into the room as Hitoshi followed stiffly.

"Your honour, I am so sorry" Apologized Hizashi

"Oh no! Not at all.. I see this brings about something interesting" The judge smirked "quite odd to see the Defendant's boyfriend teaming up with the plaintiff, eh?"

"Ex, your majesty. We broke up."

"Huh? That's your honour boy!"

"Why the hell are you here?" Sneered the woman which made (Y/n) flinch. She didn't know her mother was standing on the other side of the room.

"We have evidence against you, obviously." Scoffed Hitoshi, taking a seat beside his father.

"Against me?"

"Leave the talking to me!" Cut in the judge. "Now. What evidence. Mr...uh..Jeff?"

"Yes your grace, I have Ev-"

"Its your Honour" someone yelled from the audience.

"Yeah that! So- I just wanted to clarify that Miss (M/n). Is a steaming pile of dog shit!" He announced turning to the crowd "and I'll prove it right now!"

"Prove what? I'm literally innocent"

"Alright! Then, shall we call Mr. Jeff to the stand?" Asked the lawyer as he lead Jeff to the...stand thing.

"Provide your so-called evidence"

Out of his pocket, Jeff pulled out a flash drive and handed it to the lawyer.

"As you all know, She's a youtuber. I edit her videos. So here are some clips of her being a bad parent!" Jeff smirked proudly.

The judge was given the drive and the video began to play on the big-screen as (Y/n) payed no attention, playing a game on her dad's phone.

"(Y/n) you better stop being a Brat!"

"B-but...  I don't wanna!" The child cried running away from the woman. "You're mean!"

"Get back here!"

"No! I don't like your video!"

"QUIT BEING A FUCKING BRAT" yelled the woman behind the camera. "JEFF QUICK FUCKING RECORDING"

The video tripped off, leaving some people to mumble.

"Well that's... something" The judge exhaled.

"Objection, your honour" (M/n)'a bitch ass lawyer raised his hand.


"To me I feel this is just a toddler being fussy" He shrugged.

"Bullshit! She swore at her" Hitoshi stood up pointing at the Lawyer.

"Mothers snap from time to time!"

"Are you even listening to yourself!? If (Y/n) doesn't wanna be in the video why is she being forced" Hitoshi queried.

"Don't your parents tell you what to do?" The lawyer bit back

"Exactly. That woman isn't (Y/n)'s parent. They are" He spoke, unyielding.

At that moment. Aizawa was so happy as pride poured out of him.

"That's my boy!" He whispered.

"Still, the evidence isn't solid enough. Both of you sit down" The judge interfered, stopping the staredown. "Jeff?"

"I had a feeling this wouldn't be sufficient bruh. So I already have plan B" Jeff smirked.

He pulled out a sheet of paper from his bottomless pocket and handed it over to the judge.

"What is that?" Asked the judge.

"A search warrant dude" The man smiled evilly.

The mother's face paled instantly.

"How the fu- Who told you to go to my house!?"

"I didn't. The police did. I just gave them the Key" He explained.

"Holy shit.. he's actually smart" Hizashi exhaled.

"Americans are.." Hitoshi trailed off.

"Scary" Aizawa finished.

"So? What did you find?" Asked the defendant's lawyer with a glare. He was sure his client wasn't hiding anything.

"...cocaine...marijuana...oh my gosh what are you doing with so much drugs!?" The judge blurted out staring right at the youtuber.

That's when the crowd began going wild!


"She never said anything about drugs"

"Oh my gosh with a child in the house!?"

"That's right everyone! Shes not who you think she is!" The lawyer smirked, fist-bumping Jeff.

"This is obviously a lie! You tricked me! you planted them!" She yelled

"It says here your fingerprints are all over" The judge glared.

(M/n) was beginning to get desperate! She was pulling out all her cards

"Okay fine! But what about that guy!" She pointed at hizashi "He attacked me!"

"Is that so?" Hitoshi butt in "then what happened to the bruise on your left eye you had yesterday?" Asked the boy which made everyone gasp.

Usually you're not even allowed to interrupt during a trial, but the judge was loving this tea.

"The defendant is wearing make-up to define the bruises! My client barely brusied her!" The lawyer yelled.

"So (M/n) lied to us!" Someone yelled.

"I...I'm for this for my baby!" She screamed bursting into tears. "I- I just want one person in my life that- she's all I have! I've never once done anything that I didn't do out of motherly love!" (M/n) horrendously, man she looked ugly af.

"Is that all? Tsubasa?" The judge asked the lawyer.

"My apologies, your honour. but I'd like to call one more person to the stand" The lawyer announced "Will Miss (Y/n) please take the stand?"

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

"Am I in trouble?" Asked the toddler on her brother's lap as the crowd stared at her.

This sentence made them all giggle.

"No honey, you just answer the nice man's question and you get a prize okay?" The judge smiled reassuringly.

"Really?! A prize!?" She gasped.

"Mhm.. but you have to tell the truth"


"Alright kiddo. What do you think of your mommy?" The Lawyer asked pointing at the woman.

She shot daggers at the poor girl which sent shivers down her spine.

"Stop glaring at her!" Aizawa yelled from across the room.

"I'm not!"

"Um.. can you give me an answer, squirt?"

"She uh.."

"Don't worry. She won't do anything while we're all here okay?" Hitoshi soothed rubbing her back.

The child nodded before answering the question "mommy is..."

"....A big meanie"


This was not what anyone expected.

"H-how is she a meanie?" Asked the lawyer.

"She always yells at me.. and when I say I'm hungry she won't give me food so uncle Jeff has to do it but uncle Jeff can't cook" She started.

"You say she doesn't give you food?" Repeated the judge.

"Mhm..and she's always forcing me on her videos" She groaned "She pushes  me! and she made me lose grape"

"She pushes you?"

"Holy shit she's crazy"

"This woman better not get her child's custody!"

The crowd threw a fit and the judge was dumbfounded.

"Ehm.. well what about your dad? What is he like?" (M/n)'s lawyer tried again.

"Daddy's really mean too!"


"He doesn't share his brownies!" She pouted crossing her arms as the room erupted in laughter.

She didn't understand why everyone was laughing as this actually irked her.

While Aizawa and Yamada were thanking Heavens that she didn't bring up the Weed Brownie incident.

"BULLSHIT SHE'S MINE!" Shrieked (M/n) as she chucked her shoe right across the room "GIMME MY FUCKING KID"

"Why are you obsessed with her now!? You didn't even have her before!" Someone yelled from the crowd making the noise brew up again.



"Miss (M/n), You are under arrest for Tresspassing, aggravated assault, Excessive Drug possession, and for telling lies in to the legal authorities"


"Take her away before she scares this little girl again! The judge ordered."

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

"Well then, I think we all know who's innocent" The judge joked.

"Mr. Yamada Hizashi, although you've proven yourself innocent, your license will be confiscated for 2 months" The judge smiled "But aside from that, have a good day"

"Case closed"

"Now for your prize little missy!" The judge turned back to the thing.

"Oh can I hold your baby hammer!?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure you can!"

And once again, social media was on Fire.

Except with so much Positivity towards Hizashi and even a few new hashtags were being spread.

#StanJeff #(M/n)Cancelled

@♡NezuKo_Chan🌸: #StanJeff ! I knew Mic was innocent! Jeff is so funny~ I think I'll start saying dude more often!

@Yato♤: that ugly faced bitch can rot. #(M/n)Cancelled

@Shinra🔥: My man really called the judge 'bruh' #StanJeff

@Alien_Kween👽: Omg finally Mr. Yamada can come back to school!#PresentMic

@O_Dazai💀♡: Y'all see that little girls face!? I bet she was so scared. Ugh now I wanna kms again. Anyone wanna join? #(M/n)Cancelled

@Makoto-Tachi: I don't follow all this but I'm happy they keeping they're daughter #StanJeff🌊: ^Their. #(M/n)Cancelled

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

It was all back to normal.

Well, aside from the fact that (Y/n)'s second quirk manifested.

But we can find out about that in the next chapter~

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/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗


There you go! I'm not that evil😂

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