Doing it Wrong [Sequel to We'...

By latriceee

13.1K 321 44

It doesn't matter where you go, your past will ALWAYS catch up to you. Jacob thinks he solved one problem but... More

Ch. 8
Ch.20 Epilouge


998 19 2
By latriceee


I sit in the waiting room waiting for answers. Waiting to see if my boyfriend and the father of my child is alive or not. People try to comfort me but I just push them away. I don't want anyone but Jacob. I want him here to tell me it's going to be okay. I cry even harder thinking about everything that just happened. I look up and see the doctor walking up to the crowd of people. Everyone stands up. I can hear perfectly fine sitting down.

"Friends and family of Jacob Perez?" Everyone nods. I sit there dumbfounded, listening.

"I have bad news and good news. Jacob Is still alive but he has lost a lot of blood and is in a deep sleep regaining his energy right now. So if you would like to see him please one at a time." Everyone looked at me. I nodded and followed the doctor. I went into his room. He looked so lifeless. So pale. An emotionless look on his face. I went over to him and took his hand. I felt his fingers get a tighter grip and I looked up. He had the biggest smirk in his face.

"Aaliyaaahh." He said, slurring his words.

I giggled. "Jacob are you high." He laughed.

"Well, what do you think is in all that medicine." We both laughed. His natural skin color came back.

"I thought you were in a deep sleep."

"I was. I actually wake up pretty easily." I nodded. "Aaliyah, I told you we were gonna be fine." He kissed me on the forehead. "So where'd I get shot at?" He asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell us yet. Call him in here." He reached over and pressed a button. After a few minutes the doctor came back in.

"Yes Mr.Perez, how may I help you."

"I like your coat! Where'd you get it from?" Jacob said. I giggled.

"Jacob shut up. Um he wanted to know where was he shot at." I said.

"Well, the bullet skimmed the right ventricle of the heart and the bullet was pushed a little bit into the pulmonary artery. That is why you were bleeding so much. If it would have been any deeper you would've died on impact." I nodded.

"What you say?" Jacob asked. The doctor opened his mouth to speak. I hushed him and started talking.

"The bullet almost hit a big vein full of blood. Since it didn't, you didn't die. Happy?" I said. He nodded like a happy little kid. I kissed him on his lips.

"I'm going to let the rest of them come see you now, I'll be right back." He frowned and I left out of the room. I went to the rest of them and told them they could see him and went to the hospitals food court by myself. My stomach was growling and I should've knew better then to not putting any food in my stomach while bring pregnant. I grabbed a burger and went to sit down.

"Hi!" A perky girl came up to me.

"Uhh, hi?" I said to her.

"I'm China She held out her hand.

"I'm Aaliyah." I shook it.

"Congratulations on your bundle of joy." I smiled.

"Thank you. Exactly why did you come over here?" I asked getting right to the point.

"I just got this job and I know how it feels to be alone and you looked like you needed a friend."

"Yeah, my boyfriend was just shot. So I guess that's what I need." I said biting into my burger.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is he okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's fine." She smiled and her beeper beeped.

"Oop, sorry gotta go. Here," she handed me a piece of paper with her number on it. "Just call me if you ever need a friend or just someone to talk to." With that she ran out of the door. I finished eating and went to the elevator.

"Hey, you okay?" Ray asked.

"Yeah I'm good. But, I'm going to see Jacob." He nodded and I went to his room. Roc and Meenna were in there laughing at him because he got up trying to open the windows and his but was showing.

"Nice ass Perez." I laughed at him.

"Not as good as yours." He laughed. "Aww look at my baby up in 'dere." He got down on his knees and started running my stomach. "She's kicking!"

"That's a first." I said

"Cause she like her daddy." He laughed and fell on the floor. I laughed and left out of the room. I went to the nurse's station.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you."

"Uh, do you know when Jacob Perez can go home?" She typed something on her computer.

"Mr.Perez may go home tomorrow. The bullet is out and he seems to have no pain so we are just keeping him for examination or until any pain kicks in. If any comes at all." I nodded and went back to his room.

"Oh Aaliyah! You looking might scrumptious over there." Jacob said. I laughed.

"Jacob, shut up. You can go home tomorrow." He frowned.

"Can yoouu stay with me tooonighttt?" I laughed and nodded.

"Of course." I went to kiss him and he pulled me on top of him.

"Ow!" He said.

"You did it." I slid to the side. He put his hand on my thigh. I took it and put it on his face.


"Whyy?" He asked.

"One, you've been shot and I don't want To hurt you. Two, we are in a hospital. Three, I don't feel like it." He frowned

"We can just kiss."


Hay yaaallll!

Sorry it's boring.

It's the first chapter and I had to introduce a new character.

Next chapter is when Janiyah is born.

Kay, bye.

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