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My Chest hurts like a bitch. Aaliyah came in my room.

"You ready to go babe?" Aaliyah said, her stomach looking like she's ready to bust open.

"Yeah, how many months are you again?"

"Nine, She's due June 6th."

"Then why are you going with me. Just stay home and rest bae." I pulled her onto my lap. I groaned.

"Oh yeah, I'm heavy." She stood up and smirked.

"So are you gonna stay here? I'm a big boy, I can handle myself." I flexed my muscles.

"Yes, yes you are." She smirked and kissed my lips. "But your right i'll stay here."

"Okay, call me if you have any pain. At all!" I said.

"Yes father." She said in a mockingly tone. I laughed and went to my bathroom. I got in the shower and washed my hair. I Put on a white V-neck, black cargo shorts, and black an white Jordans. I grabbed my keys and drove to the doctors office.

"I'm here to see Dr.Ora." The lady didn't even look up.

"Go up the elevator to floor 6. Look for suite 12." I nodded and followed the directions. I signed in and waited for my name to be called.

"Perez." I got up and went to the back. "Lay down on the table." The doctor said. She left out of the room and a nurse with a mask came in.

"Take off your shirt." I obeyed and slid off my v-neck. Se came closer to me and touched my scar from the bullet. "Oohh, sexy." I moved her hand.

"I'm taken."

"To bad, I was gonna give you an unforgettable day." She put her hand on my shorts.

"Stop." I moved her hand.

"Ohh, playing hard to get?" She started unzipping my shorts. I pushed her.

"Leave me alone." I said sternly. My phone rang. Thank god!

"Hello? Yes. Okay! I'm on my way." I turned around to see the nurse playing with her nipples. "Your sick." Then I left out of the room.


An half hour or so after Jacob left I had sharp pains in my stomach. I went downstairs to tell Momma Theresa about them and when I stood up my water broke.


"Chica, why the- OH MY JESUS! Ella es tener el bebé, ¡oh Dios mío, Dios mío, Dios mío!"


"Nothing, c'mon we gotta get you to a hospital!" She grabbed my hand and helped me down the stairs to her car.

"Ca-Call Jacob!" She nodded and called him. I sat in the passenger seat screaming! "We're almost there Aaliyah!" Mama Theresa said trying to call me down. I winced in pain and nodded. "We're here!" She got out of the car ran inside the building and a few seconds later a posse of doctors and nurses were behind her.

"AAAAHHHHH! GET THIS CHILD OUT OF ME!" I screamed at the doctor.

"Ma'am calm down." I winced in pain and couldn't protest.

"AALIYAH!" I turned my head and saw Jacob. I cried out in pain. "I'm here baby."

"Baby! You-you did this t-t-to me!" I pinched his finger! "Ow!" Then the nurses and doctors put me on a bed. "I'm calling her grandmother!" Mother Theresa said and left out of the room.

"She's dilated 3 cm!" A nurse said. "How much l-l-longer?!" I asked. "You need to dilate 8 or more before you can push. That'll be 30 mins or more." I screamed in anger. I want her out of me now!

"Everyone's on their way!" Mama Theresa came back in the room and was followed by my grandmother. "Grandma!" She came and hugged me.

"How far has she dilated?" She asked.

"3cm she needs more then 8 before she can push." Jacob answered.

"Why'd you have to be off today?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'll go put on my work uniform real quick and deliver my own great grandchild." We chuckled and she ran out of the room.

""Please, someone give me something!" I screamed out, holding Jacobs hand. A nurse came to me with a pill and water. "Drink, it'll take away the pain for a little bit." I took the pill and it actually did stop the pain a little bit. "Thanks." She nodded and left out of the room. My grandmother came in with her work clothes on.

"You've dilated 5 cm. Your friends are out there and your father said hell be here in 2 minutes." I nodded and continued thinking then Jacob squeezed my hand. "Janiyah is almost here!! I'm so happy to be a father." I giggled and nodded. Then my father came in.

"Aaliyah?!" He ran in.

"Hi daddy." I smiled and he kissed my hand. "Hello sir." Jacob put his hand out. He shook it, then pulled him in for a hug. I laughed at them.

"She's dilated 7cm!!!" A nurse said running out if the room.

"You ready to deliver our baby girl?" Jacob asked me. I nodded with a huge smile on my face.

"Okay Aaliyah, it's time to push." My grandmother said to me, I nodded and held Jacobs hand.


I pushed as hard as I can and baby cries filled the room. A tear shed from my eyes and Jacobs as we heard them. My grandmother came over to me with her.

"Oh my god, she is so beautiful." My grandmother handed her to Jacob while I caught my breath. "She looks just like you Aaliyah."

"But she has your hair and big brown beautiful eyes." He handed her to me and I once again fell in love with those big brown beautiful eyes.


Jk , it's more . :) had you worried didn't I

Doing it Wrong [Sequel to We'll Be Fine]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora