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Catch Up; Jacob and Aaliyah moved into their new house. Jacob hasn't proposed yet cause he's scared but he's gonna do it. Janiyah is 5 months old and is trying to crawl.

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I think today is the day I propose to Aaliyah. I was gonna do it last month but I chickened out.

"Aaliyah, can you come with me for a second." She nodded and gave Janiyah to her grandmother. "Where we going?"

"You'll see." We got in the car in I drove to the park.

"The park Jacob? We don't have Janiyah with us."

"I know, c'mon." I grabbed her hand and we went into the park and got on the swings.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

"I'll tell you later." I smirked.

"But Jacoob." She crossed her arms.

"Ya know last time you said my name like that you didn't stop saying it until I stopped." I smirked again.

"You must be horny or something." She giggled.

"Maybe." We cracked up laughing.

"Ditto." She agreed. I got up and picked her up. "Not in the park!" She laughed. I put he down and got on one knee. Her face became happy to overly excited.

"Aaliyah will you mar-"

"Yess! Yes! Yes! A million gazillion times YES!" She hugged me really tight and we shared a long passionate kiss. "So can I put the ring on you finger?"

"Oops." She giggled and held out her hand. We sat on the bench and just talked, take about everything. Our future, our kid. Most of the time I'm really happy I can just talk with Aaliyah like a best friend without holding back anything. I still haven't told her about the thing that happened at the doctors but I'm not about to risk her killing someone. Although I still don't know who it was though. She didn't have a name tag or anything.

"Look Jacob."


"Look up doofus."

I looked up. "This is like the first time I saw you outside of school. You were like stalking me cause you wanted me that bad." I popped my imaginary collar.

"Boy please. I was NOT stalking you. If anything you were stalking me. Coming to all my classes. Sitting by me and shit." We both laughed and just stared at the stars.



"I can't wait for you to be my wife."

"And I can't wait for you to be my husband." We both giggled and kissed. I carried her to the car. I got in the drivers seat and started the car up. "Jacob, I'm still horny." I laughed and drove to the hotel. It was about to be a fun night.

FEW MONTHS LATER•=•=•=•=•=•=•=•


"Aye bro you ready?" Roc said coming out of the bathroom. "Hell yeah."

We went downstairs and got in the car. When we got to the club we went to the v.i.p section and saw Ray,Prod, Christian, Elijah, and Danny. "What up." I gave them all a handshake and sat down.

"Damn J, you about to be tied down." Elijah said.

"Well, I finally found someone. Unlike you, I'm surprised you ain't got no kids or no aids or some shit. Going around fuckin' everybody and they momma." I laughed and took another shot. He flipped me off.

"I'm not gay Elijah." I laughed again and took another shot. "I think I'm gonna go dance."

"Have fun. But not too much fun." Prod said. I shrugged and went to the dance floor. I went behind a girl and she started to twerk on me.

"So why are you here? Bored? Lonely? Need someone to fuck." She asked me.

"Actually I'm here because... Wait, I'm here because....." Why am I here anyways? "I don't know." I turned her back around so she can finish grinding on me.

"How about I show you a good time?"

"Sure." She led me to a room in the back and laid me on the bed.

"Don't worry Papi, I'll do all the work." She unzipped my pants and started for my underwear. I stopped her. "I'm here because if a girl. I forgot her name."

"Whatever." She began to take my 'friend' out.

"What is her name? Shanika? Tyra? Nicole!?" I began thinking hard about this girl. What the fuck was her name? She started sucking on my 'friend' and I gave up thinking and enjoyed the sex.

The next morning I shot up from my sleep.

"AALIYAH!" I picked up my stuff and put it on.

"Where you going Papi?" I didn't even know this whores name.

"HOME. To my FIANCÉ." I ran out of the room and got in a cab.

"8761 Northwest ave please and step on it." The man nodded and after some minutes we arrived at my house. I payed the man his money and ran inside.

"AALIYAH?!?" I ran up the stairs to see her in our bed. "Huh Jacob?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Promise me you'll love me forever." I got in the bed with her.

"I'll love you forever." I kissed her forehead and she went straight back to sleep.

Why. Am. I. Such. A. Dumb. Ass.


*In my Kevin Hart voice* It's about to go down.

😂 🔫

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