Out Of The Woods

By LunaMoon1947

71.5K 3.7K 493

Book #3 in the Into The Woods Series Ambrose was always a happy boy. He loved to spend time with his friends... More

New Book
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Six 1/2
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Into the Light

Twenty Nine

1.7K 89 10
By LunaMoon1947

*Hello readers! Here's an extra-long chapter today, over 6,000 words! I'm hoping that I've tied up any loose ends that have occurred so far in the story. I will try to get out one or two more chapters by the end of next week!

I hope you enjoy and remember to vote and comment, it is much appreciated!

Until next time!*


Ambrose wakes to a hand brushing gently across his forehead, pushing his hair off of his face. He opens his eyes, blinking through the hazy blur as he gains consciousness. The first thing he notices is the absence of his mother. He craved to be around his parents more, missing the way they held him and made him feel safe. So when he reaches out for his mother, only to find an empty space beside him, he whimpers, tears springing to his eyes.

He lets out a soft whine, holding back more that threatened to escape his lips. The hand caressing him moves downwards, cupping the back of his neck in a gentle hold. When cupping the back of an omega's neck it would make them submit and sink into a calm state. If forced, they would squirm and become uncomfortable, often thrown into a state of distress. Luckily the action calmed the omega, his tears ceasing and his body going limp.

Ambrose gathers himself, taking deep breaths to steady his racing heart. His eyes finally focus on Magnus who was sitting beside him, eyes filled with worry.

"Your mother came to find me late last night," Magnus says, continuing to stroke the back of his omega's neck. "He said you were running a fever and wouldn't wake up. The palace doctor said it was nothing more than a fever and we shouldn't worry. You're still warm, but it is much better than last night. How are you feeling?"

Ambrose's mind was still foggy, the feel of Magnus's large hand caressing the back of his neck made him almost purr in content. He felt so warm and cozy all of a sudden that he could have fallen back asleep at that moment. If only Magnus would stop pestering him for an answer.


"I have to pee," Ambrose suddenly says, ignoring Magnus's question.

"Ambrose, I asked-,"

"I need to pee! Take me to the washroom," Ambrose interjects, reaching out towards Magnus, tugging on his arm.

"Alright," Magnus sighs, hoisting Ambrose into a sitting position. His head lolls to the side, coming to rest on Magnus's shoulder. "But first let me change the bandages around your ankles. I need to put more healing cream on them."

Ambrose reluctantly retracts his feet from underneath the covers, laying them across Magnus's lap. Magnus reaches for the new wrappings and cream from the bedside table, placing them next to him as he carefully unwraps the old, bloodstained bandages.

Magnus's eyes widen in shock as he removes the last of the bandages only to discover that Ambrose's wounds had completely healed over. Not only were there no signs of damage to the outer layer of skin, but it looked like the internal structure was back to the way it was before Johnathan slashed it to bits.

"Ambrose, your feet-," Magnus inhales sharply, turning Ambrose's foot every which way to examine them. He couldn't have been seeing right. Just yesterday his wounds were still gaping open, filled with blood and pus, showing no signs of healing. Now it looked like he'd never been touched.

Ambrose groans, holding his stomach as his bladder ached. He really had to pee. He knew how bad his feet looked, so he didn't know why Magnus was making such a fuss over it. He was getting impatient, hating that he now had to rely on someone to do something as simple as helping him to the washroom.

"Magnus, I really need to go. What's taking you so long? Just change the bandages already."

Ambrose leans forwards, biting back a whimper as the motion causes his bladder to tighten, the need to pee increasing. But all that is forgotten when he notices his now healed feet.


"Ambrose, let's visit the palace doctor, alright?"

Before Ambrose could protest, Magnus scoops him into his arms. He whimpers, a dizzying sensation taking over as he moves too abruptly. He didn't realize how terrible he felt until the calming haze wore off from his mind. He became hyper-aware of the pounding of his head. His body felt hot, to the point where he felt like stripping off his clothes to get cool.

"Hang in there, Rose," Magnus says, holding the omega close to his body.

Ambrose's arm shoots out, grabbing hold of the door frame. He points to the washroom, making Magnus sigh. He glares up at the older man through pain-filled eyes. Telling him that they weren't going anywhere until he relieved his straining bladder.

"Alright, but quickly. We need to get your legs examined."

Ambrose sighs in relief as he is carried to the washroom, thankful that Magnus finally listened to him.


Ambrose's mother and father were informed that he was on his way to the palace doctor. They immediately cleared their schedules for the morning, rushing to get to their eldest pup.

They make it to the room just as Ambrose was situated on the examining table. The palace doctor feels around Ambrose's ankles, the action making Tabari and Bowyn's eyes widen as they notice he was fully healed.

Bowyn snarls as Ambrose winces, making the palace doctor pale in fear. Bowyn was still hostile towards anyone who touched his pup, not wanting any harm to come to him. His wolf was fuming in his head, wanting to surface and teach the man a lesson for hurting his pup.

Tabari places a hand on Bowyn's back, sending out soothing pheromones to calm his Alpha. It works, the older man relaxing at his touch.

"Do you feel any pain here, Your Grace," The doctor asks, pressing down lightly where his wounds used to reside.

He yelps, yanking his foot from the doctor's grasp. Bowyn lets out another threatening growl, Tabari tugging on his sleeve to get him to calm down.

"By the looks of it, I'd say you are receiving a new wolf from Moon Goddess. Your scent is changing dramatically. Before you smelt of human, now your scent is carrying a light scent of a wolf. I predict that in a few weeks you should complete your transformation. This is great news for you, now it will be much easier to heal all of your wounds. I suspect that the changes occurring in your body are what brought upon your fever."

"Have you ever noticed a slight disconnect from His Highness's wolf," the doctor asks, turning his attention to Bowyn and Tabari.

"We thought it was because he wasn't our child by blood," Tabari says, clinging to Bowyn's arm tightly. "His wolf was mostly silent, he never connected with our wolves."

"I have a theory that His Highness was given the wrong wolf at birth and this situation has allowed Moon Goddess to correct the mishap and give him his rightful wolf."

"But Moon Goddess never makes mistakes," Tabari insists, brows furrowing in confusion. "What you're saying, it cannot be true!"

"Everyone makes mistakes, Your Grace," the doctor says, gently setting Ambrose's leg down and stepping away from the examining table. "Even Moon Goddess is subject to making her own. It is stated in many circumstances that Moon Goddess is not like other gods. She is the mother of all creatures of the night. She only controls who we are paired with whether it be family or mating. She is not all-powerful like many other gods and goddesses claim to be. Therefore she is capable of making a few mistakes as well. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

"Now," The doctor continues, turning his full attention to Ambrose. "Have you tried to walk yet?"

Ambrose shakes his head no, looking down at his feet which hung limply over the examination table.

"I want you to try and walk for me. Yes, your legs have healed, but that doesn't mean you are still able to hold your body weight. You can use my arm for balance, but I would like you to attempt to walk on your own. Without anyone's help."

Ambrose hesitantly reaches out, grasping the doctor's arm as he slides his bare feet onto the cold floor. He gasps as he feels pressure building in his feet, making him wobble.

"Good, you're holding your weight nicely. Now I want you to walk towards His Majesty." The King and Queen stood fairly close to Ambrose, only a few feet away. A small distance to travel but certainly difficult given the state of Ambrose's body.

Ambrose takes one step towards Bowyn, only to collapse to the floor. Bowyn rushes to help his son but Tabari pulls him back.

"Let him do it on his own," Tabari says, smoothing down his sleeve from where he grabbed it. "This reminds me of when we were teaching him how to walk as a pup."

Tabari smiles fondly at the memory, remembering how their little pup clung to Bowyn after taking his first few wobbly steps towards the man. Oh, how proud they were. Tabari cried after witnessing his pup's first steps, heart filled with love for their little one.

Now, Bowyn held his arms out for Ambrose, as he took step after little step, teetering to the side every so often. Ambrose reaches out, grabbing hold of Bowyn's hands to steady himself. He smiles up at the man, making Bowyn's lips turn up the slightest.

"Splendid, Your Highness," The doctor comments, clapping his hands together. "Now you must walk to your mate and back."

Ambrose's smile falls from his face as he realizes just how far Magnus stood from the rest of them. The man had been so quiet, he'd forgotten Magnus was in the room with them.

Magnus stood in the far corner of the room, leaned up against the wall. His long white hair was pulled back into a band, a few strands caught outside the band, falling into his face. His muscled arms pulled the fabric of his robes taut as he had them folded over his chest.

Ambrose's face heats the longer he stares at his mate. Magnus was so handsome. How did he get so fortunate, having a mate like him?

Ambrose takes his time, one tiny step after the other, slowly making his way towards his mate. He was almost to Magnus when he trips over his own feet, falling forwards. Instead of hitting the floor, he falls right into his mate's arms, face buried in his muscular chest.

At first, Magnus thought Ambrose was hurt because he wasn't saying anything. But then the omega bursts into a fit of giggles, making the Fae laugh as well.

Magnus bends down, pressing a tender kiss to Ambrose's cheek, making the younger boy blush. All he wanted to do was go back to their room and fall asleep while Magnus held him. But the doctor had other plans.

"Excellent! Now walk back to me! Let's have you practice a few more times then we will examine you for any other changes."

Ambrose shakes his head defiantly, nuzzling deeper into Magnus's hold.

"Come now, don't give us a hard time, Your Highness. This is for your own benefit."

"Ambrose," Bowyn warns, the low timbre of his voice making everyone in the room still. His voice was calm yet commanding. Bowyn had a knack for that, making everyone want to obey him no matter what.

Ambrose groans, turning slowly so he faces his father. And once again, he makes the trek back to his parents.


Ambrose was tired. All he wanted to do was curl up under his covers and hibernate for a few months. Walking had tired him out and he wanted to rest his legs. Although he insisted on walking back to his bedchamber on his own.

He walks through the long corridor, leaning on Magnus for support. He turns a corner, pausing when he sees a familiar figure at the end of the hallway, surrounded by guards.

"Zaire?" He calls out, making the boy turn back to look at who called him.

"Amb- Your Highness," Zaire corrects himself, eyes lowering to avoid gazing into the royal's eyes directly.

"Where are you taking him?" Ambrose asks the guards, making quick work of approaching them. He notices Zaire's pups were also with him, Blue and Eren looking terrified. They both clung to their mother who was holding onto a rather small bundle. His newborn daughter.

"We have been given orders from His Majesty," The first guard says, gesturing to Zaire and his pups. "We are to take him to Thayne Fairchild where he will be under twenty-four-hour surveillance. He is to assist Thayne with anything he requires assistance with. It is his punishment, His Majesty tells us."

Thayne Fairchild. A dangerous, intimidating man with an alarmingly high number of confirmed kills. He was a skilled warrior for his age, so much potential for a man only in his early forties. He would have been the next head warrior had he not received an injury to his knee. A dagger laced with an unknown poison lodged itself into his knee during a dispute with a neighboring palace. Whatever was on the dagger caused his knee to deteriorate. They were able to stop the spread of the poison but not before the damage was done. He was never able to heal properly, which caused him to have a permanent limp.

Thayne was honorably discharged from the palace guard, sent to live a quiet life on the outskirts of the kingdom. He was given his own plot of land and was exempt from paying taxes. He was given livestock, crops, and more to live a calm life away from the busy life of the kingdom. Despite his injury, he liked to do things alone in his own way. It shocked Ambrose, seeing as Thayne agreed to Zaire coming to live with him.

Ambrose had met Thayne quite a few times in his life. And each time the man was quiet, barely uttering a single word. Ambrose had always been afraid of the man, seeing as he always had a permanent scowl marring his features. He couldn't imagine how Zaire and his children will react once knowing who they would be living with.

Thayne was considerably kind and respectful, contrary to his outward appearance and actions. Ambrose had no doubt Zaire would be in good hands with the man. But Zaire will be terrified, once he comes to find out about Thayne. Or perhaps Zaire already knew of the man.

"I would like to speak with Zaire alone," Ambrose says, the two guards sharing a glance.

"We received orders from His Majesty that if we were to see you, he is not to be left alone with you."

"Do you think I am asking? No, this is an order. I am the crowned prince!"

"We have direct orders from His Majesty, not-,"

The guard pauses as a large figure looms over them. Bowyn looks down on his son with a face of indifference. Not once giving away what he was thinking. Both guards swallow thickly, becoming more and more nervous by the minute.

"You have five minutes," he finally says, making Ambrose smile triumphantly.

"Go wait out near the carriage," Bowyn says to the guards, the pair scrambling away to get to their assigned spot.

Bowyn walks away, down the corridor. Ambrose thinks he is going to turn down the next hallway but is surprised when he comes to a stop at the end, watching Zaire from a distance. He realizes that his father was attempting to give them space while also keeping an eye on Zaire. He notices that Magnus had given them space as well, stepping away to speak with Levi, who was further down the hall, carrying what looked to be a large stack of books.

"I'm glad you're alright," Zaire says, making Ambrose turn his attention towards the omega. "I was worried that Johnathan would kill you so I... tried to kill him. I severed the bond with Johnathan so I will feel no pain when Johnathan is tortured. It was hard for me to do, but His Majesty ensured that I felt as little pain as possible through the entire process. His Majesty is quite scary, but in reality, he is very kind and merciful. I will forever be grateful that he spared me and my children a harsh, unforgiving punishment. Do you... know what His Majesty is going to do with Johnathan?"

"My father plans to avenge every omega he's ever hurt. Johnathan will be kept alive for many years, enduring every form of torture that inflicts the most suffering without death. His punishment will be dragged out for as long as my father sees fit. The most probable outcome is that my father won't be able to control himself and kill him, but that won't be for a while. Johnathan will pay for what he's done to us."

"I know that I am supposed to hate him, but he is... was my mate. It's so hard to move on from him, even after all he's done to me. And I'm so afraid of what my future holds. I know His Majesty wouldn't put me in direct danger, but I can't help but fear the worst."

Ambrose completely understood Zaire's concern. He didn't want to be taken advantage of by Thayne. Ambrose knew that Thayne would never think to lay a harmful hand on an innocent omega like Zaire. But if he said that to Zaire, it wouldn't be in the least bit reassuring.

"You and your pups will be safe with Thayne. He's a warrior, he is meant to protect the people of this kingdom. How about I send someone over to check up on you every so often? You have to promise to be completely honest with them. If anyone treats you wrong, you will be brought back to the palace. No questions asked. This way, you can rest assured knowing that any problem will be dealt with."

"I appreciate your kindness, Your Highness," Zaire bows his head, making Ambrose sigh.

"Just call me Ambrose, I'll allow it. The same goes for your pups." Ambrose eyes the bundle, question in his gaze. Zaire catches on, eyes lighting up with joy.

"My daughter, I named her Elanore," Zaire says, proudly presenting the tiny pup. "She looks just like me!"

"She's beautiful." Ambrose meant it. The pup had soft brown tufts of hair, rosy cheeks, and a cute button nose. Though she was very thin due to how malnourished Zaire had been throughout the entire pregnancy.

"I promise that I'll visit, no matter what my father says. This isn't goodbye forever, I will see you soon."

Zaire smiles, his first genuine smile in a long time. He was so glad that someone rescued him from the hell he was forced to endure at the very hands of his mate. He was so fortunate to have met Ambrose and given a second chance at life with his three pups.

"Thank you for everything, Ambrose. I will forever be indebted to you."

Zaire bows, his two eldest pups following suit. Ambrose smiles brightly at the pups, waving as they make their way towards Bowyn, allowing him to guide them outside the palace.

Ambrose felt good about the way things ended with Zaire. He would go on to live out the rest of his days with his pups, waiting for Bowyn to release them of their punishment. And once they were relieved of their situation, Ambrose hoped that Zaire would lead a happy life.

Ambrose mouths a 'thank you' to his father, the older man nodding once as he leads Zaire and his pups away.

Ambrose turns to find Magnus still chatting with Levi, making him sigh in relief. He'd been meaning to talk with Levi for a while now.

"Levi," Ambrose greets, coming to stand beside Magnus. "I've been meaning to come to see you."

"Nonsense, you should be resting. Magnus filled me in on what happened to you last night. It's good to see you walking again."

Ambrose smiles, leaning against Magnus's side for support. His knees began to wobble, a result of standing too long with his newly healed legs. His eyes become sad as he gazes up at Levi.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad friend. I feel like all you've ever seen me do is make mistake after stupid mistake. I must have been so troublesome, especially since I only ever paid mind to my own problems. But I promise to make it up to you, I swear. I'll do anything it takes to make up for my faults as a friend."

"Oh, Ambrose, you haven't been a bad friend. You've just lived through something so terrible and I don't blame you for acting the way you did. Though I was a little frustrated about the way things were handled, I can understand why you made the decisions you chose to make. You're young and you were afraid. Fear can cloud a person's judgment, especially if you are still a kid. Kids are impulsive and don't usually know what to do in tough situations. They are easily manipulated, and that can be dangerous. If I were in your shoes, thinking the way you did, I would not have known what to do either."

"But I-,"

"You have many years to be a good friend to me. We are family now and we will be spending much more time together. Your Uncle Ren and I are happily mated and I'm better than I've ever been. He makes me so happy, Ambrose. I love being a part of your family. I have everything I could ask for. You have nothing to make up for, I know how hard it must have been for you. But if it makes you feel better, I'll say I forgive you and you can make it up to me by spending more time with me. We can start by having tea together. I like to read while drinking tea so we could always do that."

Levi gestures to the stack of books that he set beside him in the hall. Ambrose recognized the top book's cover. It was a detailed history of the Northern Isle Pack. He was trying hard to learn about this kingdom for Ren's sake and his own. Ambrose was so happy Levi was interested in fully excepting the kingdom and its traditions.

"Tea sounds lovely," Ambrose smiles, eyes glistening as he gazes up at his friend.

"I hate to dismiss you so quickly," Levi says, pausing to look at Magnus. "But I believe you have somewhere to be. I'd hate to keep you too long, it seems important."

"Oh," Ambrose gasps, remembering what he was supposed to do this morning. It had gotten delayed due to his legs. "Yes, you're right. We must hurry, Magnus."

Ambrose tugs at Magnus's sleeve, pulling him along the hallway.

"I'll see you around, Levi," Ambrose calls out, taking off in the direction of his bedchamber.

"I wish you luck, Ambrose!"

Levi smiles, shaking his head as he watches the pair with fondness in his eyes. He was so glad Ambrose was alright. The boy seemed happier than when he first met him. He knew that Ambrose would never be the boy he was before Johnathan broke him, but he was confident in saying that he would be able to witness Ambrose grow as a person and take back his life. And Johnathan be damned to hell.


Ambrose and Magnus stood in front of the villa, hearts beating wildly in their chests as they approached the entrance.

The villa sat on the outskirts of the Northern Isle, near the ocean ports. The dirt path gave way to an open courtyard, covered in a light dusting of snow. Withering vines clung onto the sides of the house, climbing up its walls. Strong pillars were set in the courtyard, along with various other statues and sculptures. Wine red accents adorned the cream-colored structure. The villa was extravagant, a place fit for nobility.

It was the home of Lord Henry and Madame Marie, Johnathan's mother and father.

Henry and Marie were both questioned by Bowyn, inquiring if they'd known what Johnathan had been doing to omegas. They claimed they had no idea and were horrified to learn what Johnathan had been up to in the past few years. They were even told about Zaire and his three children. Henry and Marie denied ever knowing and said they were horrified by their son's behavior. Bowyn had to use his Alpha Voice to make sure they weren't trying to cover for themselves. And sure enough, they weren't lying.

Alphas used to be able to use their so-called Alpha Voice whenever they pleased. But because it was mostly used for harm and at the expense of others, restrictions were placed upon them by the Moon Goddess. Alphas could only use their voice if they had good intentions at heart. If an Alpha had even the slightest of a plan to use incorrectly, their voice would not work how they desired. Bowyn was only able to use it because he needed to know whether Henry and Marie were safe to keep around.

Although Henry and Marie were cleared of having any involvement, they were banned from traveling outside the kingdom. Which was heartbreaking for them, because they loved to travel. They were confined to the walls of their villa for the rest of their lives it seemed.

Ambrose never had a problem with Henry and Marie. In fact, he loved them. He thought they would be his in-laws one day. Though it would be hard to face Henry after what Johnathan had done to him. Johnathan looked like Henry, almost exactly the same.

The door to the villa opens before Ambrose could properly knock, revealing the tired face of Marie. She gasps, stepping away from the door in shock.

"Your Highness," she exclaims. "What are you,-" She pauses as she spots Magnus behind Ambrose, holding a small bundle in his arms.

"May we come in?" Ambrose asks though he was already stepping into the entryway. "We will only stay for a few minutes."

Marie silently shows them to the tea room, where Henry and his daughter Jocelyn sat. When they see Ambrose, they go silent, guilt and shame taking over them.

Henry stands from his seat, approaching Ambrose. He stops, however, when the omega flinches away from him. Eyes wide in fear as he didn't see Henry for himself at that moment. He saw Johnathan. The image is gone as soon as it appeared, replaced with Henry's worry-filled gaze. He kneels before Ambrose, hanging his head in shame.

"Your Highness, I sincerely apologize for my son's actions towards you. Had I known, I would've-,"

"There was nothing you could have done differently," Ambrose interjects. "Johnathan chose his path. We couldn't have stopped him even if we tried."

Magnus enters the room, holding the bundle closer as he spots Henry. He too, saw Johnathan when he looked at the man.

"This is Senna," Ambrose gestures to the bundle. "Your granddaughter. Johnathan and my pup."

Jocelyn covers her mouth, choking on a gasp as she looks at what she now knew as her niece. Henry and Marie were equally as shocked, not knowing that Johnathan had produced a pup with Ambrose. They knew about their other grandchildren. When asked if they could meet the pups, Zaire declined, not willing to face Johnathan's family. A decision they were forced to respect. They had no idea that Ambrose had also given birth to a child.

"I... I know this is sudden, but I want you to take care of her for me. I cannot bear to look at her and I don't want her to see how distant I may act towards her."

"Oh my..." Marie mutters, fanning her hand in front of her face to keep from fainting in shock. When she woke up this morning, this was the last thing she expected to happen. And so suddenly...

"I do not feel confident that I will be a good mother to her. That is why I have no choice but to distance myself from her. If not you, then I shall look for another to take care of her. Will you accept?"

Wordlessly, Marie nods, taking hold of Senna from Magnus. She stares down at the chubby pup's sleeping face in awe. She was holding her grandpup! She couldn't believe it, this was almost too much for her to bear. Tears spring to her eyes and she struggles to stifle a sob that bubbles up in her throat.

"I accept," Marie whispers, her voice ragged.

"I want you to take exceptional care of her until I am ready to come back and try to be a good mother to her. Are you still willing to accept, knowing one day she might have to leave you again?"

"As long as we will get to see her," Henry speaks up, finding his voice after being stunned to shock by the revelation that Johnathan fathered many children.

"Of course, I would never keep her from you." Ambrose smiles, hands shaking as he clasps them together. "We must be on our way now, it would be best to make it back to the palace before it gets too dark outside."

"Yes, of course," Henry says, looking out one of the large windows to take in the sky's appearance. "We promise to take good care of her. I will write to you every so often to update you on Senna's wellbeing."

"Thank you, we would appreciate that very much, right, Magnus?"

Magnus was shocked, not knowing that Ambrose wanted to eventually try again with Senna. Was this something he was forcing himself to do for Magnus's sake? Or did he genuinely want to try and build a relationship with Senna?

After a few more minutes of discussing future plans for Senna and their family, Ambrose deems it was time for them to return to the palace. Magnus says his final teary goodbyes to Senna, holding the pup close and soaking in all the love and warmth from his little pup.

"I love you, Senna. Be a good girl for me and momma," Magnus says, smiling as the chubby pup opens her deep blue eyes, blinking up at him.

Before he had any second thoughts, he holds the pup out to Marie for her to take again. Ambrose hesitantly steps forward, reaching out to touch the pup's hand. He flinches, wanting nothing more than to let go of her. But he perseveres, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry I can't be the mother you need," Ambrose murmurs, letting go of Senna's chubby hand.

As soon as she loses contact with his hand, Senna begins to wail. Great, heaving sobs wrack her body as Ambrose walks away from her. It was almost as if she knew he was abandoning her.

Magnus and Ambrose try their best to ignore Senna's cries, hopping into the carriage that would take them back to the palace. The sun was setting in the sky, the bright blues turning into burning oranges and soft pinks.

Magnus rests his head in his hands as the carriage pulls away from the villa, leaving his precious Senna behind.

"I'm sorry, Magnus," Ambrose starts, assuming he was upset that they wouldn't be keeping Senna. "I tried so hard to,-"

"I'm proud of you," he suddenly says, making Ambrose's eyes widen. "For being so willing to try again in the future, even if it doesn't end up working out. For being so brave to do the right thing when it comes to Senna. I'm proud of you."

Ambrose blushes, eyes welling up as he slides in next to Magnus, into his welcoming arms.

"I love you, Rose," Magnus murmurs, pressing soft kisses to his face.

"I love you too, Magnus," Ambrose responds, turning his head so their lips meet.

"...Can I ask you something personal?" Ambrose suddenly says, making Magnus tilt his head in question.

"Something I've been wanting to know the answer to for a while now. One that I'm sure you'd be breaking the Fae rules if you told me. But I thought I'd ask one more time. Why were you exiled, Magnus?"

Magnus sighs, biting his lip to keep from refusing. Ambrose was his mate though, and he wanted to be completely honest with him from now on. As he made Ambrose promise to be completely honest with him.

"...I exiled myself," he says, making Ambrose's brows furrow in confusion.

"But I thought you said only Fae with royal blood could exile..." Ambrose's eyes widen, the pieces clicking together in his head.


"I was the last in line for the throne, the youngest of my siblings. My father was the king of his region in the Fae world. When I was young, I was around your size, not nearly as large as I am today. I would have been considered an omega if I was born a wolf. I was engaged, to be married to a man whom I thought I was in love with. One thing led to another and I fell pregnant. I was quick to lose the baby though, not long after I announced my pregnancy, I announced the death of my baby."

Ambrose was shocked beyond compare. Magnus... exiled himself? And at one point, carried a child? He didn't even know male Fae could fall pregnant.

"After losing a child at eighteen, I felt empty. I felt as if I was a failure for not being able to carry my child to full term. I felt as if something was missing from my life. I began to pull away from my fiancé, from my family. I felt as if there was something out there, beyond the veil that kept us safe, something or someone was waiting for me. So one day I decided to try and exile myself. If it didn't work I was going to return to my old life. And if it did work, I convinced myself I was going to find whatever was calling to me. Turns out, I was feeling the mating pull from you. When you gave birth to Senna, I attached myself to her so quickly because I felt as if she was my own child. The one I carried. I felt as if my pregnancy was a failure because she was waiting to be born into the world by you. Now a stupid thought, as I think back upon it. I had no right to treat your child as if it was my own. As if I had any right to dictate where she stayed. So there's the answer you've been waiting for this whole time. Was it anywhere near what you were expecting?"

Ambrose sniffles, wiping tears from his face as he gazes up at Magnus with blurry eyes. He had no idea Magnus had gone through such a thing. Now he felt awful giving Senna away. It was like Magnus was losing a pup all over again.

"The only reason I didn't want to talk about my life before was that the more a Fae talks about their world, the easier it is to find them. It's almost as if a signal is sent out, informing the King of your location. I'm sure my family has been looking for me all this time. Perhaps they've given up hope now. But as soon as I started telling you of my past, the connection between me and my family opened up. They may come to find me but I will never leave your side, my Rose. You are what I've been searching for, my happiness. And I'd be a fool to give you up."

Ambrose sobs, throwing his arms around Magnus, holding onto him tightly. He cries for Magnus, and the hardships he faced in his life. He cries for Senna, who had to be born into a world with two terrible parents. He cries for Zaire, who had to endure years of suffering at the hands of Johnathan. He cried for himself because he had no idea what he was doing anymore.

He cried and cried, unable to control himself. The tears kept flowing from his eyes, an ocean of salty droplets cascading down his cheeks. And all through it, Magnus holds him, whispering soothing words as he rubs delicate circles into his omega's back.

"I-I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Ambrose finally whimpers, another sob ripping through his body.

"Shhh, it's alright now. The pain has long since dulled. Dry your tears, my love. Tonight, I promise to hold you while you sleep. I won't ever let you go, my sweet Rose."

Ambrose cried the whole ride back to the palace, tears lessening as Magnus rocks their bodies back and forth in a gentle motion. By the time they made it to the entrance, Ambrose had fallen asleep, completely spent from the day's events.

Magnus carries Ambrose back to their bedchamber, tucking him under the covers. He curls his body around his mate's small one, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. Oh, how he loved Ambrose.

"Sweet dreams, my precious Rose."

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