Race to my heart

By h311182

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All Might's daughter. A rule breaker, a rebel, a high school drop out. She loved to street racer despite bein... More



348 15 37
By h311182

I woke up.


I had no idea what time it was.

Frankly, I didn't care.

I don't know at what time I went to sleep last night, but I stayed up crying my eyes out.

I sighed.

The day seemed beautiful.

What a day to be raining.

I reached over to my nightstand.

I don't remember if I put my phone to charge or not.

I didn't feel like getting up today. It was Monday, and I had school. It was probably over by now though.

I turned on the phone to see twenty missed calls.

I scrolled.

They were all Midoriya's.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Bakugo.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Missed call from Midoriya.

Hold on.

I scrolled back up.

It did say Bakugo.

I was about to scroll when my arm slipped.

I fell onto my face.

My phone still in my hand.

"Hello?" It was faint.

I shot up.

I had called Bakugo back.

Oh god. What do I say!?

"You called?" I tried to sound as casual as I could, I didn't want to sound like I was panicking or anything.

"I just wanted to check up on you last night, but you didn't answer. I'm guessing you were asleep. Bakugo! Who you talking to?" It sounded like Denki in the background.

"None of your business!" Bakugo yelled.

"I'm fine. It seems like I missed school. You guys are about to get out right?" There were grunts and screams from his side of the phone. Judging by the screams it was Sero.

"Yeah, have you checked the time? We get out in ten minutes. Is that your girlfriend!?" A loud explosion. I threw the phone across the room. My ears felt like they were bleeding.

The ringing kept going.

"Sorry about that!" He yelled through the phone.

I reached for it tiredly.

My ears hurt.

"Y/n?" There was a knock on my door.

My head swung.

There was nobody here. Everyone was at school. I was the only one here.

I scrambled over for my phone.

I put it against my ear.

"Bakugo!" I whispered panicked.

"What?" He screamed.

"Who didn't go to school today?" My hands were shaking. Why was I scared?

"Everyone went to school. Why?" My knee hit the floor. I slowly started to get up from the floor.

"There is somebody at my door. But your still at school. Maybe it's a ghost? I'm just imagining it." I was still whispering.

The door started to be slammed. I flinched.

"No. There's someone definitely there." I slowly strode over to the door.

"Don't open it. I'll be there right now." Once he said that I stood up straight.

Why am I scared?

Did I forget I'm All Mights daughter?

I laughed at myself.

"What's wrong with me." I laughed into the phone.

I slammed open the door.

Midoriya stood in front of my door. My expression dropped.

"I gotta go." I said into the phone.

I hanged up, sliding it into my pocket.

"What?" I said annoyed.

He flinched.

He didn't say a word but his eyes were nervously looking at my shoes.

"What do you want?" I let him know that I wasn't very happy with him.

"Can I?" He stuttered.

I laughed, moving out of the way. He walked in with his head down.

I closed the door.

Turning my back to him for a second.

Suddenly my arms were pinned against the wall.

He loomed over me, not being scared to look at my face anymore.

"Why weren't you at school?" He whispered. Our eyes both angrily staring at each other's.

"Because I slept in. After the problem you caused yesterday." I spit.

He chuckled.

"I was just trying to help. Not my fault your so sensitive." I smirked.

"I'm sensitive? Your just an annoying, jealous brat, who can't stand the thought of me just hanging out with Bakugo. Is that right?" He looked down at me, our eyes grazing each other, yet stabbing.

Our lips touched.

An annoying kiss.

A very annoying kiss. I shouldn't do this. I really shouldn't keep this going.

I couldn't pull back, I was stuck to a wall.

"You love me." He whispered briefly.

"You wish." I said while taking a breath.

He chuckled under his breath.

"Could you let me go now? Bakugo might walk in." His eyes furrowed together, a confused expression on his face.

His lip twitched.

"Why would he come in here? I'm the only one who comes in here." I laughed loudly. He can't really be that clueless.

"You, Mina, Bakugo, maybe even Todoroki." Todoroki was a lie. Never have I ever thought of Todoroki in that way.

He was a little bit too much like me. But his case was much worse, which made me feel horrible for even talking about my own problems.

"So you do go on fucking anyone who comes your way. The rumors were in fact true." I slammed my arms down. Being disrespected by someone who was given my quirk wasn't something I was going to let happen.

"And your a nobody. Why don't you go show everyone this side of you? You even had to get my quirk handed because you were probably just a nobody. My body is probably all you use me for, so you have no room at all to be talking. But it doesn't seem like that because you get jealous if someone just whispers a word to me. You actually like me don't you?" I grabbed his face in my hand, pushing him down to me.

"And your father likes me more than his own daughter." I froze.

He pulled in my waist. His arms wrapped around me.

Our lips again touched.

This time sour.

I didn't like it. Was this what we were like? Were we always going to be like this?

"Go kill yourself." I whispered.

My words couldn't hurt him more than his hurt me. No way in hell.

"I'll bring you with me." We both smiled while we kissed. My arms naturally going around his neck.

"I would love that." Anything would be better than living this stupid life.

He pulled away.

We both knew this wasn't going to end well. No matter what we did. It wasn't going to end well.

"I'm sorry." He stroked the side of my face.

I glared.

His words had hurt.

And that's all he had to say.

"You know I was just kidding. You called me a nobody." I chuckled.

He was right. Maybe I did deserve it.

"Get out." I whispered.

He was nobody to me. Because he wasn't going to bring any of his little play onto me.

I knew very well none of this would ever work out.

"Do you really want me to get out?" He slid his head down my arm and held my hand.

"Bakugo is coming. I need you to get out." His hand tightened on mine.

On any normal person, that strength he was using could crush someone's hand in a second.

"Your hurting me." I looked down lazily at my hand. It was hurting, but I wanted him to let go.

"Y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He said loudly.

I looked at him confused, I was right in front of him. He had no reason to yell that out.

"Why should I?" I tilted my head. It had completely flown over me that he actually wanted to be my girlfriend.

"You said it yourself, I like you. That's why I'm asking you." This wouldn't end well.

I should say no. I can't let this happen.

"What makes me think that you actually like me?" I have to say no.

I can't do this.

"I'll just have to show you." He smirked.

He bent down, pushing me against the wall. Our lips slammed against each other.

The door flew open.

I opened my eyes.

Midoriya didn't let me look.

But I already knew who it was. He was a bitch.

I hadn't realized that he had my hands pinned. I couldn't push him off. Bakugo was at the door. Watching as I kissed Midoriya.

But then again, why would he care? He just felt bad for me, that was all it was.

I should say yes to Midoriya.

But I knew it wasn't going to end well, at all.

Midoriya pulled away and turned to him almost immediately.

"Did you need something Bakugo? As you could tell I was in the middle of something." His arm was right next to my ear. I stood still not daring to move an inch.

"You were the one trying to break into her room I'm guessing?" He eyes were glaring into me.

"I wasn't breaking in. She let me in. Isn't that right y/n?" Both of them were now looking at me.

"Come on guys just get out. I'm trying to have a peaceful day. I'm going out later." I sighed.

I didn't know Japan, so I would have to bring someone with me. And it's not gonna be either of them.

I could ask Sero and the guys if they want to go smoke, somewhere far away from here.

"With who?" They both said at the same time.

I looked up.

"None of your business, man! I can't live a little?" My phone. Where was my phone at?

Where did I drop it?

"You can't go out alone, you'll get lost around here." Bakugo explain.

I nodded my head. Not caring to pay any attention to him.

I walked away from Midoriya in search of my phone.

It's been a while since I've smoked, I need it now more than ever.

I hadn't realized they were arguing with each other, nor did I care. I just wanted them to get out.

"I'm really this close to kicking you both out," I showed them my fingers in which they were pressed together. "Actually, I'll get out." I accidentally bumped into Bakugo on my way out, but I was going to Todoroki's room.

"Y/n where are you going!?" Midoriya yelled behind me.

I was tired.

I had no energy to go an argue with him.


"Todoroki. I'm tired." I sighed as I felt his breaths across his chest.

He played with my hair and we both laid in bed staring at the bright screen.

Sero, Denki, and Shinsou all on the ground playing some stupid game.

We paid no attention to them.

"I know. Sorry about yesterday." He was the first person who was apologizing for what happened yesterday. Yet he wasn't the apology I wanted to hear.

"My dad gave me too much attention. He put me over the others in hopes that I became the prodigy he wants. But oh well look at me." I chuckled under my breath.

"This is why I'm not having children." Denki joked.

"You gotta give Jirou what she wants. So you can't be saying that now." Denki kicked Sero. He stumbled for his balance but in the end found it.

"What do you guys know about Midoriya?" I couldn't help but ask. They all seemed like pretty good friends. Instead of asking Midoriya himself I could just ask them.

"Well for one I know his father left. Leaving his mom to fend with a child." Todoroki said.

"Bakugo claims he never had a quirk." Denki continued.

"Bakugo and Midoriya were childhood friends, we never found out why they became the way they are." Sero explained.

"Midoriya has a thing for changing people. Me and Todoroki there were way different than we are now. All thanks to Midoriya. It's weird." Shinsou was looking down at his phone, scrolling through who knows what.

"Now that I think about it Shinsou has a point. He always finds a way for people to like him and do what he wants. He's a good kid overall. All Might favors him." Once Denki had finished Sero punched him to what seemed like a hard punch and his eyes glanced at me for a second.

"Don't pay attention to Denki y/n. He's an," Todoroki threw a pillow at his head. "Idiot." He finished.

He held me with one arm while getting his pillow back behind his head.

I felt comfortable here.

"Where is Jirou?" I asked.

"I don't know I think she's in Momo's room she's always in there." Todoroki laughed.

"We're telling you Denki. Momo is smashing your girl." I gaped at Todoroki.

Shinsou smirked.

"Todoroki shut up. You know Jirou isn't like that." They've had this conversation before. From the looks of it.

"Midoriya seems to have a taste for you y/n." Shinsou murmured.

"He sure does." Todoroki slid his fingers gently across my arm.

"I don't really care. He's... sweet I guess. But I don't know if I like him like that just yet." Maybe I did.

I told him yes. Or did I? I don't even remember at this point.

"Can we talk about Bakugo?" Sero seemed to be more interested in that.

"I heard he took you out. What did you guys do?" Denki tilted his head all the way and looked at me upside down. A huge smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

"Yea y/n. What did you guys do all night? That you came at what four?" Todoroki sat up, making me sit up with him.

I gaped at all of them.

They couldn't be serious.

"You guys are pigs. I swear. We did nothing! We just drove around that was all." My face felt hot. I couldn't help it.

Todoroki pinched my cheek.

"Your blushing." He whispered.

Everyone else seemed to not pay attention to me. Thank god.

They would embarrass me for the rest of my life.

Three knocks on the door.

All three on the floor got up quicker than my car and hid everything.

"Bro!" Denki whispered panicked.

"It's probably just Mina or something." Todoroki seemed tired of them.

"Just open the stupid door!" Shinsou screamed at Sero.

"Fine!" He screamed back.

Sero opened the door wide open. He froze.

His hand went to scratch the back of his head.

"Mr. Aizawa! What brings you here!?" His voice cracked.

"Midoriya told me y/n was in here. And next time try to at least mask the scent of weed in here." I shot off the bed.

"Yes?" I closed my eyes for a second and opened them back up.

"Let's go. And Shinsou, next time, share." I looked back at the guys in awe.

Sero pushed me out of the doors as Aizawa was walking away.

He shut the door behind me.

"How are you?" Aizawa asked.

I stared at him blankly.

His back was turned to me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Well?" I hadn't said anything.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Are you though?" He slowly started to turn around to face me.

"I'm used to it." I shrugged.

I didn't know how to talk to adults like this.

He took small steps towards me.

"What did he tell you?" He asked. Still walking towards me.

"How much of a ungrateful daughter I was." I chuckled.

He was putting it in my face of everything he went through to raise me.

A parent shouldn't do that.

I watched as he opened his arms. And before I knew it, my head was on his shoulder.

"Your not ungrateful. He just never figured out how to be a father. Parents don't have a manual that tells them how to raise a kid. Your mother was beautiful. And I'm sure she would've been a great mother, I'm not going to tell you to understand him because you have no need. But you know I'm here if you ever need anything. I'm sorry I didn't know you before to celebrate every little thing you went through. But I'm here now to support you, don't drop out of school, you'll need it in life." My eyes stung. I wasn't used to it. I didn't know how to respond to hugs. I didn't know how to respond to any of this.

My lip quivered as he just held me in his arms.

Just like I hoped All Might would've done.

"Midoriya and Bakugo were looking for you." He informed me.

I wiped away my tears quietly. Embarrassed for crying over something so simple.

"I don't care. They just argue all the time it's annoying." I felt like going back to Todoroki. He was my comfort place, I wanted to go back.

"Just give them time. You guys are young anyway. I heard about your relationship with Mina. In my opinion, don't get yourself into messes like that. I know from experience." He sighed.

He was such a relatable person as if he were a teenager trapped in an old mans body. Or not even that old, I had no idea how old Aizawa was.

"Yea I already ended it with Mina we're just friends. I'm just with Midoriya right now." He messed up my hair. His soft touches were so comforting.

"Good. If All Might ever tells you anything that makes you feel frustrated come to me, don't do anything stupid. Okay?" I nodded with a smile.

It felt comforting.

I was happy. For the first time I was happy at what an adult told me.

"I'm going to go back to the guys. See you tomorrow." I took a few steps back. Making sure to wave at him before turning and heading into the room.

When I had turned around I saw as Midoriya waited by the door picking at his nails.

His face completely bored.

"You were in Todoroki's room this entire time?" His head was still looking down at his nails but his eyes looked up at me. His face in a serious position.

"I told you I was going to be with Todoroki." I didn't even need to tell him where I was going to be, frankly, it was none of his business.

His face lit up.

His personality changed.

"Do you want to go out somewhere!? I'm at your service!" He said with a huge smile on his face. The smile he shows everyone else.

"The guys are waiting for me." I didn't feel like going out.

"Oh okay!" He slid down the wall onto the floor. Staring directly at me.

"What relationship do you have between you and Todoroki. I watched as you were on top of him." He smiled.

"None of your business. He's just a friend. And I shouldn't even tell you this because again, it's none of your business." I stood in the same spot. We stared at each other, not making any moves.

"You never answered my question from earlier." He put a hand on the ground, helping himself get up to his feet.

"What question?" I stood. I watched.

He walked small steps towards me.

"Will you accept? To be my girlfriend?" A soft smile on his face.

His eyes stared straight at my mouth.

"I don't know Midoriya, why should I?" I teased.

"I don't know. I'm good looking, I'm sweet, and I'm training to be the best hero around here. You'll get the title of the girlfriend of the number one hero." He followed the trail closest to my mouth. I chuckled.

I remembered what Bakugo said. He wasn't going to become number one. Because Bakugo was.

"Calling yourself sweet means the complete opposite." I glanced down into his lips.

"Or well, I've been told I'm a sweet guy. Obviously I don't go around saying I'm a sweet dude." He smirked. An annoying smirk. A smirk proving he was right.

"Those girls don't know what they're messing with. I do." I pulled his shirt. Only pulling us closer together.

I was high as fuck. I could possibly care less what I did today.

"Bold words for someone who's only known me for a while." I stared down at his lips as we slowly kept getting close together.

"I have a gift of reading people." We were a breath away.

"Tch. Get a fucking room." That was Bakugo.

I pushed Midoriya away. Bakugo kept on walking as he looked down at his phone.

"I'm leaving." I muttered.

I opened the door that was so close to me and shut it behind me.

"Guys you won't believe what just happened." I gasped pointing at the door behind me.

I froze.

Momo was wrapping herself in a blanket as a huge lump popped up underneath her.

"I'll leave." I said quickly.

I didn't even bother to figure out who that person was. I didn't even know why Momo's room was right next to Todoroki.

Was I this high? Could I have imagined that? No...

I looked around.

There was nobody in sight.

Oh shit.

I've done it.

I've officially became crazy.

I laughed at myself as everything felt like it was spinning around me.

This is the last time I'm smoking.

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