Lust for Love or for Blood (B...

By Jaychesh

24.5K 796 118

Ichigo is a hunter, Shiro, a vampire. The two met as young kids, and always stuck with each other. But as the... More

Blood Moon
Dreams Come True
Sanity Or Blood, Which Tastes Better
Three Words.....RUN LIKE HELL
Author's Note
Letting Loose
Forgotten Lover
The Pain
Sammy Doll?
loSoul Society
The Crimson Typhoons
Shi and Kyo
Neko-fy That Ichi-Berry!
Highway 2 H3LL {i no sum of u were waitin fer it ;)}
Nightmares Become Reality
Motto Hoshiin Darou (you want more, don't you)
The feels message
Only Teardrops
Editor's Note!
New Bling~Sammy and Ichi Style
Writers block!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Family Reunion
The Feelz Are Strong With This One
The Seed Of The Plan
Welcome, Kai and Rei
Taken and Turned
The Losing Side Of The War
Running From My Heart (pt. 1)
Running From My Heart (pt. 2)
Dawn Of A New Beginning
Sneak Peak of the Second Story: Hell Butterflies

My Eternal Love

369 15 0
By Jaychesh

Shi growled from where he sat on his throne and crushed the ball he was holding. He had been watching the scene of Shirosaki's past unravel to Ichigo, that damned brat. Shi hated that want to be vampire, he was the reason Shirosaki had left himself and Kyo for dead. There was no way Shi would let Ichigo live on in happiness, he'll even go as far as killing Shirosaki if that's what he has to do to make Ichigo pay.


Shi's thoughts were disrupted by Kyo's small voice coming from the other side of his door. Shi told Kyo it was open and Kyo stepped in with a worried air about him, "You won't really kill Shiro-nii, will you?"

Shi didn't answer his brother, he knew Kyo still loved and looked up to Shirosaki, but Kyo needed to learn that Shirosaki had betrayed them.

Standing up and stretching, Shi walked over to Kyo and layed a hand on his younger brother's shoulder. Looking into Kyo's one good eye, Shi spoke quietly, "Kyo, you have to remember what Shirosaki did to us. He left us for that brat."

Kyo glared, "I know that! I hate him for that," Kyo's eyes softened, "but Shiro-nii is still my older brother....and we have already lost so much."

Shi nodded and looked down in thought, after a few moments, Kyo spoke up, "We could do something to both of them so that they both feel pain, and still keep Shiro-nii."

Shi looked at his brother in disbelief, but Kyo smiled and started to pace as he spoke, "That little bitch of Shiro-nii's is with child remember?"

Shi rolled his eyes, "Of course I do, I was the one who figured it out."

"And did you see how happy Shiro-nii looked when he found out?"

Shi froze in place, remembering Shirosaki's face when he was told that his mate was with child. Grinning widely, Shi's eyes locked with Kyo's, and the two brothers shared their thoughts of what to do with Shiro's little tart and unborn "angel"


Kaitey whooped as she held her beer above her head, twisting her body in tune with the song and giggling every once in a while. Beth was in the same drunken state but was dirty dancing with Sammy. The Crimson Typhoon were having a blast, but the boys were on a stand still.

Shiro so desperately wanted to get drunk and party but was concerned about Ichigo's sake. Grimmjow was practically whining in his chair watching the girls drink, but held himself back as well for Ichigo. Ichigo, the worst of it all, was determined to avoid drinking for his baby's sake; but when Ichigo got around beer, he just needed to have at least three.

Kaitey danced her way over to them holding a bunch of beers, her ears were layed back and her tail was swishing slowly. her face was red from being drunk and she seemed a lot more childish than she usually was.

Handing one to Grimmjow, kaitey hicupped as she talked, "Come on Grimm-y-jow! Come play!" kaitey practically begged.

Grimmjow looked over at Ichigo,and Ichigo nodded, "I'm fine grimmjow, go have fun."

Grimmjow grinned and already had the beer open and half gone as he went to dance with Kaitey and the girls. Ichigo smiled as he watched, Grimmjow's dancing wasn't at all sexual towards Kaitey and Beth, but it seemed him and Sammy had a lot of fun dirty dancing with each other. Ichigo grinned at the idea of the two together and Shiro pulled on his sleeve and whined.


Ichigo rolled his eyes, "You can go have fun too ya know."

Shiro shook his head, "I won't have fun without my love of my life."

Ichigo rolled his eyes again and sat back in his chair. He opened his eyes at the feeling of someone tapping his leg, Sammy filled his line of sight, well, a drunken Sammy anyways.

"Ya know," Sammy pulled Ichigo onto his feet while smirking and giggling like a maniac, "Even if your pregnant, ya can still drink."

Ichigo gasped and knocked her hand away, "I can't believe you!"

"Ah. Let me finish," Sammy wagged her finger, "When a neko male gets pregnant, the baby is in a protective egg, theres no way anything can harm it while it's being developed inside it's mother. So yes, you can drink, smoke, whatever, while pregnant."

Ichigo grinned then turned to Shiro who had the same grin. Turning back to Sammy, Ichigo grabbed the beer out of her hand and took a giant swig of it, "Then let's get started."

Half an hour later, the group of vampires were laughing, dancing, and drunk out of their minds. Shiro was dancing behind Ichigo as Ichigo rocked his hips back into Shiro's to the beat of the music. Kaitey and Beth were doing some weird best friend dance. And Grimmjow and Sammy were either grinding on each other, or doing something else that had a lot of body contact.

Shiro nibbled at Ichigo's neck and ear every once in a while and it was driving Ichigo insane. He knew he couldn't have sex with Shiro while he had his baby, but then again, Sammy did say that the baby wouldn't get hurt while inside him, so why not?

Ichigo tilted his head away from Shiro, giving Shiro better access to his neck. Shiro growled lowly next to Ichigo's flesh, his eyes shining a bright gold, and his canines extended to poke lightly at Ichigo's neck. Ichigo's patience vanished and he ground his hips back against Shiro's growing erection, hard.

Upon the intense friction, Shiro bit down into Ichigo's flesh, taking in his strawberry's sweet, sweet blood. It didn't matter how many times Shiro drank Ichigo's blood, it always tasted sweeter than the last time. Ichigo groaned at the feeling of Shiro drinking his blood, it was always a turn on for him, and he never wanted to grow tired of it.

Kaitey and Beth snickered, "Hey Shiro-nii!" Kaitey called out, "What if I want some?" 

"Ya! Me too!" Beth cried out then giggled.

Shiro opened his eyes and moved his mouth away from Ichigo's neck only a little bit so that he could talk, "I'm going to devour Ichigo. I won't save any for you." Shiro then bit back into Ichigo's neck.

Grimmjow had stopped dancing with Sammy and the three girls now danced with each other, as Grimmjow walked over to Ichigo on wobbly legs. Ichigo looked up through half lidded eyes at Mr. Sex on Legs, and opened his mouth to speak but Grimmjow held up a finger to his mouth.

"Hush kitten, I havn't even started."

Shiro glared at Grimmjow and let out a warning growl, but grimmjow ignored it and got closer. grimmjow placed his lips against the opposite side of Ichigo's neck and lightly kissed and sucked, Shiro didn't like the little gesture and was getting ready to knock Grimmjow on his ass. But he held back because of one thing.

Ichigo's blood tasted a bit sweeter so Shiro couldn't pull away. Taking the lack of punch to the face as an okay, Grimmjow slowly extended his canines and bit into Ichigo's neck. Ichigo gritted his teeth then clutched onto Grimmjow's jacket, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Sure Shiro didn't like that someone else, once again, was tasting his Ichigo; but Ichigo seemed to be enjoying himself, so Shiro let it slip only to torture Ichigo later with it. A wide grin formed on Shiro's face as he pulled away from Ichigo's neck and gave it a lick.

Shiro purred into Ichigo's ear, "Ich-i-go..."

Ichigo shivered and  Grimmjow let go of his neck, twisting his neck to see what Shiro wanted, his tail fluffed at the sight of Shiro with his blood on Shiro's lips, "W-what?"

Grimmjow growled and ground his hips into Ichigo's and Shiro did the same. The two sensations made Ichigo mewl with want, and this only served for Grimmjow to want Ichigo even more. Taking liberty of Ichigo's open mouth, he latched his own on Ichigo's sweet lips and let his tongue roam that sweet, warm cavern. 

Ichigo moaned, mewled, and whimpered with all the different sensations. And Shiro would be the world's greatest liar if he would have said that he wasn't turned on by the sight of the two vampires before him engrossed with lust.

In the midst of the trio's haze, the girls had stopped dancing and Beth and Kaitey were laughing hysterically while Sammy's forehead grew a tick mark. Walking over, Sammy smacked Grimmjow upside the head, making the bluenete lose focus of his prey before him.

Turning with a slight growl, Grimmjow held his head, "The hell woman?"

Another smack

"You," Sammy grabbed Grimmjow by his ear and started to pull him to his room, "no butt-fucking Ichigo."

Grimmjow whined the whole way up, "But kitten was practically begging for it!" 


"Ow! Damn it woman!"

Beth and Kaitey's laughing had grown louder, and they rolled on the floor holding their guts. On the other hand, Ichigo stood half shocked, and half in a daze. Shiro stood behind him with his arms wrapped around Ichigo's waist with a blank expression on his face.

Soon, there was stomping on the stairs and Shiro snapped out of his little daze. Sammy stomped up to Ichigo and Shiro with a stern expression. Shiro quickly let Ichigo go and ran around Sammy.

Sammy growled and tried to catch him, "Shiro!" She didn't quite reach far enough so she had to chase him upstairs.

Ichigo stood near the now silent girls, listening to Sammy and Shiro destroy the upstairs.

"Come on Sammy D! I was only playin!" Shiro called.


"Playin with a pregnant man!" 


"But he looked so good! I couldn't keep my hands off him!" 


"He doesn't need another baby yet!"


"Grimm-kitty was touchin 'im too!"


"You both are gunna get a beating when I catch your ass!"

"But Sammy!"

"Shut it snowball!"


All went silent and Ichigo had to go see what happened to calm his growing paranoia. Taking the last step off the stairs, Ichigo was shocked to find things toppled over, smashed, ripped, and definately not where they were supposed to be.

"Damn..."Ichigo had to lean against the wall to calm himself, he heard a small thump from upstairs and strained to hear what it was. He could hear Shiro and Grimmjow whining while Sammy yelled at them. Ichigo rolled his eyes and decided to sleep on the torn couch.

Laying down, Ichigo had to make a sort of nest with the messed up blankets before he layed down and closed his eyes.

A small kick made Ichigo jump, but he soon smiled warmly at his tummy and rubbed it softly with his tail, "It's okay my baby.....I can't wait to see you either but it's not time for you to meet the world yet.

A stronger kick made him take a deep breath, "Looks like there will be a junior Shiro running around after all..." Ichigo smiled again, "My two little trouble makers...."

"What's that?" Ichigo turned to see Shiro walking up to him, grinning.

"Your son or daughter is a fiesty little thing."

Shiro smiled and layed behind Ichigo, laying his head in his prooped up hand by his elbow, Shiro used his other hand to run his fingers through Ichigo's soft hair, "I'm glad....can't have a mellow child. If we did, we would know something was wrong."

Ichigo tilted his head in confusion.

"Your too stubborn and I'm, for our child to be mellow." Shiro explained.

Ichigo chuckled softly as he fell asleep.

Shiro watched his mate lovingly, and gave him a kiss on his forehead when he was sure Ichigo was asleep, "Good eternal love.."

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