Who's there? (TAEKOOK)

By dreamistaekook

215K 13.6K 6.9K

Jeon Jungkook, a person who always as far as he remembers was alone and lonely. One day he moves out into a n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Bonus Chapter (M)

Chapter 13

4.3K 283 114
By dreamistaekook

"Why am I doing this again?" A frustrated Jeongguk frowned as a silver-head beautiful soul was busy scanning through the younger's wardrobe.

"Do you even have something other than white? What are you? A tragic hero from the 1950's movie? Or are you colour blind?" The silver-head yelled as he groaned loudly.

"White makes me look hot." The Ravennette replied with a cheeky smirk.

"I agree, Ggukie but that doesn't mean I am not gonna throw out a few of these." The silver-head replied as he gave the younger a tight lipped fake sweet smile.

"No, No, No! Get away from that. It is my favourite t-shirt." The raven-haired male yelled with wide eyes as the silver-head picked up the T-shirt.

"Yeah? How do you even feel it's any different from the other fifty t-shirts you have, all white!" The silver-head screamed, throwing the T-shirt on the ground.

"Why do I need to dress up anyway? Look, it's just gonna be a simple m---"

"It's not simple, what the hell, Ggukie? It's a God forsaking date! And people need to freaking dress up for dates. First impressions are important and I am not letting you embarrass me." The silver-head replied with irritation laced to his voice, his nostrils flaring due to the yelling and screaming he has to do behind his best friend.

"C-Cool down. It's just a small date." Jeongguk replied, nervously smiling knowing too well he shouldn't anger the elder.

"Listen Ggukie, while I am being nice, you better follow my instructions and meet this beautiful lady that I have chosen for you. She will be at the Cafe Squid by 5 in the evening and you better not go there being your monochromatic self even if it makes you look hot, AM I CLEAR?" The silver-head stated, each word with gritted teeth as the younger couldn't help but grin and feel the familiar tingly sensation in his stomach because Taehyung just called him hot for the second time today.

"What if I don't like her?" Jeongguk couldn't help but ask because he very well knew he wouldn't.

"Are you questioning my choice, Ggukie?" The silver-head asked gasping, showing utter disbelief on his face.

"No, just that I know myself." Jeongguk replied as he looked away from the beauty watching him with a questioning gaze.

"How will you know if you don't see her--meet her? She is beautiful, she has long black hair, attractive brown eyes, a drool-worthy figure, she has got it all." The silver-head said wiggling his eyebrows.

Jeongguk simply sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"I can never disagree with you, Tae. So, yes maybe she is beautiful but I have already seen the most beautiful person in my life." Jeongguk said as he stared deep into those breathtaking, shining turquoise orbs.

"Alright, maybe you have seen the most beautiful person already but I still don't see you dating so get your stubborn ass up and get ready before I smack your head." The silver-head said, throwing a pair of clothes right on the face of the raven-haired man and walked away from the room, not before dramatically stomping his foot on the floor.

Jeongguk stared at the pair of clothes and sighed heavily, distress and sudden sadness filling up in the pit of his stomach. He doesn't want to go and meet this girl--heck he doesn't want to go on any dates because why should he? He knows no one will gain his attention--no one would attract him because his attention and will to get attracted is already stolen from him.

He looks at the pair of clothes in front of him and can't help but smile though the reason is far away from being the date he is going to attend. He smiles at the way the silver-head has been so jumpy and excited because of each and everything the silver-head expects from the date. Yes, what Taehyung expects. Jeongguk is doing this just because of Taehyung's expectations, his excitement and his happiness. He smiles because he knows that by going on this date he is making the silver-head immensely happy and even though this makes himself and his chest tighten and upset, he is still willing to do it because Taehyung is happy.

He closes his eyes and sighs deeply with a sad smile playing on his lips as he stands up to get ready. He doesn't---he hates the feeling he is getting at the mere thought of this date. He doesn't know why but the entire date feels so wrong. He feels he is betraying something---someone. He has guilt and regret rushing through his spine but he doesn't know the reason yet. Everything feels wrong at the moment, but just one thing doesn't make him stop from doing wrong and that is the silver-head's beautiful, gorgeous box like, small heart shaped smile.

After taking a warm shower and clearing his thoughts, Jeongguk somehow thinks that he should just cancel the entire date but when he leaves his room, wearing the chosen clothes, he just couldn't back out because Taehyung did not just whistle at him and uttered how sexy he looks.

By saying that and by his neck and tip of ears going completely red, after an hour he finds himself sitting in cafe Squid at ten minutes to five.

The girl---his date appears in front of him within the next twenty minutes. Yes, a little bit late because girls are always fashionably late.

As per the silver-head's words, the girl in front of him is really beautiful. Just as his best friend had described, a drool-worthy figure, soft yet sharp facial features, long black hair and a height that perfectly matches his own. Yes, the girl definitely is his type and of course the silver-head's choice is absolutely perfect. Yet, Jeongguk doesn't find himself completely losing himself in her.

The girl gives out a soft, shy yet wide smile to the ravennette as she slowly takes a seat opposite to him.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long." The girl starts with a shy apologetic smile.

"No, I just came as well. You're completely fine." Jeongguk replied with his own lip-tight smile cursing in his mind because he can't even believe he is being so fake even though the girl in front is so attractive.

"This place seems adorable, you have a good choice, Jeongguk." The girl compliments softly, clearly awkward as the boy makes no conversation.

"I am glad you like this place---" And shit. How the fuck did he forget to ask his best friend his date's name? Even though he is absolutely not interested, he should've asked the name.

"Ji-eun. Lee Ji-eun. I can't believe you forgot my name even after we matched on the dating site and agreed on this date." The girl replied laughing softly, holding no grudge and there sits Jeongguk feeling more guilty than before. Now does he tell her that the one who conversed with her was not him but the stupid yet pretty silver-head?

The girl really doesn't look like those bitches from the drama's or daily soaps that try their best to snatch the male lead from the female lead. Jeongguk can really feel that the girl is anything but rude or snobbish. The girl--his date really is sweet yet why doesn't Jeongguk feel happy or at least satisfied?

He closes his eyes trying to look for answers within himself for the questions that are bubbling in his head. When he slowly opens his eyes, he watches how Ji-eun smiles innocently and yet Jeongguk can't return the smile. But suddenly he does when he watches how the girl's long black hair turns smaller and a shade of silver adorns it completely, when her brown shining orbs change into attractive turquoise ones. Her fit cheeks change into fluffy bread cheeks, her sharp pointed nose changes into round button one with a mole at the tip and her lips become a bit more deep shade of pink and broad with a heart like shape with a mole on it as well. When her laugh changes into a deep, velvety giggle. That's when Jeongguk smiles back, his eyes wrinkling, his lips parting with bunny teeth on display as his nose scrunches up. Suddenly he is happy and satisfied.

"Wow, your smile is so adorable, Jeongguk." Ji-eun complimented with a shy smile, her cheeks turning pink, giving her a natural blush on top of her unnatural one.

And that's when Jeongguk's smile completely disappears as his eyes go wide and his breath hitches and suddenly he feels suffocated. It feels like someone was pushing their hand through his heart and pulling out the source of any kind of oxygen from his system.

"Jeongguk, a-are you okay?" Ji-eun asks as worry laces her voice as well as her eyes.

Jeongguk sits there numb, her words not reaching his ears. Is he okay? He doesn't know how to answer that because no, he is not okay, actually he's anything but okay.

All those questions that clouded his mind for the last few days, the strange emotions, the strong feelings in his system, he suddenly got the answer to everything. So, yes! He is anything but okay.

The guilt, the regret, the wrong which he felt everytime the topic of love or mere date was picked up resonated in his system because it is wrong and now he understands why. It is wrong because love or date, both are right but the person with whom he should experience this is wrong.

He felt, no he feels that he was betraying someone because in reality he is. He is betraying someone and now he knows who. He knows the answer loud and clear because when Ji-eun smiled, he only returned the smile when Ji-eun changed into the beautiful, breathtaking silver-head ghost named Taehyung. His best friend.

"Jeongguk?" Ji-eun called out, worried which somehow broke Jeongguk's train of thoughts or should we call it realization.

"I-I am s-sorry." That's all Jeongguk could mumble out at the moment because that's how he felt.

Sorry. For Ji-eun but a lot more for himself. He felt sorry for Ji-eun because this is absolutely the worst date she must've been on. And he feels sorry for himself because when he realised what was wrong with him from a few days, what felt wrong, what was missing, he found out that he is ready to date more like be in a serious committed relationship but with someone who isn't from his world but with someone whom he can't even touch. He feels, feels strongly but for someone who doesn't exist for the world. So, shouldn't he feel sorry for himself?

He feels more sorry for himself because even if puts aside all the indifferences, he still stands nowhere because the emotions he feels are for someone who set up this entire date. Which screams one thing that there can be anything but his emotions are not reciprocated and he feels stupid, foolish.

"Are you not feeling well? We can postpone this if you want." Ji-eun says trying to comfort the boy in front of her who seems numb and frozen.

"Ji-eun, I am already in love with someone." Jeongguk blurts out as his own eyes remain wide and his face void of any emotions.

"Oh? Then why did we com---"

"I am s-sorry, I didn't k-know. Will y-you believe me if I-I say that I realized it just now?" Jeongguk asked as he gulped, the corner of his eyes brimming with tears already.

Ji-eun blinks twice and then laughs out loudly. Not a mocking one but a real, genuine laugh. Jeongguk can feel a big lump on his throat which makes it difficult for him to even gulp, he looks away from the girl immediately.

"I really didn't expect this date to turn out like this but I have to confess that this is the first time something like this has happened to me and I can't complain because oddly I don't feel bad rather I feel like encouraging you." Ji-eun replies with a wide smile playing on her lips.

Jeongguk's head snaps up to face her immediately as he fumbles with his words, not exactly knowing how to reply or even talk to her.

"It's okay Jeongguk. You don't fall in love everyday you know? Also, lucky are those who find someone whom they can love. This--" Ji-eun says as she points between them and then continues.

"---is just a set-up for us to see if we could work or make us work in the future but I am glad I---well I don't know how but made you realize that you're in love---" Ji-eun stops again as she laughs loudly and then continues.

"But I am glad, so glad that I did. We don't have to be serious about this date. Let's just say you came here to meet a friend because you needed advice on your love life, yeah?" Ji-eun asks as Jeongguk couldn't help but look at her with fond eyes. This girl is really beautiful, not just her appearance but her soul as well. If, maybe Jeongguk wasn't already in love with his annoying, silver-head, breathing, gorgeous, turquoise eyed, pretty, a lot of more adjectives ghost best friend then he would definitely look forward to work things between them.

Jeongguk smiles, a real one for the first time this evening and on this date--if you can still call it that.

"Thank you, Ji-eun. Really, I never expected to d---"

"It's okay, Jeongguk. We haven't dated for weeks or months. It's fine, genuinely." Ji-eun cuts him off in the middle and says with the same sweet smile.

"Let's be friends?" Jeongguk asked with a small smile, unsure of the reaction he would get.

"Sure. But on one condition." Ji-eun says with a small smirk.

"And that is?" Jeongguk asks with a smile knowing too well that it can't be anything bad.

"You keep updating me about your love life." Ji-eun says with excitement laced to his voice.

Jeongguk laughs loudly, a laugh without worries or stress and nods his head aggressively. Ji-eun replies with a laugh as well.

Jeongguk asks her to order food as they decide to spend some time together and why shouldn't they? Maybe the date was spoiled but they became friends, why shouldn't they celebrate that?

While they were munching on the delicious food of the cafe, Jeongguk couldn't help but feel worry and fear bubble in his stomach. He realized that he is in love--if not love but he definitely knows that his emotions for the beauty waiting for him at home,excitedly waiting for him to return is strong. But he knows that the outcome of his confession will be disastrous. So, even when he promised Ji-eun to update on his love life, he knew nothing of that sort would happen because he would---can't spill out anything in front of the silver-head.

Jeongguk knows, his gut feeling screaming at him that the silver-head would leave him, go far away from his reach once he utters the three words. Hence, Jeongguk made a decision, a decision that seemed the most amazing one for now. He can keep his feelings hidden within himself but he can't let go of the silver-head. He is extremely attached to the elder even though he is a ghost. He is ready to compromise, his love and even the outlaws. He is ready to accept that the elder is a ghost, he doesn't care, that's least of his concern but he won't--can't be selfish.

Jeongguk is greedy, he always has been greedy but only when it comes to emotions and feelings so this time he would be extremely greedy. He won't let go of the person even though he has to let go of his feelings.

Jeongguk made the decision of being greedy this time as well because it's about his emotions again.

He wouldn't let the silver-head know about his feelings. He isn't being selfish but he is being greedy. And his greed was none-other than the gorgeous, breathtaking, ghost named Kim Taehyung.

If you're wondering what Jeongguk was wearing.👀👀

This chapter was quite long, if that makes you a bit happy. Umm, okay bye.🙃🙃

Also, I have no idea how this happened coincidentally but I am glad it did! Happy birthday IU!❤❤
teteggukiee03 Thank you for pointing it out!💕



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