We'll get through it together

By why_not_kpop

87K 2.7K 992

Kim Y/n, a girl who was forced to move to America and live with her mom. When her mom died she was left with... More

35. Y/n Protection Codes
Halloween...Gone Wrong


1.9K 63 8
By why_not_kpop

Y/n finished her drawing. She showed everyone, which they all loved, she was very proud, slipping back into the comfort of her family, maybe she can sleep comfortably on her own tonight.

Which she did, she was able to convince Dahyun that she didn't need her to sleep in her bed. Dahyun and her made a deal, that if Y/n wakes up, that she is to wake Dahyun up no matter what. Dahyun will spend the rest of the trip every night sleeping in the same bed.

Dahyun woke Y/n up "Morning, you did it. How do you feel?"

Y/n: "Great"

Dahyun: "It's Christmas Eve"

Y/n: "Yay"

They all went to the kitchen, had some breakfast, and enjoyed the morning together. It was going to be a calm, nothing to do type day.

The girls were running all over the place in their house robes 'casting spells' and Nayeon just watched them.

Nay: "You excited? Santa is coming?"

Y/n: "I don't know...is he nice?"

Nay: "They say he is, nobody has ever met him, well except Mrs.Claus and his elves"

Y/n: "He has a wife and...elves?"

Jeong: "Yes and yes. The elves help him make toys and things that he's gonna bring to all the kids around the world."

Y/n: "That's cool. It's not gonna be like last time"

Momo: "No. This will be different, calmer"

Y/n: "I've done Christmas before, but not like this"

Sana: "This will be a good Christmas"

The kids happily went back to their room, started playing with the cards, because that's one of the fun things they like to do.

Sana walked inside the room "So, we're gonna order lunch, feel like anything?"

Y/n: "Burgers..."

Dub: "Ramen"

Chae: "We're not in Korea Dubs"

Sana: "There's Ramen at the store, but we'd have to go buy it and make it. So sometime later"

Dub: "Dang okay"

Tzu: "I'm okay with burgers"

Y/n: "Yay"

Sana: "Burgers it is for the 4 children...oh and after we're gonna make cookies"

Y/n: "Cookies?"

Dub: "For Santa?"

Sana: "Yea"

Y/n: "Santa eats cookies?"

Sana: "Yea"

Y/n: "Oh that's cool"

Sana: "We'll make some later"

Sana left, telling the others, choosing a place were to get the food and ordering it. When it came they all sat down and ate, Y/n loving the burger she was eating.

Chae: "That was good"

Y/n: "I love burgers"

Sana got up "So who's ready to make and bake some cookies"

Tzu: "I'm ready!"

Y/n: "Sure"

Chae: "Can we eat them after"

Sana: "Yes, we're only giving Santa like 3 or 4"

Everyone left Sana and the girls to bake, letting them have their own fun. Sana is responsible, so she should be able to take care of them, herself, and not do anything.

Sana gave 1 instruction to each of the kids, letting them do it when it was their turn, then sometimes letting them work together. But it didn't happen so cleanly.

Jeongyeon walked over to the kitchen and almost lost it, she saw all of them covered in flour, the counter full of the ingredients, the kids were laughing, Sana was chuckling as they were now cutting the shapes for the cookies

Jeong: "What the hell happened?!"

Sana: "Jeong!"

Jeong: "Why is it such a mess?! Sana!"

Sana: "Uh it just happened"

The girls stopped laughing, they all just stepped back.

Jeong: "Well how does This just happen"

Sana: "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up"

Nayeon walks in to see what is happening and almost loses it as well, but she just glared at Sana before going to the girls, squatting so be closer to their level.

Nay: "How did you guys get so messy"

Y/n: "I was trying to get the flour, but for some reason it got stuck, so when I finally pulled it out, it happened so fast and got on all of them. I'm sorry"

Nay: "So how did you get messy?"

Chae: "We all laughed, and got her back by putting some flour on her"

Jeongyeon stormed towards Sana, yelling at her while Sana just took it. Y/n looked at Jeongyeon and wanted to stop her, but was too scared to say something.

Nayeon noticed, getting up from squatting, and walking over "Jeong, watch it please"

Jeong: "Why are you telling me to watch it?"

Nay: "Y/n"

Jeong: "Oh"

They all looked back, and saw Y/n quickly look down and stand behind Dahyun. Jeongyeon mentally cursed at herself for scaring Y/n.

Sana: "Jeong go back, we'll clean this up, we'll watch up. Then you can talk to her"

Jeongyeon nodded, as she walked away with Nayeon following her, the others just stood watching them leave.

Y/n: "Sana you okay?"

Sana: "Yea I'm fine, let's finish these cookies and clean up"

They all finished cutting the cookies, Sana put them to bake, and they all started cleaning up. Making sure that they swept the floor, and wipe it clean, the counter, wash the dishes.

They all took showers, all going to the living room to watch a Christmas movie. The other girls walked in, talking to Sana, laughing about how Nayeon told them about the mess.

Jeongyeon walked in and sat next to Y/n "Come here, sit on my lap"

Y/n slowly moved to sit on Jeongyeon's lap, as she just hugged her.

Jeong: "I never meant to scare you. I'm sorry, I just saw the mess and I just yelled. I'm sorry"

Y/n: "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it"

Jeong: "I still shouldn't have yelled, next time if I do get upset. I'll stay calm"

Y/n: "Okay"

The movie day was pretty calming, they all watched Home Alone, and How the Grinch stole Christmas. It was Y/n's first time seeing those movies, and she really enjoyed it.

They ordered some chicken and watched The Polar Express, which was very interesting for all of them to watch. But when 10 o'clock hit. Nayeon sent them all to bed, get ready for Santa coming.

Sana let them set out the milk and cookies, then let them go to their rooms. Jeongyeon and Momo kept watch around 4 in the morning, Nayeon was able to sneak the presents and they all went to bed.

The next morning the kids woke up and went to wake up the adults. Waking them up because they were so excited to open the presents Santa brought them.

Chae: "Unnies wake up!"

Y/n: "Santa came!"

Eventually they all went to the living room where they see the tree with presents underneath them. The kids got really excited just seeing them in general.

Chae: "Y/n this one is yours"

Y/n looked up and got the box from Chaeyoung, sitting on the floor. She didn't open the gift, just hugged it.

Dub: "Open it"

Y/n: "I've never gotten a gift before"

Jeong: "Well you should get used to getting them"

Y/n opened the gift and saw a book with stickers, pens, and markers. "This is so cool, but this book doesn't have anything in it"

Mina: "Y/n that's all scrapbooking things"

Y/n: "Scrapbook? Oh what...mom...had"

Nay: "Mom had a scrapbook?"

Y/n: "I forgot to grab it when I was getting my things from my old house...I really want it"

Ji: "Do you remember what was in it"

Y/n: "I wasn't allowed to look in it, see it, touch it. I got quick glimpse one time...let's see. Uh me when I was a baby, up to when she died...and you guys. That's why I felt so close to you when I first saw you, I had seen you before. Baby photos, kids, and photos dad sent her, she never showed me them. Bc I was curious and I would look at the whole thing, so she wanted to surprise me. That's what they told me at the funeral"

Sana: "What if we leave LA early, fly down south, get a few extra things, and come back"

Y/n: "We can't it's been 5 months, they would've gotten rid of everything by now. The house would've been cleaned up and put back on the market.....right"

Ji: "You sure you don't want to try"

Y/n: "I want to"

Nay: "It at least won't be in the house"

Y/n nodded and looked over, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Tzuyu all had boxes in their hands. They opened them.

Dahyun got a necklace that has an eagle on it with Dahyun written on it.

Dub: "Woah I love it!"

Momo: "It looks nice, let me put it on you"

Momo helped Dahyun put it on, and smiled as she just excitedly talked about how much she liked it.

Chaeyoung opened hers up and got color pencils, and a sketch pad. Which the little artist in her was so excited about.

Chae: "Yes! Now I have more places to draw"

Sana: "Glad you love it"

Ji: "You can draw while we're on our trip"

Chae: "Can't wait"

Jeong: "What about you Tzu"

Tzuyu opened her box up, and saw a stuffed dog in it. Which she loved very dearly. "I'm gonna name him Minjoong"

Chae: "Thanks cute Chae"

The kids opened up the last boxes they had there for them. The rest was in Korea, so those will have to wait.

Tzuyu got a new hoodie, which she put on right away, Chaeyoung got a tiger onesie, which she went to go change into. Dahyun got a new deck of cards because that's one of the things she always plays with, and hers are old.

Y/n got shoes, running shoes.

Y/n: "Shoes? Thank you, But I already have shoes"

Nay: "Those are running shoes, brand new, you can wear them for track"

Y/n: "Ohh that makes sense"

Jeong: "Like them"

Y/n: "Yea I do"

Chaeyoung gave Momo, Sana, and Mina their gifts. Dahyun gave Jeongyeon, and Jihyo their gifts, and Tzuyu gave Nayeon hers.

Jihyo looked over "Santa got us stuff too?"

Nay: "Yup"

So they opened their gifts, and enjoyed what they got.

Nayeon got a charm bracelet, which has everyone's names on it. Jeongyeon got invisible ink again.

Ji: "Santa needs to rethink Jeongyeon's gift"

Nayeon shrugged and high fived Jeongyeon who was excited to use it.

Momo got new shoes as well, so she can use them for when she dances.

Sana got new cooking utensils, that are safe to take in travel. She was excited to use them when she gets back to Korea.

Jihyo got a headband with a halo over it.

Y/n: "God Jihyo"

Ji: "Santa has jokes now?"

Nay: "Haha, is that all in the box?"

Jihyo looked more and found a small box, when she opened it "What is this? Why?"

Nay: "I got in contact with dad, not because I forgive him. I wanted to see if he had anything that belongs to mom. He's in the hospital right now, they say he should last until mid January, at most"

Ji: "What?"

Nay: "Oh yea, so as his apology, he fessed up anything that mom owns that he stole. That's mom's ring, it has all of our birthstones on it, not Y/n's at the time, but look at it."

Ji: "This was mom's?"

Nay: "Yea, I remembered how much you admired it when we were with her. Even as a baby, you loved that ring. So I got it, sized it to fit you, got Y/n's stone in the empty space, and wrote Santa a letter about how he should give to you."

Ji: "Thanks Nay"

Jihyo put on the ring, and looked over at Mina who was smiling at Jihyo...Twins can feel the other happiness

Mina opened her gift and got excited "The new game! This came out like the day of our trip. I couldn't go get it."

Nay: "Well you got it"

Mina: "How?!"

Nay: "Ask Santa"

Secetly, Nayeon was able to get and convince her friend who was working on the game. To give her an early copy of the game the day before release. To which her friend did, so Nayeon took it and wrapped it.

That was all the gifts they had, like before...all the gifts are in Korea. But they were all excited for what they have there right now.

Dub: "How much longer will we stay here?"

Nay: "Till the New Years, after we should be able to fly home"

Jeong: "What about the scrapbook?"

Nay: "We can fly or drive over there. If we drive, it could take us 2 days or more"

Sana: "If we leave tomorrow, we could be back before New Years"

Momo: "Cool"

Tzu: "We're going?"

Nay: "Looks like we're going on a road trip"

Y/n: "Wouldn't that cost a lot more?"

Nay: "Yea, we should be fine"

That Christmas, they let the kids play while they packed what they would need for a few days.

The next day, they got in the car and hit the road. Because the drive was going to be long, the kids just enjoyed the scene of everything they were passing.

Everyone was talking, singing, going crazy in the car. Y/n felt like she was losing the last piece of her sanity in there.

Nay: "Y/n is there anything else we could possibly look for while we are there"

Y/n mumbled "My sanity"

Nay: "Huh?"

Y/n: "I don't think so"

Ji: "So just the scrapbook?"

Y/n: "Did we all have to go?"

Jeong: "Did you not want to? We can stay in the hotel, while the others check"

Y/n: "No...I want to, but what was the point of all of us going"

Nay: "Road trip, none of us have ever been, so being on the road we can see things, take more pictures"

Chae: "It's gonna be fine Y/n"

Y/n: "I know, I'm just nervous"

Jeong: "Nothing is gonna happen"

Sana: "Any place you want to go?"

Momo: "Anybody you want to see?"

Y/n: "My friend...I left without saying bye. And the park...my memories are there"

Mina: "We'll go"

Y/n was nervous on the trip over there. She held one secret close to her, and didn't tell anyone. She was really glad all of them were going, but she didn't want them to be hurt.

There was one thing that made her feel unsafe being back. The man that kidnapped her, was a friend of her stepdad. Why was he in LA. The friends...they helped him. Do things.

Y/n didn't want to tell them, she wants them to think they are safe, she is safe. In Korea, she is safe, they can't fly, all of them are on the no fly. (she heard that convo) But she's back, and she feels kind of safe.

Ji: "Y/n sweetie...are you okay?"

Y/n: "I lied"

Ji: "About what?"

Y/n: "About me being okay going back"

Nayeon pulled over to the nearest gas station. They all looked at her, Y/n was just looking down. She didn't know what to do.

Mina: "What's going on?"

Chae: "Your sisters will protect you, we will protect you"

Dub: "Your stepdad is in jail, you can't be hurt"

Y/n: "Nayeon can you continue. We can go"

Nay: "Nope, what's wrong?"

Y/n: "He's not the only one....that hurt me. I lied."

Jeongyeon and Momo got the kids out of the car, and took them inside. They didn't want them listening to their conversation, so they let them look around and get some snacks.

Y/n stayed in the back, Nayeon was turned around, Jihyo, Mina, and Sana were looking back at her as well Y/n started tearing up.

Y/n: "I can't...I want to go. Please I want to go"

Nay: "I can't until we know what's going on. You don't have to go into detail, I just need to know. I want to keep you safe"

Sana: "We want to"

Y/n: "Okay..At first it used to just be him. But then he claimed it was getting boring, so he called his friends. There were 4 together, him and his friends...now 3, but 2 still around"

Ji: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "The kidnapper. I lied. I knew him, he was one of them. That's why he was so focused on getting me."

Nay: "What happened? Same things he did?"

Y/n: "Yeah, 2 of them would hold me against the wall. The others would hit me like I was a punching bag. I got slapped, punched, kicked, burned, all of the above...threatened..

Mina: "You don-"

Y/n: "He would sit and watch, every Tuesdays and Thursdays they would come...he would call it a fun day"

Ji: "Y/n...stop don't continue"

Y/n: "No..The worse part was, I would be starved. They would get some big meal, and tie me to a chair and eat in front of me. It's unfair. None of them got arrested or told on, they can't fly since they are on the no fly list. So I felt safe, but after seeing that guy...I kept having nightmares. Afraid he was back, they were all back"

Nay: "We're not gonna continue any further"

Y/n: "No! I want to...I want to see my friend, I want to visit that park, I want to get the scrapbook, and at least get the knowledge that I didn't need that place to live a good life. Nayeon please, I don't care about what happened, I just want to continue"

Sana: "Nay.."

Nay: "Fine you stay close with all of us. You do not leave our side no matter what. Understand?"

Y/n: "Yes ma'am"

Nay: "Good, just know we all love you"

Y/n: "I know, I'll be safe"

Nay: "I don't care what anybody says, guys if anyone touches one of the kids in a way that feels threatening...don't hesitate to fight"

Ji: "Don't have to tell me twice"

Mina: "Of course"

Y/n: "No. don't fight, you can't. You'll go to jail for starting the fight, unless you're good at convincing"

Nay: "You're dealing with a business woman..or women. We got this in the bag. Don't worry"

Y/n: "Okay"

They all got down, and grabbed a few snacks. Y/n felt a little better at going back knowing that Nayeon might possibly put someone in the hospital on her behalf, but that nervousness will always be there

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