
By florence-shade

11.8K 681 82

**Third and Final Book in the Powerful But Broken Trilogy** Ash is just like you and me, a completely ordinar... More

Cress Is Swooning
Put Some Damn Clothes On
Two...No Four Heads
You're A Stanger and A Dog
That's My Food, Man
I Just Fell Out of Bed
Chilling In the Woods Like a Maniac
Oh But It Is Jaxy Boy
For a Human, You Can Be Scary
Why Couldn't It Have Just Been a Wolf
Shshshshshshsh, Calm Down
Secret, Magical, Antisocial Abode
That is None of Your Business
I Love My Food, But Man
World Famous Lasagna
Overprotective Dogs
A Vampire...Having A Panic Attack
As You Wish, Saviour
No More Than Five Minutes
You Knew All Along?
I Just Wanted This To Be Perfect
That is Unheard Of
Eating For Two
I Love You
Thank You

I Drink Black Coffee, John

1K 35 3
By florence-shade




I slam my hand down on my god awful alarm clock. I really need to get a new, less annoying one. I groan as I stretch my muscles like a cat before sitting up in bed. I yawn and look around my small, bare room. I have been bouncing from foster home to foster home ever since I could remember. I was too young to remember my parents before they gave me up.

I take a quick shower and let my wavy hair dry. I put on my light blue ripped jeans and a black hoodie. I slip on my high top converse and grab my car keys before walking out of my bedroom.

I walk into the kitchen to see John standing at the counter, sipping his coffee. He turns to look at me as I come into view. John lost his wife, Adriana, a year ago from cancer and he is still fostering kids like me.

"Hey kiddo, are you ready for school?" He inquires.

"Yup, I am just grabbing some toast for breakfast. Is there enough coffee for me?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, here," he hands me a cup, "I made it just the way you like it."

I chuckle, "I drink black coffee John."

"Exactly, I never mess it up," he laughs before he goes all serious. Oh no. "I want to speak with you about something after school. Can you come straight home after?"

I nod and grab my toast before heading out the door to my car. He wants to talk? Usually that means that I will be off to another foster home. I really wish I was adopted when I was young because I am almost eighteen and I will be forced to live on my own. I am not ready to be on my own yet.


I walk into home room and take my seat at the back of the class by the window. I lay my head down on the table and close my eyes to wait until class starts.

"Asherah. Asherah. Asherah!" I hear someone yell and my head lifts off the desk quickly.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"You were asleep. You need to pay attention young lady," Ms. Reid tells me. I nod my head, internally rolling my eyes.


Lunch rolls around after a long, boring few classes. I walk from my locker to the cafeteria and get in the line for lunch. I wait patiently until I feel someone's gaze on me. I start looking around before I am attacked from behind. I look over my shoulder to see Cress hugging me.

"Hey Cress," I greet.

"Hey, what's bothering you?"

I smile shaking my head slightly at my best friend. She always knows when something so up. As I think about what I will tell her, my smile drops.

"Let's get lunch first," I tell her.


I grab some pasta while Cress gets a slice of pizza. We walk over to our secluded table in the back and sit across from each other. I still can't shake the feeling that I am being watched. I look around me, but I can't seem to catch anyone watching me.

"So, tell Dr. Cress what's going on," Cress tells me. Ever since I met her almost a year ago, she has been like my free therapist and she calls herself a doctor.

"John said he needs to talk with me after school," I sadly say.

"What?" Cress whispers. "Doesn't that usually mean...?"

"That he is sending me back into the system. Yeah. I think I will have to move soon."

It's too bad, this is probably one of the places that I have stayed in the longest throughout my life. I really like it hear. John is so nice and I have my first real friend here as well.

"But I don't want you to leave me. You are my best friend," Cress says with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I don't want to leave you either Cress. Maybe we are over-exaggerating. There is no reason for getting all worked up before Knowing what is going on," I suggest.

"I-I guess you are right."

"What's going on with you?" I ask, changing the subject, and she blushes.

"Well, there is this new guy at school," Cress blushes harder.

"Does someone have a crush?" I tease.

She glared at my playfully, "No...maybe."

"Ha!" I chuckle.

"Hey! You can't make fun of me when you have never had a crush on anyone in your seventeen years of life."

I mean, that is true. I have never found someone to like like that. I moved around to much to get attached to anyone other than Cress and now I will be moving again.

"Hello," a deep voice comes from beside me.

I am startled out of my thoughts and I look in the direction of the voice. There is a handsome boy standing beside me. He has dirty blonde hair and piercing light blue eyes. Who is this guy?

"Hi," I mumble and turn back to my friend. Cress looks at me like I am crazy for practically ignoring this creep. "What?" I ask her, very aware that the guy is currently sitting next to me. Cress' eyes just widen at my question.

"I am Cassian but everyone calls me Cas," he introduces, holding a hand out for me to shake.

"Ash," I reply, shaking his hand. I look back at Cress who looks like she is about to pass out.

"Nice to meet you," Cas says to me and then holds his hand out to Cress.

"Hey," Cress breathes out and grabs ahold of Cas' hand looking like she is in a daydream.

"This is Cress. I swear she isn't usually this weird," I apologize for my weirdo of a friend.

"Right, yeah. I am Cress," she says, finally snapping out of her daze.

"Nice to meet you," he says slowly as Cress still hasn't let go of his hand. Cress doesn't seem to realize so I pinch her arm, causing her to let go.

"Hey! What was that for?" She exclaims.

"You wouldn't let go," I tell her in a duh tone causing her to blush.

"Oops, sorry Cas," she apologizes quietly.

"It's fine. What are you guys up to after school? Wanna hang out?" He asks, looking at me.

"Well, I need to go home after school but Cress is free as a bird." He looks slightly disappointed when I said I couldn't make it.

"Okay, do you want to hang out Cress?" Cas asks her.

"Mmhmm," Cress smiles, looking like she is in a dream.

"Ahem," I clear my throat to snap her out of it. "I should go to class. See ya later."

"Bye, we will talk after," Cress tells me, after meaning after I talk with John.

I nod and walk towards my class. I hear footsteps following me from behind and when I turn I see Cas jogging to catch up to me.

"Hey," he greets.

"I thought you were with Cress," I frown.

"I thought I would come keep you company."

"You know she likes you right?" I tell him.

"She does?" He asks.

"Yeah, so either go hang with her or tell her you aren't interested kindly," I don't want Cress getting hurt.

"What if I like her friend instead? What do I do then?" He wonders with a wink.

I roll my eyes, "You keep it quiet cause her friend doesn't want to hear it."

"Why not?" He questions, sounding hurt.

"Cause her friend is moving again," I huff in annoyance. I really don't want any guy following me around. It's creepy.

"Why?" He asks yet another question.

I sigh, "I am being put back in the system."

"The system? As in orphanage?"

"Yes, as in the orphanage. I have lived there my whole life."

"What hap...." I cut him off.

"Back off Cas," I growl in anger. Did I just growl? What the hell?

Cas looks shocked at my reaction and then he looks almost...triumphant? Weird. I walk off into my classroom and wait for this extremely long day to end.


I am currently walking up my driveway. After school, Cress and Cas went for a walk down to the beach while I headed home in my car. I parked on the road to prepare myself to leave the house when I hear the news. I slowly open the door handle and walk inside with my head hung and my shoulder slumped. I put my backpack down at the door and walk into the living room. I see John stand up from the couch looking slightly concerned. I am going to miss this place the most.

"Ash, are you alright?" John questions with concern lacing his tone. 

"Look John, I know this whole speech thing so you can save it. I will go pack my stuff and be out in ten minutes," I tell him as I turn to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" John calls after me and I turn around with tears in my eyes. "I-I want your permission to adopt you."

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