The Hunger Games: Prim [REWRI...

By illiterate-writer

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What if Katniss never volunteered for Prim? What would her story be like? Most likely, she would have been ki... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Day of the Reaping
Chapter 2: The Odds
Chapter 3: Learning to Cherish Life
Chapter 4: Much Needed Advice
Chapter 5: Remember Me
Chapter 7: Training Day
Chapter 8: The Last Few Days
Chapter 9: Big day. Interview Day.
Chapter 10: Me, Peeta, Katniss, Cinna, and....the Arena
Chapter 11: Let the 74th Hunger Games Begin!
Chapter 12: The Stream
Chapter 13: Fire and Water
Chapter 14: Stung to Death
Chapter 15: Life Get's Better
Chapter 16: Destroying
Chapter 17: Noah
Chapter 18: Claudius Templesmith's Announcement
Chapter 19: Peeta but not Thresh
Chapter 20: Leaving Peeta
Chapter 21: On a Pedestal in the Middle of the Arena
Chapter 22: Katniss Meets Peeta
Chapter 23: Nightlock
Chapter 24: Where's Cato?
~A/N~ Author's Note
Chapter 25: The End of the Games
Chapter 26A: More Perspectives (The Annoying Chapter)
Chapter 26B: The Games are not Over
Chapter 27: The End
One Shot Contest: Rules
Epilogue (One Shot Winner)
Catching Fire: Prim
Going Global

Chapter 6: We Each Have a Story

28.2K 918 806
By illiterate-writer

Chapter 6

: We Each Have a Story

We are taken to the Training Center, our home and jail until the Games. It's a ginormous complex with a huge machine at its center, called an elevator. You step inside a clear, crystal box, and it takes you up and down the floors real fast, and real smooth. At first, I was terrified to ride because I know Father rode these in the mines. But after the first ride, I was sold. It was a great ride.

"Can we do it again?" I ask excitedly, and Effie simply laughs and waves us forward, to explore our floor. Each district has its respective floor in this complex, and being District 12, we're stuck with the highest floor. This turns out to be a good thing though, because we get access to the roof.

As Peeta and I follow Effie around, I wonder what has happened to Haymitch. Probably drunk, and wandering around alone, having forgotten about his duties as a mentor. Seems unfortunately likely.

"You two have done astoundingly well! I know everyone in the Capitol you ought to know, and I've been talking storms about you, trying my very best to get you sponsors! See, there's just so much potential from Twelve this year, and—" as Effie excitedly drones on, clearly ecstatic for these Games, I then start to realise how much this means to her. As an escort of Twelve, the unconfirmed worst district of Panem, she's never had any promising tributes. And after our successful parade, she is now faced with her first opportunity to bring two, scrawny tributes into fame.

For her, it's a chance for promotion. And that realisation hits me hard. Effie's enthusiasm for the Games seemed quite obnoxious at first, but with the life she's been given, the cards she's been dealt, I can suddenly sympathise with her excitement. Not empathise, not understand, but simply, sympathise.

"Unfortunately, I cannot finalize any decisions regarding your sponsors, as that is Haymitch's responsibility. But don't worry my dears, I'll make sure he gets things done, even if I have to drag him there to do it. Where is he anyways?" she frowns momentarily, stopping in her tracks. Her determination sure is admirable. "I better go fetch him now. Your rooms are right here and here," she gestures towards two adjacent rooms, "and just ask for me if you ever need anything. See you later!" and with that, she walks away, arms swinging gently by her side.

After saying a quick bye to Peeta, I enter my room. I'm taken aback by everything, but first and foremost, by its size. Why? It's larger than my whole house back in Twelve. And the room is even better equipped than my train room, which I had previously thought impossible.

I take some time to explore, and soon decide on my favorite gadget. It's this machine that gives you all the food you want. You just have to speak into the mouthpiece, and poof! It comes right out of a hole in the center of a little table, hot and steaming. Or cold, I suppose, if you'd like ice cream. I really love it here. If only it were like this, forever, with no Games to anticipate. If only Mom and Katniss could have been here too, with Buttercup and Lady. Things would have been perfect. And I could be without a care in the world.

I decide to take a warm shower, noticing how many more options they have with temperature, scents, soaps, massages, dryers, ointments, and more.

It's so nice taking showers here. It's almost mindless, as the machines do it all for you. No worries about soap falling into your eyes, no worries of reaching your back, and no worries of running out of warm water. I step out, let the warm air dry me as it seeps in from panels on the floor, and wrap myself in a warm, fluffy towel. I head over to the closet, and find what seems like a million outfits, all tailored for me. As I whiz through, I wonder how long it took to make each article of clothing. A shame most of them will go to waste.

I choose a simple and cute outfit. Black leggings, a white top, a grey pullover with a black heart at its centre, and comfortable grey sneakers. I try to redo my braid, but getting frustrated, leave my hair hanging loose in the end. I hear someone knocking on the door, beckoning me to dinner.

Arriving the dining table with Effie, I find Peeta, Cinna, and Portia waiting patiently for my arrival. Effie claims Haymitch will join us very soon. I'm so glad Cinna and Portia are here, since dinner won't just be a meal, but valuable time to strategize for these games. Cinna and Portia have already proved their worth, and I'm excited to hear their ideas.

Serving our food are silent men and women dressed in white tunics. Haymitch arrives just as the food is all ready, and we begin to eat altogether. And everything is absolutely scrumptious. Imagine, *mushroom soup, bitter greens with tomatoes the size of peas, rare roast beef sliced as thin as paper, noodles in a green sauce, cheese that melts on your tongue serviced with sweet blue grapes.

Over the meal, we discuss more about angles heading into the game, and Effie yells at Haymitch about the importance of sponsors. Cinna suggests that cooperation between Peeta and I could stand out to the audience and attract more sponsors, and everyone whole heartedly agrees. Hearing this, I'm a little terrified because that means one of us will have to witness the death of the other.

When the cake enters, I notice how delicately it's been put together. I turn to Peeta beside me and comment, "It's gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he answers, "the frosting is a work of art."

Curious, I turn to the girl who brought the cake: "This cake is absolutely beautiful. Who frosted it?"

Everyone stares at me with uneasy looks. I can't quite place why.

"She's an avox!" Effie hisses.

"And everyone knows that avoxes can't talk, so don't expect her to answer." Haymitch looks annoyed. I decide to press the issue anyways, curiosity getting the best of me.

"But why can't she—"

"Because she's committed a crime, and the Capitol cut off her tongue, made her a slave, so you don't talk to an avox."

I respond with a quiet, "Oh, okay," and then apologise to the avox girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." She gives back a weak smile. Haymitch though, glares.

She slices the cake into pieces, and I quietly eat my share. To clear the air, Effie decides to turn on the large television in the dining room, so we can watch the reapings all together whilst having cake.

"All the outfits are gorgeous, but clearly, ours stand out the most," Effie comments. Everyone nods in agreement, and we applaud Cinna and Portia. And when on-screen Peeta lifts me onto his shoulders, Cinna looks over at me and grins.

"A nice touch of... rebellion," Haymitch mumbles to himself. Perhaps it relates to what Cinna was saying. Since all other tributes don't get along with their district members, what we have done is quite peculiar. Quite bizarre. And this amiable behaviour makes us stand out in the parade, as much as our fiery outfits.

** "Tomorrow morning is the first training session. Meet me for breakfast and I'll tell you exactly how I want you to play it," says Haymitch to Peeta and me. "Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk."

Thanking the avoxes for the meals, I quickly walk down the halls with Peeta to our rooms. Before entering, I turn to him and ask, "Are you scared?" It's such a stupid question. My cheeks turn bright pink. Of course he is. His answer takes me by surprise.

"Not really. I've already accepted I'm going to die. Why be afraid of things you can't change?"

I too know that I will die. But why do I feel so nervous? Maybe it's because inside, secretly, I still want to go back to Katniss, and I want to see even slight hope of winning.

"Well," I start again, "You planning to do anything at all in the arena? Surely you won't lead yourself to your own death."

"I don't know, Prim. I'll be hiding, that's what I'll do. And protect you. Give the Capitol my final message. That's all."

"We should work together," I tell him. Until we both die.

"Yeah, that'll be nice. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, yeah. Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

Peeta just laughs like a proud Dad and ruffles my hair before entering his room. "Have a good night!" he calls, and I'm left to walk into my room.

I change into some pink, fluffy pajamas. I jump onto the bed, and look out the window behind it, looking out onto the street for possible pedestrians late at night.

After some time, I hear someone step into the room, and notice it's the avox girl I had noticed earlier. She has deep, red hair and a pale complexion. She's definitely much older than I am, probably older than Katniss too, but something about her makes her seen younger than all the other workers here. She walks in and picks up my clothes from the floor, probably to take them to a hamper.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about dinner," I say again, but she doesn't respond. She looks up briefly, but looks back down to the floor and heads for the door. I get up from my bed though, eager to make a friend, and hold her wrist gently, pulling her back into the room.

Finding a tissue and pencil, I write, What's your name?

She sets the clothes down gently, takes the pencil, and writes her name, Lavinia, in swirly, fancy letters.

I'm Prim, I write, and she pencils back, I know.

Want to do something together? I ask, and she shakes her head. I can still see fear in her eyes. So I add, I promise not to tell, and we can hide from all the others. She considers this for a while, then finally writes back, I'll show you how to frost the cakes.

Excitedly, I give her a hug, and help pick up the clothes again. We step out into the hallways cautiously, and make our way towards the kitchen. Then I hear footsteps, and force the cogs in my heads to turn. What's a believable lie? Why am I out so late with an avox? Then I see it. The mockingjay pin on my grey sweatshirt.

"Primrose!" Of all the people it could be, we have bumped into the one and only Haymitch. "What are you doing out so late with an avox?"

"Sorry, I was just leaving," I tell him,"I accidentally left my pin on my sweatshirt, and didn't notice the avox taking it away. I ran after her to retrieve it." I reach over and unpin it, giving Haymitch an embarrassed smile. He grunts and walks away. And like that, we safely get away and make it to the kitchen.

There are two other avoxes in the kitchen, washing the dishes. Lavinia makes some gestures to them, and they gesture back. I hope they are friends of Lavinia who won't report us. They eye me strangely, but resume with their working.

Lavinia is patient with me. She brings out some cakes without frosting from a shelf, and shows me how to make and frost these cakes. I have so much fun that I barely notice time passing by. But as we finish up, and as I finish eating my slice, I realize how late it is getting, and how easily we could be caught. I thank Lavinia for our time together, then quickly skirt away into the hallways.

I sneak around the halls, trying my best to avoid other avoxes, or anyone else who might be lingering in the hallways. It isn't too difficult because I'm small and fast, so people cannot see me too well. Especially when I am hiding.

"Lavinia," I whisper under my breath. What a fascinating name. And what a kind, innocent girl.

Why was she caught?, I wonder, Did she have a family? Are they worried about her? Or were they killed too? What district was she from?

Lost in though, I almost don't realise someone's nearing my location. I peer around from my spot behind the couch to see scout possible hiding locations, but finding none, decide to run. Judging from the sound, the person would turn the corner soon and come into the lounge area, where I am hiding. I choose a narrow path that leads away from the lounge to another hall. As quiet as I can, I make a sprint down this passage, and find that it opens up to the large hallway again, and quietly make my way to my sleeping quarters.

As I brush my teeth and lay down, I soon realize that once I had left the kitchen, there really was no reason to hide. In fact, being found in hiding would have looked much more suspicious. There were no rules about roaming around the halls at night, and I simply could have said "I just wanted some air." And so alone, lights off, tucked in bed, I start to laugh alone for this whole adventure I created in my head, that was completely and utterly unnecessary. What was that all for?

Tired, I just let out a sigh and close my eyes. At least it makes for some meagre practice before the Games.


I can't wait for Christmas.

Also, regarding the whole 'wealth gap' theme in the Hunger Games. The Capitol people clearly have a higher standard of living, but that does not mean they have better lives. Money does not make you a 'better' person. Reading the original book, in this chapter, Peeta talks with Katniss on the roof on how even though they are living more comfortable lives at the Capitol, he would much rather be back at Twelve. 

In a world where brand names have so much power, it's very very very important to constantly remind ourselves that having all these materialistic things will not make us happier. Honestly, the more you have, the more you want, and it's much more fulfilling to be satisfied with what you have.

"Some people are so poor, all they have is money."

Okay, thanks for listening to my subtle rant. Much appreciated. Have a nice day :)

| illiterate-writer |

aka Monica



Taken from Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games:



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