Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Hare...

Por AdoredbyMinAgustD

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This is the sequel to "With The First Kiss * A BTS Reverse Harem" I recommend to read that one first. But yo... Más

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Por AdoredbyMinAgustD

The alarm wakes me the next morning. I stretch and realize I'm alone. I sit up, and look around, but all three are gone. I don't remember setting the alarm so Namjoon probably did that. I get out, get clean clothes and walk to the bathroom. No one is inside so I dump my clothes, turn the shower on. When the water is nice, I get under it, and curse myself. I forgot again. 

'Yoongi? Could you help me? I'm in the shower.' I sent him. He doesn't reply, instead the door opens seconds later. Then he appears a huge smile on his face. "Hi Love. Need help?" He asks me, his eyes roving my nude form. My nipples harden, and I try to hide them behind my arms. He chuckles as he shakes his head at me. "No use hiding, I know you want me."

I pout at him, "and you don't want me?" And he takes two strides, and takes me in his arms. His lips crash on mine and I moan. I grab his shirt and pull. He groans, and then deepens the kiss. His tongue expertly entwining with mine. Long moments later he breaks the kiss. "I always want you. Always." He whispers. His clothes get wet, but he doesn't seem to mind. He grabs my shoulders and turns me around. The next minutes he takes care of my head and hair. And dressing the wound after. 

He gives me a kiss goodbye and leaves to change his wet clothes. I finish my shower washing. Turning off the shower I get out, and use a towel to dry myself. I dress, do my morning routine, and realize I forgot a hat. I leave the bathroom, get a hat and walk to the kitchen. 

"Good morning everyone," I greet them. They all greet me back, and Taehyung jumps up, and takes me into his arms for a deeper kiss. He pulls back, winks, and leads me to an empty chair. A bowl with fruit and yogurt is already waiting for me and I dig in. After I help clean, bid them farewell, and go put my shoes on. I've got everything I need and step outside. Yong is waiting by the door and I greet him. 

He walks to the car and I follow, climbing in after he opened the door. He gets in up front, and the car drives away. I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to do today, but I don't mind. As long as I won't have to see Gemstones I'm happy. The drive is pleasant, and I releax, happy finally doing something. I don't ever want to be so bored again. 

The car stops in the underground garage, and I get out when Chul-Moo opens the door. I walk to the elevator, and push the call button. When the doors open, we three get in, and both stand before me, blocking me from view. The elevator stops, and Chun-Hei gets on. Both step back a little, forcing me to move too. 

"Good morning Chun-Hei," I say from behind both men. She jumps and looks suspiciously up at Yong. He regards her with a soft smile. Next she inspects Chul-Moo, and he looks sternly at her. She swallows, and I laugh. "I'm here," I say as I wave my arm over their shoulders. When she wants to get closer to me, both block her. 

Wow. Both are very serious about protecting me. "You do know she's my boss right?" I ask Yong. He looks at me, then back to her. He smiles sheepishly, and then steps aside so I can finally look at her. "There you are. How are you?" She asks me as she pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, stepping back when I release her. 

"I'm fine. Ready for work." I say and she chuckles. She links our arms, and pulls me out of the elevator,  Chul-Moo and Yong scrambling after me. I need to get used to this. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. Let's take it one step at a time. We enter the recording studio, and dad is waiting for me. My bodyguards stay outside and I sigh. Already fed up with the constant protection. 

"Good morning Aqua. How are you? Ready for work." He asks me. I don't think he wants the whole company to know we're family now. "Good morning Mr. Lee. I'm good. And yes I am." I tell him as I take my seat on the couch. Chun-Hei sit next to me, and dad stays sitting in the producers chair. "We've got some songs for you," and Chun-Hei gives me the sheets. "We do want you to write your own, and even one with Yoongi." I look up at him, and he smiles softly at me. 

This will be so much fun, I can't wait. And I wonder. Doesn't he know yet? He didn't say anything this morning. "We have three others of BTS to sing a duet. And I'm hoping you're ready for the first. How much time do you need to learn the lyrics of 'Soulmate Rebellion'?" He asks me apprehensively. I look for it in the sheets I hold in my hands and read. 

The tears prick my eyes, blinking them away. I clear my throat, "not that long. Maybe half an hour." I say, glad my voice is steady. I don't understand why I'm so emotional. Oh wait I do. This comes really close to what is happening between Sexy and me. Fuck why? I do like the song. "Could I hear the music please?" I ask, and dad nods, pressing a button. 

The notes invade me, and I close my eyes, imprinting the melody. "Yoongi wrote the lyrics, and produced the music." Dad tells me. I open my eyes and look at him, smiling. Of course Yoongi did. "So I'm doing this song with Yoongi?" I ask, but he is already shaking his head. "No it's not Yoongi," and the door opens, and Sexy walks in. My heart speeds up and I drink him in. I haven't seen him since the day of the attack. He looks good. I'm mean really good. The saliva floods my mouth and I desperately try to swallow it away. 

"Mr. Lee," he says, giving him a bow. Next he bows to Chun-Hei and me and he smiles softly. I can't seem to make the muscles in my face move, so my face stays blank. It doesn't discourage him. He extends his arm for a handshake, I look at his hand and then at his face. His eyes are empty, like he doesn't know me. Like he forgot what he did to me. Did she make him forget again? How?

"It's nice to meet you. I'm…" He begins but I cut him off, "I know who you are. Nice to meet you. I'm Aqua." I get past my lips, and my heart breaks. Dad and Chun-Hei look puzzled, and I shrug my shoulders. "Give me 30 minutes, and I'll be back." I say getting up, and walking out. I rush to the restroom, and lock myself inside a stall. 

The tears fall, and I don't understand how she could make him forget me again. I pull myself together. I can't unravel now. I need to sing. With him, and new tears fall. I shake myself and reel it in. I get out off the stall, splash water in my face and use the paper towel to dry my face. My eyes are a little red, but in the booth it will be dimmer than outside, so I'm hoping he won't see. 

I leave the restroom, and take the elevator up to the breakroom. Followed by my bodyguards. I get myself something to drink, sit down and learn the lyrics while I hear the melody in my head. After 20 minutes I get back to the recording studio. They are waiting for me and Sexy is already in the booth. I join him, put the headphones on, and wait. 

He looks at me, but I try not to look at him. If I do, I might cry again. The music starts, and I pour every hurt, and emotion I feel right now into my voice, and sing. He sounds good, making it more difficult for me. His voice is so familiar, and something I love. Hearing it makes me feel at home. And I realize I missed him so, so much. 

They have us sing the song like ten times, every time a little different than the one before. When we're finally done, we get out and Sexy bids his farewell, winks at me and leaves. Dad comes closer to me and whispers, "are you okay. I know that must have been hard." I smile at him, squeezing his hand. "I'm fine. Don't worry." He nods and turns to the newcomer when the door opens again. 

Jungkook enters, and when he sees me, his face lights up. Next his eyes land on dad and the smile slides off his face, turning into a small boy fearing his parents scolding. He's cute. Chun-Hei gives me the sheet with the lyrics, and I quickly scan over them. Again a love song, but this one is more happy. It's called 'Peaceful Everglow' and I like it. I request to hear the music again, and start to memorize it. After 20 minutes we enter the booth, and sing the song ten times too. 

After it's time for lunch and we head to the breakroom. My bodyguards get stares, but it doesn't bother them. Dad scheduled some catering company, and lunch is more luxurious than it ever was. I pick my favorites and sit with Jungkook at a table. We chat, eat, laugh and he makes me feel better again, and he doesn't even try. 

After finishing eating, Jungkook cleans away the mess, blows me a kiss and leaves. We get back to the studio. Entering I see Namjoon waiting for us. Do I have a song with all of them? Do I mind? Hell no. I love their voices and am honored to sing with them. He gets up, and bows at us. He's a little nervous and he's cute. He hands me the lyrics, and this is something he wrote. "Do you want me to rap?" I ask, looking at dad, but Namjoon answers, "yes please." 

I take a couple of minutes reading through it, and then the whole recording process starts again. This one takes more time, and when we're finally done it's almost dinner time. 'Yoongi? Could you ask Jin to prepare a Picknick for Romeo and me?' I mind-ask him. I walk to the car, followed by the two guards. One opens the door while the other climbs behind the wheel. I get in, and the car drives away. 

'Sure, Love. Did you have a good day?' He ask me. I smile. He's such a sweetie, always worried I'm not happy. 'I did. Thanks for asking. And you?' I ask back. 'Mine was very boring. But tonight won't be when you're wrapped around me in ecstacy,' I shake my head and smile. The rest of the ride is silent, of course it is. I'm alone. There's a screen blocking me from the two in the front. 

The car stops, and I wait for the door to open. I climb out as Chul-Moo holds the door open. I bid them a farewell and enter. As I walk past the kitchen I see the picknick basket, stuffed to the brim. I walk on to my room, and change into a nice skirt, and shirt. The rest stays off. Next I enter the bathroom, and apply a little makeup and perfume. I even switch the hat for one that does fit this style better. When I get back to the kitchen the basket is gone. 

I make my way over to the backyard, and see Romeo sitting, waiting for me. I get outside, and he looks up when he hears the door close. A radiant smile graces his face, and I get next to him. "Hi Romeo, ready for our little date?" I ask him after kissing his cheek. He blushes, I smile. He looks cute. How do they do that? One second cute, the next Mr. Seductive. "Hi Flower. Yes I'm ready. How are you?" He asks me and I tell him about my day, and he listens attentively as he feeds me all kinds of finger foods. Everything is delicious. And I'm enjoying myself talking. 

Dessert are chocolate covered strawberries, and my mouth waters at the smell. He holds one to my lips, and I bite into it while peering into his eyes, thinking about him fucking me. His breath hitches, and he drops the strawberry, grabs my face and pulls me to him. He molds our lips together. He licks the strawberry juice off my lips. "So sweet," he mumbles. I break the kiss and crawl into his lap, straddling him. 

He smiles at me, I lean in and connect our lips again. His hands caress my legs, up to my thighs as his tongue swirls around mine. I break the kiss again to breathe, leaning my forehead against his, I stare into his eyes. He stares back, and my hands fall into our laps, and I scoot a little back, so I've got more room. I squeeze his cock through his pants and then open the button. His eyes grow big and he looks around scared. 

"Romeo. I need you. Fuck me please?" I whisper into his ear. I hear him swallow and smile. My hands continue opening his pants, he does nothing, says nothing so I don't stop. When he's free of clothes, I stroke him softly and he moans. His hands travel over my thighs to my pussy, begging for his touch. My arousal slowly dripping out. When he keeps touching bare skin, his eyes grow big again, but I don't give him any opportunity to stop me. I scoot closer, and move my hips till he slides into me. He gasp and I moan. 

I wind my arms around his shoulders and scoot as close as I can, sliding him into me all the way. I sigh feeling him fill me up so deliciously. His fingers dig into my waist, lifting me up, and pulling me down. He hits my special place immediately and I moan. I lean to his ears and French kiss it, he shudders and bucks his hips up. "You feel so good inside me. Oh fuck, so good," I moan. 

I plant my feet flat on the ground, helping me move better. His hands travel under my shirt up, till he cups my breasts. He moans long, "oh Flower. You're so tight and warm. I don't ever want to leave. Can we stay like this forever?" He asks me, looking at me. His eyes are dark, I can't see the pupil. I laugh, which turns into a moan when he pinches a nipple. I speed up when the pleasure demands it. He throbs and twitches inside me, adding to the pleasure. 

I move faster when I feel my orgasm get closer and closer to release. His hands are never still and I revel in every feeling he elicts from my body. When I feel him harden more, I know he's close. I go faster again and lick his earlobe. He shudders as he moans. My hands thread into his hair and I tug. His release triggers mine and we both moan. 

"I love you Romeo," I whisper, then look at him. His eyes grow big, again and tears spill from the corners. He hugs me close, whispering in my ear. "I love you too. My little Flower. All mine now."  The burning lines paint the mark, and I'm extremely curious how it will look. He hugs me tight as we both come down from our high, which takes a long time. Our breathing is almost back to normal when the burning stops. I scoot back till he slides out of me. I clean him with a napkin, then dress him, before climbing off him. 

We put everything in the basket, folding the blanket and putting it on top. He takes my hand, kisses the top and pulls me with him. The basket is in his other hand, so I open the door for him. We dump the basket in the kitchen. "Let's take a shower. You want to help me?" He nods, kissing my hand again. We enter a bathroom, and he turns the shower on. I undress, get under the spray, and wait for him. 

He joins me, and sets to work right away, washing me all over. He rinses me off and then wets my hair, washing it too. He's very gentle and careful. And my heart melts and I thank the universe for these soulmates. He shows the same care rinsing the suds out of my hair. And now it's my turn. I wash him, and he moans when I stroke his member, getting hard again. 

He turns the shower off, hands me a towel. He gets a second towel and dries my hair. Then he dries himself. Next he brushes my hair when I'm done drying myself. He dresses the wound next. Two more days before the stitches come out. And hopefully I can shower normally after that. Don't get me wrong, I love them for helping me. But I can't shower when I'm alone. 

I turn to him and check out the mark. It's beautiful. A Blushing Beauty Tulip. I trace it with a finger and his breath hitches. I chuckle, grab his hand and place it on mine. His fingers move, and he gasps feeling it in his. I smile up at him. I turn and check mine in the mirror and I was right. It's next to Namjoon's ending the curved line. 

"I love you Romeo." 

The mark looks like this.

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