Merged Worlds (Rewrite)

By Duhvhennt

6.7K 179 212

***I own not the characters mentioned in this story. All characters belong to their rightful owners/creators... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (pt. 2)
Special Chapter: Making The Story

Chapter Ten (pt. 1)

338 8 17
By Duhvhennt

Somewhere in the Emperor's Castle

"Ugh, he finally decided to come back to me," Bill mutters to himself as parts of his body slowly started glowing blue. "Now all I've got to do is wait for this cube to finish solving itself!" Bill continued as he tried grabbing the cube once again but a forcefield was still preventing him from grabbing it.

As Bill struggled in grabbing the cube floating above his head, Kikimora and the Warden enter the room, and they have Stanford and the others hostage. "Sire, we've captured the rascals you were talking about."

"Let us go!" Stanford demanded, trying to free his hands from the rope that was wrapped around them.

"Huh, getting tied by ropes twice in a day. What are the odds?" Star joked as Sprig smiled nervously at her.

"Oh, is that a familiar voice I hear!? Gasp! It is! Why if it isn't Stanford and the gang!" Bill started floating towards Stanford and the other, circling them. "And I see you've brought some new friends along! Boy, I sure did miss you all!"

"Bill!? How is this possible!? We erased you from existence!"

"So, you thought you did! But you didn't! Allow me to explain how I am still alive and how you failed!" Bill laughed before he snaps his fingers, their surroundings started changing into this space realm kind of thing as a huge screen appears in front of Stanford and the others, showing the memory that Stanley punched Bill. "You see, this is where you thought you guys won! By thinking that you got rid of me when you erased Stanley's memories! Well, you were wrong! You weren't the only ones with tricks up your sleeves!"

"What's this nonsense!?"

"Hey! Shut up while an adult is talking!" Bill snapped his fingers and Stanford's lips disappeared, making everyone else scream. "Ugh, I made it worst, hold on." Bill snapped his fingers again and this time, everyone's lips disappeared, leaving nothing but quiet. "Ugh, finally. Now, where was I? Oh right! You see, just before I got erased, I recited the axolotl's poem, and before I knew it! Boom! I was reborn as a drum roll, please! I was reborn as an Emperor of the Boiling Isles! Could you believe that Pines!? Oh, how I wish you could have seen my new form. Oh, wait! What am I talking about, I can show you!"

Bill laughed as he twisted his head, and his body shaped into a demonic version of Belos, lizard tongues coming out of his eyes and teeth coming out of the cracks in his mask. Everyone screams at the sight of what Bill showed before he reverts to his cube shape form. "Oh boy, when that Axolotl mentioned that I'd take a new form I didn't expect to be turned into some emperor. And also, I didn't expect to be this cube either! Oh well, like they say in jail! Everything's free because there's a price to pay afterward. Am I right, Wardypoo?" Bill nudges the shoulder of the Warden, the Warden's expression is not amused. "Well, it was nice talking to you all! But I've got a day of unity to start and worlds to burn! It is the start of a party that never stops! My party anyway, and it will blow the roof of houses!" Bill points his finger in the air and the roof of the castle explodes, revealing dark reddish-blue clouds circling above the fearamid.

"Sire, what will we do with these rascals?" Kiki asked as she walked towards Bill.

"Hmm? Oh them? Eh, kill them, they'll die anyway after the Day of Unity ends so there's no use in making them wait any longer. Bye!" Bill then snaps his fingers as he teleports out of the castle and teleports to the center of the Boiling Isles. Lightning started hitting the ground as Bill's eye turned blue, the red and blue skies merging into one.

"You heard him, Warden. We must not let any of these people live."

"Yes Kiki, I heard him. And I'm going to enjoy this." Warden's laughter was interrupted as he felt something hit his shoulder. He looks over to it and he sees that it's a fire glyph glowing red. "What in the---" Before he gets to finish his sentence, the glyph explodes and he swings his scythe arms towards Star's rope, cutting them.

Kiki looks towards the direction where the glyph came from but an abomination tackles her, pinning her on the wall. As the two of them were occupied, Luz appears and starts freeing the other with the help of Star.

"Let's go! Hurry!" Luz yelled out as she started running away, the other following behind her.

"She's so cool," Polly mutters as she sits on Sprig's head, amazed at Luz.

"Is that everyone?" Eda asked as she and Lilith waited outside of the castle.

"That's everyone!"

"Good! Let's go!"

"Wait, go where!? And who are you guys?" Dipper asks, looking at Eda, Lilith, Luz, and Amity.

"Kid, we're the people who saved your butts from getting chopped by the Warden. And if that's not enough reason for you to be convinced that we are good guys then I don't know what will convince you that we are good guys. Now are we going to stand around here all day or you going to help us put a stop to this madness?"

"Madness isn't the word I'd use, it's weird." Stanford butts in.

"What's weird about the word madness?" Eda asked, looking at Luz as Luz gives a shrug.

Somewhere in the Boiling Isles

"The Owl, The Frog, The Book, The Wand, the day will come for their last stand. Against the day of unity, that starts with the point of three!" Bill chants as he floats at the center of the isles, the cube above his head, turning even faster than before.

While Bill kept on chanting, Stanford and Stanley hide behind a boulder as Stanford sets up the Anti-Bill canon he brought with him.

"I can't believe you brought this thing with you and you didn't even use it against the horde of zombies earlier," Stanley complained, putting rocks underneath the foot of the canon.

"I couldn't use it, this thing only has one shot. And we can't risk it!"

"What's with you and these last shots?"

"They make me look cool."

"Oh, brother." Stanley rolls his eyes as he speaks to a walkie-talkie. "This is twin brothers; we are in position. What are your status pair twins?"

"This is pair twins, we are also in position. Over." Mabel replies to the walkie-talkie as they keep an eye on Bill.

"Whose idea was it that we use 'pair twins' as a calling sign?" Amity asks as she has her arms crossed. "I mean, you two are the only twins here."

Everyone got into position as they waited for the right moment to attack. They came up with a plan where Stanford and Stanley set up the canon while Eda and Lilith bind Bill down using glyphs and the kids would stay away as far as possible.

"Are they seriously using those, what did Luz call them? Ookie Cookies?" Lilith asks as she looks at Stanley talking into the walkie-talkie.

"Eh, as long as those kids don't get in the way and get hurt then who cares?" Eda answered as she keeps a look at Bill. "Get ready, these glyphs won't attach themselves."

Eda and Lilith waited for the right opportunity to tie Bill down using the glyphs and when they saw their opportunity, they started placing glyphs on the ground and vines shoot out of them. The vines reached Bill and they bound him just like how Luz bound Belos with her glyphs.

"Now!" Eda yelled out, making Stanford start-up the canon. Stanford pulled the trigger on the canon but Bill dodged it by just an inch.

"That was a mistake!" Bill yelled out as the vines started burning, freeing himself from the bonds. "Kiki and Warden failed in getting rid of you huh? I guess I'll have to kill you all myself!" He snaps his fingers and clay zombies started emerging from the ground, attacking the twins and the sisters. "And when I mean I'll kill you myself I meant to have my undead clay zombie army kill you for me."

"Oh no, this is bad. This is really bad!" Mabel panics as she watches the twins and the sister get overrun by clay zombies. "Dipper! What are we going to do!?"

Dipper wonders off for a bit before looking back at Mabel and the others. "We fight," Dipper says as he straps on the shield Stanford gave him.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Just hold on a minute here, did you just say we fight him?" Marco asks, looking at Bill before looking at Dipper.

"We don't have any other choice. We can't run away from him, he'll destroy our worlds."

"But Dipper, what if we'll die?"

"Then we die knowing that we took a stand against him. This is our chance to save our world, we can't let it slip through our fingers. We have to do whatever it takes to stop him, many lives are at stake here and we can't allow them to die just because we are scared. We're not just fighting for our worlds, but we are fighting for every world. So what do you guys say? Are you in?"

"Woah, that speech made my heart pound! Like I can take on lots of those clay zombies!" Polly yelled out as she flexes her muscles.

"Yeah, Dipper, who knew you got what it takes to say such a powerful speech like that." Mabel smiles at Dipper.

"So we're all on the same page then?" Luz stated, looking down as she looks at Eda and Lilith fend off the clay zombies. "Then let's fight this yellow Rubik's cube."

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy watching this!" Bill laughs as he makes popcorn and chair appear in mid-air as he watches Stanford and Stanley get attacked by clay monsters. "Hahahaha-Ow! Hey! Who threw that!?" Bill's laughter was stopped as Dipper's shield went flying towards him. Bill looked around and his eyes were blinded as Star sent a beam out of her wand and aimed directly at Bill's eyes.

"Going up!" Luz says as she throws crumpled glyphs as Anne hits them with her racket, making them fly towards Bill's eye as they explode.

"Agh! Again with the eye!? That's cheating!"

Stanford and Stanley watch the kids fight Bill as smiles form on their faces, proud of what they're seeing. The kids were standing face to face with their feet planted on the ground, facing off against Bill.

"Ready Mabel?"

"I'm ready, Amity!"

"Abomination! Throw!" Amity summons an abomination and it threw Mabel towards Bill, her grappling hook aimed right at Bill's eye.

"Enough of this!"

Just as Mabel was about to fire her grappling hook, Bill punches Mabel to the ground.

"MABEL!!!" Dipper screams out as he sees Bill punched Mabel to the ground.

"That one was annoying me the most!" Bill retracted his hand from the ground, dusting it off, thinking he got rid of Mabel but to his surprise, he still heard her voice.

"Ha! That didn't hurt one bit!" Mabel mocked as she comes out unscathed thanks to the bubble armor Stanford placed in her grappling hook. "This is for my Grunkle!" Mabel yelled as she fired her grappling hook, but she misses Bill's eye and she hit the floating cube above Bill's head, letting out a small explosion and a crack forms on Bill.

"Ow! Hey! Don't break the merchandise!" Bill screamed out as he started going crazy, firing a beam out of his eyes as he punches the ground randomly, dust flying everywhere.

"KIDS!!!" The twins and the sisters yell out in unison as they watch Bill desolate them. Unable to act or do anything as clay zombies have them outnumbered and pinned to the ground.

Bill stops as he stares down on the ground, waiting to see what was left of the kids as the smoke clears. To his surprise, they're not dead yet as he sees them safe under a forcefield of some sort.

"You doods alright?"

"SOOS!?" Dipper's eyes grow wide as he sees Soos standing in front of him with a forcefield, stopping Bill from hurting them.

"Looks like we came in just in time."


As Bill kept on punching the forcefield, he didn't notice the robotic arm coming at him. The arm hit him and he took a step back. Mabel's eyes grew wide as she sees the familiar robot outside of the barrier.

"Is that?"

"It's the Shacktron 2000 bois!" Wendy's voice can be heard from the speakers of the shack. "Alright you overgrown cube, let's dance!" Wendy pushed the levers in the Shacktron and it charges towards Bill, punching him left and right. "This thing is so awesome!"

As Bill was about to punch back at the Shacktron, his hands were stopped by a red scarf. He looked over to his shoulders and he sees a guy in black overalls, it was the Ninja, Randy Cunnigham!

"Not so fast there, cube guy! Hurting civilians is a big bad bad!"

As Wendy and Randy were taking care of Bill, portals started opening up everywhere and people started coming out, people and different kinds of creatures. People of Amphibia, Mewni, Earth and other places started walking out of the different portals.

"Is that, Hop Pop?" Anne asks as she squints her eyes, looking at a frog with war makeup as he rides on top of a snail. Sprig and Polly gasp as they see what Anne's talking about.

"It is Hop Pop!"

In the distance, the Sun Chaser circles around, and Gatling guns with gold coins for ammo started firing at the clay zombies, freeing Stanley, Stanford, Eda, and Lilith from their hold.

Soos removes the forcefield as Stanford runs towards him, asking how he got here and who were all of the people coming out of the portals.

"Well Mr. Ford, when you guys entered the portal, the portal started glitching and it showed me all these different places before shutting down. And I got curious as to what it means so I looked at the blueprints you left and I worked on the portal and when I turned it on it simultaneously showed me the different places at once."

"I see, fascinating."

"I hate to interrupt your science lecture, but we have much bigger fish to fry here," Stanley informs Stanford and Soos as he looks at Bill, who manages to throw the Shacktron and Randy to the side, freeing himself.

"It seems to me like new challengers have joined the battle! Well, why don't we add a few more people in here!?" Bill snaps his fingers and a rip in the sky opened up, sending down Bill's henchmaniacs. "You all remember my henchmaniacs right? Mortals, henchmaniacs. Henchmaniacs, mortals."

"Ugh, Soos? I don't think the Shacktron isn't enough to take these guys down."

"Then it looks like we're going to need back up." Soos pulls out a phone from his pockets and starts dialing numbers. "G-Force! M-Force! It's go time!"

Out of a portal comes out a giant gnome made up of the little gnomes. And Minotaurs with battle-ax follows the giant gnome out of the portal. As everyone gets into place, the ground begins shaking and out of the trees came out Hooty running towards the battlefield.

"Are those Willow, Boscha, and Gus?" Luz asks as she squints, looking at the three people on top of Hooty.

"Hey! That's my house! Darn kids always conjuring it!" Eda yells out as she looks at the kids.

"W-woah! How is this even possible!?" Boscha asks as she looks at Willow and Gus.

"Shh, stay calm and focus. You'll break the moonlight conjuring."

"That's what I'm wondering about!!! There's not even a moon!!!"

As everyone gets into place, a standstill begins, with no movement from either side. Tension builds up as the wind blows, waiting for a sign or something to initiate the fight that will determine the fate of all worlds.

"What's the plan?" Stanley asks Stanford. "Any advice from that dream and vision of yours?"

"The dream and vision I had didn't show me this, it just showed me a vision of where we lost."

"Then let's not lose."

Stanford nods as Stanley looks at him, readying his brass knuckle.

"There is something I've noticed," Stanford states as he reloads his blaster. "When Mabel hits the cube floating above Bill's head earlier, I noticed a crack on Bill's body."

"So, what you're saying is that we aim everything we got on Bill's cube thingy?"

"Precisely." Stanford finishes reloading his blaster and he starts walking towards the front of the crowd. "EVERYONE! This is a fight for everything we know and love! And I want you all to do one thing and one thing only! Aim everything you can at Bill's cube! The one floating above his head! That's how we'll take him down."

Stanley walks beside Stanford, asking him if he's right about his little theory.

"I better be right Stanley, because that's the only option we have." Stanford starts walking towards Bill and slowly, everyone else follows him.

Both sides started walking towards each other, slowly turning into a jog and finally, everyone started running, charging, and screaming into war.


The End

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