Hey There Demons, It's Me, Ya...

By GabrielXander

205K 13K 12.5K

[KnY/Obey Me x Reader] How many times is the Universe going to screw you over? Honestly, since you got your a... More

Important Announcement
1: What The Hell? I'm In Hell!
2: The Biggest Cry Baby
3: Unfortunate Bonding Moments
4: Author Here: Going Mental. Wish Me Luck.
5: Kids And Their Dang Shenanigans
6: Himbo Beel Back At It Again
7: Oh, Lore? Also, You Cry Again
8: The Simps Of All Simps
10: Nothing Happens
11: Thank You, Exposition!
12: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
13: DILF Lucifer And His Gremlin Kids
14: Heinous Crimes And Sleepovers (Maybe Not The First Part)
15: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
16: Decent Times Until Death Approaches
17: The Author Stalls The Action For Suspense Or Something
18: I Can't Mansplain, Manipulate, Man-Whore My Way Out Of This One, Boys
19: A Lot Of Things Went Wrong
20: Nothing Happens Part 2
21: Coffee Shop Au
22: Too Much Happens In This Chapter
23: Wait, What?
24: Being Unwanted
25: This Isn't Goodbye
26: Maybe Simeon Ain't So Bad After All
27: Simp Nation, Rise Up!
28: You Join The Loser Club
29: Trapped In The Closet
30: Simp Luci
31: Satan Is So Cute
32: Condoms And Sex At The Olympics
33: Only Break One Law At A Time
34: There Are So Many Death Flags
35: Oh No His Inside Stuff Is All Over The Floor!
36: Love You But Can't Have You
37: Don't Blame Me, You Cuck!
38: You Love It When Men (Sometimes)
39: Don't Be Scared, Don't Be Shy, Come On In, The Water's Fine
40: Author Was Shit-Faced While Publishing This Chapter

9: I Reached Back Like A Pimp And Slapped The Hoe

6.1K 422 445
By GabrielXander

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

"So, that's why they're doing it right now," Beelzebub explains from your bed.

"Really? We might as well participate, don't you think?" Satan asks, sitting at your desk.

"Hmm... As long as there's food, then I'm in."

"Expected." Satan sighs then speaks loudly so you can hear him, "What do you say, [L/n], are you interested in watching it go down?"

After your book date, you went back to the House of Lamentation with Satan. You bumped into Beelzebub on the way to your room, so they both decided to follow you. Apparently the TSL showdown was happening in about 10 minutes, but you already have plans.

You were redoing your hair so it wasn't in the way. You never know what will happen considering you'll be alone.

"I can't," You reply from the bathroom, "I'm meeting up with someone."

"Where are you going?" Beelzebub questions, taking the last bite of his sandwich.

"I dunno, we haven't decided," You lie smoothly, "But I'm not gonna be gone for long, so who knows. I might catch the end of the competition."

"You should've told me; it's not safe for a human to be alone," Satan frowns, "Who is this person you're meeting with? It'll be better if I go with you."

You walk out of the bathroom, "I'm just meeting with a classmate. Don't worry, okay? I'll be fine, you don't need to tag along. Just have fun during the what-cha-ma-call-it showdown."

"I really think I should go."

"Satan, I appreciate your concern, I do. But I'm an adult, I can take care of myself."

You really don't like that he's hovering. You're used to unlimited freedom since your siblings and father never restricted you to anything. A selfish part of you knew it as them basically owing it to you to do whatever you wanted.

You guess you've always taken that freedom for granted because you deserved it after all the hell you had been through.

"If anything remotely threatening happens, I promise I'll call." And just to make good on your word, you walk up to him and hold out your pinky.

He looks like he wants to argue, but he sighs in defeat and hooks your pinkies together.


"If Lucifer asks, just tell him I want to be alone 'cause my period is making me moody," You laugh, walking to your dresser.

"Let's hope he doesn't suddenly check up on you then. Otherwise, we'll both get lectured," Satan warns.

"Can I come with you?" Beelzebub asks, tossing the wrapping of his sandwich in your trash.

You laugh at this, "I'm sorry, Baby Beel. I said no to Satan, so I'm gonna have to say no to you, too. Besides, I don't have money to buy you food, so I can't get you anything when you get hungry."

Ah, that's Beelzebub's fault. He didn't mean for you to associate hanging out with him with buying him food. He doesn't hang out with you just because you buy him food, you're genuinely a cool person to be around. But Beelzebub doesn't get to express his thoughts since you start talking again.

"When I come back, I can make you food, okay?" You take your haori from the bed and put it on, "Have a recipe ready by the time I come back."


"-Hey, keep an eye on Yuki, okay?" You advise, "I have a feeling Levi isn't gonna like Yuki showing him up since Yuki isn't a real die-hard fan like he is."


"-See ya guys later!"

You leave the poor boys in your room in a rush to meet Rui.


You always expect the Devildom to be gloomy and dark every time you walk outside. But no, it's literally just nighttime 24/7. Does it fuck with your sense of time? Yes, but Lucifer said that will happen so you're not too disappointed.

You do wish you weren't alone though, and you almost wanted to text Solomon and ask if he wanted to tag along.

But you should be fine.


Yeah, it's all gucci.


You wish you brought your sword at least, but you can't look back on failure.

You're at a Plaza with different stores and crap. You recognize this place as one of the locations in the game. And also, you're pretty sure the small sushi place is where Rui is supposed to meet you at.

Considering it was around nine or ten in the morning, there weren't a lot of demons wandering around. You sit at one of the round tables outside, making sure to sit where Rui would be able to see your face.


Now you just... wait...



You blow raspberries and pull out your D.D.D, turning it on to check your contact list.

Barbatos, Diavolo, Hail Satan, Levi-Chan, Lucifer, Rui, and Solomon.

Damn, you need friends. And why the hell don't you have Beelzebub's number? This is a scam. Well... who are you going to torment today? Mulling over your choices, you choose the obvious contact and send him a message.


You: Pspspspsp

Diavolo: ....?

You: Pspspspspsp

You: c'mereeee pspspsp

Diavolo: ....Yes, [L/n]?

You: Good morning!
Whatcha doin?

Diavolo: Haha! Good
morning! I am currently
filling out paperwork

You: Yikeeee that sounds

Diavolo: It really is boring,
but Barbatos would scold
me if I don't finish these in

You: You know what you
should do?

Diavolo: What?

You: Make them into paper
airplanes then throw them
around and go "NYOOM!"

Diavolo: That sounds like
fun! But unfortunately I
can't just do that. These all
need my signature by the
end of this hour.

You: Dang, really? I thought
people shred stuff like that
now, but I guess you guys
don't do it here?

Diavolo: .............

Diavolo: That's exactly what
happens to them.


Diavolo: I'M TURNING





Diavolo: Hello, [L/n]. This is
Barbatos. I've confiscated his
D.D.D, and since Diavolo is a
very busy man, I'd appreciate
it if you didn't distract him from
his work.

You: Oh damn

You: We were so close to

You: Tell Diavolo that he's
a real one

You: And that I'm sorry for
distracting him

You: Fly high, Diavolo

Diavolo: Noted. Good bye.

You: Duces


Yike, so that did not end well. You're pretty sure Diavolo got in trouble with his mother just now.

F in the chat for Diavolo. He will be missed.


Uh, you didn't recognize that voice.

You look up from your D.D.D with a smile for formalities, only to turn it into a genuine smile.

"Hey, you're Simeon, right?" You put your D.D.D away when Simeon sits across from you, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, and yourself? What are you doing here?" The brunette smiles.

"I'm meeting up with someone, he should be here soon. And uhhh, I'm hanging in there," You scrunch up your nose, "It's still a lot to get used to. And what about Luke? I notice he's not with you, how is he?"

Simeon's smile widens, "Luke is great! Though, much like yourself, he's still getting used to this all. He slept in this morning, so I thought to take a walk before he wakes up."

"Ah, the good ol' days when I used to sleep in," You sigh dramatically in reminiscence, "You have such wholesome vibes, Simeon. Let me live with you."

The angel laughs (and it was fucking beautiful), "Are you not liking it at the House of Lamentation?"

"No, it's nothing like that," You shake your head, "I mean, aside from the fact it's a Sausage Party going on there, it's fine."

"...Sausage Party?"

"Yeah, I'm the only girl there."

"Oh... OH!" Simeon laughs with a bit of embarrassment, "So that's what you mean. But if it's alright over there, then why do you want to live with me?"

"I was just joking."


"Or was I?"


"I just... It's the difference in your... your aura and the demon brothers. Like, you have such a nice aura, and you have wholesome vibes," You struggle explaining yourself, "Maybe it's because you're an angel, but just being in your presence alone is so nice."

If Simeon's blush could show, he'd be red as hell. The himbo angel was smiling ear to ear, and it was the cutest thing you've ever seen.

"Is it? I'm glad you think so. If you'd like, I could perhaps ask to make arrangements for you to stay at the Purgatory Hall," Simeon offers, "Solomon is staying there as well, you know."

You seriously contemplate this for a moment. At least this way, you won't be involved in any plot, and your mood would significantly improve. You've dealt with enough shit back in KnY, you're not sure if you're all that eager to deal with Obey Me subplots right now.

You're sure Lucifer wouldn't be too happy if you left, considering your background. Mammon, Yuki, and Asmodeus are in their own fluffy world right now, so they won't be bothered that you left.

Leviathan might get upset that his new best friend left him. Satan might be relieved that he doesn't have to watch over you anymore. Beelzebub... he might be distraught because you buy him food, and you're his new workout buddy. But he'll get over it in a snap.


"I'll have to think about it," You reply honestly, "But I'll let you know soon when I come to a decision."

Huh, Simeon didn't expect that. He thought you'd just decline his offer in favor of staying with (admittedly) hot demons.

"How about we exchange numbers? That way you can contact me whenever you come up with an answer?" Simeon reaches into his pants pocket.

"Sure thing, hot stuff," You pause and squint your eyes, "Can I say that? Am I allowed to say that to an angel? It's not a sin, is it? Ah, whatever. I already said it."

Oh, okay. Simeon just shrugs his (seductive) shoulders in response. Helping the Boomer Angel™ with his D.D.D, you two exchanged numbers.

"So," Simeon claps his hands together, "you made friends already!"

"I made friends-well, I don't know yet if we can be friends. I still have to talk to him about a few things," You reply.

Yeah, like what the fuck is his deal, is he still a murderer, and why he's in a fucking different universe.


Can Simeon tell you're not so innocent, too? Demons can tell if your soul is pure and crap, can angels do that too?

You're suddenly nervous.

"Oh? May I ask what it is?" Simeon tilts his head.


"So... I um..." You hiss awkwardly, "I kinda knew him when he was still alive. We ran into each other once, and we um... well, he didn't like me, and I didn't like him. He's a Little D now, and I have a few things I need to ask him."

Simeon widened his eyes. He knows what Little D's are: humans who've done unforgivable things when they were alive. You knew this human- he's a demon now -when he was alive? Has he done you wrong?

Damn, Simeon can't lie, he's interested in the back story.

"Wow, it must be a surreal experience to see him here." Simeon comments.

You shrug your shoulder, "It was a first, but you know what? Adult life is already so fucking weird, so I wasn't too put off by it. It was just a shock to see him here."

The angel frowns, "Were you not aware he died?"

Who the fuck was yelling? You can't concentrate.

"No, I mean, I knew he died. I was basically... there..." You trail off, staring past Simeon.

"Wait, wha-"

"-Hold on." You lean forward and squint, "Can you move a little? But don't turn around, you'll make it obvious."

Simeon resists the urge to do just that, though he does as you say and lean to the right.

There was a female demon yelling at a little kid demon. Her pink dress had a wet stain on the stomach, and an empty water bottle on the ground. In the little kid's hand was a black top-hat with an orange ribbon tied around it.

The kid looks familiar...

"I'm sorry..." The kid whimpers.

"You stupid brat!" The demon shoves the kid to the ground, "All Little D's are fucking usless!"

"HEY!" You push your chair back and stand up.


You don't listen to what Simeon has to say; you march to the demon with a sour expression. The demon glares back at you when you kneel to the child.

"Hey, are you o-Rui?!" You check the brunette for any injuries, sighing in relief when you find nothing, "Hey, you're fine. Come on, let's get up, okay?"

The female demon gives you a once over: "Who the fuck are you?"

You ignore her in favor of helping Rui to his feet. You're surprised with yourself when you pull him into a hug, rubbing his back when he hugs you back.

You see Simeon walking up to you three in your peripheral vision, but you pay him no mind.

"Hey, I'm fucking talking to you!" The female demon- her name is probably Karen -steps towards you, "That Little D bastard is working for me today! Get the fuck off him!"

"Go with Simeon, okay? He's the nice and pretty angel right there," You say to Rui, ushering him to the angel, "I'll talk to the rude lady."

"Thank you." Rui mutters

You watch Simeon have Rui stand back before you look back at the seething demon.

"You shouldn't treat others that way." You scold, "It was an accident, and he apologized. He's not a slave, and he's just a child."

"You think I give a shit?!" Probably-Karen snaps, her accent is thicker than her mascara, "If that Little Dick ever wants to polish his soul, then he shouldn't be such a fuck up!"

Probably-Karen steps forward, trying to intimidate you, "So, get the fuck out of our business, you cheap whore!"

You put your hands on your hips and lean to the side to mock her, "Does mistreating and insulting others help you cope with looking like the inside of my dead mother's vagina?"

Simeon had put his hands over Rui's ears, staring at you with wide eyes. You look so sweet... but your language... It was admittedly entertaining, but very inappropriate for Rui to hear.

"I guess a dick-sniffer like yourself would definitely need that, huh? With your rim job looking ass, I bet the only way you'd have company is forcing a Little D to work for you." You lean to the other side, "You STD spreader probably never had a genuine connection. And that ring on your finger, are you married?"

Of course it was rhetorical, so you don't allow her to say anything.

Simeon was partially mortified.

"I figured your crotch whistle-looking ass for a slut, but I didn't know you needed cock that bad! You attract more flies with shit, so I guess you have that going for you, huh? So, why don't you choke on a sandpaper cock!" You step forward, "You judgmental, cotton-candy, tit-having BITCH!"

"Filthy whore!"

Probably-Karen lunges at you, but she trips over the water bottle so she doesn't get far. Incidentally, her long, sharp nails scratch your right eye.

"Son of a bitch!"

You yelp in pain and squeeze your eye shut when red liquid threatens to seep inside. You're already mostly blind in that damn eye! You fucking hate it here!

You hook your right arm around her neck and hook your right leg against her left one. She claws at your arm, but you pay no mind to it. By her neck, you swing her down, dropping her to the ground.

You straddle her waist and grab fistfuls of her tacky blond hair. You lift her head and have the full intent to slam it onto the concrete, but someone yanks you back by your uniform collar.

"[L/n], stop!" It was Simeon who pulled you back, "Calm down! That's enough!"

You look around and spot Rui still standing there. More demons came, either recording what happened, or pulling Probably-Karen away from the scene.

You hang your head low, regretting that you allowed Rui to see you do that. Wait, since when did you care about Rui so much? Well, sure, you would've done that for anyone. But Rui's opinion or image of you shouldn't matter to you as much as it does.

Ugh, whatever. You'll question your morals later.

You free yourself from Simeon's hold and walk towards Rui. You think Simeon's saying something to you, but your priority is former Lower Moon Five. He looks at you with his big ol' blue eyes as you kneel down on one knee.

"Hey, I'm sorry you had to see that," You say softly, reaching forward slowly as to not scare him, "Are you okay? You can tell me, you kn-"

Rui lunges forward and hugs you tight.

"Thank you."

You reciprocate the hug, "Of course. Anytime, Rui."

Simeon watches the interaction with confusion. That was the Little D you were talking about, right? But didn't you say you two didn't like each other? Well, your emotions seem genuine now, and you wouldn't do what you just did if you didn't like him.

You have a good heart, Simeon concludes. Just... a tad bit too much on the violent side.

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