Power to Strive

By freetimewriter_

242K 4.9K 2.1K

First Things first! This Story doesnt belong to me. It belongs to ii-phoenix-ii on fanfiction.net. I don't ow... More

Fall of Shinganshina Part I
The Fall of Shinganshina Part II
Humanity's Comeback Part I
Humanity's Comeback Part II
First Battle
The World The Girl Saw
Small Blade
Left Arm
Primitive Desire
The Special Ops Squad
What Needs to Be Done
The Female Titan
Forest of Giant Trees
The Bite
Erwin Smith
Crushing Blow
The Defeated
No Regrets Part I
No Regrets Part II
Ymir Speaks
Ilse's Notebook
The Torturous Curse of Youth
Book 2 is Out!

Eyes Yet to Be Seen

5.7K 146 61
By freetimewriter_

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: The group watches humanity's first victory and teases Eren. The recruits ponder over Marco's death and Eren wonders about Candy's comment regarding the Smiling Titan.


The brick and marble building was beautiful. Two statues of women with wings sat on two columns, one with scales in hand and the other with a sword.

"Sina," Sasha said longingly. It was only one building but it was very impressive to her. She had given up a pretty easy life for death and tragedy, but she still stood by her decision to join the Survey Corps.

A small untouched loaf of bread lay on a cup by the bars.

Eren opened his eyes slowly, blinking to clear the fuzziness. Chains jingled and he turned his head, raising his left hand.

Elsewhere, the topic of the Rogue Titan was being discussed by the citizens. "Hey, is it true? Is there really a Titan on our side?" A masculine voice spoke.

Around him, bodies worked around in the small room. His companion pulled a large sheet of paper with writing out of the printing press.

"Wow, that's where they make newspapers, huh?" Christa said.

"It's obviously just a rumor."

"So that's what the journalists thought. And they printed their beliefs, mass produced it, and spread it around," Armin thought out loud.

"Newspapers hold a lot of power," Erwin nodded. "Whatever the journalists write, people will read and it will shape public opinion."

"The recapture could've failed, so we might see a horde of people from Wall Rose any minute now."


[Wall Sina]

In the heart of the city, men and women read the newspaper, frowning and discussing what they were reading.

"Now the sheep in the crowd will believe whatever they read without question," Ymir said.

"Say…what if that Titan sides with the people within Wall Rose to come attack us together?"

"What a tempting thought," Eren smirked.

"So if a reporter doesn't like you, you'll get slandered," Jean said.

"They're not supposed to insert their own bias but it's highly probable," Petra shrugged.

"It's Sina," Levi said, "the government has a lot of influence on what gets printed and what doesn't."


[Wall Rose]

"This is amazing news! We have a Titan on our side now!"

"We might even be able to recapture Wall Maria!"

A large crowd had gathered in one spot to see the newspaper posted on the wall.

"It's like our savior has appeared!"

Many in the crowd looked excited and were holding hands.

"Interesting contrast," Mikasa said. "In Sina, everyone had their own copy and didn't look happy. On the other side, in Rose, the people are reading one public copy and are overjoyed about the news."

Christa frowned, "The people in Sina saw Eren as a potential threat. He helped those in Trost so he might join them and help them take over. But everyone else sees him as a way to return to their homes."

"Perspective means a great deal," Armin said. "Now some will want Eren dead out of fright and others won't."

"That's why they were all scared of me?" Eren's face twisted in disgust. Not because he might eat them but because he could help others take their place in Sina. Was their first instinct, their fear, really losing their prosperous positions instead of their lives?

"Not entirely," Armin said. "But it looks like it was a big part of the reason why they wanted you dead."

Red wheels spun on the screen and a carriage approached the courthouse.

"Savior, huh?"

Erwin recognized the voice as the MP commander's.

Many MP personnel stood guard at the entrance, talking amongst one another.

"The masses are so simple-minded, no matter the era."

"Sad but true," Candy sighed.

Nile tapped his foot, arms folded. "It sounds like something the rebels could use against Central though," one of the MPs said.

"What rebels?" Connie asked

"Us, I believe," Ymir pointed to the Wings of Freedom on her jacket.


"We of the Military Police Brigade will dispose of Eren Yeager before that can happen," Nile answered calmly. "We won't let those eccentrics at the Survey Corps get their hands on him either." He heard the wheels of the carriage and straightened. "Attention!"

The soldiers stood at attention immediately. When the carriage stopped before them, one of the soldiers quickly opened the door. A large man with gray hair stepped out.

"Salute the Commander-in-Chief!" Nile saluted and his subordinates followed suit.

Zackly nodded, and adjusted his collar, "It's hot today."

"So that's the man in charge of all the three military branches," Jean said.

"He certainly looks the part," Ymir said.

"He's great," Armin nodded. He could only imagine how much pressure Chief Zackly must have been under to sentence Eren to death. Instead he had wisely spared the Shifter and allowed him to join the Survey Corps.


"Commander Pixis," Erwin spoke, following the old man, "some people may consider it inappropriate for you, as Commander of the Garrison, to be conversing privately with someone like me from the Survey Corps."

"Well, it seems you're as straight-laced as they say. Why fret? We merely ran into each other by chance during our morning stroll."

Erwin didn't reply but bowed his head in agreement.

"Now that we're already walking, this is nothing more than idle talk," Pixis said. "Are you aware that the Military Police are also after Eren Yeager?"

"Ooh, so you two were plotting and scheming before the trial," Connie grinned. "Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing," he said quickly. "I meant it's great!"

"Yes," Erwin replied. "They sent word yesterday. Apparently, a trial will be held."

"The decision about whether the Military Police or the Survey Corps get Eren has been entrusted to Zackly."

"Zackly? Do you mean Commander-in-Chief Darius Zackly?"

"Yes, the man in charge of all three forces: the Military Police, the Garrison, and the Survey Corps." Pixis stopped, hands clasped behind his back. "When making decisions, he considers only one method: the cost-benefit analysis. That is, whether it's profitable or harmful to humanity overall. Which means he wouldn't hesitate to execute Eren right on the spot if that were the verdict."

Erwin frowned.

"I don't want to let him kill Eren. But unfortunately, more than a few in my Garrison fear Eren's powers," Pixis pulled out his flask.

"Dude, really? In the morning? You can't even use the 'It's five o'clock somewhere' excuse because you don't know about it," Candy said.

"Either booze doesn't affect him or he's an alcoholic," Ymir declared.

"Maybe it's juice?" Sasha said.

Eren made a grossed out face, "Nah, it was disgusting, it's definitely booze."

"Then one of the highest ranking men behind the walls is an alcoholic?" Jean raised an eyebrow.

"It sure would explain his weird taste," Mikasa said, remembering his comment regarding a pretty female Titan and being eaten by her.

"No, it couldn't be," Christa shook her head. "He's a commander!"

"I don't know," Connie said, "he's a little out there."

Erwin chuckled, "I've seen him drinking from that flask a lot but I haven't actually ever seen him drunk."

"It's probably so watered down you can't even get buzzed," Armin shrugged.

"I'm more interested in the last part," Hange said, putting the pen down. "What did that mean?"

"It's five o'clock somewhere,'' Petra repeated. "How would that be possible? Somewhere where? The world? How does that work?"

"It doesn't make any sense, like half the other crap that comes out of her mouth," Levi rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't talk so rudely about her, Captain. What if she gets angry with you?"

"What is she gonna do, throw sweets at me?"

"Five o'clock...somewhere...hm," Hange's brow furrowed in deep thought.

"We'll have plenty of time to figure that out later, let's continue," Erwin said, trying to keep them from going too far off track.

"All I can do is to argue my case against the Military Police. Do you think you can win?" Pixis asked.

"Yes. I have also prepared a proposition, but its viability depends greatly on the way the trial progresses."

"In other words, it's a game of chance?"

"It's a game we of the Survey Corps are well-acquainted with as we mainly engage in expeditions," Erwin said.

Pixis laughed, "It seems there's more to you than I thought. Thank you for such a nice stroll, Commander Smith," he waved.


"Eren's being put on trial? Why?" Mikasa asked.

"He can transform into the thing that's kept humanity locked behind walls for a century, what do you think, genius?" Levi asked sarcastically.

Mikasa clenched her fists and shot him a glare. "Nobody asked you, runt."

A few gasps and snickers went around the room. "You should address your superior properly," Levi glared with equal menace.

"Sorry, Corporal Runt," she smirked.

"That's enough now," Erwin interrupted before a brawl could break out.

"No, Erwin, I wanna see them fight!" Hange whined.

The commander ignored her. "You will show respect when talking to a ranking officer," he told Mikasa. She pressed her lips but bowed her head in compliance. "And don't forget, we're here for a limited amount of time. I'd like for us to have extra time to use afterward, being productive and problem-solving, not wasting it now bickering like children."

Levi turned his glare on Erwin.

"Recruit Ackerman, I believe you owe Corporal Levi an apology."

"Just do it," Armin said.

Eren nodded, "C'mon."

Mikasa folded her arms, looking an equally sour-looking Levi in the face, and spat out the words. "I'm sorry." Then she snatched an apple off the table and took a bite to get rid of the taste.

"I'm not entirely sure," Armin answered, sitting across from her in the mess hall. "I think it's about deciding how to deal with Eren."

"What does that mean?"

"They're probably deciding whether he lives or dies."

Mikasa stood, eyes wide in fear.

"Mikasa Ackerman! Armin Arlert!" An MP official asked. "Are you here?"

"Yes, sir," the girl said.

"You have been ordered to appear at the trial this afternoon as witnesses!"


Two MP soldiers stood guard at Eren's cell. The boy sat on the bed in silence. Finally, he lifted his head up. "Excuse me, may I use the toilet?"

"You just went earlier."

"Can I get some water?"

"Hey," the other guard said, "understand the situation you're in, you monster."

Asshole. The sudden, irritated thought surprised Jean.

"I don't think you're a monster, Eren" Christa smiled charmingly at him.

"Thanks," he gave her a smile in return. "But they're not all wrong."

"Yes, they are," Mikasa disagreed vehemently.

"She's right," Armin said.

"I'm with them," Petra nodded.

"Yes!" Hange agreed. "You're no monster! You're a wonderfully beautiful creature with a magnificent ass!"

"Oh for the love of Maria," Eren cringed. "Hasn't even been ten minutes," he muttered under his breath.

"Don't worry, we'll never forget," Ymir promised, grinning.

Monster? I guess they're not wrong about that. Eren stared at his hands. Is there really a need to cuff me like this? He dropped his hands. I shouldn't be that surprised. I don't really understand all this myself.

He recalled the cannon pointed straight at him, along with an army of soldiers, blades at the ready to cut him down. I should just be happy that I haven't been killed yet.

Eren straightened. Wait a minute! His thoughts flashed to his best friends, refusing to leave him by himself in such a dangerous situation. Those two weren't scared of me at all. What are they doing now?

A memory of the rest of his comrades came to him, Sasha, Connie, Christa, and Reiner helping in the kitchen, cooking, while Marco and Jean helped Annie with the dishes. What happened to everybody else?

"Be patient for a little longer," Erwin had said, standing before the cell. "We'll try to sort things out."

How many days have passed since then? What's going on outside? Eren's head dropped. I won't have to live my whole life like this, right?

"We'd break you out, you know." Armin's words took some of his fellow viewers by surprise. They expected that kind of response from Mikasa.

"Yes," Mikasa smiled. "Between the two of us, I'm sure we could successfully plan and execute a jailbreak."

The sound of a door opening was heard, followed by footsteps.

All of a sudden, Hange gripped the bars, a crazed look on her face, scaring Eren.

"Holy shit!" Connie jumped.

"Fuck, what was that Four-Eyes?" Levi demanded.

"That was...sudden," Jean said with wide eyes.

"I was excited," Hange defended.

"Look at Eren's face," Sasha giggled.

"Can't say I blame him," Petra smiled.

"Yeah, she looks like some psycho killer," Ymir muttered.

"Don't be mean," Christa chided.

"It's true." Mikasa eyed the woman suspiciously, rumors she'd heard about the scientist flying through her mind.

"I hope you didn't terrorize him too much," Erwin looked at her.

"I'm pretty sure Mike freaked him out more than me," she said.

"True," Eren nodded.

"Mike?" Armin asked.

"You'll see."

Hange's mad expression turned to a smile. "So, you're Eren, huh? You okay?" Eren continued to look confused. "Feeling filthy? Sorry for making you wait for so long. You can finally leave this place."

Eren's shoulders sagged in relief and a tall blond-haired man joined Hange.

"That's Mike."

Hange held a pair of handcuffs through the bars. "Though you'll have to wear these."

Eren, now in handcuffs, walked through a hallway, escorted by a group of soldiers. "I'm Hange Zoe, a squad leader in the Survey Corps. He's Mike Zacharias, same goes for him."

Eren had a half-annoyed half-creeped out expression from Mike sticking his nose too close to the boy for comfort.

"What is he doing?" Christa asked, shocked.

Mikasa looked outraged.

"That's creepy," Sasha shivered.

"That's Mike," Petra said, "he's like that at first with everyone he meets."

"I'd punch him," Jean said.

"Um…" Eren twisted his neck to further himself from Mike.

"Ah," Hange explained, "he just has this habit of sniffing people at their first meeting…"

"But why?" Armin asked, not understanding at all.

Mike snorted to himself.

"No reason," Petra shrugged.

"…then snorting like that."

"I bet he just likes mind-fucking with people," Connie said.

"That's...probably true," Ymir agreed.

"I wouldn't read much into it though. He's skilled enough to become a squad leader, after all."

Eren walked in awkward silence between the two squad leaders.

"Oh," Hange said in exaggeration, "we chatted all the time away. We're already here. Well, I guess you're better off without an explanation too."

Seriously? Jean thought. I'd throw a fit and demand they fill me in.

The MPs grabbed the boy. "Wait," Eren looked over his shoulder.

"We don't have a choice but to trust you blindly," Hange said sincerely. "Good luck."

The doors slammed shut behind him.


Eren was staring up with wide eyes at a huge painting depicting men slaughtering each other with swords. On the wall behind the judge's bench, four insignias were placed at the top, representing the threes branches and the Trainees Corps. A courtroom? Eren thought. So I was being held under the courthouse?

An MP soldier prodded the boy with his rifle. "Move along!"

"Looks like all the important people are military," Armin noted. The benches surrounding the area in the middle seemed to make up mostly of soldiers.

"That's right," Erwin said. "In a trial for those of military affiliation, the judge, prosecution, and defense are all soldiers."

"So the civilians present are only there to see the trial?" Christa asked. "They don't have any say in the matter?"

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief Zackly makes the final decision. The others don't wield any actual power."

"Not officially," Levi said.

Hange nodded. "These types of special court-martial trials always have a more political undertone."

"Kneel down there," one of the men ordered.

Eren knelt, the other one inserted a large metal bar between the boy's hands and back and into the ground, preventing him from being able to escape.

"That just seems cruel and unnecessary," Candy said. "He could transform by will for all they know. At least in the cell, it made sense, he was underground."

"Candy makes a valid point," Petra said. "Then again, considering who we're dealing with..."

"Common sense isn't their forte," Mikasa said.

"If it had been me in your place, I'd have transformed and run away," Ymir told Eren, getting Levi's attention.

Eren's gaze shifted left and right. Why are these people here? What is this trial even about? He noticed Armin and Mikasa in the crowd. Guys…

Zackly entered and sat, folding his jacket neatly and putting it aside, sleeves rolled up, "Now then, let us begin." The whispers came to a stop. "You are Eren Yeager?" He read off the paper, adjusting his glasses. "You're a soldier who vowed to devote his life to humanity. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir."

Sasha rubbed her hands on her lap. It's only started and I'm nervous.

"This is an unprecedented case. It is outside the bounds of the common law, therefore we must convene a special court-martial. The final decision will be handed down by me. We will deliberate upon whether you live or die as well."

I knew it. Armin thought.

"Do you have any objections?"

"None, sir."

"I'm glad you're so cooperative. I'll be blunt. Concealing your existence has proven impossible."

Hange and Mike joined some soldiers on a balcony.

"Unless we publicize your existence in some way, we will have to face another threat besides the Titans. This court is tasked with deciding which faction will take custody of you, the Military Police or the Survey Corps. First," Zackly said, "let us hear the opening statement from the Military Police."

"Your Honor, I am Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police. Our proposition is as follows: We will examine Eren's body thoroughly, then dispose of him as soon as possible. It's a fact that his Titan power repelled the last attack," Nile admitted, looking at the boy. "However, his character induces disturbances that may even lead to a rebellion. Therefore he shall provide us with as much intelligence as possible, then he'll become a martyr for humanity."

"He makes it sound like it's the right choice," Connie wrinkled his nose.

"He probably thinks he's doing the right thing," Jean said. He didn't feel entirely comfortable thinking he might've agreed with the MP commander had he not known Eren personally.

"There's no need for that!" Pastor Nick claimed loudly.

"It's like the trial of the century, shouldn't he be kicked out for interrupting?" Candy grumbled.

"He's a vermin that breached and infiltrated the sacred Walls by intruding on our lands," Pastor Nick pointed accusingly.

"What a joke," Ymir sneered.

Levi nodded. Worshipping walls? He just couldn't wrap his head around it.

He's from the Church of the Walls. Eren thought. Five years ago, no one even took them seriously. They've come a long way.

"He should be killed here and now!"

"Pastor Nick, quiet, please," Zackly said calmly. The man tensed but held his tongue. "Next, let us hear the proposition from the Survey Corps."

"Your Honor, I am Erwin Smith, Thirteenth Commander of the Survey Corps. Our proposition is as follows: We will accept Eren as a formal member of the Survey Corps, and recapture Wall Maria by using his Titan power. That is all."

Surprised whispers picked up around the courtroom.

"That's it?"

"Sometimes, less is more," the commander told Jean.

"It was short and hit the main points," Armin nodded. "Commander Pixis already said what the Chief was going to weigh." It was logical and perfectly fit what Zackly would consider, no need trying to passionately convince the people. That would be up to Eren.

"Hm? Is that it?" Zackly asked.

"Yes. Using his abilities, we can retake Wall Maria. I believe the priorities are clearly apparent."

"Good job, Erwin," Candy praised.

Erwin was quite flattered and smiled.

"I see. On that note, from where do you intend to launch that operation? Pixis," Zackly looked at the Garrison Commander, "I believe the gate at Trost was sealed for good, yes?"

"Yes," Pixis said. "I doubt it'll ever be opened again."

"We would like to go through the Karanes District in the east," Erwin spoke. A map appeared beside his head, making it easier to follow his words. "From there, we will approach Shiganshina on a new route." A red arrow started from 'Karanes District' and curved down to 'Shinganshina District.'

"Wait a minute!" A civilian interrupted. "Shouldn't we seal all the gates for good now? The Colossal Titan can only destroy the gates! If we fortify those areas, they won't be able to attack us again!"

"Brilliant, except you'll be trapping yourselves in as well," Candy said.

"He looks like he's already lived half his life, he probably doesn't care about the distant future," Jean said.

"Shut up, you puppet of the traders' guild! Using that Titan strength, we can return to Wall Maria once again!"

"We're fed up with you playing hero all the time!"

"You've got a big mouth, pig," Levi said, bringing attention to himself. "Who says the Titans will wait until you can lock up all the gates? The 'we' you're talking about refers to your little friends who you plan to get fat with, right?"

"Savage," Connie grinned.

"Oh you'll see what a savage he is in a few minutes," Mikasa said darkly.

Everyone aside from Erwin, Armin, and Hange looked at the girl curiously. Levi clenched his jaw. No use defending himself. She was emotional and they'd likely see the reason behind it afterward.

Petra hadn't witnessed the beating firsthand but had heard about it. This won't be pleasant. She wondered if she should be ready to jump in between the two. Though it seemed unlikely the teenage girl would attack, she kept the thought in mind just in case.

"Can't you even see that people are starving because we don't have enough land?" Levi asked.

"We're only suggesting that if we sealed the gates," the man defended, "we'd be safe—"

"Enough of your insolence!" Pastor Nick yelled at him. "How dare you even suggest doing such a thing to the sacred Wall Rose, given unto us by the Goddesses?!" A shot of soldiers sitting on the side benches appeared, looking tense.

Candy burst out laughing. "What's with the raccoon eyes? Is that a fashion statement or something?"

Connie and Sasha chuckled half-heartedly, the tension from Mikasa's words still in the air.

"You look upon the greatness of the Walls, which transcends human understanding, and you still can't see?!"

"It was their fault that it took so long to fortify the defenses of the Walls," Armin said.

"You speak blasphemy!" Pastor Nick continued to ramble.

"They have plenty of money and influence," Rico said. "A real handful."

"This is no place for a priest to speak!" One man yelled.


Zackly slapped the bench multiple times, "Order in the court."

"No gavel?" Candy gasped. "How can you be a judge and not have a gavel?"

"What's a gavel?" Connie asked the obvious.

"Something apparently all judges should have, according to Candy," Petra said.

"Argue about your individual beliefs and opinions somewhere else. Yeager," Zackly addressed the boy, "let me ask you this: Can you keep fighting for the sake of humankind as a soldier, and also use your Titan power for the same goal?"

"Yes! I can," Eren said loudly.

"Oh? But in the report from Trost, it says: 'He swung his fist at Mikasa Ackerman right after becoming a Titan.'"

Eren's head snapped to the side in shock. Mikasa pinched her hair and tried to use it to hide the small scar.

The same awful feeling rose in Eren's stomach, leaving it in knots. As upset as he was, Mikasa kept quiet. He'd lose his temper if she tried to defend him. Even though it really, truly wasn't his fault. Eren had a tendency to run his mouth and say hurtful things because of her overprotectiveness.

But the one time she was right to defend him, she couldn't because of all the other times she'd let him off the hook for snapping at her. And that frustrated her beyond belief.

He doesn't remember that he lost control? Armin thought.

Mikasa gave Rico a vicious side glare. "What, you wanted me to lie in the report?" Rico asked quietly. "Humanity gains nothing from hiding such a fact."

"Is Mikasa Ackerman here?" Zackly asked.

"Yes, I am."

"You, huh? Is it true that after he transformed, Yeager attacked you?"

"Lie!" Connie yelled at the TV.

"If you don't answer truthfully, it'll only hurt Eren," Rico advised.

Mikasa was quiet for a few seconds.

"Or not."

"Yes, it is true."

People gasped and whispered.

"He's like the rest of them, after all."

I tried to kill Mikasa? Eren thought, horror clear on his face. Me?

"But before that," Mikasa continued confidently, "he also saved my life twice while in Titan form. The first time, when I was about to fall prey to a Titan, he fought them off and defended me. The second time, he protected me and Armin from cannon fire. I entreat you to consider these facts as well."

"Yes," Christa smiled and nodded. "That was good."

"Objection!" Nile said.

"Objection to what?" Jean asked. It was her testimony and it was all true, there were witnesses to back up her claims. At least the second one.

"I believe this testimony is too emotionally-biased to be accepted in court. Mikasa Ackerman lost her parents at a young age, and she was taken in by Yeager's family. However, we uncovered some surprising details regarding those events."

He's really going to bring up a past event? Ymir thought. Was that legal? She didn't know that much about the legal system. And it had been in self-defense too.

"Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman were nine years old at the time."

"Uh-oh," Christa said.

"When they stabbed to death three men who were wanted for robbery and kidnapping."

"Oh crap," Sasha said.

"Though it is justifiable self-defense, I can't help but feel disturbed and believe their basic human nature needs to be questioned."

"Are you serious?" Jean demanded. As disturbing as it had been to watch, he couldn't imagine living it. Those people had no idea and no right getting all high and mighty and judging them for their actions.

"Should we really trust him with the fate, funds, and manpower of humanity?"

"Yeah! He's probably a Titan who infiltrated us disguised as a child!"

"That's too far-fetched," Petra rolled her eyes. If Titans were smart and capable enough to do that, why not just climb over the walls? It'd be much easier. Humanity wouldn't stand a chance against a surprise attack like that. Fear has completely overridden any sense and they're looking for problems, monsters, where none exist.

"Her too!" The man who'd asked for the walls to be sealed pointed at Mikasa, shaking in fear. Her eyes widened in shock. "How can we be sure she's human?"

"You're an idiot," Sasha pointed at the man on TV.

"That's right! We should dissect her just in case!"

"What?!" Christa gasped.

"Wait!" Eren yelled. "Maybe I am a monster, but she has nothing to do with that! Nothing at all!"

"As if we could believe you!"

"It's the truth!" He yelled, Mikasa watching with a stunned expression.

"You're defending her? She must be one of you!"

Their stupidity is killing me. Connie thought, frustrated. Even if they didn't know any better, it was way out of hand.

"No!" Eren screamed, struggling against the bonds now, scaring the civilians.

They fell silent, staring at him.

"You're wrong," he said calmly. "So far, all you keep doing is blurting out convenient speculations."

"W-What did you say?" Nile said.

"First off," Eren began. I should stop. He thought. "You've never even seen a Titan!" Internally, it was different. I can't say any more. Still, he continued. "So why are you so afraid?" Eren demanded. I should shut up.

"Do you have a problem, Eren?" Jean looked at him. "Even though you're thinking you shouldn't speak, you're running your mouth anyway."

"I had to," Eren replied stubbornly.

"I think it's a real thing, isn't it?" Sasha thought out loud. "When you can't help but blurt whatever's on your mind."

"Being an idiot?" Jean smirked. "You just can't help it, can you?"

"Yeah, same way you can't help being Horse-Face."

No, I'm gonna say it all. I'll make my stand here. Eren decided, looking determined. "If those with strength don't fight, who will? If you're too scared to fight for your lives, then at least don't hinder me! You damn cowards!"


"Just shut up and let me shoulder it all!" Eren screamed. The courtroom was dead quiet.

Nile snapped out of it first. "Take aim!"

"What?!" Connie demanded.

"You didn't think they'd let him live after blowing up like that, did you?" Levi asked.

"But...I thought it was pretty inspirational," Sasha said.

"To us maybe," Petra nodded. "They just got a verbal beating."

"And I'll be getting a physical one," Eren sighed.

A soldier aimed his rifle at the boy.

Suddenly, a powerful kick delivered by Levi sent a bloody tooth across the floor.

"Lucy Kick vs. Levi Kick! Who's better? You decide!"

"Uh, what?"

Huh? Eren glanced at his tooth and received another kick. Levi grabbed his hair and collar, kneeing him in the face. The crowd watched with stunned looks, mouths open, as he continued to beat the boy.

Most of the viewers watched with similar looks as well.

Mikasa's expression became violent and Armin grabbed her arm when she stood, "Wait, Mikasa!"

"Good thing Armin was there," Sasha said, "or it would have gotten real ugly!"

"I kinda wanted to see that," Ymir admitted.

"My money's on Mikasa," Jean said immediately. Levi had more experience but he had also beaten up Eren right in front of her eyes.

"That's enough," Erwin interrupted before they gained steam. "There will be no taking bets on two comrades fighting each other."

"I like Mikasa but I have to go with Corporal Levi on this," Connie whispered.

"Me, too," Sasha nodded.

Blood dripped from Eren's face. Levi brought his boot down, smashing the boy's forehead into the ground. "It's just my personal opinion, but pain is the best tool for discipline. You don't need to be educated by words. You need training," he said without a hint of compassion. "You've fallen low enough that you're easy to kick around, anyway."

He continued to violently beat the boy as the crowd was still silent.

He's crazy! Christa watched with wide eyes.

Wouldn't wanna to be on his bad side. Jean shivered.

"Hold on, Levi," Nile began.

"What?" Levi asked casually, boot resting on Eren's face while Armin kept Mikasa from launching herself at the short man.

No wonder she's so murderous towards him. Ymir thought. Anyone one would be, seeing someone they cared about beaten so mercilessly.

I knew it would be bad, but I didn't think it'd be that brutal. Petra looked at TV-Eren in sympathy.

"It's dangerous. What if he starts raging and turns into a Titan?" Nile asked.

Levi kicked Eren once more and grabbed the glaring Shifter by the hair, making him flinch in pain. "What are you talking about? I thought you were going to dissect him."

Was it really necessary to go that far? Connie wondered.

Poor Eren. Sasha's face hurt just looking at his.

Armin and Eren monitored their friend closely, looking for any sign she might attack Levi.

Mikasa, to hers and their surprise, sat calmly, with only an irritated expression covering her face. She hadn't liked the fact that it had saved Eren from a far worse fate but accepted it. Really she had hated how utterly ruthless Levi had been. But watching the scene play out from her current position, it irked her to realize it was necessary.

The pure savageness of the beating had been what really convinced everyone Survey Corps was the safest place for them to put Eren.

"As I heard it, when he turned into a Titan, he killed 20 other Titans before his strength ran out. If he were an enemy, he might cause more trouble than that intel's worth. He still can't stand against me though. What about you on the other hand?" He turned to the civilians. "All of you who persecute him, think it over. Can you really kill him?" Levi asked.

No one had an answer for that.

Erwin raised his hand, "Commander-in-Chief, I have a proposal."

"What is it?" Zackly asked, not perturbed at all by the violence he'd witnessed in his courtroom.

"Eren's Titan power has a multitude of uncertainties and unknown elements. It is exceedingly dangerous. So why don't we put Eren under Corporal Levi's command and send them on an expedition?" Erwin proposed.

The upcoming expedition will be even more life and death for Eren. Jean thought. Even if he survived, if he failed whatever test they had in mind, he'd executed. The odds were stacked against him. Good thing we've got the TV to help us out.

"You'll bring Eren outside?"

"Yes. Whether Eren can control his Titan power, and whether he may be of benefit to humankind, should be decided based on the results of that mission."

"Handling Eren Yeager…" Zackly turned to Levi, "Can you do that, Levi?"

"I'm certain I can kill him. The problem is there is no alternative," he told the Chief.

Eren had his head bowed, bruised and bleeding, while Mikasa and Armin watched tensely. Levi's eyes shifted toward them.

"I've made my decision," Zackly said.

Sasha exhaled loudly. "That was intense!"

"Right?" Christa nodded. "And we already knew what was going to happen."

"If Eren can't succeed in whatever mission you have in mind, will you hand him over to the Military Police?" Mikasa asked.

"No," Erwin said bluntly. "We already have a plan in case that happens."

"Not that we need to worry too much," Petra said. "We'll find out what'll happen in an hour."

Many faces lit up at that.


"Honestly, he went overboard," Hange took care of Eren's wounds. "Does it hurt?"

"A little," Eren held a cloth to the side of his face.

Mike stood by the window while Levi leaned against the wall, opposite of the two.

"So, how does it hurt?" Hange asked eagerly.

"Give the guy a break," Connie said. "He just got his ass kicked."

"I apologize," Erwin approached them. "But thanks to that, we got custody of you."


"We couldn't have made that proposal go through without your tolerance." Erwin knelt before the boy and held out his hand, "You have my respect." Eren's eyes widened. The commander smiled. "I look forward to working with you, Eren."

"I'll do my best, sir!" He shook the man's hand.

Levi sat on the couch, legs crossed, "Hey, Eren."


"Do you hate me?"

"N-no," Eren told him, "I understand it was necessary."

"Glad to hear."

"You took it too far," Hange chided. "You even broke his tooth. Look," she showed them a small white cloth with the boy's bloody tooth on it.

"Ew," Connie wrinkled his nose.

"You actually went back and picked it up?" Ymir asked.

"It's valuable," Hange shrugged.

"Don't pick that up. It's disgusting," Levi said.

"It's an important sample for me," Hange insisted.

"Eren, I bet you're glad you won't be dissected by freaks like her, huh?" Levi asked.

"Don't put me in the same league as them. I wouldn't kill Eren."

The poor boy looked like he had no idea what he had gotten himself into.

"Hey," Hange leaned in, "let me take a peek in your mouth."

After a second of hesitation, he opened his mouth.

She let out a noise of surprise, grabbing the others' attention. "His tooth…already grew back."

"That must be nice," Sasha said. "Healing your injuries super fast."

"I could've used that as a kid." Jean recalled breaking his arm once, fooling around with the neighborhood children.

"Just how powerful is it?" Christa asked curiously.

"Don't know," Eren shrugged.

"It's not really something you can experiment," Petra said. "That would be torture." Mikasa nodded firmly.

"I wonder if your head will grow back if you were decapitated," Armin spoke to himself.

Connie grinned. "That'd be a pretty cool magic trick!"

"It's possible the only way to cut him down so he can't get back up is by slicing the nape," Erwin said. "Just like the Titans."

"Interesting theory," Hange nodded. "I'm writing that down. I kind of have an idea on identifying Shifters..."

Ymir watched the scientist warily as the others wondered what she was scheming, refusing to share, and Levi watched her.

~ Please Review if you want to❤️

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