Iron Man Izuku

By AnimeEagleScout

928K 17.3K 11.4K

after drinking something from a "fortune teller" Izuku is transported into the Marvel universe as Tony Stark'... More

Iron Man comes home
Picking up the pieces
Back to School
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Prep Time
Ding Ding
Kings of Infinity
Christmas Party
Beyond the Stars
Sparks Flying
Iron Someone to the Rescue
Daddy's so Proud
New Beginnings
Break down [sorry]
School Supplies
Hights Aliance
Moving In and On
First Day
A Shocking Discovery
Class in session
Iron Man vs Explosive Queen
Mr President
USJ Part 2
Future Teasing [Not a Chapter]
Probing the stars
tournament: part 2
please read my other shit
Hammered Ice Sickle
Looking for Normal
Repeating History
Intern Prep
Blood Trust
Bringing Back Allies
First Day of Training
The Chapter Before Stain
Stained Night
Nomu's in the Hosu
Nomu in Hosu part 2
Art [not a chapter]
Nomu in Hosu part 3
New Light Old Solutions
A Playboys Wisdom
Gods and Monsters
Welcome to Midgard
Building Hardlight Bridges
Beginning to Learn
Idea i had [not a chapter]
Finals part 1
Finals Part 2
Olympus Starting to Notice
story ideas Please steal these ideas [Not a chapter]
Don't Fist Android Girls
[Cut content chapter]
Really Anal about Science
Green Energy Convention
Green Energy Convention
King of the Ring
Wattpad weirdness
Officially getting back into this story

Hard Work

11.6K 241 133
By AnimeEagleScout

Next week

"And the-"


Midnight turned around to see who was interrupting her.

"Oh it appears one of my darling students decided they need a nap." Midnight said.

"I think that's more Midoriya's fault, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

Midnight turned to see the dead eyed face of Class 1-A armored genius.

"And what has Midoriya been- Oh my goodness!" Midnight screamed.

"What happened?" Midnight said.

"We're fine Miss Midnight." Izuku said "We just have a very...VERY...important project that needs to be done before..."

"Well part of-"

"Hero work is long hours it is good to get use to long periods of staying awake." Izuku cut her off.

"Sweetie I know your tired but the last person to interrupt me did not sit for a week." Midnight said running a finger over her whip.

"And the last bitch who...*yawn* threatened me is... the last bitch who...fuck." Izuku blinked one eye after the other "Bark bitch!" Turning towards the others.

Katsumi blushed "Woof!"

"That one." Izuku said.

Midnight raised an eyebrow at Katsumi. "We'll discuss this after class. For now..."

With a practiced finesse she had hit Momo's desk cause her to jump up and suddenly a flood of circuit boards and bolts came flying out her skin.

"Sensei I-" Momo was looking around.

"Pay attention." Midnight said.

After class

Midnight had Izuku and Momo stay behind. "So what's going on? You two look like Eraserhead."

"Space stuff." Momo muttered "Important...time...thin."

Izuku removed his glasses and took a deep breath. "There's something major coming up. If we miss the window we will lose...a lot of money and time on this project."

"And what exactly is it?" Midnight asked, sitting on her desk.

"Ass...ass..." Momo tried to finish "Big Space Rock."

"Here just...Jarvis tell her." Izuku said slouching in his seat as he handed her his glasses.

"Oh these are interesting." Midnight said looking around.

"Hello Madame Kayama, Sir has granted temporary clearance for Project Jericho."

Midnight watched the simulation of the Rocket Launch and the plan.

"So you two are planning to basically capture an Asteroid and send it near earth with a massive cumshot?" Midnight asked.

"Yes." Momo said "But we need per...per...very acc...acc...we need it to be good."

Midnight had started laughing "I ain't even mad. That's glorious."

"I've been up for almost 2 weeks working on this." Izuku said "Momo has been a fucking blessing on this project."

"Moomoo Help. Jus...ass." Momo just collapsed on her desk.

"Ok you two need this." Midnight said "I'll punish you two after you bukkaki the Asteroid belt."

"Moomoo help." Momo said falling asleep.

Izuku fell asleep leaning back in the chair, arms crossed head down.

"So Jarvis what else you got on these things?" Midnight asked.


Aizawa had announced the tournament since the two that he specifically assigned for this shit was missing.

When the students were dismissed a group of students from 1-b and the Gen-ed were gathered.

In walked Itsuka Kendo "Mr Aizawa?"


"Midoriya and Yaoyorozu didn't show up to our Wednesday meeting." Kendo said "Did Midoriya get killed?"

"Why do you ask that specifically?" Aizawa asked.

"Well the USJ attack and well..."

"Midoriya and Yaoyorozu are currently in the Custody of Midnight. Something she refused to elaborate on but she insisted on it." Aizawa said "and no Midoriya isn't dead or injured."

She nodded and walked out.


Class 1-A had started arguing with the other classes. Well more Katsumi vs Monoma being the main one.

Kendo walked over and was ready to stop Monoma when a girl from Class 1-B walked up.

"Where's the green one?" She asked.

"Deku's busy." Katsumi said.

Katsumi stopped as the effect of her quirk started. "Where is he now?"

"The fuck if I know extra." Katsumi said flatly.

"Shinso!" Kendo said walking over. "He's with Midnight."

"Oh god!" Was the majority response.

"Look she's a teacher here she isn't gonna..." Kendo couldn't finish that sentence.

"Deku's a groan man he can handle-" Katsumi started.

"A metrics fuck ton of sexy?"

"A goddess given flesh?"

"The 18+ Hero?!"

"Stop interrupting me, Extras!" Katsumi shouted.

"Daddy's busy." Shoko said.

"Oh ho ho. It's Daddy is it?" Tokage asked floating her head over the crowd and towards Shoko. "Heyyy Haven't seen you or Yaoyorozu in a while."

"Hi Tokage." Shoko said.

"You know her?"

"She's one of the Recommendation students." Shoko said "We met when Daddy was sleeping on the couch."

"Wait what?" Katsumi asked.

"Midoriya installed the smart home, ribbit." Tsuyu said.

'Shit I completely forgot he told me he built the dorms.' Katsumi thought "Of course I knew that Extra. I didn't know he met this bitch."

"Woke up with my face in his and reached to cop a feel." Tokage said "Didn't know he was that down for a whole Har-" *bonk*

"So your class president is a who-" *bonk* Monoma got knocked out by the massive fists.

"I am so sorry. Monoma had the idea to do this and the class kinda followed." Kendo said folding her hands "Go! All of you!"

The students walked off.

"Monoma is..." Kendo started "...difficult to rein in."

"You should talk to Midoriya." Mineta said "He's got Bakugou's glorious ass under lock and-"


Mineta got thrown through 5 walls by an explosive kick.

"He's kinda right." Jirou said getting a glare from Katsumi.

The earjack hero moved behind Kirishima and continued "Midoriya seems to got you trained like a dog."


"He got you to bark like a dog in Midnights class." Mina said "Maybe Daddy can help you training your blond bitch."

Kendo had actually seemed to think it was a good idea. "What do you think is his secret?"

"Well the fact Katsumi doesn't flinch around Midoriya rules out physical violence." Iida said rubbing his chin "I don't know what act could get her to shift into such a docile state."

"Wait I know!" Toru said "He's Fu-"

"DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE INVISOCHICK!" Katsumi shouted sparking all for limbs.

Wait so him...and her..." Kendo made a circle and pointed into it.

Katsumi face was pink and she has continued shouting denial.

Midnights Office next day

Izuku, Momo and Mei had been collected the day before and knocked out by Midnight.

Izuku felt something and shot up first. "What happened?" Izuku looked around.

*yawn* "Did I fall asleep?" Mei asked.

Momo got up last "What time is it?"

"Friday." Midnight said, using a nail file.

Mei had jumped up "We're behind schedule! We-"

"Mei we're going at a good pace." Izuku said "We were burning ourselves out with everything."

"But we only have one shot at this!" Mei said.

"We can get it done in time Mei." Izuku said.

"Miss Midnight I'm sorry for falling asleep." Momo said bowing "if you allow use to finish the project first I will take any punishment you feel we deserve."

Midnight raised an eyebrow. "Really? You'll take the full punishment?"

Momo nodded.

" 3 are free for now but the day that probe goes up...mama's gonna have some fun." Midnight said "Here's your glasses back."

Izuku accepted them and they left.

Next week- Wednesday

It was morning and Aizawa was surprised to see Midoriya and Yaoyorozu actually there for the morning.

"Well I'm glad the two of you decided to finally show up for homeroom." Aizawa said.

"We're almost done on Jericho." Izuku said "If it wasn't literally the only chance at this I wouldn't have let it interfere with my school work."

"And mind telling me exactly what it is you're working on?" Aizawa asked.

"Space stuff." Momo and Midoriya said.

Aizawa gave them a look.

"It''s better we wait till it's actually out of range of anyone that would compromise this." Izuku said.

"What are you making? Is it a spaceship?! A space station?! A Death Star?!" Mina asked.

"Mina I'm gonna need a PowerPoint to explain why I'd never make a death star." Izuku said "Space stuff that a lot of people would try to get their hands on or stop just so I can't do it."

"I need a full explanation afterwards you two." Aizawa said.

The two nodded.

Class rep meeting

"Glad you two are back." The rep from 1-C said.

"Yeah we've been busy." Izuku said.

"I'd it keeps Hatsume out of blast range I'm good man."

"Have you considered working with Mei?" Momo said "She seems so nice working with us."

"She's..." the vice representative started rubbing the back of their head.

"Different?" The rep finished.

"She has energy and a lack of personal space." Momo said "But she's actually fun to work with."

"She's all yours pal." They finished.

"Glad you guys are back." Kendo said "Let's get on with this meeting."

"Right onto old business." Momo said looking though her notes "Sorry I missed last week."

"I'm not." Izuku said "Alright the tournament is gonna be different this year so the involvement of the reps are gonna be minimal."

"Please remind Mei about the 5 gadget limit." The 1-C said.

"Mei already has hers." Izuku said "Please ensure all students have the opportunity to prep for the day."

"Tetsutetsu had the Iron supplements." Kendo said.

"I have the things for 1-A." Midoriya said "Momo I'd suggest a light breakfast and dinner before. Just Don't eat till the day of."

"Ok." Momo said.

Ok sorry this isn't as up to snuff as my other chapters kinda had a hard time with the in between.

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