Waiting Alone...✓


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After losing everything he owned, he had; Seokjin is left alone on the streets with no one to care, no one to... More

Take it as an opportunity
Her Memories......
I will help
So let's Begin
Ig Post
It'll be okay
Breaking News
Is it my heart?
Serenity before the Viva
Sand that rolls down
Love Scenario
Return Journey
I am Gwan Y/n
Peaceful Solitude Before The Dawn....
Yes Daddy
Evil God
Perfectly Imperfect
Cyanide in my Milk
A Losing Game
Car Registration Number
Be Ware
Epilogue: Echo
Thank you

So we meet...

51 20 35

(Y/n's POV)

We parted our ways and I ran straight towards the other watch tower.

The same timings for the light turn,
30 seconds.

"Okay, Y/n, you can do this!",I said to myself.

I reached the other watch tower and listened closely to understand from where Tae was shouting.

I heard footsteps approaching me from the other side.

"God! What do I do?!",I thought.

"Think, think Y/n think...."

My pulses were rising but I had to keep my calm.

I spotted an empty soju bottle and picked it up.

"You can do this Y/n!",I encouraged myself.

The men reached me and spotted me..

"Aye the hostage!",shouted one.

I backed a little. They ran into me and it was my showtime. I ran in between them and broke the bottle on the bald guy's dead.

"Aaah!",I man groaned in pain as his partner gave one glance at the man, before attacking me.
"Com'on",I said and stabbed the broken bottle exactly near his neck, the pivot joint.

"Cool!",I said myself, looking at the two dead. I searched their bodies and took out there guns, stuffing two in my back pockets of the jeans I wore,one in the front and the big one in my hands.

I pulled up my hair in a bun and tied the metal chain they were carrying, around my wrist. I adjusted the 5 knives in my thik bun.

"Let's go!"

I ran to the doors. Where exactly is Taehyung?

A strange smell hit my nose. I have smelt this odor previously but I can't remember it.

The odor was toxic. I was suffocating already. I followed the direction of the odor and covered my mouth and nose with the shrug,I was wearing.

The closer I got, the stronger smell got. It smelt of millions of rotten eggs.

Have I smelt it in the kitchen....


I remember!

"Shit! It's Hydrogen Sulfide. That's toxic as fuck. Taehyung already has suffocation issues. I know, I know. This smell... This gas leaked in Alpine's laboratory."

I was running at an ungodly speed towards the room. I found the room where the gas was trapped. Someone was inside, crying for help.

Taehyung. I'm sure.

"Taehyung! You inside?",I shouted.
"Huahah!",said a choking voice.
"Taehyung!",I said, banging the door.

I banged the door harder and then shot it open. Even I learnt using a gun when Alpine and Aries were Dad's shooting student.

"Taehyung! Coff! Coff!",I said, tears flowing down my cheeks, my own oxygen levels decreasing.

I spotted the tied up body in the middle of the room and started to pull it.

"Coff, Coff!",I coughed harder.

I took him out of the room to where the oxygen was more. I was panting.

"Taehyung!",I shook his body.

I pulled out one knife and tore the ropes around him. I loosened his belt on his waist and started pumping around his chest.

"Wake up Taehyung-ah!",I said, pumping his chest.

"Coff! Ahah! Coff!",coughed Taehyung, taking in a deep breath.

I kept pumping his chest for his lungs to catch up the breath.

He finally caught up to match the breath level.

"Th-Thanks... Coff!",he said.
"Shs! Don't speak. Breathe. Keep breathing. Breath in....",he followed my instructions,"Now breath out!"

We did the exercise for some time.

"Noona... You're looks...",he said, panting a little.
"Yes. I killed two men....."
"Killed-?",said Taehyung in shock with hiccups hitching his body.
"Calm,Calm... It's okay.",I said.
"You're that brave?",he asked, his eyes wide.
"I survived a trafficking case."
"Huhmm...",he responded.
"Okay, now let's go. We found Yoongi's father. Jin took eoroshin to safety. We have to evacuate..."
"Is the one behind Jin Hyung really our Appa?"
"Yeah, I mean. I saw him. He was with me before I suffocated. His body isn't like someone who can be about the age of 65. He has long nail, painted red and black. You see these marks?",he said, rubbing around his chin.
"Eish! How'd that.."
"He did that. His body moves like a snake. Remember Jimin's dance performance, his body moved like that but in a vulgar way. He licked my ear. All his movements didn't seem like someone who can be as old as 65."
"He can be gay?"
"That hasn't got anything to do with the fact that the person isn't 65. A gay man isn't so bad."
"I never said that. Jin got roses on valentine's day despite going to an all boy's school. That means guys are interested in Jin. And someone who is interested in Jin and hates us will behave like that."
"You're not wrong. I think that's possible."
"And, it's not your appa. Eoroshin said that he died saving you and your mother and drowned himself."
"Hmm... We'll think of it later. Let's move..."

(End of Y/n's POV)

(Narrator's POV)

"What?! What did you say?!",said the man with long red nails and hoarse voice.
"Boss... We..."
"You kept Y/n with Jin?!",he thundered.
"You were supposed to keeps Y/n where she'd rot to death. And you kept him with the one who is supposed to be mine?!",the man was raging with anger.
"Boss I can explain...."
"I want and need no explanations. P'yong Chong-ho forgives no one...",he said, his voice as hoarse as always with an unfamiliar mocking tint, piercing the ears. As said, P'yong Chong-ho, took out his gun and shot his assistant mercilessly.

"P'yong Chong-ho forgives no one......"

(End of Narrator's POV)

(Jin's POV)

"Eoroshin, this is the only way out. You have to run...",I said to Yoongi's father before starting to run.
"Hmm!",he hummed in agreement.

Without wasting anytime, we started running.

"Eoroshin, stop! Rogues!",I said, as I spotted a group of men with firearms marching near the door.
"What will you do? There are several of them. You can't fight them alone..."

I looked at the door. I tried listening to them...

"Where's the hostages?!",said one man, stomping his feet.
"If I knew! He must have escaped. If one work is done perfectly by that bastard."
"He got what he deserved...",said another.
"Yeah. Boss is desperate for that guy named Jin."
"Any how we have to get that boy.."

Okay, so they want me. And they're boss is desperate for me yet kept me and Y/n in the same room?

I have no weapons but I have to get Yoonseok-ssi out as well as find the culprit. Whoever this 'Boss' is, wants me.

Yoongi has done a lot for me. I guess it's time that I do something for him. Y/n said they have our location. Which takes an approximate 10 minutes. They should be here anytime and I trust them.

It has to be me.

That's the only option I am left with.

"Eoroshin, listen, we have only one way out and no weapons with armed men."
"They want me. I am our only weapon and weakness. Eoroshin, ahead of this, it has to be you to take yourself out."
"What are you saying?"
"I will distract them. Whoever their boss is, wants me and after all the strength he has used, he deserves me. I will get all the men behind me. You have to go out yourself."
"But boy, when we can all go away why do you need to meet that dreadful man?"
"Running away from predicaments is not the answer. He'll again interfere in my personal life. I wish to marry her and I can not risk my family."
"Marry who?"
"That's final. On my go!"

I plastered my sight on the men and closed my eyes, settling my thoughts for the last time.

"I don't know if I can come out safe. But just know this Y/n, I'll always be there for you. I have been waiting alone for you. Promise, you won't be alone. This is the only way for us all to be safe. One's sacrifice for others is a small deed. Please,I know we're no werewolves that we'd have a mind-link but trust me Y/n, your Jinnie took the best decision. Forgive me if I ever did a mistake. I love you......."

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, fire burning in them.

"Alright, Eoroshin ready?"

I positioned myself and started shouting.

"Aye you idiots!"

All of them turned to face me and loaded their guns, shouting,"That guy!"

"Catch me if you can!"

The man started towards me and I geared up to run to a place I don't know.

"Go!",I shouted.

I spotted Yoongi's father running towards the exit.

The corridors ahead of me were charcoal black. I had no idea as to where I was running with no weapons.

Images of Y/n flashed infront of me.

I might not be able to say a lot of things she doesn't know. She doesn't know what my heart longs to say. And I estimate her to never know. I might not see the sunrise today.

But I will do it.

"Catch him!"
"Catch him!"

I was soon to collide with a dead end so I stopped, blocked from all sides.

I closed my eyes as I felt several eyes on me.

"No matter what, Y/n, for you, I'll follow you to the afterlife and not leave you till we can be together again....."

"Hold him..",said someone, grabbing me and taking me to a big room, in the direction Y/n went.

The one holding me, pushed me inside the room.

"Uh!",I groaned, jerking in.
"So...........",said a hoarse voice.

I turned to look at him and saw the man I had to meet.

"We meet... Kim Seokjin...",said the man.
"We do...",I said, looking straight into his eyes.

He was a slim man with a snake like body, a body not matching with his voice. His eyes were blue and indeed fascinating but I had no emotion other than disgust for his overall look.

"Oh! I forgot introducing you myself. I'm P'yong Chong-ho, your admirer."
"What do you want?"
"Me? I want you...",he said, swaying his hips, circling around me, his fingers tracing my torso.

"You see... Kim Seokjin.... I always loved you, so much that Y/n's is just a mere piece.

I always wanted you to know, how much, I, P'yong Chong-ho, loved you. But you, you my honey boo, loved Y/n although she vanished.

Well, I the owner of Uni-K, can do anything...

Even kill your family..."

"Shut up!",rage rushed through my veins.
"Shut up?Why will I? Now that I have you...",he said smiling, filling me with hatred.
"Why'd you want to kill me?"

I lost my father for you. Your father and my father were friends. My father wanted your company. But your father successfully saved you and your company,oh, I mean Y/n's company.

You know, I wanted to kill you untill I saw you. I wanted you to experience the same pain but then I fell for you..."

"What if I reject you?"
"I go back to plan one. You either be mine or..............
Die...",he said with a deeper voice, taking his gun out, pointing at the weaponless me.

"Choice is yours..."


(End of Jin's POV)


Hey guys....

Okay, so we're at the crucial point.

Just one chapter....

Now, do you want a question answer chapter?

Whom did the shot hit?


This was not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments.

I had a dream about Oli London, destroying my girl's night out, and this is what I have been thinking the whole day.

I myself consider me as Bi, so I can go Lesb.

Not meant to hurt any gay readers here.

You're equally important to me and a friend or a reader or whatever you consider your and my relationship to be, isn't based on one's sexuality.

Thank you


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