The Faerie Witch

By twihard_bellward

542 32 12

Bella is not the weak and fragile human seen in the original books. But the fact lies...what is she? A witch... More

Chapter 1: The truth comes out at last
Chapter 2: Details
Chapter 3: Shields
Chapter 4: Powers
Chapter 5: Benignus
Chapter 6: They hunt animals!
Chapter 8: Appearance
Chapter 9 : Mind over matter
Chapter 10: My World
Chapter 11: Any questions?
Chapter 12: The mating bond
Chapter 13: David
Chapter 14: The werewolves
Chapter 15: The pack
Chapter 16: Cold Blooded Murder
Chapter 17: The truth comes out at last pt 2
Chapter 18: Ithaca

Chapter 7: The meeting

26 2 0
By twihard_bellward


It had been a few hours since Bella left with her brother and I was starting to miss her. She said she would come back...she would...right? I sighed. This was already a lot to grasp and I was just completely bewildered.

Then I heard her heartbeat and her footsteps approaching. I was immediately at the door and I pulled her into my arms as soon as she was there. She giggled. We went back to the living room where everyone was waiting. I noticed her brother was not there with her. I wondered why.

"I'm really sorry for all of that. My brother just freaked out when he saw me with 7 vampires.", she began. "Actually we have had problems with some of the red-eyed vampires before where he almost lost someone very close to him. Not going into the details now but anyways, since then he has this prejudice against vampires. It is going to be hard to convince him that you are good but we will get there. And, well he is waiting nearby and wants to meet you guys. Just forgive any impulsive or offensive statements he makes for now.", she smiled apologetically.

"No one blames him or you for that matter Bella. We are after all dangerous.", Esme said. Bella just smiled. "I'll call him now.", she said.

She snapped her fingers and a small white butterfly appeared. she murmured something too low for even a vampire to hear. The butterfly then vanished suddenly. The next minute there was a crack sound and Bella's brother was there.

He looked at us with narrow eyes. Bella glared at him and he stopped staring at us. I walked towards him with my hand outstretched, "Hello, I'm Edward Cullen. Nice to meet you."

He narrowed his eyes again but shook my hand and said, "Ben, short for Benignus. So, you all are vampires huh?" Damn he went straight to the point. I nodded. Carlisle came forward now.

"Ben, I am Carlisle. This is my wife, Esme and my kids Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper and you've already met Edward. We can understand your behaviour towards our kind. Bella told us. But I assure you that we don't harm humans. At least not intentionally.", Carlisle said, always the peace-maker.

"You told them about them Bella!", Ben accused. Bella just shook her head. "I didn't go into details Ben. I just told them that you very nearly lost someone to vampires and since then you don't trust them. Of course I haven't told them the entire thing. I have no right to. That's your story to share.", Bella said softly. Ben just nodded. This definitely was something very serious. But we decided it was best not to comment.

We all made attempts at small talk for a while before starting to talk about more important things. Ben seemed comfortable enough to talk now. "Bella, Ben, can you tell us more about your world?", Carlisle asked.

They nodded. "You know about our lineage. Our kind has a monarchical kind of government. Bella is the elder one out of us and in about a few months she is going to be crowned queen. I am the head commander of the armed forces.", Ben said.

Commander of the armed forces. Cool. Emmett thought.

Ben went on, "Well, about our kind, I don't think Bella has told you that we are immortal?", We gasped. Bella was immortal! Then why did she want to become a vampire. I thought it was so that we could be together for eternity. What was this about? I'll have to talk to her about it. Ben, taking our gasps as a no said, "Well yea. We are not as strong as you are physically but if we use our powers we could overpower even someone from your kind. Bella is even more powerful than me as you saw the fight we had because Bella is not only a witch.", What? What the hell? Bella looked at Ben incredulously. "Ben I told you. Not now! I would've told them when I thought they were ready. They've already been surprised multiple times today!", She shook her head.

"Oh c'mon belly bear. We are tough. You can tell us.", Emmett said. Ben narrowed his eyes at Emmett. I tried to listen in to his thoughts but there was only silence. I guess he too learned obsessa mens. Figures. He's the commander.

Bella sighed. "Well then, I don't seem to have a choice now. You see I was born a witch but over the years the danger kept on increasing. Our enemies increased. Various wars were waged. In one of those wars where we were allied with another species, I was severely injured. Even witch magic wouldn't have been able to save me. And that's when I was 'made'. Well that is the term they use I guess for those who aren't born like them."

"Made? What were these people?", I asked curiously. She said, "I am part faerie. Not the commonly known fairies but F-A-E-R-I-E. We were allied to them in the war waged against their lands. They seeked for our help and even though there are only a few people who have been 'made' over the centuries and even they were in special circumstances, they decided amongst themselves to save me because they realised that without our armies, they would have lost the war with heavy casualities. And naturally you might have guessed, this is not how I really look. I have a glamour placed upon me which makes me look human. In fact even Ben has a glamour placed upon him. For him, the changes are not many because witches and wizards look closer to humans than Faeries do but me being part Fae, there are some noticeable differences.", She explained.

I gaped at her. She had a glamour to look human. How did she really look? My curiosity was killing me. I didn't even know how my baby really looked?! Bella read the curiosity on mine and my family's faces. She sighed and gave Ben a look.

"So since all of you are curious, we'll show you. Me first.", Ben said. He stood up and snapped his fingers...

(End of chapter 7)

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